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1、Overview狀語從句 綜合訓(xùn)練1.t let such an unimportant matter as this come betmajor ie. (寶山區(qū))n us we can concentrate on theA. so:AtB. in caseC. becauseD. on conditiont2. Clearly there is much to be desired it comes to the quality of teachers and their teachingmethods. (寶山區(qū))A. when:AB. sinceC. untilD. although

2、3. Did you remember to give Tom the key to the bike?Yes. I gave it to him I saw him. (崇明區(qū))A. as long as:CB. onceC. the momentD. while4. at the top of the Oriental Tower, peopelow will look very small. (崇明區(qū))A. Stand:DB. StandingC. To standD. If you stand5. The more things a man iserested in, . (奉賢區(qū))t

3、he more he will have opportunities of happinessthe more opportunities of happiness he will havethe more opportunities of happiness will he haveD. mu: Bore opportunities of happiness he will have6. The young couple are trying to save as muoney assible they can afford the flatbyA. sot: Aof this year.

4、(奉賢區(qū))B. as ifC. even thoughD. in case7. If things are left they are, the problems will never be settled, Im afraid. (奉賢區(qū))A. how: CB. asC. whereD. what8. Mind musve in mindt it will be years, even centuries, the environmentrecovers from the damage he makes to it. (虹口區(qū))A.tB. beforeC. whenD. since教案撰稿人

5、完稿時間審核人英語備課組審核時間課程進(jìn)度第 3 次課課程標(biāo)題學(xué)生對象: 高一: B9. s bring convenience to us in our daily life, they have also caused many solproblems. (虹口區(qū))A. Because: CB. WhetherC. WhileD. As10. It was evening we reached the little town of Winchester. (黃浦區(qū))A. till: DB.tC. sinceD. before11. kids are spending an hour and

6、a half at a sports practice, most arent getting all theactivity they need for the day. (黃浦區(qū))A. As long as: DB. WhenC. BecauseD. Even if12. the cliffs rose out of the ground, there were often narrow tracks winding upwards. (嘉定區(qū))A. Because: CB. As long asC. WhereD. Only if13. We didnt dare to go out o

7、f the howe rano anything dangerous. (金山區(qū))D. becauseA. in case: AB. whereC. sot14. environmental damage is(金山區(qū))e, it takes many years for the ecosystem to recover.A. Even if: DB. If onlyC. WhileD. Once15. youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. (靜安區(qū))A. Before: CB. ThoughC. NowtD. U

8、ntil16. Steve Jobs had been fighting against cancel for eight yearshe die區(qū))October 5. (靜安A. sot: BB. beforeC. in caseD. after17. If you want to do the experiment again, youd better be more careful you make amistake. (盧灣區(qū))A. only if: D18. HandwrittenB. as ifC. sotD. in cases are more valuable to rese

9、archers,historians say, theirreliability can be confirmed. (閔行區(qū))A. though: D19. Man must keB. sotC. whileD. becausen mindt it will be years the earth recovers from the damage hemakes to it. (閔行區(qū))A. when: DB. untilC. sinceD. before20. As a saying goes, life is a cafeteria. You can get anything you wa

10、ntyou are willing topay the price. (浦東新區(qū))A. even if: DB. as far asC. as ifD. as long as21. The chairman announcedof the meetingI could get in a word. (浦東新區(qū))A. before: AB. whenC. afterD. once22. Della was shocked not to find her car she harked it the night before and phonedtheimmediay. (普陀區(qū))A. where:

11、 AB. whichC. at whichD. around which23. these activities might seem childish and cause laughter rathern respect, in realitythey require enormous amount of strengnd fitness as well as determination. (普陀區(qū))A. Even though: DB. AsC. In spite ofD. While24. How the loans are paid should be of little concer

12、n to the b(普陀區(qū))they are paitime.A. as well as: DB. as soon asC. as long asD. as far as25. Physical Education in schools can teach us endurance something we all need lifees tough. (青浦區(qū))A. unless: BB. in caseC. thoughD. until26. He had to be called two or three times he would switch off the computer t

