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1、SFC 起動及頻率說明吉林敦化抽水蓄能電站變頻器工作周期為裝置溫度等于環(huán)境溫度時開始,在 1 小時內(nèi)連續(xù)完成 6 個起動工作循環(huán)。每個起動工作循環(huán)包含 4 分鐘的加速電動/水輪機組時間和 1 分鐘的同期并網(wǎng)時間,共 5 分鐘一個工作循環(huán)。過程如下:變頻器受機組 LCU 開機/停機流程中發(fā)出來令控制:SFCON/OFF 投入/退出命令,SFC Operation ON/OFF 運行/停止命令,SFCOFF1 命令(同期完成)。SFC 控制器接收 LCU令后完成以下起動過程。發(fā)電電自狀態(tài)在輸出變壓器被旁路的情況下(斷路器MBM01/MBM03 斷開,MBM02 閉合)被 SFC 從加速到切換頻率5

2、13Hz。SFC 工作在強迫脈沖換相模式。一旦轉(zhuǎn)速達(dá)到切換頻率 513Hz,輸出變壓器將投入(斷路器 MBM01/MBM03 閉合, MBM02 斷開),發(fā)電電將被SFC 以全功率從切換頻率加速到同期轉(zhuǎn)速,SFC 工作在負(fù)載換相模式。之后被加速機組的同期裝置將控制 SFC 并通過發(fā)送開關(guān)量信號至 SFC 控制柜調(diào)整發(fā)電電的轉(zhuǎn)速/電壓。一旦同期完成,同期裝置將閉合發(fā)電機斷路器 GCB,同時停止 SFC 并切斷輸出斷路器(MBM01)。UnrestrictedSINAMICS GL150Ablaufdiagram fr / Start-up sequence for:Kunde / Custome

3、r:SGBes lnummer des Kunden / Purchase order number:-Anlagenbezeichnung des Kunden / Customers equipment description:Pumped-Storageer s ion DunHuaName des Verkufers / Vendorame:AG, I DT LD OEC DSAuftragskennzeichen / order number:I DT LD CP-D0001DunHuaAnlage / Plant:Produktnummer Umrichter (MLFB) / p

4、roduct number of the converter:-SINAMICS GL150Water CooledAusfhrung / Design:Dokumenten-Nr. Umrichter /number converter:AktiengesellschaftDokumentnummer des Unterlageners lers / number of creator:Blatt/Sheet1CP-D0001_ SS-DDatum / Date ofe20.08.2015Ers lt von / Created byYannaGeprft von / Reviewed by

5、SidtZustand / S enderung / ChangeDatum / Date of changeNameGesamt Anzahl der Bltter / Total number of sheets6The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority.Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights cr

6、eated by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.Weitergabe sowie Vervielfltigung dieser Unterlage, Ver- wertung und Mitteilung ihres Inhalts nicht gestattet, soweit nicht ausdrcklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhandlungen ver- pflichten zu Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte vorbehal

7、ten, insbe- sondere fr den Fall der Patenterteilung oder GM-Eintragung.Confie a titre de secret d entreprise. Tous droits reservesConfiado como secreto industial.Nos reservamos todos los derechos Comunicado como segredo empresarial.Reservados todososdireitosMBL1LCU CubicleSyn.Exciion UnitMBC01MBC02M

8、BC02Start MBC01 or MBC02MBC01Starting converterMBM03MBM02MBM01scope of supplyPumped-Storageer S ion DunHua-Date Drawn Appr.Name Norm20.08.2015Yanna S idtDUNHUA GL150 systemStartup-SequencePrinciple diagram / Prinzipschaltplan+Sheet 26 ShtsCP-D0001_ SS-DI eRemarksDatewertung und Mitteilung ihres Inha

9、lts nicht gestattet, soweitcontents is not permitted without express written authority.created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design,Confiado como secreto industial.Nos reservamos todos los derechospflichten zu Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, insbe-The reproduction, tr

10、ansmission or use of this document or itsWeitergabe sowie Vervielfltigung dieser Unterlage, Ver-Confie a titre de secret d entreprise. Tous droits reservesOffenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rightsnicht ausdrcklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhandlungen ver-Comunicado como segredo em

11、presarial.Reservados todososdireitos are reserved. sondere fr den Fall der Patenterteilung oder GM-Eintragung.LCU to converter:er-on inhibiter-on inhibit = HCircuit breakers openLCU to converter:Converter changeRemark : This show only the sequenceIsolators are closedExci ion current inhibitExci ion

12、fault = Lspeed anddiagram of Motor 1 with MBC01pulses inhibitedFrequency,Noexci ion currentangleFeedbackReady toer upmotorvoltageMBM03,MBM02 ,Converter is OFFoleranceMBM01, MBC01,No fault, no missingbandMBC02 openenable signalConverter to LCU:Yes Ready toer upReady toer up = HLCU to converter:Checke

13、r-onSynchronism reachedOn/Offd=HconditionsCheck theer-onconditionsSynchronizer to LCU:Synchronism reachedPrepare for operationConverter starts it sConverter to MBM02:auxiliaries and closeClosedFeedback MBM02disconnectorLCU to converter:LCU switch on GCBclosedAuxiliaries onconverter off1 CMD=HLCU to

