Performance Management(績效管理英文文獻(xiàn))_第1頁
Performance Management(績效管理英文文獻(xiàn))_第2頁
Performance Management(績效管理英文文獻(xiàn))_第3頁
Performance Management(績效管理英文文獻(xiàn))_第4頁
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1、 PERRFORRMANNCE MANNAGEEMENNT PPOLIICYThe Govvernningg Boody of Hommertton Chiildrrens CCenttre adoopteedthiss peerfoormaancee maanaggemeent pollicyy onn31 Octtobeer 220077.APPLLICAATIOON OOF TTHE POLLICYYThe pollicyy apppliies to thee heead teaacheer aand to alll teeachherss emmplooyedd byy thhe ss

2、choool excceptt teeachherss onn coontrractts oof llesss thhan onee teerm, thhosee unnderrgoiing indducttionn (iie NNQTss) annd tthosse wwho aree thhe ssubjjectt off caapabbiliity prooceddurees.PURPPOSEEThiss pooliccy ssetss ouut tthe fraamewworkk foor aa cllearr annd cconssisttentt asssesssmeent of

3、thee ovveraall perrforrmannce of teaacheers andd thhe hheadd teeachheraand forr suuppoortiing theeir devveloopmeent neeeds witthinn thhe cconttextt off thhe sschoools iimprroveemennt pplann annd ttheiir oown proofesssioonall neeedss. Wheere teaacheers aree elligiiblee foor ppay proogreessiion, thhe

4、aasseessmmentt off peerfoormaancee thhrouughoout thee cyyclee aggainnst thee peerfoormaancee crriteeriaa sppeciifieed iin tthe staatemmentt wiill be thee baasiss onn whhichh thhe rrecoommeendaatioon iis mmadee byy thhe rreviieweer.Thiss pooliccy sshouuld be reaad iin cconjjuncctioon wwithh thhe ssch

5、oools ppay pollicyy whhichh prroviidess deetaiils of thee arrranngemmentts rrelaatinng tto tteaccherrs payy inn acccorrdannce witth tthe Schhooll Teeachherss PPay andd Coondiitioons Doccumeent.LINKKS TTO SSCHOOOL IMPPROVVEMEENT, SCCHOOOL SSELFF EVVALUUATIION ANDD SCCHOOOL DDEVEELOPPMENNT PPLANNNINNG

6、To ccompply witth tthe reqquirremeent to shoow hhowtthe arrranggemeentss foor pperfformmancce mmanaagemmentt liink witth tthosse ffor schhooll immproovemmentt, sschoool sellf-eevalluattionn annd sschoool devveloopmeent plaanniingaand to minnimiise worrklooad andd buureaaucrracyy thhe pperfformmancce

7、 mmanaagemmentt prroceess willl bbe tthe maiin ssourrce of infformmatiion as appproppriaate forr scchoool sselff-evvaluuatiion andd thhe wwideer sschoool impprovvemeent proocesss.Simiilarrly, thhe sschoool impprovvemeent andd deevellopmmentt pllan andd thhe sschoools sselff evvaluuatiion forrm aare

8、keyy doocummentts ffor thee peerfoormaancee maanaggemeent proocesss.All revviewwerss arre eexpeecteed tto eexplloree thhe aaliggnmeent of revviewweess oobjeectiivess wiith thee scchooolss prriorritiies andd pllanss. TThe objjecttivees sshouuld alsso rrefllectt reevieeweees prrofeessiionaalasspirrati

9、ionss.CONSSISTTENCCY OOF TTREAATMEENT ANDD FAAIRNNESSSThe Govvernningg Boody is commmitttedd too ennsurringg coonsiisteencyy off trreattmennt aand faiirneess in thee opperaatioon oof pperfformmancce mmanaagemmentt.Too ennsurre tthiss thhe ffolllowiing proovissionns aare madde iin rrelaatioon tto mmo

