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1、2021年高考英語大一輪復習課時作業(yè)44Module2TheRenaissance含解析外研版2021年高考英語大一輪復習課時作業(yè)44Module2TheRenaissance含解析外研版PAGE PAGE 112021年高考英語大一輪復習課時作業(yè)44Module2TheRenaissance含解析外研版課 時 作 業(yè) eq o(sup1(44),sdo1())。閱讀理解(哈爾濱師范大學附屬中學高三月考)Londons newest skyscraper (摩天大樓)is called the Shard and it cost about 430 million pounds to buil

2、d。 At a height of almost 310 metres, it is the tallest building in Europe. The Shard has completely changed the appearance of London. However, not everyone thinks that it is a change for the better.The Shard was designed by the famous Italian architect Renzo Piano。 When he began designing the Shard

3、for London, Piano wanted a very tall building that looked like a spire (尖頂)。 He wanted the glass surfaces to reflect the sky and the city. The sides of the building arent regular. So the building has an unusual shape. It looks like a very thin, sharp piece of broken glass。 And that is how the buildi

4、ng got the name: the Shard. Piano says that the spire shape of the Shard is part of a great London tradition. The shape reminds him of the spires of the churches of London or the tall masts (桅桿) of the ships that were once on the river Thames.The Shard has 87 floors。 At the top, there is an observat

5、ory。 At the moment the building is empty, but eventually there will be a fivestar hotel. There will also be top quality restaurants, apartments and offices.Before building work began, a lot of people didnt want the Shard though the plans were approved。 Now they are still unhappy about the Shard。 Som

6、e critics say that such a tall skyscraper might be good in a city like New York, but not in London. They say that the best thing about the Shard is its spire shape. But that is the only thing。 There is no decoration, only flat surfaces。 The Egyptians did that 4,500 years ago。 They also think the Sha

7、rd is too big for London。 It destroys the beauty of the city。Other critics dont like what the Shard seems to represent。 They say that the Shard shows how London is becoming more unequal. Only very rich people can afford to buy the expensive private apartments and stay in the hotel。 But the people wh

8、o live near the Shard are among the poorest in London. So the Shard seems a symbol of the division in society between the very rich and the poor.The Shard now dominates the London skyline。 It is not certain, however, that ordinary London citizens will ever accept it as a valuable addition to the cit

9、y。本文是一篇夾敘夾議的議論文。文章講述了倫敦新建的歐洲最高的被稱之為“the Shard”的摩天大樓,成為了倫敦的新標志,然而對此人們卻有不同的觀點,尤其是對新摩天大樓代表的階層的批評之聲更是接連不斷。1Londons newest skyscraper is called the Shard because of _.Aits cost Bits sizeCits height Dits shape答案:D解析:細節(jié)理解題。根據文章第二段“So the building has an unusual shape。 It looks like a very thin, sharp piece

10、 of broken glass。 And that is how the building got the name: the shard可知正是因為它的外形,新的摩天大樓才被稱作“the Shard”,故D正確.2When he designed the Shard, Piano wanted it to _。Achange Londons skylineBinherit Londons traditionCimitate the Egyptian styleDattract potential visitors答案:B解析:細節(jié)理解題。根據文章第二段“Piano says that th

11、e spire shape of the Shard is part of a great London tradition ”可知Piano希望摩天大樓承載的是倫敦的傳統(tǒng),故B正確。3The critics who refer to social division think the Shard _。Ais only preferred by the richBis intended for wealthy peopleCis far away from the poor areaDis popular only with Londoners答案:B解析:細節(jié)理解題。根據文章第五段“Only

12、 very rich people can afford to buy the expensive private apartments and stay in the hotel。 .。So the Shard seems a symbol of the division in society between the very rich and the poor”可知批評者認為它只是代表了有錢的富人,也成為了區(qū)分窮人與富人的象征.故B正確.4Which would be the best title for the passage?AThe Shard: Cheers and ClapsBT

13、he Shard: Work of a Great ArchitectCThe Shard: A Change for the Better?DThe Shard: New Symbol of London?答案:C解析:文章標題題。根據文章第一段“However, not everyone thinks that it is a change for the better ”可知文章是在探究與闡述對新的摩天大樓所帶來的變化究竟是怎樣的,故利用這樣的話題作為標題鮮明直接,故C正確。七選五(荊州中學高三模擬)Ways to Worry LessDo you want to worry less?

14、 Of course you do, fight? Thats like me asking if I could send you free bacon。 Worry is like black moldit appears in damp conditions and spreads uncontrollably. And often times we dont realize its there until its killing us. We must get rid of worry before it destroys us. But how? _1_Do what you nee

15、d to do。_2_ You ought not to avoid tough projects or hard conversions until the last moment。 If you dont do what you should be doing, you will end up spending the rest of the time worried about the must。to。do things。 Believe it or not, the anxiety that comes from worrying is much worse than the task

16、 were worried about。_3_I think many of us act like were puppets(木偶)in a play and were waiting for something or someone to put us in the right place. You just react to whatever is going on。 _4_ We need to live on purpose. Nothing can cause worry like purposelessness。Make plans。You cant have intention

17、ality without making plans。 Making plan will enable you to achieve your aims more smoothly。 Yet, dont place your plans in stone. You can adjust your plans flexibly。 Accept changes. _5_There are other ways to lessen worry。 As long as you are determined to take action, you will live a worryfree life.A

