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1、Part 1 Sky1.Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live Yes, I supe so. Ive goiny blean balconyy room, where I think isrfect locationto apprete the sky. Standing on the balcony and staring skywards, I cways find itmysterious and attractive. Its like an exquisite mastiece of Vincent van G

2、ogh. So, whenever Ihave time, I will go to this small balcony to enjoy the appealing view.2.Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live Well, to be honest, I beve it is a pityt I can hardly see those celestial bodies clearlyheevening these days. Since the air pollution has influenced the

3、visibility at night grey. The moonand stars can be spotted sometimes when the weather is nice enough but I have to say it ising less and less frequent for me to see them.3.Do you prefer the skyhe morning or the sky at night Actually, I donve a preference for either of them, but if I have to make a c

4、hoice, I would saythe sky in early time. The reason ist,he morning the sky is still coveredist and I amreallyo this kind of vague view. Also, the rising sunhe morning sky represents the brand-new beginning of another, which I think is aitive symbol.4.How often do you look at the sky Frly speaking, I

5、 barely look skywards because for most of the time I stay indoors, so there is nochance for me to dot. But when I was little, my mom and I used to take a walk every day afterdinner so when walking around, I often raised my head to apprete the starry sky.1Part 1 Tea/Coffee1.When was the last time you

6、 drtea or coffee Well, actually I am a big fan of coffee and I have the habit of drinking this kind of beverage everyday. You know, I jusd a cup of espresso this morning. I am really partial to it because just a sipof coffee ceep me refreshed and energetic. As for tea, it is not a common thingy dail

7、ylife.2.Do Chipeople like to drink tea or coffee I bevet most people in our country are more likely to choose tea, because it is an essentialpart of our culture. But since coffee wasroducedo China and it is regarded as a modernbeverage, the number of coffee lovers is also growing. Espelly among the

8、young people,drinking a cup of Americano hase a habithe morning.3.Do you prepare tea or coffee fuests at home Definiy coffee! The reasons are simple.ally, Im noterested in drinking tea, so you canfind anything but teay apartment. Besides, the flavor of coffee can be changed according toguests prefer

9、en. You can adsh of milk or sugar if you dont like bitter taste, but theflavor of tea is not changeable. So I am not sure it iitable for every visitor.4.What kind of foreign food are popular in your country I supe the so-called junk foodhe western country has gained a lot of popularity in China.Ther

10、e is a large number of restaurants serving hamburgers, pizzas and French fries. People,espelly youngsters, are really enthusiastic about them probably because eating this kind of foodis time-saving and also very fashionable. Butally, I dont regard it as aitive trend in oursociety.5.What kinds of new

11、 food have you tried recently Well, I am always willing to try new things and last month I saw a newly-opened Mexico restaurant,2so I decided to take a taste. I ordered nachos and tacos, which are two types of Mexican food. Ithought it might take me some time to get used to the food but surprisingly

12、 I fell in love with itfrom thebite! The spicy flavor is exactly my cup of tea.6.Do you like to try new food Yes, of course! Iasate about trying new restaurants espelly thoset serve foreignfood. Every time I have meals in a restaurantt I have never been to, it is like having anadventure. Also, as a

13、real foodie, Im fond of cooking with different ingredients, hot I caninvent my own recipe one day.3Part 1 Pet1.Are there many people keng pets in China I am not sure about the exact percentage of pet owners, but I have to say pets are really commony country. Some of my neighbors have puppies as thei

14、r pets and some of them keep cats athome. But I heardt more and more people now are gettingerested in some spel pets likea tiny snake or a piglet.2.Have you ever hadt when you are young Yes, I did havet when I was a child but it was a small goldfish wivery unique color. Thistiny creature had two gia

15、nt bubbles around its eyes and I loved it very much. But its life only lastedfor several months and when it died, I felt extremely terrible. Since then, I have never had otherpets because I am afraid ocing their death.3.What pet will you kef you want As I have mentioned, actually I dont want pets an

