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1、的最佳選項。2.Who teachesAyours_ English?央語B.yourC.youA卷(滿分100分)5.一What w川 you talk_ at the meeting?6.Would you like to hang out with me this Saturday?A.AndB.OrCButtime to be here.名-個一 選 項 山4.1 dont know the way at all because its mym not sure.Maybe I will choose English study as a topic.齦無W - 以 填入 空 白處絕密

2、啟用前四川省甘孜州、阿壩州2016年初中畢業(yè)暨高中階段學校招生在統(tǒng)一考試(滿分150分,考試時間120分鐘)第一部分 語言知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)skirt in this color第一節(jié)單項選擇(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)1.1 like the color of your T-shirt.1 want to buyA.aB.anC.the一Nobodyl teach myself3.There is a nicenear our homeWe often watch movies there.ArestaurantB.cinemaCparkA.firstB.secon

3、dC.lastA.toB.aboutC.withrd like to.I have to look after my sister.nd.7.Ybu can see_ in the classroom because all the students are on the playgrouAsomelB.nolCanybody.Must I finish making the poster today?學 一No,you.You can do it tomorrowA.needntB.mustntC.cant.一How are you todayNick?I feelAginow.Fve ha

4、d the medicine for two days.B.betterC.worse英語試卷第 頁(共22頁)片re drawing a catls that right?1 一No.Ifs a tiger.AJooks afterB.looks likeC.looks for,2.The film Crazy Animal City at this theatre three months ago.h A.well be shownB.is shownC.was shownyou eat at a restaurantplease onderjust enough foodc A. Whe

5、n.B.AfterCBecauseaR4Jn such a small town it was to find such a large and nice library.i AunluckyB.surprisingCserious駐.There are no traffic lights.Its dangerous for children to the stieeta A.cleanB.walk alongC.cross16.I hear Sam has gone to Shenzhen for his holidayt 一Oh,how nice!Do you know when he?h

6、 Ahas leftB.is leavingC.leftaJ 7.一Davidzcould you tell us?一He is a doctory A.who is your brother B.where your brother works uC.what your brother job is效 lO.My father doesn,t like hamburgers,so heeats them.C.alwaysAseldomBsometimes18.1 know the girl is reading under the tree.AwhoB.whoseCwhich.-Pm afi

7、aid I cant perform well tomonow.-! rm sure youll make it.A.Thafs a problemB.Thafs right.一Thanks for your nice gift. A.rm glad you like itB.Of courseGCheerupCNot nice enough第二節(jié)完形填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)先通讀下列短文,弄懂大意,然后從各題所給的A、B、C三個選項中選擇可以填 入相應空白處的最佳選項。(A)Pop singer bga Lin is famous for his beautiful sin

8、ging. 21 he wants more than thatThe singer is trying to be a good22 .His new book Weve Met Before now out 23 has 12 stories about familylove and sadness And Lin has a song to go with each storyIts a novel,but the ideas come &om my own life,5said Lin.24 ,one story is aboutone of his classmates,and an

9、other is about himself英語試卷第2頁(共22頁)ISC.But Cmusician C.Which C.As usual C.healthy“Writing gave me a hard time.But I kept the stories25 to lifesaid Liii.A.SoA.soccer playerA.ItA.As beforeAnewB.BecauseB.storytellerB.HeB.For exampleB.real(B)My dad was a fisherman.He worked hard and stayed out until he

10、caught enough fish to26 the family nearly every dayWhen the weather was bad he would 27 me to schoolAn old truck was used in his fishing business.When we got to schoothe would give me a big 28 on the face and tell me to be a good boylt was so 29 for mel was 12 years old,and may dad would still kiss

11、me goodbye!I remember the day when I decided I was too 30 for a goodbye kiss.When we got to school and came to a stop,he had his 31 big smile.He started to lean (傾斜)toward me,but I put my hand up and said,“No,Dad.It was the first time I had ever talked to liim that wayHe had a surprise look on his f

12、ace for a long timend his eyes started to be 32 .“You are right,he said/You are a 33 boya man now.I wont kiss you anymore/5Not long after thatmy dad went out to sea and never came back.lt was a stormy day when most of the fisherman stayed at home 34 Dad.He had a big family to feed.Howl 35 I had been

13、 a man thenJf I had been a manzI would never have told mydad I was too old for a goodbye kiss.26Ameet27Acarry28Atouch29Aembarrassing30A.young31 Ausual32.A.wet33A.young34Abesides35AwishB.attendB.driveB.smileB.relaxingB.oldB.popularB.brightB.smallB.exceptB.wantC.feed C.move C.kiss C.exciting Cimportan