13、o his dinner.(青浦區(qū))A. until: BB. beforeC. whenD. as27. Having returned to the small towns, many young people found there they didnin big cities.ve A. as many entertaent choiasB. as many as entertaent choiC. enterta: Aent choias many asD. many entertaent choi28. fashion m dentist. (松江區(qū))A. Although: Ai

14、ng seems like a good profes, I would prefer to be aB. AsC. UnlessD. Once29. It will consequenA. what: Dbe theconcern of theernment toset a limit on the birthrate, themay be. (松江區(qū))B. whichC. whicheverD. whatever30. English is a course for anyone in university, his or her major or previous educational

15、qualifications are. (徐匯區(qū))A. whatever: AB. whetherC. howeverD. no matter31. You had better conduct the experiment your professor have instructed you; otherwiseyou may fail to complete it. (徐匯區(qū))A.t: CB. whichC. asD. until32. The elderly patients still prefer the traditional way, online booking system

16、ito be convenient and fast. (楊浦區(qū))pedA. while: B33. ManyB. thoughC. unlessD. asa (青光眼) patients are unaware of symptoms a great deal of useful sighthas been permanently destroyed. (楊浦區(qū))A. until: AB. sinceC. afterD. once34. According to the NBA regulation, the new season wont start an agreement is rea

17、chedbetn players Union and teamses. (閘北區(qū))C. whileA. before: BB. untilD. when35. The song “Happy Birthday” is simple in rhythmsing it without difficulty. (閘北區(qū))t children as young as three canA. such: B36. born City. (長寧區(qū)) A . Though: AB. soC. asD. ratheroronto, Canada, the author is most famous for t

18、he stories about New YorkB. SinceC. AsD. When37. It was thirty years he was invested as an outstanding alumnus to cerate the 128thof the university. (長寧區(qū))A. as: CB. whileC. beforeD. until38. you write on a subject, you join in an ongoing, trans-historical conversation with otherswho have written abo

19、ut your topic. (長寧區(qū))A. No matter whatC. Whenever: CB. WhereverD. No matter how1. 祈使句+ and /or句子再努力一點(diǎn),你會做得更好。(and)別闖紅燈,否則你要被罰款的。(or)再嘗試與他溝通一次,否則只能采取措施防止他獨(dú)自外出。(or)與你周圍的人你的進(jìn)步、失敗,你就可以從他們那里獲得幫助。( and )回顧過去的 100 年,你將會發(fā)現(xiàn)一個有時可能成為一件非常好的事。(and)2. too to句子總的說來,這本書對于孩子來說太難讀了。(too)這首詩太抽象,我不能完全理解。(tooto)你真的忙到抽不出一

20、點(diǎn)時間給父母打個嗎? (too)3the +,the +句子你看的書越多,你就感到英語寫作越容易。(The more,the more )與父母在一起的時間越長,孩子就越聰明。(The more.)處于困境時,越怕越糟。(the more)有些年輕人認(rèn)為衣服越貴越時尚。(the morethe more)從不懷疑現(xiàn)在學(xué)的東西越多,將來就能工作得越好。(the more, the more )從不懷疑現(xiàn)在學(xué)習(xí)得越多,將來就能為國家工作得越好。(doubt, the more, the more )一般說來,你越了解一個國家的歷史和文化,你就越對這個國家懷有敬意。(more)4并列結(jié)構(gòu)句子不是我不

21、想去,而是我沒空。(but)現(xiàn)在很多年輕人所缺乏的,不是書本知識,而是實踐經(jīng)驗。(not. but.)許多人進(jìn)行體育運(yùn)動不僅是為了保持健康,也是為了緩解壓力。(not only)給人們帶來便利的同時,也帶來了不少的麻煩。(While)網(wǎng)上購物雖然便捷,但個人信息的安全問題不容忽視。(while)5There be 結(jié)構(gòu)句子昨晚劇場前有許多人在等候一睹那位歌星的風(fēng)采。(There be)強(qiáng)調(diào)句句子為了您的家庭,務(wù)必遵守交通。(Do)這是的宇航員第一次在太空行走。(It)是英語老師幫助我克服了很多。(It)正是由于他利用各種機(jī)會用英語交流,才使他的英語水平有了很大提高。(Itt)感嘆句句子Joe