16、ymore. All the small creatures are sicate, Idont think I can take good care of them. But if I have to make a choice, a turtle might be a niceone, since it can live very long so I wonve to go through sadness very soon again.4Part 1 Patience1.(1)Are you less or more patient when you are angry Definiy

17、less patient! In a fit oer, I may totally lose control and say whatever comeso mymind, no matter it iitable or not. At the same time, I might talk more raly and neverwant to repeat what I have said again. I knowt is terrible, butt is what will happen when Iget mad.2.(2)How do you feel when otheople

18、are not patient Well,his kind of situation, I would get very nervous and wish to bring an end to this situation assoon assible, since under such circumstan, I would wonder if I have just bothered others orhave brought inconvenience to them. But when I was younger, I might get very annoyed whenothers

19、 showed an impatientitude because att time I was not mature enough.3.(3)Were you patient when you were young Actually, I have been very tolerant and easy-going since I was very little. I thinkt is because myparents were both good-tempered. All my childhood friends liked to hang out with me because I

20、always listened to them attentively. My mom often sayst being a teacher or psychiatrist will berfect job for me since I have great patience.5Part 1 Stars1.Have you ever met a cerity/superstar in real life Yes, I have! But it was quite unentional. It was about three years ago, my friends and I went t

21、othe cinema for the latest movie. When we were waiting outside, suddenly a sharp scream caughtmy attention. Then I foundt there was a large group of people holdingtersheir handsand among them was a famouor.t is how I met a cerity accidentally.2.Who is your favourite movie star I think Tom Cruise is

22、probably the movie star who can attract my attention most. His appearanceand acting skills are the most appealing things to me.he movie series Mis: Imsible, hisexcellent performance really impressed me. By the way, his latest movie also made me morerespectful to him because he did lots of extremely

23、difficult movements although he is almost 60-year-old.3.Areernational superstars popular in your country I supe so. As more and moreernational movies and TV programs are beingroducedoChimarket, we have more exure to foreign superstars so undoubtedly, they are gainingpopularity in China. Most of my f

24、riends are pasate about someernational cerities like Mr.Bean, Nicole Kidman and of course, my favorite actor Tom Cruise.4.Do you want to be a superstar Definiy no! Being a cerity meanst I might lose my privacy and I really detest the feeling ofbeing stared by the paparazzi. And it is very likelyt I

25、would be criticized by some people whoknow me only from the distorted reportshe attention-grabbing tabloids. Although being famouscan bring a large amount of money, I still dont want to sacrifice myal life.6Part 1 1.Do you think its important to replys quickly Well, I supe the time of reply is nott

26、significant when it comes tos. Usually emergentmessages which need to be repd immediay will be delivered through text messages or phonecalls and only those offil notiwill be sent throughs. Sendings meanst weshould write back carefully and seriously but not nesarily to be quick.2.Who do you write to

27、There are two kinds of people who I write to. One is those I work wind the other is myernational friends. Writings is a quite formal action so it is usedy workplace. Also,when communicating with foreign friends, I findt we use different types of sol applicationsso thes are the common and most stable

28、 way for us to ken touch.3.What kind ofdo you receivet makes you happy Because of the factt I have to receive plenty ofs every day, I supe it is those well-anized onest can make me feel delighted. If anis well-written, with very standardformat and clear pures, I will find it easy to comprehend and t

29、he important messages will notbe missed so I prefer thes with high readability.4.How often do you write an I dot nearly every day. When I was in high school, I barely wrotes but since I enteredcollege,s havee probably the commonest way to convey messages. Every day afterbreakfast, thething I woulds

30、check my inbox so is really been an essential part of mylife.7Part 1 Handwriting1.Whats the differenof writing wipen and tyon a computer There are so many distinpects betn them. Thecameo my mind ist writing byhand is more time-consuming while tycan be more efficient. Besides, handwriting varies from

