人教版七年級下冊英語 Unit 10 Period 3 Section B(1a-2c) 課后習題練習課件_第1頁
人教版七年級下冊英語 Unit 10 Period 3 Section B(1a-2c) 課后習題練習課件_第2頁
人教版七年級下冊英語 Unit 10 Period 3 Section B(1a-2c) 課后習題練習課件_第3頁
人教版七年級下冊英語 Unit 10 Period 3 Section B(1a-2c) 課后習題練習課件_第4頁
人教版七年級下冊英語 Unit 10 Period 3 Section B(1a-2c) 課后習題練習課件_第5頁
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1、Period 3Section B(1a2c) Unit 10 Id like some noodles. 一、根據(jù)所給漢語提示完成句子, 并背記相應詞匯1. This could be an _(答案) to all our problems. 2. People usually eat _(餃子) on that day. 3. Bill likes rice and _(魚肉) for lunch. answerdumplingsfish4. My grandmother often makes _(烙餅) and _(粥) for us. 5. I hope to be _(幸運的)

2、and happy. pancakesluckyporridge二、根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子, 并背記英語句子6. 蠟燭的數(shù)量是這個人的年齡。_ _ _ candles _ the persons age. The number of is7. 如果他/她一口氣吹滅所有的蠟燭, 那個愿望就會實現(xiàn)。_ he or she _ _all the candles _ _ _, the wish _ _ _. If blows outin one gowill come true8. 過生日的人通常許一個愿。The birthday person usually _ _ _. makes awish9.

3、在中國, 在生日時吃蛋糕正變得流行。In China, it is _ _ to have cake on the birthday. getting popular10. 他們從不切碎面條。They never _ _ the noodles. cut up1. There _ a lot of fish in the soup. A. are B. is C. have D. has【解析】fish“魚肉” 為不可數(shù)名詞; “魚”為可數(shù)名詞, 單復數(shù)同形。根據(jù)句意可知此處fish指魚肉, 故選B。B2. Id like to have some rice and _ for lunch.

4、A. chicken B. potatoC. beefs D. porridges【解析】some修飾可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞。故排除B、C、D。chicken意為“雞肉”。A3. 在餐桌上你可以看到一些魚肉。You can see _ _ on the table. some fish 4. The number of people in the city _ about seven million now. A. are B. has C. is D. have【解析】用語法判定法。 句意為“現(xiàn)在這個城市的人口數(shù)量大約是七百萬”。the number of表示“的數(shù)量”,跟復數(shù)名詞連用作主

5、語時,中心詞是number,謂語動詞要用單數(shù)。故選C。 C5. How many _ doctors are there in your hospital, David? _ them _ over one hundred. A. woman; The number of: isB. women; A number of; areC. woman; A number of; is D. women; The number of; is【解析】第一個空作定語修飾doctors。man,woman等名詞作定語時,要與后面的名詞在數(shù)上保持一致,可首先排除A、C兩項;由疑問詞組How many可知答語

6、應為醫(yī)生的數(shù)量,“the number of可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)”作主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)。故選D。D6. Can students go online during lessons?They can _ it is for that lesson. 【2018江西】A. if B. or C. so D. but【解析】句意為“學生可以在上課期間上網(wǎng)嗎?_它(上課期間上網(wǎng))是為了那節(jié)課,他們是可以的”。if如果;or或者,否則;so所以;but但是。根據(jù)語境可知,如果上網(wǎng)是為了那節(jié)課,學生就可以上網(wǎng)。故選A。A7. We wonder if our parents will come to our

7、graduating party next weekend. If they _, well be very glad. 【2019河池】A. come B. comesC. are coming D. will come【解析】句意為“我們想知道我們的父母下周末是否會來參加我們的畢業(yè)聚會。如果他們來了,我們會很高興的”。if引導條件狀語從句,主句用一般將來時,從句用一般現(xiàn)在時,空前主語是they,謂語用come。故選A。A8. Could you help me _ the beef for dinner, Jean?OK, Mom. Ill do it right away. 【中考達州】

8、A. take off B. knock offC. cut down D. cut up【解析】用詞語辨析法。句意為“瓊,你能幫助我切碎牛肉當晚餐嗎?好的,媽媽。我立刻去做”。take off“起飛,脫下”;knock off“停止,中斷” ;cut down“削減,砍倒” ;cut up“切碎” 。結(jié)合句意可知本題選D。D9. We should not _ trees in order to make our environment more beautiful. A. write down B. cut downC. turn down D. put down【解析】用詞語辨析法。句意