14、GCB:Converter auxiliariesblock firing pulseConverter to LCU:closedare onstop synchonizerSynchronizer stop=HLine side switch closeMBC01/MBC02Converter to LCU:LCU to converter:ClosedMBC01/MBC02Converter On/OffExci ion unit takesFeedback MBC01/Closedd = Lover controlMBC02 closedConverter readyMBC01/ MB

15、C02 areConverter to LCU:closed converter waitReady for operation=HOpen motor circuit for enable operationbreakerLCU to Converter:Converter to MBM01&Operationd = H Exc on on dConverter to LCU:MBM03:Rotorition detectionExc. on/offd=HOpendExc. current setpo =20mAFeedbackConverter ready withMBM01&MBM03

16、openOpen line side circuit build-up exci ionLCU to exci ion:breakerConverter ready forExci ion ondMotor in operationoperation and motorconverter to LCUexcitedMBC01/MBC02OpendConverter in operationConverter to LCU:Feedback MBC01/Converter is inIn operation=HMBC02 openoperationConverter shut downSpeed

17、 isConverter switches OfffollowingNoAuxiliaries and shutsetpo valuedownConverter to LCU:YesConverter operationdisabled=HBypassConverter to MBM02Converter open MBM02OpendMotor is disconnectedand close MBM01 &Converter to MBM01 MBM03and MBM03 closedSynchronizer inENDoperationFeedback MBM01,Motor accel

18、erationMBM03 closedBoth converters in operationConverter 1 andconverter 2 are inconverter to LCU :operationconverter to LCU:Synchronizer start=HSynchronizer enable=HNoPSG wait for operationStart speedreachedMotor accelerationyes-Date20.08.2015DUNHUA GL150 systemPumped-Storageer S ion DunHuaStartup-S

19、equencePrinciple diagram / PrinzipschaltplanDrawnYanna+Appr.S idtCP-D0001_ SS-DSheet 36 ShtsI eRemarksDateNameNormT1, T14 openFeedback MBM02 openThe reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority.Offenders will be liable for dama

20、ges. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.Weitergabe sowie Vervielfltigung dieser Unterlage, Ver- wertung und Mitteilung ihres Inhalts nicht gestattet, soweit nicht ausdrcklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhandlungen ver- pflichten zu

21、 Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, insbe- sondere fr den Fall der Patenterteilung oder GM-Eintragung.Confie a titre de secret d entreprise. Tous droits reservesConfiado como secreto industial.Nos reservamos todos los derechos Comunicado como segredo empresarial.Reservados todososdireitosStart

22、sequence runningNoON/OFFd=L from LCU?YesConverter OFFdLCU send OFFd to converterConverter to LCU: Exci ion ON/OFF CMD=LOpen motor circuit breakerConverter to MBM01&MBM03:OpendFeedback MBM01&MBM03 openOpen line side circuit breakerconverter to LCU MBC01/MBC02OpendFeedback MBC01/ MBC02 openConverter s

23、hut downConverter switches Off Auxiliaries and shut downMotor is disconnectedConverter to LCU: Converter operation disabledENDPumped-Storageer S ion DunHua-Date Drawn Appr.Norm20.08.2015Yanna S idtDUNHUA GL150 system2. OFF sequence LCU (Off during start)Principle diagram / Prinzipschaltplan+Sheet 46

24、 ShtsCP-D0001_ SS-DI eRemarksDateNameThe reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority.Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are

25、reserved.Weitergabe sowie Vervielfltigung dieser Unterlage, Ver- wertung und Mitteilung ihres Inhalts nicht gestattet, soweit nicht ausdrcklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhandlungen ver- pflichten zu Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, insbe- sondere fr den Fall der Patenterteilung oder GM-Eintragung.C

26、onfie a titre de secret d entreprise. Tous droits reservesConfiado como secreto industial.Nos reservamos todos los derechos Comunicado como segredo empresarial.Reservados todososdireitosStart sequence runningNoShut Down from ESD?YesConverter Emergency stopConverter to LCU: Exci ion ON/OFF CMD=LLCU s

27、end ESDd to converterConverter to LCU: Fault converterOpen motor circuit breakerConverter to MBM01&MBM03:OpendFeedback MBM01&MBM03 openOpen line side circuit breakerconverter to LCU MBC01/MBC02OpendFeedback MBC01/ MBC02 openConverter shut downConverter switches Off Auxiliaries and shut downMotor is

28、disconnectedConverter to LCU: Converter operation disabledENDPumped-Storageer S ion DunHua-Date Drawn Appr.Norm20.08.2015Yanna S idtDUNHUA GL150 system3. OFF sequence ESD (Off during start)Principle diagram / Prinzipschaltplan+Sheet 56 ShtsCP-D0001_ SS-DI eRemarksDateNameThe reproduction, transmissi

29、on or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority.Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.Weitergabe sowie Vervielfltigung dieser Unterlage, Ver- wertung und Mitteilung ihres Inhalts nicht gestattet, soweit nicht ausdrcklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhandlungen ver- pflichten zu Schadener


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