




1、PAGE PAGE 54天津大學(xué)學(xué)高級管理理人員工工商管理理碩士(EMBBA)入學(xué)考試試復(fù)習(xí)題題()天津大學(xué)學(xué)管理學(xué)學(xué)院EMBAA教育中中心第一部分分 英語語(共440分)I. VVocaabullaryy annd SStruuctuuress Direectiionss:Thheree arre 220 ssenttencces in thiis ssecttionn. FFor eacch ssenttencce ttherre aare 4 chhoicces marrkedd A,B,C andd D. Chhoosse tthe onee thhat eittherr beest
2、expplaiins thee unnderrlinned parrt iin tthe senntennce or besst ccompplettes thee seenteencee. Thhen blaackeen tthe corrressponndinng llettter witth aa peenciil/ppen.1. MManyy off noovellistt Caarsoon MMcCuulleers chharaacteers aree issolaatedd, ddisaappoointted peooplee. ( A )A) sollitaary B) gglo
3、oomy C) ffeebble D) ffruggal 2. TThe worrkerrs ffinaallyy caalleed ooff thee sttrikke. ( CC )A) putt offf B) eendeed C) ccanccellled D) ppartticiipatted in 3. JJohnn haas mmadee upp hiis mmindd noot tto ggo tto tthe meeetinng . ( C )A) wanntedd B) pprommiseed C) ddeciidedd D) aagreeed 4. II caatchh
4、coold noww annd tthenn. ( B )A) alwwayss B) ooccaasioonallly C ) connstaantlly D) rreguularrly 5. HHe oofteen ffindds ffaullt wwithh myy woork. ( A )A) criiticcizees B) ppraiisess C) eevalluattes D) ttalkks aabouut 6.Thhesee twwo cchemmicaals _ A _witth eeachh ottherr att a cerrtaiin ttempperaaturre
5、 tto pprodducee a subbstaancee whhichh coouldd caausee ann exxploosioon. A) iinteeracct B) aattrractt C) rreacct D) eexpeel7. _ B _theey ccan gett peeoplle iin tthe orgganiizattionn too doo whhat musst bbe ddonee, ttheyy wiill nott suucceeed. A) SSincce B) UUnleess C) IIf D) WWhettherr8. OOncee yoou
6、 hhavee sttartted a jjob, yoou sshouuld do it_ CC_. A) inn prractticee B) iin ttheoory C) iin eearnnestt D) iin aa huurryy9. AAlthhouggh tthe neww liibraary serrvicce hhas beeen vveryy suucceessfful, itts ffutuure is _BB_ceertaain. A) aat aany ratte B) bby nno mmeanns C) bby aall meaans D) aat aany
7、cosst10.TTo mmy ssurpprisse, at yessterrdayys meeetinng hhe aagaiin _C_thhe pplann thhat hadd beeen dissappprovved a wweekk beeforre. A) bbrouughtt abboutt B) bbrouughtt ouut C) bbrouughtt upp D) bbrouughtt doown11. Thee cooncllusiion cann bee deeducced froom tthe preemisses. ( B )A) aalloowedd B) d
8、deriivedd C) ppermmittted D) ccomee 12. Fruuitss suuch as apppless annd ooranngess arre vveryy whholeesomme, andd maay bbe eeateen aat aany timme. ( BB )A) nnormmal B) hheallthyy C) aapprroprriatte D) ppropper 13. Theere aree onnly fivve mminuutess leeft, buut tthe outtcomme oof tthe mattch is stiil
9、l in douubt.( DD )A) eend B) jjudggmennt C) eestiimattionn D) rresuult 14. Lonng bbefoore thee coonceert beggan, biig ccrowwds of popp faans hadd asssemmbleed iin tthe staadiuum. ( CC )A) cconccenttratted B) rreseemblled C) ggathhereed D) ddispperssed 15. It is harrd ffor thee yooungg peeoplle tto i
10、imagginee whhat sevveree coondiitioons theeir parrentts ooncee liivedd unnderr. ( B )A) ssincceree B) hhardd C) sstriict D) ttighht 16MMoree thhan onee-thhirdd off thhe CChinnesee B inn thhe UUnitted Staatess liive in Callifoorniia, preedomminaantlly iin SSan Fraanciiscoo.A) pprevviouuslyy B) cconcc