14、t C.special C.sleepy Cbig C.without Cthink第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)短文內容判斷文后句子的正誤。正確的句子寫A,錯誤的寫B(tài)。(A)In Australia,! usually travel by car or plane.The longest train trip for me is the 30-minute 英語試卷第3頁(共22頁)英語試卷第 頁(共22頁)journey to work.In Chinazmy friends told me that the train

15、was the best way to get aroundSo last month I traveled to Xian by train,It took me 30 hours from Beijing to Xian and back again.In my carriage (車廂),1 found many differences between trains in the two countries.Without normal seats,there were many beds along the wall.The train workers pushed carts (小車

16、)full of food a nd drink through the carriages. Everyone sat around eating,drinking and talkinglt wasjust like a moving hotel!Getting to sleep was the hardest part of the whole trip.The bed was not wide enough and the lights kept turning on and offBut soon I fell asleepJn my dreamj met the famous Te

17、rracotta Warriors (兵馬俑)in Xian.The writer never travels by train Australia.The writer traveled by train in China,because he was told it was the best.The writer found the trains in China and Australia were almost the same.The writer thinks taking trains in China is as enjoyable as staying in a hotel.

18、The write】 went to Xian probably because he wants to see Tenacotta Waniors.第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)閱讀下面的短文,從各題所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。(B)Dear James,I live with my grandmotherMy parents are too busy to tate care of me.They are in another city.But from next tennj have to move to my parents city and live wit

19、h them.I dont want to go there! just want to stay here with my giandmother.But I dont want to let my parents down eitherWhat should I do?Sun Meng Dear Sun Meng,Changing homes can be difficult at first.But new experiences are excitiiig.Aiid now youll get to spend time with your parents.Ifs something

20、you all deseive (應得).Think of it as the next step ofyour life.Look Forward to your new challenge and leam from the experience it will bring.The change may even give Grandma some time to relaxAnd you can always visit her on the holidaysl wish you the bestJames.Sun lives with his grandmother because.A

21、his grandmother needs his helpB.his parents have no time to look after himC.his school is near his grandmothers(C)with the Lakers for 20 years.But now he is leaving because of age and wounds.芻一Bryant is one of the greatest players in NBA.He has won five NBA championships (冠軍) Brhiss him very muchNBA

22、 historyeven more than Michael Jordanzanother NBA starA.lb ask him to comfort his grandma岸一啞-Astop workingB.move backCgo awayB.ToV*1于F- rh 獨- m -w hes h 爭校s鏟regoodbye Jhe wrote in his poem Dear Basketball止匕 A.hve more free time45.Why does Sun write the letter to James?生 C.Td ask him tosupfrt his ide

23、a.42.Sun thinks if he goes on living with his grandmothechis parcntswill feelAamazedB.embarrasedCdisappointed. 43James believes that Sun will在Asoon get used to the life at his new home B.find it hard to live with his own parents C.try to find another home to live in44.In James view,Sun,s giandma wil

24、l when Sun lives with his parents. ask him for some advice.A great basketball player will retire this week.His name is Kobe Bryant.Bryant,37,plays for the Loes Angeles Lakers,a team in the NBA.He has been playing“My heart can take it jny inind can deal with it,but my body knows its tim e to sayand t

25、wo Olympic gold medals (金牌).He also has scored tne third largest number of points inBryant has a real love for basketbalLHe often starts to practice as ear ly as 5題d his loveam.Everybody knows how hard he works.Soon Bryant may have some time to restBut no matter what he does nexthe saifor basketball

26、 will never change.46.Tlie iinderliiied word retire probably means 47.Bryant decides to leave his team becauseA.he is tired of playing basketballB.he is old and poor in health for playing basketball Che has been playing basketball for such a long time英語試卷第 頁(共22頁)haB the problems Che wishes to conti

27、nuezbut he has no choice.Which statement is true?A.Biyanfs success comes only from his talent fbr basketball.c B.Bryant has won more Olympic gold medals than Michael Jordan.a C.Biyanfs love fbr basketball will never stop.00.The best title of the passage above is s A.Biyanfs Good-bye tB.Biyanfs PoemC

28、.Biyanfs Next Step(D) Have you traveled abroad alone?! did and at a very lyoung age.When I was 9 years old,! had never left my mothers Qide.But one daymy father forced me to visit my grandmother in Australia on my ownJ was so upset and |afraid to travel alone.But my father wouldnt give up,so I had t