9、為“為了使我們的環(huán)境更加美麗,我們不應該砍伐樹木”。write down寫下,記下;cut down砍伐,砍倒;turn down關小,拒絕;put down放下??崭裉幹浮翱撤ァ薄9蔬xB。B一、 根據(jù)首字母或漢語提示完成單詞1. Li Xiaoxia is a good ping-pong player. She gets _(受歡迎的) with many people.popular2. I dont like the _(想法) that only young people can wear jeans. idea3. Jim and Jeff are good friends. Th

10、ey are in the same school but in d classes. ifferent4. All these math problems are hard, but Jims a are right.nswers5. How many c are there on the birthday cake?Ten. He is ten years old. andles二、 用所給詞的適當形式填空6. I am _(luck) to have good friends like you. lucky7. Jim and Tom come from different _ (cou

11、ntry), but they are best friends. countries8. In China, it is very popular for parents _ (give) their children money during the Spring Festival. to give9. Would you like _(eat) the cake with me? Sure, Id love to. to eat10. The number of the girl students in our class _(be) 26. is三、單項選擇11. Many peopl

12、e like to watch the music show because its very _. A. popular B. boring C. old D. expensive【解析】句意為“許多人喜歡看這個音樂節(jié)目,因為它非常受歡迎”。popular受歡迎的,流行的;boring無聊的;old老的,舊的;expensive昂貴的。根據(jù)“許多人喜歡看這個音樂節(jié)目”可推知是“受歡迎的”。故選A。A12. Here is some meat. Please help me to _. A. cut up it B. cut up themC. cut it up D. cut them up

13、【解析】用語法判定法。cut up意為“切碎”,是“動詞副詞”短語,代詞作賓語放在動詞和副詞之間,指代不可數(shù)名詞meat用it。故選C。C13. Can you drink a glass of milk _ one go, Tom?A. at B. on C. in D. of【解析】固定短語in one go意為“一口氣”。句意為“湯姆,你能一口氣喝一杯牛奶嗎?”故選C。C14. Our eyesight will become poorer and poorer _ we keep playing with phones. 【2019貴陽】A. thoughB. unlessC. if【

14、解析】句意為“如果我們繼續(xù)玩手機,我們的視力會越來越差”。though盡管;unless除非;if如果。根據(jù)句意可知,前面是結(jié)果,后面是假設的條件,應用if引導,故選C。C15. I think Karen should go swimming with Kate. If she_, she will have great fun. 【2018湘西】A. does B. do C. will doA四、根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子16. 你想周游全世界嗎?Do you want to travel _ _ _?around theworld17. 你必須在離開房間前把所有蠟燭吹滅。You must _

15、 _ all the candles before leaving the room. blow out18. 請向池塘里放些錢, 許個愿。Please put some money into the pool and _ _ _. a wishmake19. 中國人認為紅色能夠給他們帶來好運。Chinese people think that red can _ _ _ _ them. bringgood luck to20. 鴿子是和平的象征。The dove is _ _ _ peace.a symbol of 五、完形填空 Once there was a master who wen

16、t to India (印度). There he _21 a big basket of very red, long fruit. He went up and bought some. 21. A. saw B. heard C. met D. knew 【解析】句意為“在那兒他看到一籃子非常紅的、非常長的水果”。see意為“看見”,符合句意。hear聽到;meet遇到;know知道。ABut _22 he ate some of it, his eyes watered, his mouth watered and his _23 became red. He coughed(咳嗽)

17、all the time.22. A. if B. though C. before D. after23. A. mouth B. eyes C. face D. hands【解析】 22. 句意為“但是他吃了一些之后,他的眼睛充滿眼淚”根據(jù)時間關系可知,用after連接。after“在之后”?!窘馕觥?23. 由became red以及綜合比較四個選項可知,face與語境相符。 DC One person, who was _24 him, said, “Man, those are chilies(辣椒)! You cant _25 so many; theyre not good fo

18、r you! People use only a little to put into food for _26. ”24. A. walking with B. playing with C. looking for D. looking at【解析】由上下文語境可知,此時這個人正在看著他。因此動詞短語look at符合句意。D One person, who was _24 him, said, “Man, those are chilies(辣椒)! You cant _25 so many; theyre not good for you! People use only a litt

19、le to put into food for _26. ”25. A. eat B. buy C. need D. want26. A. money B. taste C. color D. number 【解析】 25. 上文中,大師吃了很多怪異的“水果”導致流眼淚等一系列反應。因此這個人勸他“不要吃那么多”,動詞eat符合句意?!窘馕觥?26.句意為“人們只用一點點放到食物里調(diào)味”。taste“味道” 符合語境。money錢;color顏色;number數(shù)量。ABBut the stupid master said, “No, I cant _27! I paid money for them, and now Ill eat them. ”27. A. listen B. remember C. stop D. leave【解析】根據(jù)上文可


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