11、eallC) ddenyy D) aadmiit17TThe offficeers werre ggranntedd a A too haave fammiliies staay wwithh thhem toggethher.A) pprivvileege B) ssatiisfaactiionC) wwarrrantt D) rreguulattionn18UUnemmplooymeent inssuraancee haas ggradduallly A innto a ffedeerall sttatee syysteem ccompposeed oof ffiftty ssepaara
12、tte pproggramms.A) eevollvedd B) rrevoolveedC) rreveealeed D) eevadded19. Thee Prrimee Miinissterr reefussed to commmennt oon tthe rummor thaat hhe hhad plaanneed ttoC.A) ddisccharrge B) ddismmisssC) rresiign D) rresuume20. Davvids wwifee BeettyyD too pllantt a lott off grreenn veegettablles in herr
13、 gaardeen.A) hhas beeen llikiing B) iis llikiingC) aalikke D) llikeesII. Reaadinng CCompprehhenssionn Direectiionss: TTherre aare 4 paassaagess inn thhis parrt. Eacch ppasssagee iss foolloowedd byy soome queestiionss orr unnfinnishhed staatemmentts. Forr eaach of theem ttherre aare 4 chhoicces maark
14、eed AA, BB, CC, aand D. Youu shhoulld ddeciide on thee beest chooicee annd bblacckenn thhe ccorrrespponddingg leetteer.Passsagee 1If sommeonne aaskeed yyou, WWhatt coolorr iss thhe ssky? II exxpecct tthatt yoou wwoulld aanswwer, BBluee. I aam aafraaid thaat yyou wouuld be wroong. Thhe ssky hass noo
15、coolorr. WWhenn wee seee bbluee, wwe aare loookinng aat bbluee suunliightt. TThe sunnligght is shiininng oon llitttle bitts oof ddustt inn thhe aair. Wee knnow thaat ttherre iis aair alll arrounnd tthe worrld. Wee coouldd noot bbreaathee wiithoout airr. AAirpplannes couuld nott flly wwithhoutt aiir.
16、 Theey nneedd aiir tto lliftt thheirr wiingss. AAirpplannes cannnott flly vveryy hiigh beccausse aas ttheyy goo hiigheer tthe airr geets thiinneer. If we go farr ennouggh aawayy frrom thee eaarthh, wwe ffindd thheree iss noo aiir. Whhat is thee skky? Thee skky iis sspacce. In thiis sspacce ttherre i
17、is nnothhingg exxceppt tthe sunn, tthe mooon aand alll thhe sstarrs. Scieentiistss haave alwwayss waanteed tto kknoww moore aboout thee ottherr woorldds iin tthe spaace. Thhey havve llookked at theem tthrooughh teelesscoppes andd inn thhis wayy thhey havve ffounnd oout a ggreaat ddeall. Thhe mmoonn
18、iss abboutt 3884,0000 killomeeterrs aawayy frrom thee eaarthh. AAn aairpplanne ccannnot flyy too thhe tthatt caan ffly eveen wwhenn thheree iss noo aiir. Thiis iis rrockket. I am surre tthatt yoou aare askkingg, Howw dooes a rrockket flyy? if youu waant to knoow, gett a balllooon aand theen bbloww i
19、tt upp unntill itt iss quuitee biig. Do nott tiie uup tthe necck oof tthe balllooon. Lett goo! TThe balllooon wwilll flly ooff thrrouggh tthe airr veery quiicklly. Thee aiir iinsiide thee baallooon triies to gett ouut. It russhess ouut tthrooughh neeck of thee baallooon andd thhis pusshess thhe bbal
20、lloonn thhrouugh thee aiir. It doees nnot neeed wwinggs llikee ann aiirpllanee. Thhis is howw a rocckett woorkss. IIt iis nnot madde oof rrubbber likke aa baallooon, off cooursse. It is madde oof mmetaal. Thee meetall muust nott bee heeavyy buut iit mmustt bee veery strrongg. TTherre iis ggas inssid
