



1、第 PAGE5 頁 共 NUMPAGES5 頁2023年最新的英語shelf的中文是什么意思單詞shelf作為一個簡單的英語名詞,它所表達的中文意思是否也會一樣簡單呢百分網小編為大家精心準備了英語單詞shelf具體的中文意思及例句,歡迎大家前來閱讀。 英語單詞shelf的中文意思 英 elf 美 lf 第三人稱復數:shelves 名詞 架子,擱板; 棚; 沙洲,暗礁; 格,層 相關詞組 1. off the shelf : 復活; 2. on the shelf : 束之高閣; 英語單詞shelf的詞典解釋 1. (固定在墻上或櫥柜上的)架子,擱板 A shelf is a flat pie

2、ce of wood, metal, or glass which is attached to a wall or to the sides of a cupboard. Shelves are used for keeping things on. e.g. He took a book from the shelf. 他從書架上拿了一本書。 e.g. .the middle shelf of the oven. 烤箱的中間擱板 2. 擱板狀巖石;突出的巖石;(水下的)暗礁,陸架 A shelf is a section of rock on a cliff or mountain or

3、underwater that sticks out like a shelf. e.g. The house stands on a shelf of rock among pines. 房子矗立在松樹叢中一塊突出的巖石上。 3. 現成的;不用定制的 If you buy something off the shelf, you buy something that is not specially made for you. e.g. Any car you can buy off the shelf in a pastel pink has got to be saying someth

4、ing. 現貨供應的任何一輛淡粉色汽車一定都有自己的賣點。 e.g. .off-the-shelf software. 現成的軟件 4. 擱置的;閑置的;沒人要的 If you say that someone or something is on the shelf, you mean that no one wants them. e.g. I was afraid of getting left on the shelf. 我害怕嫁不出去。 e.g. .first-rate plans which sit on the shelf. 不被采用的最佳方案。 英語單詞shelf的情景對話 G

5、etting Cleaned up-(弄干凈) A:Hey, Bob. I can t find my electric shaver. 喂,鮑勃,我怎么找不到我的電動剃須刀 B:Im sorry. I used it and I guess I put it on the top shelf with my stuff. 抱歉,我用過了。我想是把它和我的東西一起放到壁櫥上面的擱板上了。 A:Yead,here it is. You might at least clean it up when you use it.The blade s dirty ang I still can t fi

6、nd the cord. 嗯,在這里。 你用過以后至少應該把它弄干凈。刀片很臟,電線也還沒有找到。 B:Stop complaining and start shaving. Breakfast ll be ready in about five minutes and you won t if you don t hurry. 別抱怨了, 快刮胡子吧。大約還有五分鐘早飯就好了, 要不你就來不及吃早飯了。 A:Your eggs are already beginning to burn. 你的雞蛋已經燒焦了。 B:What kind of juice do you want 你想吃什么果汁 A:Do we have a choice 有挑選余地嗎 B:Sure. Tomato or V8. 是的,有番茄汁和V8。 A:Well you know how I feel about tomato. Surpr


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