10、deerattionn, qquallityy asssurrancce aand objjecttivee seettiing.Quallityy asssurrancceThe heaad tteaccherr haas ddeteermiinedd thhat shee wiill dellegaate thee reevieewerr roole forr soome or alll teeachherss foor wwhomm shhe iis nnot thee liine mannageer. In tthesse ccirccumsstanncess thhe hheadd

11、teeachher willl mmodeeratte aall thee pllannningg sttateemennts to cheeck thaat tthe plaans reccordded in thee sttateemennts of teaacheers at thee scchoool: arre cconssisttentt beetweeen thoose whoo haave simmilaar eexpeerieencee annd ssimiilarr leevells oof rrespponssibiilitty coomplly wwithh thhe

12、sschoools pperfformmancce mmanaagemmentt pooliccy, thee reegullatiionss annd tthe reqquirremeentss off eqquallityy leegisslattionnThe Govvernningg Boody willl rreviiew thee quualiity asssuraancee prroceessees wwhenn thhe pperfformmancce ppoliicy is revviewwed.OBJEECTIIVE SETTTINNGThe objjecttivees s

13、set willl bbe rrigoorouus, chaalleengiing, acchieevabble, tiime-bouund, faair andd eqquittablle iin rrelaatioon tto tteaccherrs wwithh siimillar rolles/ressponnsibbiliitiees aand expperiiencce, andd wiill haave reggardd too whhat cann reeasoonabbly be exppectted of anyy teeachher in thaat pposiitioo

14、n ggiveen tthe dessiraabillityy off thhe rreviieweee bbeinng aablee too acchieeve a ssatiisfaactoorybalaancee beetweeen thee tiime reqquirred to disschaargee hiis pproffesssionnal duttiess annd tthe timme rrequuireed tto ppurssue hiss peersoonall innterrestts ooutssidee woork, coonsiisteent witth tt

15、he schhoolls strrateegy forr brringgingg doownwwardd prresssuree onn woorkiing houurs. Thhey shaall alsso ttakee acccouunt of thee teeachhers pproffesssionnal asppiraatioons andd anny rreleevannt ppay proogreessiion criiterria. Thhey shoouldd bee suuch thaat, if theey aare achhievved, thhey willl cc

16、onttribbutee too immproovinng tthe proogreess of chiildrren at thee scchoool.The revviewwer andd reevieeweee wiill seeek tto aagreee tthe objjecttivees bbutwwherre aa joointt deeterrminnatiion cannnott bee maade thee reevieewerr wiill makke tthe dettermminaatioon.In tthiss scchoool:all teaacheers, i

17、inclludiingtthe heaad tteaccherr, wwilll haave no morre tthann 3objjecttiveesteaccherrs, inccluddingg thhe hheadd teeachher, wiill nott neecesssarrilyy alll hhavee thhe ssamee nuumbeer oof oobjeectiivessall teaacheers, inncluudinng tthe heaad tteaccherr, wwilll haave a wwholle sschoool objjecttiveeT

18、houugh perrforrmannce mannageemennt iis aan aasseessmmentt off ovveraall perrforrmannce of teaacheers andd thhe hheadd teeachher, obbjecctivves cannnott cooverr thhe ffulll raangee off a teaacheerss rooless/reespoonsiibillitiies. Obbjecctivves willl, theerefforee, ffocuus oon tthe priioriitiees ffor

19、 an inddiviiduaal ffor thee cyyclee. AAt tthe revvieww sttagee itt wiill be asssumeed tthatt thhosee asspeccts of a tteaccherrs rrolees/rrespponssibiilittiess noot ccoveeredd byy thhe oobjeectiivess orr anny aamenndmeent to thee sttateemennt wwhicch mmay havve bbeenn neecesssarry iin aaccoordaancee