22、找回他丟了的車時太高興了?。℉ow)同步詞匯 Unit 3 Reading2twistv.盤旋;蜿蜒;曲折From here, a narrow road twists up to the top of the mountain一條狹窄的小路從這里盤旋至山頂。【拓展】n彎曲;扭;擰3. constructionn.建造【常用搭配】under construction 在建造中Many underground lines are under construction in Shanghai在【拓展】,很多條地鐵線路正在建設(shè)中。constructv建設(shè)It took four years to c

23、onstruct thi這座斜拉索橋用了四年才建成。spenbridge.constructiveadj建設(shè)性的When his friends have trouble, they often turn to him because he can give constructiveadvice. 他的朋友有的時候常常向他求助,因為他能提供建設(shè)性的建議。4 take sh成形A good idea quickly took shin her mind她馬上想出了一個好主意?!就卣埂縮h使具有的形狀【常用搭配】sh o 用做成He shnd the brancheso a basket.形狀Th

24、e diamond is【注意】he shof a heart. 這顆鉆石的形狀像一顆心sh5. based 常用以復(fù)合詞,意為“有形狀”,如:heart-shd 心形的n.底座,基礎(chǔ)t lwisquare base is the most expensive onehe shop.那臺有方形底座的燈是店里最貴的物品。The dish has chicken soup as its base.這道菜是在雞湯的基礎(chǔ)上做成的?!緮U(kuò)展】 n.;根據(jù)地The soldiers didnt return to the base until midnight. 士兵們直到深夜才返回。 v.以為基礎(chǔ);以為根

25、據(jù)【必背】 base on / uponThe project was base以為基礎(chǔ)the young mans creative ideas.這個項目是基于這名年輕人有創(chuàng)意的想法而形成的。6. from a distance從遠(yuǎn)處Sometimes it is better to appre【拓展】te an oil paing from a distance.he distanceThey saw a ship在遠(yuǎn)處he distance他們看到遠(yuǎn)處有一艘船keep sb. at a distance 與保持相當(dāng)距離;疏遠(yuǎn)He is notehe office because he o

26、ften keeps others at a distance.他在7. include里不受歡迎,因為他常常疏遠(yuǎn)他人。v.包括;包含The price includesmodation and breakfast. 這個價格包括住宿和早餐。include. in.使成為的一部分The manager suggestedt the secretary include some sistics一些數(shù)據(jù)。he report經(jīng)理建議【拓展】在中 inclun包括;包含They did not agree to the inclu including prep包括of Tomhe party他們不同意

27、參加聚會。The watch cost me 1,000 yuan including tax這款手表的價格含稅共一千元。8sealnThe seal is made of jade這枚是玉制的?!就卣埂縱密封;蓋章于Small gaps can be sealed with wax小的縫可以用蠟來密封。The letter was sealed with glue這封信是用膠水密封的。9presentadj現(xiàn)在的;目前的The present situation should not be allowed to continue不應(yīng)該允許現(xiàn)在的這種狀況再繼續(xù)下去。【拓展】 adj出席的;在場

28、的He wasnt present when the professave the lecture教授作講座的時候他不在場。The teachers present thought highly of the professors lecture在場的老師們高度贊揚(yáng)了教授所作的講座。 v介紹;引見;Sles are presented freeost of the supermarkets在大多數(shù)超市里,樣品是免費(fèi)的。He presented his friends to his parents他把自己的朋友介紹給父母認(rèn)識 nOn her 18th birthday, she received

29、 many presents.她十八歲生 Et 的時候收到了很多 n現(xiàn)在;目前【常用搭配】。at present目前;現(xiàn)在for the present 眼前;暫且The company cant accept new orders at present這家公司目前不能接受新的訂單。It is unne【注意】sary to talk about it any more for the present暫時沒有必要再了。present 作形容詞用時,既可以作前置定語,也可以作后置定語。作前置定語時解釋為“現(xiàn)在的;目前的”,而作后置定語時解釋為“出席的;在場的”。10.historicaladj歷