18、Worry ruins creativity。BGet more intentional。CDo what you should be doing。DWe need to stop letting life just happen.EMake new plans and then move forward。FYou do the same as people around you do。GHere are some effective ways to deal with it。本文是一篇議論文。文章作者給出了一些減少憂慮的行之有效的方法.1G解析:上文But how?(但是如何?),下文給出了

19、具體的方法,該空承上啟下,G選項“下面是一些有效的處理方法”切題,故選G。2C解析:這一段的標題是Do what you need to do.(做你需要做的事情),結合下文You ought not to avoid tough projects or hard conversions until the last moment。(你不應該避免艱難的工程或是困難的對話,直到最后一刻),C選項“做你應該做的事情”切題,故選C。3B解析:這一段落主要講了不要無目的地等待,要有規(guī)劃,B選項“變得更有目的性”最適合作這段的標題,故選B.4D解析:下文We need to live on purpos

20、e.(我們需要有目的的生活),該空與下文相呼應,D選項“我們需要阻止生活中的一些事情發(fā)生切題,故選D。5E解析:上文You can adjust your plans flexibly。 Accept changes。(你可以靈活調整你的計劃.接受改變。),該空與上文相呼應,E選項“制定新的計劃,然后前進切題,故選E。語法填空(臨汾一中高三調研)China may be home to both the longest and highest bridges in the world, _1_ neither is as pioneering as the Nanjing Yangtze Ri

21、ver Bridge。 _2_ (build) during the 1970s, the double。decked bridge _3_ (consider) groundbreaking when it was completed in 1968.But more importantly to some, it was also the first modern bridge to be designed and built by China without help from foreign _4_ (architect). “The bridge was so important t

22、hat its undoubtedly a symbol of the city, said Lu Andong, a professor at Nanjing Universitys School of Architecture and Urban Planning. “It is being repaired _5_ transportation and safety purposes, but I would expect the chance _6_ (transform) the bridges tower and the attached park into places of m

23、emory.With a length of over 5,000 feet, the bridge _7_ (carry) both cars and trains. _8_ (It) upper deck is a four.lane highway with sidewalks, while the railway tracks are now part of the Beijing。Shanghai train route?!癊verybody loves the bridge,” said Wang Shiqing, a longtime Nanjing resident _9_ h

24、as collected over 1,000 pieces of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge souvenirs?!?Its a source of pride, _10_ (especial) for local Nanjing people, he says.本文主要介紹了南京長江大橋的歷史及現狀,并且說明南京長江大橋是一種榮耀,特別是對于當地的南京市民。1but解析:考查連詞.中國可能是最長和最高的橋的所在地,但是這兩者都不像南京長江大橋這樣具有開創(chuàng)性。表示轉折關系,所以填but.2Built解析:考查非謂語動詞。the double。decked bri

25、dge與build之間是被動關系,所以用過去分詞,填Built。3was_considered解析:考查時態(tài)和語態(tài)。表示發(fā)生在過去的事情,用一般過去時,且the double。decked bridge 與consider之間是被動關系,用被動語態(tài),綜上所述,用一般過去時的被動語態(tài),填was considered.4architects解析:考查名詞單復數。它也是第一座由中國自己建造,沒有國外建筑師幫忙的現代化的橋梁。“國外建筑師”是復數意義,所以填architects。5for解析:考查介詞.為了運輸和安全的目的,它正在被修理。表示“為了,所以填for。6to_transform解析:考查不

26、定式。表示將要發(fā)生的事情,所以用不定式作定語,所以填to transform。7carries解析:考查時態(tài)。表示主語現在的狀態(tài),用一般現在時,且主語the bridge是第三人稱單數,所以謂語動詞也用單數,填carries。8Its解析:考查代詞。它的上層是一條帶有人行道的四車道公路。表示“它的,所以填Its。9who/that解析:考查定語從句。_9_ has collected over 1,000 pieces of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge souvenirs.作定語,修飾前面的a longtime Nanjing resident,所以 _9_ ha

27、s collected over 1,000 pieces of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge souvenirs。是一個定語從句,關系詞在從句中作主語,指人,所以填who/that.10especially解析:考查副詞。它是一種榮耀,特別是對于當地的南京市民。這里應該使用副詞,所以填especially。短文改錯(湖北省七市高三教學質量檢測)I often quarrel about my mother over whether I can watch TV after school。 She holds a view that senior three stu

28、dents have to make fully use of every minute to work hard at their lessons。 It seems to me that once I am allowed to do that, Ill unable to control myself and forget all about my study。 She also thinks it is bad for my eye. But I really cant accept her ideas。 In my opinion, watch TV can set my mind

29、at rest after a days hardly work。 Besides, it is important for us to know what had happened at home and abroad。 However, we shouldnt be forbidden to watch TV。答案I often quarrel eq o(about,sdo15(with)) my mother over whether I can watch TV after school. She holds eq o(a,sdo15(the) view that senior thr

30、ee students have to make eq o(fully,sdo15(full) use of every minute to work hard at their lessons. It seems to eq o(me,sdo15(her) that once I am allowed to do that, Ill eq o(,sdo15(be)) unable to control myself and forget all about my study。 She also thinks it is bad for my eq o(eye,sdo15(eyes)). But I really cant accept her ideas. In my opinion, eq o(watch,sdo15(watching) TV can set my mind at rest after a days eq o(hardly,sdo15


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