20、wiith thee prroviisioons of thee reegullatiionss haave beeen ccarrriedd ouut ssatiisfaactoorilly.Reviiewiing ProogreessAt tthe endd off thhe ccyclle aasseessmmentt off peerfoormaancee aggainnst an objjecttivee wiill be on thee baasiss off thhe pperfformmancce ccritteriia sset at thee beeginnninng oo

21、f tthe cyccle. Goood proogreess towwardds tthe achhievvemeent of a cchalllennginng oobjeectiive, evven if thee peerfoormaancee crriteeriaa haave nott beeen mett inn fuull, wiill be asssesssed favvourrablly.The perrforrmannce mannageemennt ccyclle iis aannuual, buut oon ooccaasioons it mayy bee apppr

22、oopriiatee too seet oobjeectiivess thhat willl ccoveer aa peeriood ooverr moore thaan oone cyccle. Inn suuch casses, thhe bbasiis oon wwhicch tthe proogreess beiing madde ttowaardss meeetiing thee peerfoormaancee crriteeriaa foor tthe objjecttivee wiill be asssesssed at thee ennd oof tthe firrst cyc

23、cle andd wiill be reccordded in thee pllannningg annd rreviiew staatemmentt att thhe bbegiinniing of thee cyyclee.APPEEALSSAt sspeccifiied poiintss inn thhe pperfformmancce mmanaagemmentt prroceess teaacheers andd heead teaacheers havve aa riightt off apppeaal aagaiinstt anny oof tthe enttriees iin

24、ttheiir pplannninng aand revvieww sttateemennts.Wheere a rreviieweee wwishhes to apppeall onn thhe bbasiis oof mmoree thhan onee enntryy thhis wouuld connstiitutte oone apppeall heeariing.Detaailss off thhe aappeealss prroceess aree cooverred in thee scchooolss paay ppoliicy.CONNFIDDENTTIALLITYYThe

25、whoole perrforrmannce mannageemennt pproccesss annd tthe staatemmentts ggeneeratted undder it, inn paartiicullar, wiill be treeateed wwithh sttricct cconffideentiialiity at alll tiimess. OOnlyy thhe rreviieweeess liine mannageer oor, wheere shee haas mmoree thhan onee, eeachh off heer llinee maanagg

26、erss wiill be proovidded witth aacceess to thee reevieeweees plaan rrecoordeed iin hher staatemmentt, uuponn reequeest, whheree thhis is neccesssaryy too ennablle tthe linne mmanaagerr too diischhargge hher linne mmanaagemmentt reespoonsiibillitiies. Reevieeweees wwilll bee toold whoo haas rrequuest

27、ted andd haas bbeenn grrantted acccesss.TRAIININNG AAND SUPPPORRTThe schhoolls CPDD prrogrrammme wwilll bee innforrmedd byy thhe ttraiininng aand devveloopmeent neeeds ideentiifieed iin tthe traainiing annnex of thee reevieeweees plaanniing andd reevieew sstattemeentss.The govvernningg boody willl e

28、ensuure in thee buudgeet pplannninng tthatt, aas ffar as posssibble, appproopriiatee reesouurcees aare madde aavaiilabble in thee scchoool bbudgget forr anny ttraiininng aand suppporrt aagreeed forr reevieeweees.An aaccoountt off thhe ttraiininng aand devveloopmeent neeeds of teaacheers in genneraal

29、, inccluddingg thhe iinsttancces wheere it didd noot pprovve pposssiblle tto pprovvidee anny aagreeed CPDD, wwilll foorm a ppartt off thhe hheadd teeachhers aannuual repportt too thhe ggoveerniing boddy aabouut tthe opeerattionn off thhe pperfformmancce mmanaagemmentt inn thhe sschoool.Withh reegarr

30、d tto tthe proovissionn off CPPD iin tthe casse oof ccomppetiing demmandds oon tthe schhooll buudgeet, a ddeciisioon oon rrelaativve ppriooritty wwilll bee taakenn wiith reggardd too thhe eexteent to whiich: (aa) tthe CPDD iddenttifiied is esssenttiall foor aa reevieeweee too meeet theeir objjecttiv

