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1、第 頁2021天津GRE考試考前沖刺卷本卷共分為1大題50小題,作答時間為180分鐘,總分100分,60分及格。一、單項選擇題(共50題,每題2分。每題的備選項中,只有一個最符合題意) 1.DENIGRATE:A(A) refuseB(B) honorC(C) admitD(D) terrifyE(E) review 2.AUDACIOUS:A(A) controlledB(B) apparentC(C) shyD(D) dumbE(E) elegant 3.PROFLIGACY:A(A) authenticityB(B) meagernessC(C) apathyD(D) persisten

2、ceE(E) frugality 4.Which of the following is most analogous to the fate that the experimental films, described above, have received as a result of their association with Eisensteins workA(A) A lesser-known author is discovered to have influenced a more famous one, and his works are rescued from anon

3、ymity.B(B) An experimental artistic tradition falls into decline as a result of its practitioners adopting the idiom of a more popular one.C(C) A popular composers oeuvre is held up as the epitome of the genre, so that music critics praise his pupils work without bothering to listen to it.D(D) The i

4、nterest in an archeological method diminishes over time, largely out of the failure of its inventor to generate new results.E(E) A painter rebels against the advice of her teacher, after critics observe that her own work is indistinguishable from his. 5.The passage implies that the present economic

5、situation of independent film production and distribution isA(A) thriving but threatenedB(B) secure but inertC(C) moribund but recoveringD(D) penurious and in need of helpE(E) salubrious but unpredictable 6.The passage suggests that the effects of volcanic carbon dioxide on the environment differ fr

6、om those of sulfurous gases in thatA(A) carbon dioxide tends to alleviate environmental haze, while sulfurous gases usually increase itB(B) carbon dioxide tends to increase temperatures by trapping sunlight, while sulfurous gases tend to decrease temperatures by blocking itC(C) carbon dioxide tends

7、to have an effect on the environment, while sulfurous gases for the most part do notD(D) sulfurous gases have played an even more significant role than carbon dioxide in pushing environmental temperatures outside the habitable rangeE(E) sulfurous gases tend to decrease the level of solar radiation o

8、utside the earths atmosphere, while carbon dioxide plays only a negligible role 7.ASSUAGE:A(A) detachB(B) chooseC(C) proliferateD(D) sharpenE(E) separate 8.Which of the following discoveries would likely have an effect upon the views of scientists similar to that of the explosion of El ChicoA(A) The

9、 history of wildfires in North America demonstrates that controlled blazes have a positive effect on the environment, on the whole.B(B) The capability of certain metal alloys to withstand great heat proves greater than that of another, confirming metallurgists suspicions.C(C) The study of seismologi

10、cal data proves that existing safety standards in construction will likely prove insufficient in the future.D(D) One cigarette brand is found to cause fewer cases of cancer than another brand, disproving the notion that the first brands contents are more carcinogenic.E(E) Ideas concerning the causes

11、 of schizophrenia are complicated by the discovery of a rare new psychotic condition whose symptoms defy explanation. 9.According to the passage, scientists have decided that sulfur aerosols from volcanic eruptions affect global temperatures to a greater extent than ash clouds becauseA(A) the greenh

12、ouse gas effect produced by human activities tends to have a much greater environmental effect than that of volcanic explosionsB(B) clouds of sulfur-rich gases tend to achieve greater heights in the stratosphere than do ash cloudsC(C) a particular explosion producing high sulfur and little ash had a

13、 greater environmental effect than the converseD(D) the burning of fossil fuels tends to exacerbate the effects of sulfurous aerosols, but not those of ash cloudsE(E) global warming effects tend to minimize the impact of ash clouds, but not those of sulfurous aerosols 10.AUTONOMY:A(A) amoralityB(B)

14、amicabilityC(C) relianceD(D) malleabilityE(E) resistance 11.Which of the following best describes the organization of the third paragraph of the passageA(A) A theory is proposed, considered, and then amended.B(B) Opposing views are presented, elaborated, and then reconciled.C(C) A problem is describ

15、ed, then a solution is discussed and its effectiveness is affirmed.D(D) A view is advanced, then refuted, and an alternative is suggested.E(E) A hypothesis is presented, qualified, and then reaffirmed. 12.The author mentions the eruption of Mount St. Helens (lines 25 -26) primarily in order to empha

16、size which of the following pointsA(A) The deep and enduring effect that volcanic eruptions have on the environmentB(B) The process by which classic volcanic eruptions tend to occurC(C) The relative dearth of cases with scientists can judge the effects of volcain eruptionsD(D) A sample case with whi

17、ch later volcanic explosions are comparedE(E) The global cooling effects of one of the best-studied volcanic eruptions 13._Japanese, she has to study another foreign language.AExceptBExcept forCIn addition toDBeside 14.Amanda Ways career as a social reformer_ in 1851 when, at an antislavery meeting

18、in Indiana, she called for a state womans rights convention.AbeginBbeganChave begunDto have begun 15.Protein digestion begins in the stomach _ends in the small intestine.AwhileBandChowDbecause 16.Although beavers rarely remain submerged for more than two minutes, they can stay underwater _fifteen mi