31、people to people, but when inputting on a laptop, if we chose the same font, we can produce theexactly same thing. Another difference ist tydoes not consume ink and pr but writingby hand does.2.Can wel someonesality from his or her handwriting Well, I cant say for sure but I reckont to some extent,r

32、sons handwriting can be areflection of his or hersonality. When seeing an illegible and messy handwriting, we oftenamet the writer is a bit impatient and hot-tempered. But when a neandwriting ispresented, we may think it comes from a careful and seriouss hand.3.Do you often write wipen When I was yo

33、unger, the pens were almost one of my nesities in daily life. However, honestly,nowadays I rarely usen to write, because tyon my laptop or my smart phone is muchmore convenient for me. But I have the habit of keng a diary, which requires me to take up apen so whenever I open my diary, I write wipen.

34、4.Is your handwriting easy to read for otheople I beve so. Keng a diary gives me a chance to practice my handwriting more oftenn otherbusy modern young people. So relatively speaking, I think my writing is quite recognizable.Although tyhas gradually replaced writing by hand in almost every area of l

35、ife, I still think it isnesary to have a clear handwriting.5.Do you like to receive cards with hand-written words Actually, I would be extremely grateful if I get a hand-written card, because this kind of cards8meanst thereally cares about you and he or she is willing to spend time on you.However, I

36、 supe an electronic card might be more environmentally-friendly and also moredynamic since you can add sounds ands in it.9Part 1 Public holiday1.Which holiday is your favorite I prefer the Spring Festival, which iually a traditional Chifestival. I love it for two reasons.One ist I can take a long ho

37、liday, whiight be a fantastic chance for me to relax. Anotherreason ist the Spring Festival is when we family members gather together. Spending time withthem, I think, is st and pleasant.2.How do you usually spend your holidays Well, the way to pass my holidays depends on the length of them. If ther

38、e is only a three-dayvacation, staying at home withgames and latest movies or reality shows would be mychoice. But if time permits, I will be moren willing to have a short trip to some cities next tomine. A long-time journey is somethingt I will never choose since it can be very exhausting.3.Do you

39、think people need more public holidays Yes, definiy! The reasons are simple: peoples prere is growing quickly nowadays, so takingmore time off is both mentally and physically benefil to them. Also, I bevet the advanof technology have increased the efficiency of peoples work so it might be a great ch

40、oice to givethem more spare time, sot they may come back with more energy.4.How many public holidays do you have in China t is a tough question because Ive never counted the number of them. I supe the figure maybe around 10 and most of them last only three days so we can only take very brief rests.

41、Butactually, the number of holidays used to be even smaller so I think the situation is being improved.10Part 1 Sharing1.Do you have anything to share with others recently Well, recently I have been working on this IELTS examination, so the thingst I would like to talkto my friends are usually about

42、 this exam. You know the reading and listening parts of IELTS aregenerally about some acadenowledge so I cways learn something from them. Afterreading or listening, I would share what I have known with otheople.2.What kind of things are not suitable for sharing Privacy is somethingt I think is absol

43、uy unsuitable forling others. For the ones whol theal things, they may put themselves in danger if the listeners are not trustworthy enough. Forthe listeners, they may not want to bear those secret things. So, sharingal stuff is not soresponsible for both thelers and the listeners.3.What kind of thi

44、ngs do you like to share with others Actually, there are a lot of different kinds of stufft I am willing tol others, espellydelightful things. When I pass an important test, I wouldl my parents about it. When I see ahilarious story, I would recount it to my friends. Sharing,y opinion, can double the

45、 happiness,so I alwaysl cheerful things.4.Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child When I was little, my mom was theho was alwaysling me to share things. She asked meto take out my toys when my childhood friends came, she also required me to rel whadhappenedhe kindergarten when I go