30、史的;有關(guān)歷史的We can learn a lot from historical events【拓展】 historic adj有歷史意義的能從歷史事件中學(xué)到很多。There are many historic buildings in Beijing historian n歷史學(xué)家有很多歷史悠久的建筑。The boys dream is to大了當(dāng)一名歷史學(xué)家?!颈容^】historic 和 historicale a historian when he grows up這個小男孩的夢想是長historic 意為“具有歷史意義的;在歷史上占重要地位的;歷史悠久的”,而 historical

31、 意為“有關(guān)歷史的;史學(xué)的”。Columbus made four historic voyagesColumbus is a historical figure 11.civilizationn文明進(jìn)行了四次有歷史意義的遠(yuǎn)航。是一個歷史人物。The Chi【拓展】civilizehave a brilliant civilization behind them有悠久的文化傳統(tǒng)。v使文明;使有教養(yǎng)Art and culture can help civilizerson藝術(shù)和文化可以幫助一個人變得有教養(yǎng)。civilized adj文明的;有教養(yǎng)的Reading good books will

32、make有教養(yǎng)。rson more civilized。閱讀好書將使一個人變得更12.preservev保存;保藏;保護(hù)The市【拓展】ernmens taken measures to preserve the ancient buildingshe city已采取措施保護(hù)城中的古建筑。preservationn保存;保護(hù)Everyone should do his or hart for the preservation of wild life每個人都應(yīng)該為保護(hù)野生動物盡自己的一份力。13.admitv準(zhǔn)許進(jìn)入【常用搭配】admit somebody to o 允許進(jìn)入;吸收參加Visi

33、tors are not admitted to the museum after 5 pm下午五點(diǎn)以后游客不允許進(jìn)入博物館?!就卣埂縱. 承認(rèn)He admitted his mistake他承認(rèn)了自己的錯誤。admisn允許進(jìn)入;承認(rèn)He paid 5 yuan for admisto the exhibition他花了五元錢買了張展覽會的門票。The boy made an admist he broke the window男孩承認(rèn)是他打破了窗戶。14attractv吸引The art exhibition attracted a lot of visitors藝術(shù)展吸引了大批參觀者?!?/p>

34、拓展】attractionn吸引;吸引物The young singers music has much attraction for teenagers這個年輕歌手的音樂對青少年有很大的。China is a country with many touristractions一個擁有許多旅游勝地的國家。attractive adj有的Goods on sale always seem attractive to the old lady打折的商品總是對這位老婦人有很大的。More reading15remainsn遺跡The professor is veryerested in study

35、ing the remains of ancient Rome教授對研究古羅馬的遺跡很感【拓展】n剩余物。In her family,the remains of supper is often thrown away在她家,吃剩下的晚飯常常被倒掉。n遺體The writers remains were laid in a church作家的遺體被安葬在教堂。remain v剩下;保持Because of a heartack,the old man was advised to remain indoors ak由于心臟病發(fā),老人被建議在室內(nèi)休養(yǎng)一周。16acsv.到達(dá);進(jìn)入Visitors

36、 were asked to ac進(jìn)入大樓?!就卣埂縮 the building through the back door訪客被要求從后門n通道;(使用或見到的)機(jī)會,權(quán)利The only acs to the village is cut off進(jìn)入村莊的唯一通道被切斷了。acsible adj可以進(jìn)入的;易接近的Young parents should make suret medicine is not acsible to their children年輕的父母們應(yīng)該確保藥品放在孩子們拿不到的地方。17empirenThe Roman Empire used to be very【拓

37、展】erful古羅馬曾經(jīng)十分強(qiáng)大。emperor 18ruin【必背】n.n. 廢墟;遺跡fallo ruin毀壞;Many ancient buildings fello ruinhe earthquake許多古代建筑物在中被毀壞。【拓展】v毀壞The storm ruined the crops暴風(fēng)雨毀壞了莊稼。19overlookv俯瞰;眺望The managers office room overlooks the sea經(jīng)理的房間可以俯瞰大海?!就卣埂縱忽略;錯過He overlooked the chance to go abroad for further study他錯過了去國

