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1、 HYPERLINK 六級寫作作補充范范文1(220055年1月六級真題題)Direectiionss:Foor tthiss paart, yoou aare allloweed tthirrty minnutees tto wwritte aan oopenn leetteer oon bbehaalf of thee Sttudeent Uniion askkingg peeoplle tto ggivee heelp to a sstuddentt whho iis sseriioussly illl. YYou shoouldd wrritee att leeastt 1550 ww

2、ordds ffolllowiing theeouttlinne ggiveen bbeloow:對病人的的簡單介介紹:目目前的病病情和家家庭情況況目前的困困難:無無法承擔擔醫(yī)療費費用,需需要護理理希望捐助助;聯(lián)系系方式Yourr Heelp NeeededdDearr frriennds,I amm wrritiing to youu, oon bbehaalf of theeStuudennt UUnioon, to askk foor yyourr heelp forr Lii Miing, a schhoollmatte oof oourss frrom thee Deeparrtme

3、ent of Commputter Sciiencce. He iis sseriioussly illl noow aand hass too haave a hhearrt ttrannspllantt att onnce. To mmakee thhinggs wworsse, he commes froom tthe wesst oof oour couuntrry aand hiss faamilly iis qquitte ppoorr. Li MMingg iss noow cconffronntedd wiith thee foolloowinng ddiffficuultii

4、es. To bbegiin wwithh, hhe ccant aaffoord thee meediccal exppensses. His fammilyy dooesnnt haave a ggoodd fiinannciaal bbackkgrooundd. MMoreeoveer, hiss paarennts havve aalreeadyy beeen deeep iin ddebtt inn orrderr too seend himm too unniveersiity. In adddittionn, hhis fammilyy iss faar aawayy annd

5、hhe nneedds ssomeeonee too taake carre oof hhim dayy annd nnighht. Onlyy wiith inttensse ccaree caan oour friiendd reecovver froom hhis disseasse. On nno aaccoountt caan wwe ssee ourr frriennd ssufffer or diee. HHe iis iin ddespperaate neeed oof yyourr heelp, esspecciallly finnancciall doonattionns

6、tto hhelpp hiim ppay forr hiis eexpeensees. Lets aall givve hhim ourr haandss. AAnyoone whoo waantss too offferr heelp cann coontaact us at 8855888858 or youu caan eemaiil uus bby lloveem. Pleaase actt wiithoout dellay. Yourrs ssinccereely, Zhanng HHuaChaiirmaan oof tthe Stuudennt UUnioon2(220055年6月

7、六級真題題)Direectiionss:Foor tthiss paart, yoou aare allloweed tthirrty minnutees tto wwritte aa shhortt esssayy enntittledd Saay NNo tto PPiraatedd Prroduuctss. YYou shoouldd wrritee att leeastt 1550 wwordds ffolllowiing theeouttlinne ggiveen bbeloow:目前盜版版的現(xiàn)象象比較嚴嚴重造成這種種現(xiàn)象的的原因及及其危害害我們應該該怎么做做Usefful worr

8、ds andd exxpreessiionss:盜版:ppiraacy (n.)盜版產(chǎn)品品:pirrateed pprodductts知識產(chǎn)權權:inttelllecttuall prropeertyy riightts侵犯版權權:inffrinnge sbs ccopyyrigght; coopyrrighht iinfrringgemeentSay No to Pirrateed PProdducttsPiraacy is a sseriiouss prrobllem witth wwhicch tthiss coounttry is connfroonteed. In maany pla

9、acess wee seee ppeopple pedddliing pirrateed bbookks oor ddiskks. Actuuallly, pirracyy haas bbecoome so widdesppreaad tthatt itt haas sseveerelly hhinddereed ttheddeveeloppmennt oof tthennatiions ecconoomy. A nnumbber of facctorrs aaccoountt foor tthe proobleem, butt thhe ffolllowiing aree thhe mmos

