1、該文檔是極速PDF編輯器生成如果想去掉該提示,請訪問并下載http:/Comprehen1 The Ambassadoto a mess ().A while trying to put out the fire B while fighting the studentsC because he was on fired because Horst thought he was on fire2 Which word best describes the Ambassador? He was very( A calmB angryC worried D upset).Structure3 Hi
2、s wife got a shock. She( A has shockedB was shockedC was shocking D shocked).4 They set the Embassy on fire. They tried ( A to burnB burningC for burning D in burning)it.5 Where were you?His wife wanted to know where( A he wasB wasC was heD he had been).6 I must gett fellowted. I must ().At himB hav
3、eted himC have himD have got himtedtedFortunay I wasnt wearing it. He was lucky( A to be notB to not be C to dont D not to be VocabularyHis clothes were in a mess, so they were(). A inside outB upside down C dirtyD back to front).9 A fire extinguisher is used to put ( A outB in C offD over) a fire.1
4、0 They tried to set the Embassy on fire. They tried to ( A fire itB shoot itC burn it down D light it up).11 The fire broke out A burstB burst out C set outD beganhe basement.ts where it ().12 Horst will be A dismissedB sent by airC sent to anoth D shotted. He will be ().lace參考答案:11-55 DDAABBAADD66-
5、1100 CCDDCCAACC1111-1122 DDCC盡褚?guī)浗馕稣n文筆記俊LLeessssoonn 9955 AA ffaannttaassyy 純屬虛構(gòu)11.AAmmbbaassssaaddoorr 大使 eemmbbaassssyy大使館AAnn aammbbaassssaaddoorr lliivveess iinn aann eemmbbaassssyy.大使住在大使館里面!22HHooww ddiidd yyoouurr ccllootthheess ggeett iinnttoo ssuucchh aa mmeessss? 你的衣服怎么搞得一塌糊涂? mmeessss 表示啊臟
6、亂狀態(tài)薄時通常與iinn連用或與 ggeett iinnttoo連用WWhheenn hhee rreettuurrnneedd ffrroomm tthhee ccoommppaannyy, tthhee ddoogg hhaadd ggoott tthhee rroooomm iinnttoo aatteerrrriibbllee mmeessss.當他從公司下班回家時,那只狗把房間搞的一團糟!33.UUnniivveerrssiittyy ssttuuddeennttss sseett tthhee EEmmbbaassssyy oonn ffiirree tthhiiss mmoorr
7、nniinngg今天上午大學生們放火點著了大使館!sseett oonn ffiirree 為固定短語,表示啊使.燃燒薄啊放火燒 ?。篢Thheeyy sseett tthhee hhoouusseess ooff tthhee eenneemmyy oonn ffiirree.他們放火點了敵人的營房!HHaavvee yyoouu ffoouunndd oouutt wwhhoo sseett tthhaatt oonn ffiirree?你們是否已經(jīng)查出是誰燒了那座大樓?44.GGoooodd hheeaavveennss!天那!等于MMyy GGoodd! eexxccllaaiimm
8、驚叫ccllaaiimm 要求,主張 ddiissccllaaiimm 放棄,棄權(quán)pprrooccllaaiimm 宣布,聲明55.aass uussuuaall 象通常一樣AAfftteerr tthhee lloovvee aaffffaaiirr,sshhee ssttiillll lliivveess aass uussuuaall.緋聞過后,她仍然象往常那樣生活!66.TThhee ffiirree bbrrookkee oouutt iinn tthhee bbaasseemmeenntt. 地下室突然著火!bbrreeaakk oouutt 可以指火災戰(zhàn)爭等啊突然發(fā)生薄啊爆發(fā)WW
9、oorrlldd WWaarr II bbrrookkee oouutt iinn 11991144.第一次世界大戰(zhàn)于 11991144年爆發(fā)! bbaasseemmeenntt 地下室77.II wweenntt ddoowwnn iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy 立即,馬上 等于aatt oonncceeWWhheenn tthheerree ggooeess tthhee bbeellll,tthhee ssttuuddeennttss ggoo oouutt ooff tthhee ccllaassssrroooomm,aann
10、dd rruusshheedd ttootthhee ddiinniinngg rroooomm.下課鈴聲響起的時候,學生們沖出教室,奔向食堂!88.aaiimm.aatt,用 瞄準!TThhee ssoolliiddeerr nneevveerr aaiimmss hhiiss gguunn aatt tthhee ggooaallss bbeeffoorree hhiiss ffiirriinngg.這名士兵從來射擊前不瞄準!99.ggeett tthhaatt ffeellllooww ppoosstteedd,把那個家伙派走!ppoosstt可以與lleetttteerr, ppaar
11、rcceell等名詞連用,表示啊寄??!如果把 ppoosstt與人連用時,僅指把人啊派往薄政府的一個新職位!1100.ggoo oonn ddooiinngg 表示繼續(xù)同樣的事情, ggoo oonn+ 不定式則指做不同的事.AAfftteerr eeaattiinngg tthhee bbrreeaakkffaasstt, sshhee wweenntt oonn ttoo ssttuuddyy.吃過早飯后,她就開始學習了!后面如果接動詞iinngg則表示繼續(xù)進行相同的事情!1111.IIff II hhaadd bbeeeenn, II wwoouulldd nnoott hhaavvee bbeeeenn aabbllee ttoo gg
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