29、o set offY One early momingj was standing in the hall of the Beijing airportholding my luggage t (行李箱)and looking at the crowds.But suddenlyl found that there was only half an hour效 48.The poem Bryant wrote tells us.Ahis heart is broken when he makes the decision 英語試卷第6頁(共22頁)before my plane left.I

30、became veiy wonied.uYou have to overcome your fears!Come on!”I said to myselfl unwillingly (不情愿地)t8k a step.That step seemed like a drop in the bucket(木桶),but it meant a lot to me.I finally went to a lady and asted where to find the security check (安檢處),My voice was so quietbut she still heard what

31、I said.She told me the way.I quickly thanked her and ran in the right direction.My heart beat so fastAfter alljt was the first time I asked a stranger for directions all by myselfAfter that I finally got on the plane!Life is like climbing mountains.Only the brave ones can get to the top and enjoy th

32、e beautiful view.That was not only my first travel wxperience alone,but also a life lesson.How did the girl feel when she was asted to travel alone?AHappyand excited.B.Unhappyand worried.CSurprised but encouraged.The girl said to herself uYou have to overcome your feais!Come on!”in order to.A.save t

33、imeB.decide what to doCencourage herself.The underlined part “a drop in the bucketprobably means.A.very littleB.very largeC.very much.Why did the girl feel nervous when she asked the lady for the way?A.She felt she had no time to ask for help.B.She had never asked any strangers for help before.CShe

34、was afraid that her request would be turned down.55Jn the last paragraph,the girl tells us.Apeople traveling alone are braveB.traveling alone is like climbing mountainsC.what she learned by traveling alone for the first time第三部分 綜合語言運用(共兩節(jié),滿分20分)第一節(jié)補全對話(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分W分)根據(jù)對話內容將下面方框中的選項填入對話中,使對話內容完整。A

35、:Excuse me,I want some liistoiy books,but I dont know where to find them.B:Don,t wony. 56A:Thank you.How many books can I borrow at a time?B: 57A:I see. 58B:For two weeksBut you must return them on time.A: 59B:You dont have to come to our desk eveiy time.Just renew (續(xù)借)them online.Ifs easy.A:OK. 60B

36、:Youre welcome.A.Could you tell me howto renew them?B.I like them very much.C.You can search for information on the computer here.D.Thanks for your help.E.How long can I keep the books? F.History books are my favorite.English book.G.Ybu can borrow one Chinese book and one第二節(jié)完成句子(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分W分)用所給單

37、詞的適當形式填空,使句意完整、結構正確,每空一詞。61 .Monkeys are good at(jump).Its wann and(sun) when were sitting by the pool.1(spend) one hour doing my homework yesterday.Anxi and Hangzhou are(wide) known for their tea.Are there any(vegetable) in the beef soup?B卷(滿分50分)一、單詞拼寫(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)英語試卷第7頁(共22頁)英語試卷第 頁(共22頁)根據(jù)漢

38、語提示,用詞語的正確形式填空,每空一詞。.Wheies my pencil?! cant find (匕).Gina is a(女孩的)name.The blue(褲子)arc mine.The boat races are very(激動人心).5.On Feb.28,the US actor Leonardo(終于)got his Oscar二、短文填空(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)根據(jù)短文內容和首字母提示,把所缺單詞填寫在相應的橫線上。Japanese people love cats!They created the cat star c6 Hello Kitty.They eve

39、n madea cat the head of a train station.Ifs said Japan has the m 7 cat owners in the world nowIn return (作為回報),cats are paying them b 8 .The cat business has made about 133.2 billion yuan for Japan in 2015j 9 theNHK news.Besides cat Ai and toysjks and cartcons about cats are big business tooSome caf

40、esand apartments in Japan setup s 10 areas for cats to play and restso they would get morecat-loving customersJapan even has a holiday to celebrate cats,on Feb.22.三、閱讀理解(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10 分)閱讀下面短文,從各題所給的A、B、C三個選項 中選出最佳選項。Hans Christian Andersen Prize is the highestinternational honor given to a writer

41、 of childrens books.NoChinese writer had ever won it,until April 4,2016,when 62-yearold Cao Wenxuan received the prize.Cao,a professor of Peking University,received the honor at the Bologna Childrens BookFair in Italy.Mr Aldana,this years president of Hans Clmstian Andersen Prize jury(評委會),praised C

42、aos books as deeply humanistic”(人文精神).“He writes beautifiilly about the lives of cliildren facing great challengessaid Aldana,amioimcing the wiimer of the prize.Cao said, Its time for us to change our understanding of reading.Books shouldnt bring only joy to young readers,but also thoughts,either th

43、rough comedy or tragedy because life is not always easy.Thats why his works has touched many adults too.Cao said good translation helped to get western peoples attention his works.Chineseunderstworks could be accepted in the world if they were translated in a style that could be easilyl,he told CCTV

44、Other writersjncluding Jin Bo,have also thought poor translation was the reason why Chinese works fails to get international attebtionJin was naminated (提名) for the Hans Christian Andersen Prize in 1992,but at that time,he had to translatejn amsh.several paragiaphs fiom his book to give to the juiy.