10、tt crritiicall onnes. Fiirstt, ppiraatedd prroduuctss arre mmuchh chheapper thaan ccopyyrigghteed ooness, sso ttheyy arre vveryy atttraactiive to peooplee, eespeeciaallyy yoounggsteers, whho aare nott fiinannciaallyy weell-offf. SSecoondlly, witth hhighhly devveloopedd teechnnoloogy, itt iss noot dd

11、iffficuult to mannufaactuure pirrateed pprodductts. Witth oone autthorrizeed ccopyy, tthe illlegaal pprodduceers cann maake thoousaandss off faake onees aat aa veery loww coost, thhus makkingg huuge proofitts. As aa reesullt, inttelllecttuall prropeertyy riightts aare sevvereely inffrinngedd uppon.

12、Honeest prooduccerss wiill losse tthe mottivaatioon tto ddeveelopp neew pprodductts. Meannwhiile, piiratted prooduccts aree offtenn off loow qquallityy, tthuss daamaggingg thhe iinteeresst oof bbuyeers. In vvieww off thhe sseriioussnesss oof tthe proobleem, it is esssenttiall thhat lawws aand reggul

13、aatioons be forrmullateed aand enfforcced to bann thhe mmanuufaccturre aand cirrcullatiion of pirrateed pprodductts. Meaanwhhilee, ppeopple shoouldd bee edducaatedd too saay nno tto tthesse pprodductts. Witth tthesse mmeassurees ttakeen, we havve rreassonss too beelieeve thaat tthe proobleem ccan be

14、 sollvedd inn thhe nnearr fuuturre. 3(220055年12月六級真題題)Direectiionss:Foor tthiss paart, yoou aare allloweed tthirrty minnutees tto wwritte aa leetteer tto aa coompaany decclinningg a jobb offferr. Yoou sshouuld wriite at leaast 1500 woordss foolloowinng ttheooutllinee giivenn beeloww:對公司提提供職位位表示感感謝解釋

15、為何何不能接接受所提提供的職職位希望予以以諒解,并并表示對對公司的的良好祝祝愿A Leetteer DDeclliniing a Joob OOffeer Deccembber 24, 20005Dearr Siir oor MMadaam:I amm reespoondiing to youur jjob offfer on Deccembber 20, 20005. I waas iinfoormeed tthatt I woouldd bee offferred thee poosittionn ass ann innterrpreeterr foor yyourr coompaany.

16、 I coordiiallly aapprreciaate youur ttrusst aandII amm muuch oblligeed tto yyou forr prroviidinng mme wwithh thhis valluabble oppporttuniity. Howeeverr, IIhavve tto ttelll yoou tthatt I caannoot aacceept it. The majjor reaasonn iss thhat Idont thhinkk I amm thhe mmostt appproopriiatee caandiidatte f

17、for thiis ppostt. AAs aa noon-EEngllishh majjor, thhouggh mmy wwritttenn annd sspokken Engglissharreouutsttanddingg thhan mosst oof mmy ppeerrs, I amm noot wwelll trrainned in traansllatiion, noot tto mmenttionn innterrpreetattionn, wwhicch, I beelieeve is higghlyy deemanndinng. Maybbe mmy pperfform

18、mancce iin tthe oraal eexamminaatioon hhas missledd yoou. Actuuallyy, II amm moore inttereesteed aand morre ccomppeteent in my ownn maajorr, tthatt iss, pproggramm deesiggninng. Lastt buut nnot leaast, I haappeenedd too haave beeen ooffeeredd suuch a pposiitioon wwithh annothher commpanny. Noneethee

19、lesss, I, aagaiin, wannt tto eexprresss myy siinceere graateffulnnesss annd II eaarneestlyy appoloogizze ffor anyy innconnvennienncehhereeby cauusedd. FFinaallyy,I hoope youu caan ffindd thhe iideaal ccanddidaate as sooon aas pposssiblle. Bestt reegarrds.Yourrs ssinccereely LLi MMingg4(220066年6月六級真題

20、題)Direectiionss:Foor tthiss paart, yoou aare allloweed tthirrty minnutees tto wwritte aa shhortt esssayy enntittledd Travveliing Abrroadd. YYou shoouldd wrritee att leeastt 1550 wwordds bbaseed onn thhe ccharrt aand thee ouutliine givven bellow:Numbber of peooplee inn Ciity X ttravveliing abrroadd i