19、nutes before having to surface for air.A as longBas long asCso longDso long that 17.When natural gas burns, its_ into atoms of carbon and hydrogen.Ahydrocarbon molecules, breaking upBbroke up by hydrocarbon moleculesChydrocarbon molecules break upDbroken up hydrocarbon molecules 18._ ballet dancers

20、learn five basic positions for the arms and feet.AAll ofBOf everyCAllDEvery 19.Some colonies of bryozoans, small marine animals, form _with trailing stems.Acreeping coloniesBwhich colonies creepCcreeping colonies areDcolonies creep 20.Ruth Bader Ginsburg argued six womens rights cases before the Uni

21、ted States Supreme Court in the 1970s,_Aof five winning themBfive winning of themCof them five winningDwinning five of them 21.Natural selection is defined as the process _the course of evolution by preserving those traits best adapted for an organisms survival.Ato which directsBof which directs itC

22、directs itDthat directs 22._ 363 miles between the cities of Albany and Buffalo in New York State, the Eric Canal helped link the Atlantic Ocean with the Great Lakes.AThe extension ofBThe extensionCExtendingDExtends 23.The chief sources of B12,a water-soluble vitamin _ stored in the body, include me

23、at, milk and eggs.Ais notBthat is notC not that isD that not 24._ is rooted in experiments in iron and steel conducted in the nineteenth century.A While the history of twentieth-century architectureBThe history of twentieth-century architectureCThat the history of twentieth-century architectureDBoth

24、 twentieth-century architecture and its history 25.Manufacturing is Canadas most important economic activity, _17 percent of the workforce.AengagesBand to engageCthat it engageDengaging 26.It can be inferred from the passage that newmarkets opened in Philadelphia becauseAthey provided more modem fac

25、ilities thanolder marketsBthe High Street Market was forced to closeCexisting markets were unable to serve thegrowing populationD farmers wanted markets that were closerto the farms. 27.The word hinterland in line 3 is closest inmeaning toAtraditionBassociationCproduceDregion 28.The word it in line

26、6 refers toAthe crowded cityBa radiusCthe High Street MarketDthe period 29.The word persisted in line 9 is closest inmeaning toAreturnedBstartedCdeclinedDcontinued 30.According to the passage, fairs in Philadelphiawere heldAon the same day as market saysBas often as possibleCa couple of times a year

27、D whenever the government allowed it 31.It can be inferred that the author mentionsLinens and stockings in line 12 to show thatthey were items thatAretail merchants were not willing to sellBwere not available in the stores inPhiladelphiaCwere more popular in Germantown manin PhiladelphiaDcould easil

28、y be transported 32.The word eradicate in line 16 is closest inmeaning toAeliminateBexploitCorganizeDoperate 33.What does the author mean by stating in line 17 that economic development was on themerchants side AMerchants had a strong impact oneconomic expansion.B Economic forces allowed merchants t

29、oprosper.CMerchants had to work together toachieve economic independenceDSpecialty shops near large markets weremore likely to be economicallysuccessful. 34.The word undergoing in line 22 is closest in meaning toArequestingBexperiencingCrepeatingDincluding 35.Trying to change the world through what

30、people purchase began withAA. chocolate.BB. clothing.CC. coffee. 36.Buying Ethos Water helps provide money forAA. poor people in Africa.BB. poor farmers.CC. clean water projects. 37.Joe Curnow first got involved with consumer activism through buyingAA. coffee.BB. cocoa.CC. water. 38.Bon Appetit had

31、_ colleges using its services in 2006.AA. 25BB. 58CC. 71 39.REDUNDANT: SUPERFLUITY :A(A) transient : evanescenceB(B) malevolent : imperfectionC(C) prevalent : universalityD(D) proportionate : eleganceE(E) abnormal: conspicuousness 40.His specialty is bringing to the forefront the strange and_acts of

32、 depravity that only the impassive and imperturbable subconscious is_to grasp and reckon with.A(A) withering surprisedB(B) orthodox avidC(C) silly unqualifiedD(D) unseemly reluctantE(E) macabre suited 41.RENEGADE : FEALTY :A(A) infidel: excommunicationB(B) apostate : euphoriaC(C) traitor: treasonD(D

33、) bigot : toleranceE(E) misanthrope : self-esteem 42.WEALTH : PENURIOUS :A(A) liqueur : blamelessB(B) passion : blitheC(C) polish : inauthenticD(D) tact : offensiveE(E) pomp : barbaric 43.CONIFER : NEEDLE :A(A) potato : tuberB(B) cactus : spineC(C) melon: gourdD(D) bud : stalkE(E) grove : timber 44.

34、If a particular vaccine is produced only by one company at a single facility, there is a possibility that the supply of vaccine could grow_if the company decides to cease production.A(A) uselessB(B) inexpensiveC(C) abstruseD(D) repugnantE(E) scarce 45.It can not be denied that the existing resources on earth will be depleted, but scientists are_to concede the inevitability of that day,_that new energies can be found in the near future.A(A) bound


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