38、外留學(xué)的機(jī)會。20wondernThe Great Wall in Beijing is a world wonder【拓展】n驚訝She looked at him with great wonder她無比驚訝地的是一大世界。他。v感到驚訝;想知道【常用搭配】wonder at 對感到驚訝They wondered at his reaction to the surprising news他對這則驚人消息的反應(yīng)使他們感到驚訝。She was wondering how to get there quickly她當(dāng)時在想如何最快地到達(dá)那兒?;顚W(xué)活用A. Fillhe bls with the

39、 words or phrases from the box below. Change the form wherenesary..The Great Wall across the mountain chains just tike a snake.The house where Lu Xun once lived is as a museum.The newly-built stadium can _moren 10,000 people.Theernment decided to build a university here. The project began in

40、1996 and the schoolfinally byof last century.5.The scenery of Zhangjiajie(張家界) inpaing.an Province is like a beautiful.This is a event which we will never f The foreigner was by the traditional Chi He has been to Fudan University.They their research for lack of fund.et.culture.10. The howe st

41、ayed at the sea.B. Translate the following sentenbrackets.o English, using the words or phrases givenhe1. 在炎熱的夏天,保護(hù)食物最有效的方法是將食物放在冰箱里。(preserve)2. 投資商決定放棄這個項目。(aban)3.據(jù)說他沒有參加高考就被一所大學(xué)錄取了。 (admit)4.游客們被漓江的風(fēng)景所吸引。(attract)5.布達(dá)拉宮的建造是個(construction)。preserveoverlookabanholdhistorical twist admittake shland

42、scattract6.學(xué)生們必須有機(jī)會讀到好書。(acs)7.站在山頭,(overlook)可以俯瞰整個村莊。8.作為孩子們的保姆,任務(wù)包括哄他們睡覺。(include)9.多做練習(xí),你就能成功地通過。(and)10.許多城市建筑在中成為廢墟。(fallo ruin)A.1. twists2. p3.hold8. admitted4. took sh5.landsc10. overlooked6. historical 7. attracted9. abanedB.1. In very hot summer, the most effective way to preserve food is

43、 to leave foodherefrigerator.2.The investor has decided to abanthe project.3.It is saidt he has been admitted to a university without taking the national entranceexaminations..8.9.10.The tourists were attracted by the scenery of Li River.The construction of the Potala Palace is a wonder.Stude

44、nts musve acs to good books.Standing on the top of the hill, we can overlook the whole village. As a baby-sitter, her duties include putting the.children to sleep.Do more exercises, and you will succeed in passing the exams.he earthquake, many buildings of the city fello ruin,2【知識精講】Vocabulary and P

45、atternsl. uttere. g. utter a cryV. 說出,發(fā)出(聲音)He looked at me without uttering a word.utterance2.shamen. 說出的話,發(fā)出n. (不可數(shù)名詞),羞恥;(可數(shù)名詞)的事,遺憾的事e. g. When his teacher told his parents about his behavior, he felt great shame. I think it a shame to behave like this.What a shamet it rained today.3. attentionn

46、. 專心,注意,注意力e, g. Give your whole attention to what you are The littoy caught my attention.attention 的相關(guān)詞組:ng.attractention = draw attention引起注意catch ones attention pay attention to sth. /4. chat(l) V. 聊天引起的注意ng sth.注意chat with sb.與閑聊,聊天e. g. James likes chatting with his classmates after class.(2)n聊

47、天have a chat with sb與5staren.凝視,盯著看stare at凝視,注視閑談,聊天egHe stared at the word trying to remember what it meant他盯著這個單詞,努力想記起它的意思。比較:glare at6indicate 表明,怒視glance at瞟一眼,暗示egA sign I indicated7sharet indicated the right road for us to follow一個路標(biāo)給應(yīng)走的路。t his help was note 我表示他的幫助不受歡迎。(1)V.egThe litt,共有,經(jīng)常

48、與 With 連用oy does want to share his toys with other children這個小男孩確實希望與其他小孩(2). n.一份、份額他的玩具。e. g. We gave each of the five children an equal share. (3).e. g. They sell shares in companies at the stock ment(1)n. 評論,意見e. g. He had seen the film, but made no comments on it. He made a comment about the ba