21、nn 19995, 20000 andd 200051. 近近十年來來X市有越越來越多多的人選選擇出境境旅游2. 出出現(xiàn)這一一現(xiàn)象的的原因3這種種現(xiàn)象可可能產(chǎn)生生的影響響Travveliing AbrroaddIt ccan be seeen ffromm thhe ccharrt tthatt thheree haave bbeenn shharpp inncreeasees inn thhe nnumbber of peooplee trraveelinng aabrooad in Cityy X in thee paast deccadee. AAs tthe chaart shoows

22、, thhe yyearr 19995 wiitneesseed oonlyy abboutt 100,0000peeoplle frrom thiis ccityy toouriing abrroadd. IIn 220000, tthe nummberr sooareed tto nnearrly 40,0000. LLastt yeear, moore thaan 1120,0000 peeoplle iin tthe citty cchosse tto sspennd ttheiir vvacaatioons outtsidde CChinna. A nuumbeer oof ffac

23、ttorss acccouunt forr thhe cchannge in thee chhartt, bbut thee foolloowinng aare thee moost criiticcal onees. Firrst, thhankks tto tthe pollicyy off reeforrm aand opeeninng-uup, thee naatioons eeconnomyy haas bbeenn deevellopiing at a cconssideerabbly higgh sspeeed iin tthe passt ddecaadess. TTherre

24、foore, thhe ppeopple havve mmoree exxtraa mooneyy foor ttravveliing. Seeconndlyy, ootheer rreleevannt sstatte ppoliiciees aand thee booom of touurinng iinduustrry pprovvidee ciitizzenss wiith morre ooppoortuunittiess too goo ouut aand seee thhe wworlld. Lasst bbut nott leeastt, ppeopple havve aattaa

25、cheed ggreaaterr immporrtannce to tthe quaalitty oof llifee, tthuss thhey speend morre mmoneey aand timme ttravveliing andd siightt-seeeinng. In aa woord, thhis chaart is a pperffectt inndiccatoor oof CChinnas faast exppanddingg ecconoomy andd peeoplles riisinng sstanndarrd oof llifee. TThe treend o

26、f traavellingg abbroaad wwilll fuurthher stiimullatee thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof oour ecoonommy aand brooadeen ppeopples hhoriizonns. 5(220066年12月老六級真題題)Direectiionss: FFor thiis ppartt yoou aare allloweed 330 mminuutess too wrritee a shoort esssay enttitlled Thee Ceelebbrattionn off Weesteern Fesstiv

27、valss. YYou shoouldd wrritee att leeastt 1550 wwordds ffolllowiing thee ouutliine givven bellow.1.現(xiàn)在在國內有有不少人人喜歡過過西方的的某些節(jié)節(jié)日2.產(chǎn)生生這種現(xiàn)現(xiàn)象的原原因3.這種種現(xiàn)象可可能帶來來的影響響The Cellebrratiion of Wessterrn FFesttivaalsNo oone cann haave faiiledd too nooticce tthe facct tthatt ann inncreeasiing nummberr off Chhineese are

28、e foond of cellebrratiing somme WWestternn feestiivalls ttodaay. For insstannce, onn Vaalenntinnes DDay, maany peooplee giive floowerrs oor cchoccolaate to thee onne ttheyy loove. Anottherr caase in poiint is Chrristtmass. IIt sseemms thhat peooplee arrounnd tthe couuntrry nnow lovve tto cceleebraat

29、e thee feestiivall. A nuumbeer oof ffacttorss acccouunt forr thhe pphennomeenonn meentiioneed aabovve, butt thhe ffolllowiing migght be thee crritiicall onnes. In thhe ffirsst pplacce, duee too thhe ppoliicy of refformm annd oopenningg-upp, CChinnesee peeoplle ttendd too knnow morre aabouut WWestter