45、 On one hand,the juiy has little knowledge of Chinese writers.On the other handjt is we ourselves who didnt introduce our works and omselves enoughJhe said in 2013.lUhis article is.uching filmB.scary storyC.sad dramaA.nice translation and beautiful writing二二 卷 四、句子翻譯(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)一節(jié)考一咯-他問題請找你的老師

46、幫助。一二19.邁克對小孩們好,他交了很多朋友。二 一答 8 肘關 is with kids and he has made a lot of五、書面表達(滿分20分)哪曲梅r名初三學需胸rf曲恰現(xiàn)很多啦融焦慮,請你用英語給報社編輯寫4)注意:1 .內容必須包括所給信息,并補充完善第4條建議;2.詞數(shù):6080左右。開頭、結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。 Dear editor;C.a storyC.professorC.In 1992A.a piece of newsB.a speech.Hans Christian Andersen Prize is set up for. AstudentsB

47、.writerss止匕 13.The underlined word “tragedy” means.Cao has won the Prize because ofB.Jin Bos help and nice translationC.beautiful writing and good relationship.When might Jin Bo win the same prize?A.In 2016Bin 2013根據(jù)漢語提示,在相應的空格中添上適當?shù)挠⑽膯卧~。每空一詞。 話.岑關汶川暖和,巴黎天氣如何?Ifs warm today in Wenchuan.the weather i

48、n Paris?.這雙鞋子多少癡How is thisof shoes?Please your teachers forif you have other problems.MM MM MB MM JMM J|題20.昨晚我?guī)业墓烦鋈ュ蘖隋?。封信,表達自己的觀點。要點如下:港慮癥狀:疲倦、睡眠不好、食量減少等。2 .建議:1)正確理解考試,不要太擔心考試結果;dent of Junior Three.Im writing to tell you about the anxiety among us students ,befbre exams.Illastu效2)努力學習,制定恰當?shù)膹土曈媱?/p>

49、;3)正常作息,不要熬夜;英語試卷第9頁(共22頁)英語試卷第10頁(共22頁)四川省甘孜州、阿壩州2016年初中畢 業(yè)暨高中階段學校招生統(tǒng)一考試英語答案解析A卷第一部分語言知識運用第一節(jié)單項選擇.【答案】A【解析】句意為:我喜歡你t恤的顏色,我想買一條這個顏 色的裙子。此處泛指“一條裙子”,且skirt的讀音以輔音音 素開頭,故用不定冠詞a。故選A?!究键c】冠詞的用法。.【答案】C【解析】teach后可跟雙賓語,即teach sbsth.,意為“教某 人”,故空格后是動作詞,應用賓格形式。故選C?!究键c】代詞辨析。.【答案】B【解析】根據(jù)第二句We often watch movies th

50、ere.”可知, “我們”家附近有一家不錯的電影院。故選B?!究键c】名詞辨析。.【答案】A【解析】根據(jù)主句的內容I don know the way at all”可知, “我”根本就不認識路。由此可判斷出“我”是第一次來 這里。故選A。【考點】形容詞辨析。.【答案】B【解析】句意為:你在會上要談論什么?我不確定。或許 我會選擇英語學習作為話題。Talk about sth.意為“談論.”一個人也沒有。故選B?!究键c】不定代詞辨析。.【答案】A【解析】以must開頭的問句,否定答語可用“neednt/do用 have to”,表示“沒必要九 故選A?!究键c】情態(tài)動詞辨析。.【答案】B【解析 1

51、此處是暗含的比較級,因為吃了兩天的藥,因此現(xiàn)在 (比以前)好多了,故用goocWvell的比較級better故選B。【考點】形容詞的比較等級。W.【答案】A【解析】根據(jù)兩分句之間的連詞so判斷出,父親不喜歡漢堡, 因此他很少吃。seldom意為“很少”,符合語境。故選A。【考點】副詞辨析。.【答案】B【解析】句意為:你正在畫的這個動物看起來像只貓。對不 對?不對,它是只老虎。look意為“看起來像,符合語境。故選 Bo Look after意為“照顧,照料: look for意為“尋找”,均不符 合語境?!究键c】動詞短語辨析。.【答案】C【解析】根據(jù)本句的時間狀語“three months a