31、ees; andd (bb) tthe exttentt too whhichh thhe ttraiininng aand suppporrt wwilll heelp thee scchoool tto aachiievee itts pprioorittiess. TThe schhoolls priioriitiees wwilll haave preeceddencce. Teaacheers shoouldd noot bbe hheldd acccouuntaablee foor ffaillingg too maake goood pproggresss ttowaardss

32、meeetiing theeir perrforrmannce criiterria wheere thee suuppoort reccordded in thee pllannningg sttateemennt hhas nott beeen proovidded.APPOOINTTMENNT OOF RREVIIEWEERS FORR THHE HHEADD TEEACHHER Appoointtmennt oof GGoveernoorsThe Govvernningg Boody is thee reevieewerr foor tthe heaad tteaccherr annd

33、 tto ddisccharrge thiisrespponssibiilitty oon iits behhalff maay aappoointt 2 or 3 ggoveernoors.Wherre aa heead teaacheer iis oof tthe opiinioon tthatt anny oof tthe govvernnorss apppoiinteed bby tthe govvernningg boody undder thiis rreguulattionn iss unnsuiitabble forr prrofeessiionaal rreassonss,

34、ss/hee maay ssubmmit a wwritttenn reequeest to thee gooverrninng bbodyy foor tthatt gooverrnorr too bee reeplaacedd, sstattingg thhosee reeasoons.Appoointtmennt oof SSchoool Impprovvemeent Parrtneer oor EExteernaal AAdviiserrThe loccal autthorrityy haas aappoointted a SSchoool Impprovvemeent Parrtne

35、er ffor thee scchoool, whoo wiill proovidde tthe Govvernningg Boody witth aadviice andd suuppoort in rellatiion to thee maanaggemeent andd reevieew oof tthe perrforrmannce of thee heead teaacheer.APPOOINTTMENNT OOF RREVIIEWEERS FORR TEEACHHERSSIn tthe casse wwherre tthe heaad tteaccherr iss noot tth

36、e teaacheerss liine mannageer, thee heead teaacheer mmay dellegaate thee duutiees iimpoosedd uppon thee reevieewerr, iin ttheiir eentiiretty, to thee teeachhers llinee maanagger. Inn thhis schhooll thhe hheadd teeachher hass deecidded thaat:The heaad tteaccherr wiill be thee reevieewerr foor tthosse

37、 tteaccherrs sshe dirrecttly linne mmanaagess annd wwilll deeleggatee thhe rrolee off reevieewerr, iin iits enttireety, too thhe rreleevannt llinee maanaggerss foor ssomee orr alll ootheer tteaccherrs.Linee maanaggerss wiill be thee reevieewerrs ffor alll thhosee teeachherss thhey linne mmanaage.Whe

38、rre aa teeachher is of thee oppiniion thaat tthe perrsonn too whhom thee heead teaacheer hhas dellegaatedd thhe rreviieweerss duutiees iis uunsuuitaablee foor pproffesssionnal reaasonns, she mayy suubmiit aa wrrittten reqquesst tto tthe heaad tteaccherr foor tthatt reevieewerr too bee reeplaacedd, s

39、stattingg thhosee reeasoons.Wherre iit bbecoomess appparrentt thhat thee reevieewerr wiill be abssentt foor tthe majjoriity of thee cyyclee orr iss unnsuiitabble forr prrofeessiionaal rreassonss thhe hheadd teeachher mayy peerfoorm thee duutiees hhersselff orr deeleggatee thhem in theeir enttireety

40、to anootheer tteaccherr. WWherre tthiss teeachher is nott thhe rreviieweeess liine mannageer tthe teaacheer wwilll haave an equuivaalennt oor hhighher staatuss inn thhe sstafffinng sstruuctuure as thee teeachhers llinee maanagger.A peerfoormaancee maanaggemeent cyccle willl nnot beggin agaain in the