30、nn cuultuure andd bee innfluuencced by it. Secoondlly, somme bbusiinesssmeen wwishh too maake monney by enccourragiing peooplee too ceelebbratte tthosse WWestternn feestiivalls. Lastt buut nnot leaast, ass trradiitioonall Chhineese fesstivval losse ttheiir aattrracttionn, mmanyy peeoplle ttendd too

31、fiind joyy inn Weesteern fesstivvalss. Thouugh we neeed nnot criiticcizee peeoplle cceleebraatinng WWestternn feestiivalls, norr caan wwe sstopp thhem, wee haave to bewwaree off thhe ddangger behhindd itt. WWhille eenjooyinng tthe atmmosppherre bbrouughtt byythoose Wessterrn ccusttomss, wwe mmighht

32、wwelll loose ourr owwn ttradditiion andd iddenttityy. 6(220066年12月新六級真題題)Direectiionss: Foor tthiss paart, yoou aare allloweed 330 mminuutess too wrritee a shoort esssay enttitlledTThe Impporttancce oof RReaddingg Cllasssicss. YYou shoouldd wrritee att leeastt 1550 wwordds ffolllowiing thee ouutliin

33、e givven bellow.1閱讀讀經(jīng)典書書籍對人人的成長長至關重重要2現(xiàn)在在愿意閱閱讀經(jīng)典典的人卻卻越來越越少,原原因是3我們們大學生生應該怎么么做The Impporttancce oof RReaddingg CllasssicssReaddingg cllasssicss pllayss a vittal rolle iin aa peersoons grrowtth. By rreaddingg cllasssic worrks, eiitheer CChinnesee orr fooreiign, onne ccan leaarn a ggreaat ddeall abbout

34、t hiistoory, geeogrraphhy, pollitiics, waars anddcusstomms. Besiidess, aas tthesse cclasssiccs aare thee ouutsttanddingg reepreesenntattivees hhumaan llangguagge, reaadinng tthemm caan eenorrmouuslyy immproove ourr abbiliity to reaad aand wriite andd too innherrit cullturral traadittionns. Howeeverr

35、, aa diiminnishhingg nuumbeer oof ppeopple wouuld likke tto rreadd cllasssicss noow. A vvariietyy off faactoors mayy haave conntriibutted to thiis pphennomeenonn, bbut thee foolloowinng aare thee crritiicall onne.IIn thhe ffirsst pplacce, as thee paace of liffe aand worrk qquicckenns, peooplee caan

36、ffindd liittlle ttimee too inndullge theemseelvees iin tthicck aand serriouus wworkks. Theyy woouldd raatheer rreadd liightt annd eeasyy maagazzinees oor ssurff thhe IInteerneet aand do onllinee reeadiing. In thhe ssecoond plaace, moost claassiics deppictt thhinggs ffar awaay ffromm ouur rreall liif

37、e, whhichh maakess reeadiing theem sseemm irrrellevaant. As ccolllegee sttudeentss, wwe sshouuld shoouldder thee buurdeen oof iinheerittingg annd ddeveeloppingg cuultuurall heerittagee. TTherrefoore, itt iss esssenntiaal tthatt wee shhoulld mmakee pllanss too reead claassiics reggulaarlyy. BBesiides

38、s, wwe sshouuld tryy too innfluuencce ppeopple arooundd uss innto reaadinng tthemm. 7Keeepiing PettsTherre iis nno ddenyyingg thhe ffactt thhat keeepinng ppetss iss a hottly debbateed ttopiic ttodaay. Somme ppeopple thiink keeepinng ppetss iss a goood tthinng tto ddo. Theey bbeliievee thhat petts, l

39、ikke ccatss annd ddogss, ccan hellp rreliievee thhe lloneelinnesss suuffeeredd byy seenioor ccitiizenns aand othher socciall meembeers whoo arre cconffineed tto ttheiir hhomees ffor thiis rreasson or thaat. Theey aalsoo arrguee thhat keeepinng ppetss heelpss maankiind unddersstannd aanimmalss woorld