21、ee thhe rrockket whiich is madde vveryy hoot. Wheen iit rrushhes outt off thhe eend of thee roockeet, thee roockeet iis ppushhed up intto tthe airr. Roockeets cann flly ffat outt innto spaace. Roockeets witth mmen inssidee thhem havve aalreeadyy reeachhed thee mooon. Seeverral roccketts, witthouut m
22、men inssidee thhem, haave beeen ssentt too ottherr woorldds mmuchh faarthher awaay. Onee daay rrockketss maay bbe aablee too goo annywhheree inn thhe sspacce. 1. WWhatt coolorr iss thhe ssky? ( D )A) IIt iis bbluee. B) IIt iis wwhitte. C) IIt iis ggreyy. D) IIt hhas no collor. 2. WWhenn ann aiirplla
23、nee flliess tooo hhighh, ( A )A) tthe airr wiill be tooo thhin to suppporrt iits winngs. B) tthe airr wiill beccomee thhickker. C) tthe airr wiill exeert preessuure on it. D) tthe airr wiill dissapppearr inn noo tiime. 3. AA roockeet ccan flyy too thhe mmoonn beecauuse ( DD )A) iit llookks llikee a
24、balllooon. B) iit iis mmuchh liightter thaan aan aairpplanne. C) iit ddoessntt haave winngs. D) iit wworkks llikee ann unntieed bballloonn. 4. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg sttateemennts aboout a rrockket is NOTT trrue? ( A )A) IIt ccan flyy whhen theere is no airr. B) IIt ccan flyy wiithoout winngs
25、. C) IIt iis mmadee off sttronng mmetaal. D) IIt iis pproppellled by burrninng ggas inssidee itt. Passsagee 2In tthe Uniitedd Sttatees mmanyy haave beeen ttoldd thhat anyyonee caan bbecoome ricch aand succcesssfuul iif hhe wworkks hhardd annd hhas somme ggoodd luuck.Yet, whhen onee beecommes ricch,
26、he wannts peooplee too knnow it. Annd eevenn iff hee dooes nott beecomme vveryy riich, hee waantss peeoplle tto tthinnk tthatt hee iss. TThatt iss whhat “Keeepiing up witth tthe Jonnesees” is aboout. Itt iss thhe sstorry oof ssomeeonee whho ttriees tto llookk ass riich andd ass suucceessfful as hiss
27、 neeighhborrs.The exppresssioon wwas firrst useed iin 119133 byy a youung Ameericcan by thee naame of Artthurr Moomannd. He tolld tthiss sttoryy abboutt hiimseelf: Hee beegann eaarniing $1225 aa weeek at thee agge oof 223. Thaat wwas a llot of monney in thoose dayys. Youung Mommandd waas vveryy prro
28、udd off hiis rrichhes. Hee goot mmarrriedd annd mmoveed wwithh hiis wwifee too a verry wweallthyy neeighhborrhoood ooutssidee Neew YYorkk Ciity. Buut jjustt moovinng ttherre wwas nott ennouggh. Wheen hhe ssaw thaat rrichh peeoplle rrodee hoorsees, Mommandd weent horrsebbackk riidinng eeverry dday. W
29、hhen he saww thhat ricch ppeopple hadd seervaantss, MMomaand andd hiis wwifee allso hirred a sservvantt annd ggavee biig pparttiess foor ttheiir nnew neiighbborss.It wwas likke aa raace, buut oone couuld nevver finnishh thhis racce bbecaausee onne wwas alwwayss trryinng kkeepp upp. MMomaand andd hii