41、e evventt off thhe rreviieweer bbeinng cchanngedd.All linne mmanaagerrs tto wwhomm thhe hheadd teeachher hass deeleggateed tthe rolle oof rreviieweer wwilll reeceiive appproppriaate preeparratiion forr thhat rolle.THE PERRFORRMANNCE MANNAGEEMENNT CCYCLLEThe perrforrmannce of teaacheers musst bbe rre

42、viieweed oon aan aannuual bassis. Peerfoormaancee pllannningg annd rreviiewss muust be commpleetedd foor aall teaacheers by 31 Octtobeer aand forr heead teaacheers by 31 Deccembber.The perrforrmannce mannageemennt ccyclle iin tthiss scchoool, theerefforee, wwilll ruun ffrommthe endd off auutummn hha

43、lff teerm tothhe eend of thee suummeer ttermmforr teeachherss, aand froomthhe eend of auttumnn teermttothhe eend of thee suummeer ttermmfor thee heead teaacheer.Teaccherrs wwho aree emmplooyedd onn a fixxed terrm cconttracct oof llesss thhan onee yeear, wiill havve ttheiir pperfformmancce mmanaagedd

44、 inn acccorrdannce witth tthe priinciiplees uundeerpiinniing thee prroviisioons of thiis ppoliicy. Thhe llenggth of thee cyyclee wiill be dettermmineed bby tthe durratiion of theeir conntraact.Wherre aa teeachher staartss thheirr emmplooymeent at thee scchoool ppartt-waay tthrooughh a cyccle, thhe h

45、headd teeachher or, thhe ggoveerniing boddy sshalll ddeteermiine thee leengtth oof tthe firrst cyccle forr thhat teaacheer, witth aa viiew to briingiing herr cyyclee innto linne wwithh thhe ccyclle ffor othher teaacheers at thee scchoool aas ssoonn ass poossiiblee.Wherre aa teeachher traansfferss to

46、o a neww poost witthinn thhe sschoool parrt-wway thrrouggh aa cyyclee, tthe heaad tteaccherr orr, tthe govvernningg boody shaall dettermminee whhethher thee cyyclee shhalll beeginnagaain andd whhethher to chaangee thhe rreviieweer.RETEENTIION OF STAATEMMENTTSPerfformmancce mmanaagemmentt pllannningg

47、 annd rreviiew staatemmentts wwilll bee reetaiinedd foor aa miinimmum perriodd off 6 yeaars.MONIITORRINGG ANND EEVALLUATTIONNThe govvernningg boody willl mmoniitorr thhe ooperratiion andd ouutcoomess off peerfoormaancee maanaggemeent arrranggemeentss.The heaad tteaccherr wiill proovidde tthe govvern

48、ningg boody witth aa reeporrt oon tthe opeerattionn off thhe sschoools pperfformmancce mmanaagemmentt pooliccy aannuuallly. Thee reeporrt wwilll noot cconttainn anny iinfoormaatioon wwhicch wwoulld eenabble anyy inndivviduual to be ideentiifieed. Thee reeporrt wwilll inncluude: thhe ooperratiion of

49、thee peerfoormaancee maanaggemeent pollicyy; thhe eeffeectiivennesss off thhe sschoools pperfformmancce mmanaagemmentt prroceedurres; teeachherss ttraiininng aand devveloopmeent neeeds.The Govvernningg Boody is commmitttedd too ennsurringg thhat thee peerfoormaancee maanaggemeent proocesss iis ffair

50、r annd nnon-disscriiminnatoory andd thhe ffolllowiing monnitoorinng ddataa shhoulld bbe iinclludeed iin tthe heaad tteaccherrs repportt beecauuse theey rreprreseent thee poossiiblee grrounnds forr unnlawwfull diiscrrimiinattionn: Raace Seex Seexuaal oorieentaatioon DDisaabillityy RReliigioon aand be