40、d annd ddeveelopp poosittivee feeeliingss toowarrd tthemm.Otheers, hoowevver, hoold thee opppossitee viiew. Thhey reggardd keeepiing petts aas aa usseleess butt haarmfful thiing to do. Fiirstt, ppetss caan ttrannsmiit ddiseeasees. Secconddly, thhe nnoisses andd duung of petts aare souurcees oof ppol

41、llutiion. Laast butt noot lleasst, as manny rraree biirdss annd aanimmalss arre kkeptt ass peets, thhey willl ssureely be hunntedd onn a larrge scaale, whhichh meeanss a thrreatt too thhe bbalaancee off thhe eecossysttem. Weigghinng tthe proos aand conns oof tthesse aarguumennts,I aam iincllineed tt

42、o aagreee wwithh thhe llattter. Annywaay, we cann leesseen oour lonneliinesss aand exppresss oour lovve ttowaard aniimalls iin ootheer wwayss. AAnd it is my bellieff thhat onlly bby pplaccingg maan aand othher speeciees oon aan eequaal bbasiis ccan we exppectt too haave a lliveely andd coolorrfull w

43、oorldd. 8. WWherre TTherre IIs aa Wiill, Thheree Iss a WayyA weell-knoown prooverrb ggoess thhat“wheere theere is a wwilll, ttherre iis aa waay”, whhichh meeanss thhat onee caan ffindd a wayy too suucceess as lonng aas hhe oor sshe hass a strrongg wiill. Wiith a sstroong willl, onee caan ffocuus aal

44、l hiss ennerggy oon oone poiint, whhichh maakess hiis ssucccesss poossiiblee. WWithhoutt a strrongg wiill, hoowevver, onne ccan be eassilyy diistrractted froom hhis goaal oor ddisccourrageed bby ssetbbackks, whiich leaads to hiss ulltimmatee faailuure. Histtoryy abbounnds witth eexammplees oof sstro

45、ong-willledd fiigurres winnninng ssucccesss. AActuuallly, theere is no bettterr illlusstraatioon oof tthe prooverrb tthann thhe ddeedds oof GGou Jiaan, kinng oof YYue in ancciennt CChinna. Defeeateed bby FFu CChaii, kkingg off Wuu, GGou triied eveery meaans posssibble to steeel hiss wiill. Evventtua

46、llly, wiith thee heelp of Fann Lii annd XXi SShi, hee maanagged to rebbuilld hhis couuntrry aand hiss arrmiees aand hadd Fuu Chhai tasste thee biitteerneess of faiilurre. In sshorrt, a sstroong willl iis eesseentiial if we wannt tto mmakee acchieevemmentts iin oour stuudiees oor wworkk, oor iindeeed

47、 in anyy ottherr asspecct oof oour livves.Onee shhoulld llosee noo chhancce tto sstreengtth hhis willl aand remmembber, Good hhelpps tthosse wwho hellp tthemmsellvess.9. MMoree Sttudeentss Puursuue MMastter DeggreeesIt ccan be seeen ffromm thhe ccharrt tthatt thheree haavebeeen shaarp inccreaasess i

48、nn thhe nnumbber of stuudennts atttenddingg grraduuatee enntraancee exxamss inn a colllegge iin tthe passt ddecaadess. AAs tthe chaart shoows, thhe yyearr 19996 wwitnnesssed onlly 2200sstuddentts ttakiing parrt iin tthe exaams. Inn 20001, thhe nnumbber neaarlyy dooublled. Inn 20006, ffar morre sstud

49、dentts ppreppareed tthemmsellvess foor ggradduatte sstuddiess. A nuumbeer oof ffacttorss coouldd acccouunt forr thhe cchannge in thee chhartt, bbut thee foolloowinng aare thee moost criiticcal onees. Firrst, thhankks tto tthe pollicyy off reeforrm aand opeeninng-uup, thee naatioons eeconnomyy haas b

50、beenn deevellopiing at a cconssideerabbly higgh sspeeed iin tthe passt ddecaadess. TTherrefoore, thhe ppeopple havve mmoree exxtraa mooneyy foor eeduccatiion. Seeconndlyy, ootheer rreleevannt sstatte ppoliiciees aand thee booom of higgherr edducaatioon pprovvidee sttudeentss wiith morre ooppoortuuni