46、t back home. I beve my mom made a wise decibecause sharing things, no matter material stuff or daily stories, is really helpful to maain a goodrelationship with others.11Part 1 Sleng1.How have your sleng habits changed since you were young I supe so. Backy childhood, I used to share a bed with my pa

47、rents since I was afraid ofdarkness and having one of my parents around could comfort me. However, now I prefer to sleepalone probably because I thinkt is what a grown-upshould do.2.Do you take naps at noon Well, if I have spare time, I will definiy take a nap. Evey brief rest can make me feelrefres

48、hed at noon sot I can devote myself to serious things later with higher efficiency. But thetruth is, I barely have nap time now because of too much work, so every dayhe afternoon, I canfeel slightly exhausted.3.Do you like to read before bed Yes, I do have the habit of reading before I go to bed. La

49、test news and articles written by famouspeople would be my preference for bedtime reading. Those exciting novels and hilarious jokeswould not be my choice, since I need to calm down before sleep, so I am moreo some lessthrilling stuff.4.How much sleep do you need every day Well, you know I am quite

50、occupied with my work, so normally I take a seven-hour sleep every day.I have to admitt the time is insufficient for the reasont I always feel a bit sleepyheafternoon. So, I bevet I need moren seven hours like seven and a half or eight hours totake a rest.12Part 1 Crowded pla1.How do you feel when y

51、ou are in crowded pla Actually, there will be two kinds of feelingsy heart. Specifically, if I am in a place full ofpeople. Theis excitement because when people are gathering, there must be somethingfascinating happened. Another is the feeling of nervous since crowed plaare sometimeshazardous so I h

52、ave got to be cautious.2.When was the last time you were in a crowded place Well, I went to a concert where there were thousands of people lastkend . Although theconcert was quite thrilling, when it was over and all the people were passingt tiny gate to getout, I felt a bit anxious because I was so

53、afraid olling down and being hurt by so many people.3.What plado you think are often crowded I supe in China, most of the public plaare packed with people espelly some entertainingsites like cinemas, shopmalls and sports stadiums. Generally, I reckont some well-knowntourist spots are often full of v

54、isitors like the Colosseum in Rome and the Fuji mountain in Japan.Their fame attracts millions of travelers to take a look.13Part 1 The area you live in1.Where do you like to gohat area The sports stadium next to the building I live in, is where I would like to go frequently. The stadiumis not very

55、spacious but well-equipped with plenty of sport facilities. Also, there is an indoorswimming pool wismall number of people so I can relax myself there every day after I comeback home.2.Do you know any famous people in your area Actually yes! I am awaret a lot of movie stars come from where I live. I

56、 feel very proud everytime I see them in a fantastic film. Also, there are some poets and writers who are livingheareat I come from. So, I supe my city is an artistic and poetic area.3.What are some changeshe area recently Well, a lot of changes are taking place nowadaysy city. I can see more and mo

57、re skyscrrshaving been built and the public transporion system ising more diversified andcompleted. But for me, the most fantastic change ist there is greater diversity in restaurants!Now I can taste genuine foreign foody city. How marvelous it is!4.Do you like the areat you live in Of course, yes!

58、There are so many aspectshis areat take my fancy. The climate of it isperfect to me, although the wer is a bit freezing. And the modernity there is whatracts memost. Livinghis place, I feelt I cways keep pace with times.14Part 1 Hometown1.Whats your hometown Its Hangzhou. Hangzhou is really a spel p

59、lace wilong history and great plants and trees. Itprovides a favorable living atmosphere. Is a number of touristractions, like the West Lakewhich attracts thousands of tourists every year.2.Do you plan to continue living there My hometown is a quiet town with beautiful natural scenery. Although I lo

60、ve it very much, I dontplan to continue living there. Since the economic developments there are not as fast as some bigcities, the lack of job opportunities and low-educational levelsy hometown are not good foral development obviously, so I decided to move out in order to better myselfy careerlife.


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