2023年高考英語復(fù)習(xí)完形填空滿分考點1 詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn) -練考點熟能生巧(高考題江蘇模擬學(xué)生版)_第1頁
2023年高考英語復(fù)習(xí)完形填空滿分考點1 詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn) -練考點熟能生巧(高考題江蘇模擬學(xué)生版)_第2頁
2023年高考英語復(fù)習(xí)完形填空滿分考點1 詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn) -練考點熟能生巧(高考題江蘇模擬學(xué)生版)_第3頁
2023年高考英語復(fù)習(xí)完形填空滿分考點1 詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn) -練考點熟能生巧(高考題江蘇模擬學(xué)生版)_第4頁




1、考點1詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)一練高考1.12022新高考 I 卷】My husband, our children and T have had wonderful camping experiences over the past ten years.Some of our memories are funny, especially from the early years when our children were little. Once, we 22 along Chalk Creek.22. A. campedB. droveC. walkedD. cycled2.L 2022新 iWj考 I

2、 卷Another time, we rented a boat in Vallecito Lake. The sky was clear when we headed off, but storms move in fast in the mountains, and this one quickly interrupted our peaceful morning trip. The 29 picked up and thunder rolled.29. A. windB. noiseC. temperatureD. speed3.【2022新高考全國 II 卷】It might soun

3、d like one long, expensive vacation , but the couple has an unusual way to make their travel 23.23. A. safeB. busyC. helpfulD. affordable4.【2022全國甲When I first dated Steve, I learned he had a dog, Molly, and a cat, Flora. While I was thrilled that he was an animal lover, I worried that three dogs we

4、re perhaps too many, and my dogs might attack 46,the cat.46. A. FloraB. ChanceC. MollyD. Tilly5.【2022全國甲All worked 55. The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching, respected Florasspace; Steve and I formed a good team caring for Tilly. We made good housemates.55. A. lateB. hardC. fineD. free6.【

5、2022全國甲】He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. In that moment, I began to fall for him.Thats only fbr giving 60 to the dogs that brought us together.60. A. toysB. awardsC. foodD. water7.12022全國乙They often cover only their eyes with their hands, leaving the rest of the

6、ir bodies 23.23. A. exposedB. examinedC. untouchedD. imbalanced8.【2022全國乙】We brought young children aged 2-4 into our Minds in Development Lab at USC. Each 27 sat down with an adult who covered her own eyes or ears .27. A. parentB. childC. researcherD. doctor9.【2022全國乙】We brought young children aged

7、 2-4 into our Minds in Development Lab at USCA number of 33 ruled out that the children misunderstood what they were being asked.33. A. instructionsB. descriptionsC. experimentsD. assumptions10.【2021 全國高考乙卷】Simply saying thank you doesnt seem enough in certain situations. I was considering this whil

8、e working as a 41 just a few weeks ago. as she was leaving she was eager to say goodbye to each of us in the nursing team.41. A. cleaner B. chemist C. nurseD. doctor11 .【2021 浙江 6 月高考The only way to pay for the groceries was to take off the 41 she could do without: a bottle of rubbing alcohol (醫(yī)用酒精)

9、and a bar of soup. My mother was putting her groceries into shopping bags when a stranger came up to her and said, nHere are the things that you put back41. A. weightB. thingsC. maskD. glasses12.【2020山東省高考英語試卷(新高考全國 I 卷)】Molai grew up in a tiny village in India. The village lay near some wetlands wh

10、ich became his second 21 .When he was 16, Molai began to notice something disturbing happening around his home.21. A. dream B. jobC. homeD. choice13.【2020浙江卷The lamb had become separated from its 37, so I jumped out of the tractor to tend toit while Don stayed in his scat.Lamb and mother reunited, I

11、 turned back to the tractor only to see it move suddenly away from me.37. A. kidsB. friendsC. ownerD. mother(2020新課標(biāo)全國卷 II)He bought a book and was surprised to find a picture of the artist Pierre Bonnard sitting on the same chair in the same 54 as his fathers painting.the one with a young girl sitt

12、ing on a garden chair. It was signed(簽名)“Bonnato“ or so he thought,54. A. roomB. kitchenC. hallD. garden(2020新課標(biāo)全國卷 II)It was signed(簽名)“Bonnato or so he thought, but when he researched it, he only found “Bonnard,“ a French 52 he had never heard of.52. A. painter B. designerC. authorD. actor(2020新課標(biāo)

13、全國卷Di have a very strong 51 that the lie were telling is doing spiritual damage to our children.51. A. demand B. fearC. desireD. doubt17.12020全國新課標(biāo) IIIjAs s businesswoman, I care deeply about my customers. But like anyone for whom you feel affection, 41 can also drive you mad.A. shopkeepers B. custo

14、mersC. salespersons D. receptionists(2019新課標(biāo)全國卷1)丫丫 year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They bring with them lots of waste. The 42 might damage the beauty of the place.A. storiesB. buildingsC. crowdsD. reporters19. (2019新課林全國卷 I)However, I soon disc

15、over that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of 46 among tons of rubbish.46. A. equipmentB. grassC. campsD. stones20.(2019全國卷 III)But that changed when a system of high-tech 46 was introduced to reflect sunlight from neighboring peaks(山峰)into the valley below.46. A. computersB. te