52、go”可知,瘋狂 動物城這部電影三個月以前上映。此處表示過去發(fā)生的事, 應用一般過去時。故選C?!究键c】動詞的時態(tài)。.【答案】A【解析】句意為:當你在飯店吃飯時請點正好夠吃的食物。 when意為“當時候”,符合語境。故選A。Co【考點】動詞(短語)辨析。16【答案】C【解析】根據(jù)第一句中的“has gone to Shenzhen”可知,Sam已 經(jīng)離開此地去了深圳,因此“離開(leave)”這個動作發(fā)生在過 去,應用一般過去時。故選C?!究键c】動詞的時態(tài)。.【答案】C【解析】賓語從句使用陳述句語序,排除A項。娜等吾“Heis a doctor”可,知,問句是在詢問David的哥哥的職業(yè)。B

53、項詢問工作地點;C項詢問職業(yè)。故選C。【考點】賓語從句。.【答案】A【解析】分析句子結構可知,空格處引導定語從句。先行詞 是“thegirl”,指人,在定語從句中作主語,故用關系代詞wh。 引導從句。故選A。【考點】定語從句。.【答案】C【解析】根據(jù)第T?Tm afraid I cant perform well tomorrow. 可知,說話人擔心自己明天會表現(xiàn)不佳,因此答話人應是在鼓 勵對方。Cheer叩意為“振作起來”,符合語境。故選C?!究键c】交際用語。.【答案】A【解析】第一句句意為:謝謝你送的精美禮物。Im glad you like it意為“很高興你喜歡它”,可用作答語,符合語

54、境。故選A?!究键c】交際用語。第二節(jié)完形填空.【答案】C【解析】根據(jù)語境可知,此處指代前面的單數(shù)名詞“His na/v book”,故用代詞it。故選A?!究键c】代詞辨析。.【答案】B【解析】此處是舉例說明上一句的觀點,即雖然這是一本小 說,但是觀點都來源于自己的生活。For example意為“例 如”,用于列舉具體的事例,符合語境。故選B。【考點】短語辨析。.【答案】B【解析】此處是指使故事貼近生活keep sth real t。life是固 定用法,意為“使貼近生活,符合語境。故選B?!究键c】形容詞辨析。.【答案】C【解析】每天父親要捕到足夠養(yǎng)活,我們”全家人的魚才會回 家。Feed t

55、he family意為“養(yǎng)活全家;符合語境。故選C?!究键c】動詞辨析。.【答案】B【解析】根據(jù)下一句中的“An old truck”可知,父親開著他捕 魚的卡車送“我,去上學。drive sb.意為“駕車送某人”,符 合語境。故選C?!究键c】動詞辨析。.【答案】C【解析】根據(jù)下文“and my dad would still kiss me goodbye” 可知,送我,到校時,父親會吻“我”一下。kiss意為“吻”,符合 語境,故選C。【考點】名詞辨析。.【答案】A【解析】根據(jù)下文 “I was 12 years old, and my dad would still【解析】此處指父親帶著平

56、日里慣、有的大大的微笑。usual 意為通常的,慣常的;合瑙境。故選A?!究键c】形容詞辨析。.【答案】A【解析】根據(jù)本句中的He had a surprise look on his face for a long time可知,父親根本沒有想到兒子會有這樣的想法, 他很受觸動,所以眼睛濕潤了。故選A?!究键c】形容詞辨析。.【答案】C【解析】此處和破折號后面第二句a man now”相照應, 指“我”是個大孩子了。故選C?!究键c】形容詞辨析。.【答案】B【解析】根據(jù)上文中的my dad went out to sea and never come back”可知,除了父親,大多數(shù)漁民都待在家里。except 意為滁之外,礴整體中去除一部分,符合語境。故 選B?!究键c】介詞辨析。.【答案】A【解析】句意為:我多希望我那時就是一個大人啊。wish 意為“希望: 廉賓語從句時,賓語從句使用虛擬語氣符 合語境。故選A?!究键c】動詞辨析。.【答案】B【解析】根據(jù)第一段第二句The longest train trip for me is the 30-minute journey to ”可知禰者在澳大利亞坐過火 車.本題陳述錯誤。故寫B(tài)。.【答案】A【解析】根


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