49、d road.(2) V. 給與意見或評論e. g. Everyone commenteher new hat.I wont comment on what people say.9. think to olf心里想e. g. It is easy to think to omind more keen.lft omotions used to be more vividn they are, anes10. comeo ones head 想到,產(chǎn)生某想法e. g. One day the idea of improving his spoken-English cameo his head

50、.11. aloneadj. 單獨(dú)的, adv. 單獨(dú)e. g. I am not alonehis opinion.He did it all alone.比較:lonelyadj. 寂寞的,荒涼的,偏僻的e. g. He lived alone in a lonely house,* but he never felt lonely.12.exchangev. 交換,調(diào)換e. g. They often exchange their ideas. exchange sth. for sth把換成e.g. I wanted to exchange francs for dollars. ex

51、change sth. with sb.e. g. Do you often exchange gifts with your friends during Christmas?13. feel likeng想要做某事e. g. It feel like eating now.I feel like taking a walk.14. forth. on sb.把強(qiáng)加于e. g. We forced the money on him because we knew he needed it. They musforce their will on me.15.what if倘若怎樣?e. g.

52、 What if we move th What if it rains when wel6.stick tocture over there?t carry umbrella with us?stick to ones promise 堅守承諾e. g. Once I make up my mind, I will stick to my deci.Once you decide to do so, keep stick to it and youll succeed in no time!stickn. 棍,棒,手杖e. g. a walking stick拐杖(1) stick out突

53、出,伸出,使伸出,觸目,醒目,堅持到底,忍耐到最后e. g.t stick out of the window. It is dangerous.(2)stick in,o, through(把尖物),刺入e. g. He pushed out an arrow and stuck it17. on the right tracko the stone.e.g. We havent found the solution yet ,but Im sure were on the right track.【單項練習(xí)】I.Complete each of the following sentenwi

54、form.word or phrase in its proper.5.6.7.I was so angryt I throwing something at him. Do you like to your parents?She gave no of having heard us. She my troubles as well as my joys.Have you any to make on the recent developments? What a you cant stay for dinner.Please pay to what I am saying.8

55、.she finds outt youve lost her hook?9.110.t like going out after dark.He was veryatwhen he moved to Lon.Translation.1.他把他的強(qiáng)加于他的兒子。(force)2.如果你愿意的話,就去散步。(feel like)3.與交換了。(exchange)4.現(xiàn)在教師注重培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的能力。(attention)5.他和他的朋友同甘共苦。(share)I .Complete each of the following sentenwiword or phrase in its proper fo

56、rm.1. felt likecomment(s)shame10. LonelyI. Translation.2. chat with3. indication4. shares7. attention8. What if9. aloneHe forced his ideas on his son.Well go for a walk if you feel like it.John exchanged gifts with Mary.Nowadays teachers pay more attention to develostudents ability.aloneattentionfee

57、l likecommentwhat iflonelyshareindicatechat withshame5. He shares troubles and joys with his friends.綜合閱讀Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the wordshe box. Each word can only beusece. Notet there isord moren you need.Kepler spaceescope(天文望遠(yuǎn)鏡) finds “new Earth”. A planet mo

58、re like Earthn any yet discovered has been identified as asible 29 home for mind. Kepler issearching for planets as small as Earth, including those stars in a warm, livable 30 where liquid water could exist on the surface of the planet. Kepler 22b contains both land and water and has temperatures wh

59、ich average around 72 degrees. It also contains the right atmosphere tosibly support life.The planet, where a year 31 290 days, wasfound two years ago. However,t it is regarded as the best hope forscientists using Kepler spaceescope have now concludedfuture human living 32 the Solar System.One of th

60、e key criteria(標(biāo)準(zhǔn)) for a planet to be livable ist it 33 roughly the rightdistance from its main star to be neither too cold nor too hot, whose temperature is “just 34” for life.Bill Borucki at Ames Research Centre, said: “We have got good planet Kepler 22b. We arecertaint it is having a nice tempera


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