51、ttiess too puursuue hhighher deggreees.LLastt buut nnot leaast, thhe iincrreassinggly fieercee coompeetittionn foorcees ccolllegee sttudeentss too fuurthher theeir stuudy in ordder to gaiin mmoree eddge of commpettitiion. In aa woord, thhis chaart is a pperffectt inndiccatoor oof CChinnas faast expp

52、anddingg hiigheer eeduccatiion. Allthooughh maany proobleems havve aarissen in thee prroceess, wee haave eveery reaasonn too beelieeve thaat ttheyy caan bbe ssolvved in thee neear futturee wiith efffecttivee meeasuuress taakenn. 10. Stuudyiing Abrroadd: HHarddshiips andd ReewarrdsThe reccentt yeears

53、s haave seeen aa drramaaticc inncreeasee inn thhe nnumbber of Chiinesse sstuddyinng aabrooad. Obbvioouslly, stuudyiing abrroadd haas iits rewwardds. In thee fiirstt pllacee, aa sttudeent cann haave acccesss too addvanncedd scciennce andd teechnnoloogy as welll aas ddesiirabble worrkinng ccondditiion

54、ss whhichh miightt noot bbe aavaiilabble at homme. In thee seeconnd pplacce, he cann bee exxpossed to enttireely neww iddeass annd ttrennds. Laast butt noot lleasst, by livvingg annd sstuddyinng iin aa fooreiign couuntrry, onee caan iimprrovee hiis fforeeignn laanguuagee muuch fassterr thhan at homm

55、e.Howeeverr, jjustt ass evveryy cooin hass twwo ssidees, stuudyiing abrroadd maay aalsoo coonfrrontt onne wwithh a serriess off haardsshipps. Forr onne tthinng, leaarniing a fforeeignn laanguuagee iss faar ffromm ann eaasy thiing at thee beeginnninng ffor mosst ppeopple. Foor aanottherr, aa coomplle

56、teely neww ennvirronmmentt wiith diffferrentt cuustooms andd haabitts mmay alsso bbe aa baarriier to oveerseeas stuudennts, esspecciallly to thee yooungg. AAn aaddeed ddiffficuultyy liies witth ffinaancee: iit ccan cosst aa loot tto sstuddy aabrooad. Fromm myy poointt off viiew, thhe aadvaantaagess

57、off sttudyyingg abbroaad ooutwweiggh iits dissadvvanttagees. Butt itt iss a bigg deecissionn too goo abbroaad tto sstuddy aand onee shhoulld ttakee innto connsidderaatioon hhis finnancciall coondiitioons andd hiis aabillityy too addaptt too neew ssurrrounndinng. Perrsonnallly, I chhoosse tto ggo aab

58、rooad andd sttudyy iff I finnd iit nneceessaary. 11(投訴信)Direectiionss:Wrritee a lettterr off coompllainnt aaccoordiing to thee foolloowinng ssituuatiion: Yoou bbougght an airr coondiitioonerr inn Suun AApplliannce andd haad iit iinsttallled thee ottherr daay, butt yoou ffounnd tthatt thhe ffan madde

59、 ttoo mucch nnoisse wwhenn thhe mmachhinee opperaatedd. YYou demmandd thhe sstorre tto ssendd a reppressenttatiive to cheeck it up.Writte yyourr leetteer iin nno llesss thhan 1500 woordss. DDonot siign youur oown namme aat thhe eend of thee leetteer; usee Lii Miing inssteaad. You do nott neeed to wr

60、iite thee adddreess. Junee 23, 220077Dearr Siir oor MMadaam,Im wriitinng tto llodgge tthe commplaaintt abbouttthee pooor quaalitty oof aan aair conndittionner thaat II puurchhaseed ffromm Suun AApplliannce Commpanny. Frannklyy sppeakkingg, SSun Apppliaancee haas aalwaays beeen mmy ffavooritte. On Ap


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