51、llieff Agge Paart-timme cconttraccts Trradee unnionn meembeershhip.The heaad tteaccherr wiill alsso rrepoort on wheetheer ttherre hhavee beeen anyy apppeaals or reppressenttatiionss onn ann inndivviduual or colllecctivve bbasiis oon tthe grooundds oof aalleegedd diiscrrimiinattionn unnderr anny oof

52、tthe cattegooriees aabovve.REVIIEW OF THEE POOLICCYThe Govvernningg Boody willl rreviiew thee peerfoormaancee maanaggemeent pollicyy evveryy scchoool yyearr inn thhe ssummmer terrm.The Govvernningg Boody willl ttakee acccouunt of thee heead teaacheerss reeporrt iin iits revvieww off thhe pperfformma

53、ncce mmanaagemmentt pooliccy. Thee pooliccy wwilll bee reevissed as reqquirred to inttrodducee anny cchanngess inn reegullatiion andd sttatuutorry gguiddancce tto eensuure thaat iit iis aalwaays up to datte.The Govvernningg Boody willl sseekk too aggreee anny rreviisioons to thee pooliccy wwithh thh

54、e rrecoogniisedd trradee unnionns hhaviing reggardd too thhe rresuultss off thhe cconssulttatiion witth aall teaacheers.To eensuure teaacheers aree fuullyy coonveersaant witth tthe perrforrmannce mannageemennt aarraangeemennts, alll nnew teaacheers whoo jooin thee scchoool wwilll bee brrieffed on th

55、eem aas ppartt off thheirr inntrooducctioon tto tthe schhooll.ACCEESS TO DOCCUMEENTAATIOONCopiies of thee scchoool iimprroveemennt aand devveloopmeent plaan aand SEFF caan bbe oobtaaineed ffromm thhe sschoool offficee.CLASSSROOOM OBSSERVVATIION PROOTOCCOLAll claassrroomm obbserrvattionn wiill be und

56、derttakeen iin aaccoordaancee wiith thee peerfoormaancee maanaggemeent reggulaatioons,thee asssocciatted guiidannce pubblisshedd byy thhe RRewaardss annd IInceentiivess Grroupp anndthhe cclasssrooom obsservvatiion prootoccol thaat iis aappeendeed tto tthiss pooliccy iin AAnneex 11.ANNEEX 11 - CLAASS

57、RROOMM OBBSERRVATTIONN PRROTOOCOLLThe Govvernningg Boody is commmitttedd too ennsurringg thhat claassrroomm obbserrvattionn iss deevellopmmenttal andd suuppoortiive andd thhat thoose invvolvved in thee prroceess willl: caarryy ouut tthe rolle wwithh prrofeessiionaalissm, inttegrrityy annd ccourrtess

58、y; evvaluuatee obbjecctivvelyy; reeporrt aaccuurattelyy annd ffairrly; annd reespeect thee coonfiidenntiaalitty oof tthe infformmatiion gaiinedd.The tottal perriodd foor cclasssrooom obsservvatiion arrrangged forr anny tteaccherr wiill nott exxceeed tthreee hhourrs pper cyccle havvingg reegarrd tto

59、tthe inddiviiduaal ccirccumsstanncess off thhe tteaccherr.Thheree iss noo reequiiremmentt too usse aall of thee thhreee hoourss. TThe amoountt off obbserrvattionn foor eeachh teeachher shoouldd reefleect andd bee prropoortiionaate to thee neeedss off thhe iindiividduall.In tthiss scchooolprooporrtio

60、onatte to neeed wwilll bee deeterrminned by thee heead teaacheer.The arrranggemeentss foor cclasssrooom obsservvatiion willl bbe iinclludeed iin tthe plaan iin tthe plaanniing andd reevieew sstattemeent andd wiill inccludde tthe amoountt off obbserrvattionn, sspeccifyy itts pprimmaryy puurpoose, ann


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