16、lescopesC. mirrorsD. cameras46.C考查名詞詞義辨析。A. computers電腦;B. telescopes望遠(yuǎn)鏡;C. mirrors鏡子;D. cameras相機(jī)。根 據(jù)21 .(2019全國卷 III)They reflect a concentrated beam(束)of light onto the towns central 51, creating anarea of sunlight roughly 600 square meters.51. A. libraryB. hallC. squareD. street22. 【2018全國 I】And

17、, even if I werent excited enough about free credits, news about our 44 was appealing enough to me.44. A. titleB. competitor C. textbookD. instructor考點1詞匯復(fù)現(xiàn)-練模擬l.單句語法填空(有的放矢 夯實基礎(chǔ)).【江蘇省揚中市第二高級中學(xué)、句容市實驗高級中學(xué)2021-2022學(xué)年高三12月學(xué)情調(diào)研】Driving it this morning, though, I noticed that the time and date on the scr

18、een in the dashboard (儀表盤)had suddenly gone back to nine years ago, resetting to the original date of the first time it was started. While my son smartly figured out how to program it back to today I thought about all the times I had wished I could go back in time and undo some of the 32 and misstep

19、s I had taken in my own life. A. attempts B. effects C. mistakes D. changes【江蘇省百校大聯(lián)考2021 -2022學(xué)年高三上學(xué)期第二次考試】The biggest lesson of life during bad days for me is that a person becomes a 28 who he wasn*t before. Life means creating it. First: think what you want in your life then start giving the same

20、think. This is one of the most important things I have learnt in my life.28. A. educator B. creatorC. thinkerD. giver3.【江蘇省南師附中、海安中學(xué)等四校2021-2022學(xué)年高三上學(xué)期12月聯(lián)考】Several years ago, my mother spent days working on handmade clay sculptures for my brother, my sister, and me: lovingly crafted, strange interp

21、retations of our heads. Keep it on your 26 counter.I took the head home and placed it in my bathroom as instructed. I soon discovered that few things frighten a two-year-old child more than a small, odd version of his mothers clay head staring at him while he poops.A. kitchen B. studyC. bedroom D. b

22、athroom4/2022江蘇省蘇錫常鎮(zhèn)四市高三教學(xué)情況調(diào)研(二)However, it was short-lived. Catherine and I applied to join the school drama club. Unfortunately, cruel gossips (流言)unfolded at Catherines expense before the interview. Desperate to be, I just stood by.A. inspired B. included C. rewarded D. remembered5【江蘇省南通如皋市2022屆

23、高三4月第二次適應(yīng)性考試】It is not quite six in the morning. I am half asleep in a van that in the United States would seat maybe six people. Here in Ghana though, its insides have been emptied and replaced with wooden benches that can twelve of us.A. preserveB. facilitateC. accommodate D. embarrass.【2022江蘇省南京市

24、金陵中學(xué)最后一卷】The clerk, a friendly man with a smile, looked at thecouple and explained that there were three conferences in town.A. rigid B. painful C. winning D. Tiring.【2022 屆江蘇省南京市高三第二次(5 月三模)Then I43 to Johns favorite Chinese restaurant. Wedgone there after so many of Johns treatments. I wanted to t

25、alk to the manager, who knew about our situation and had always been kind to us. When I pulled over, I could hear Johns voice in my cars. The words John told meevery time I got behind the wheel. Drive safely.”43. A. rushed B. fledC. wanderedD. drove. 2022 屆江蘇省南京市高三第二次(5 月三模)】As I was about to leave,

26、 I spotted a fortune cookie left by the manager. Should I 52 it? I didnt need a fortune to tell me that life without John would still be full.Still, just for fun, I opened the cookie and flattened the small piece of paper inside.52. A. keepB. openC. returnD. taste9.【江蘇省南通如皋市2022屆高三4月第二次適應(yīng)性考試】I do th

27、is every morning, Monday to Friday, for two hours in order to get to the slum(貧 民窟)town school I teach in.Arriving at the destination always fills me with dread. The school originally functioned as a daycare type service free to the children of single mothers. As the children got older, the coordina

28、tor took it upon herself to set up a space to 25 them.25. A. abuse B. employC. surveyD. teach10.【江蘇省南通如皋市2022屆高三4月第二次適應(yīng)性考試】I look at this shabby classroom and these children in their ragged clothes, and think of how different this is from the American 35 Ive known. I think of how different they are

29、and how different their lives will likely be.35. A. classrooms B. troublemakers C. vansD. morningsII.完形填空(綜合訓(xùn)練 提升能力)【2022屆江蘇省連云港市高三第二次調(diào)研】When we pay attention,we see courage every day. I see it in my classroom when a student 41 her hand and says, “Im completely lost.Do you know how incredibly 42 it

30、is to say so when youre pretty sure every one else gets it?I recently saw another 43 of ordinary courage in my son Charlies preschool. Parents were invited to 44 a music presentation by the kids. You know the 45 twenty-five children singing with fifty-plus 46 in the audience holding up cameras.One g

31、irl cried her way through the entire 47 because she couldnt see her mom. As I was tellingCharlie goodbye, I saw her mom burst through the door,and immediately start 48 the room for her daughter. Another mother walked by this stressed mom, shook her head and 49 her eyes.Just then one more mom walked up to this now 50 mom and smiled.wasn!t just late.I51 fbr


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