30、s wwifee coouldd noot ddo tthatt.The racce eendeed ffor theem wwhenn thhey couuld no lonngerr paay ffor theeir neww waay oof llifee. TTheyy leeft theeir weaalthhy nneigghboorhoood andd moovedd baack to an apaartmmentt inn Neew YYorkk Ciity.Momaand loookedd arrounnd hhim andd nooticced thaat mmanyy p
31、eeoplle ddo tthinngs jusst tto kkeepp upp wiith theeir neiighbbourrs. He saww thhe ffunnny ssidee off itt annd sstarrtedd too wrritee a serriess off shhortt sttoriies. Hee caalleed iit “Keeepinng uup wwithh thhe JJoneesess”, beccausse “Jonnes” iss a verry ccommmon namme iin tthe Uniitedd Sttatees. “
32、Keeepiing up witth tthe Jonnesees” camme tto mmeann keeepiing up witth tthe peooplee arrounnd yyou. Moomanndss seeriees aappeeareed iin ddifffereent newwspaaperrs aacrooss thee coounttry forr ovver 28 yeaars.Peopple nevver seeem tto gget tirred of keeepinng uup wwithh thhe JJoneesess. TThatt iss onn
33、e rreasson whyy thhey reaad tthe “riightt” bbookks, go to thee “rrighht” uniiverrsittiess annd eeat in thee “rrighht” resstauurannts.Everry ccityy haas aan aareaa whheree peeoplle wwantt too liive beccausse ootheers willl tthinnk bbettter of theem iif ttheyy doo. AAnd theere aree “JJoneesess” iin ee
34、verry ccityy off thhe wworlld. Butt onne mmustt geet ttireed oof ttryiing to keeep uup wwithh thhe JJoneesess, bbecaausee noo maatteer wwhatt onne ddoess, MMr. Jonnes alwwayss too bee ahheadd.5. TThe wriiterr off thhe sseleectiion bellievves( D )A) aanyoone in thee Unniteed SStattes cann beecomme rr
35、ichhB) aanyoone in thee Unniteed SStattes cann beecomme rrichh iff hee woorkss haard andd haas ggoodd luuckC) hhe ccan beccomee riich in thee fuuturreD) mmanyy peeoplle iin tthe Uniitedd Sttatees tthinnk aanyoone cann beecomme rrichh iff hee woorkss haard andd haas ssomee goood lucck6. SSomee peeopl
36、le wwantt too keeep up witth tthe Jonnesees bbecaausee( BB )A) ttheyy waant to be as ricch aas ttheiir nneigghboorsB) ttheyy waant othherss too knnow or to thiink thaat ttheyy arre rrichhC) ttheyy doontt waant othherss too knnow theey aare ricchD) ttheyy waant to be happpy7. IIt ccan be infferrred f
37、room tthe stoory thaat rrichh peeoplle( A )A) llikee too liive outtsidde NNew Yorrk CCityyB) llikee too liive in Neww Yoork CittyC) llikee too liive in apaartmmenttsD) llikee too haave manny nneigghboors8. AArthhur Mommandd ussed thee naame “Jooness” iin hhis serriess off shhortt sttoriies beccausse
38、 JJonees iis( B )A) aan iimpoortaant nammeB) aa poopullar namme iin tthe Uniitedd SttateesC) hhis neiighggbouurss naameD) nnot a ggoodd naamePasssagee 3Cerrtaiin aanimmalss annd pplannts devveloop ccharractteriistiics thaat hhelpp thhem coppe wwithh thheirr ennvirronmmentt beetteer tthann ottherrs o
39、of ttheiir kkindd. TThiss naaturral bioologgicaal pproccesss iss caalleed aadapptattionn. AAmonng tthe supperiior chaaraccterristticss deevellopeed tthrooughh addapttatiion aree thhosee thhat mayy heelp in getttinng ffoodd orr shheltter, inn prroviidinng pprottecttionn, aand in prooduccingg annd ppr
40、ottecttingg thhe yyounng. Thaat rresuultss inn thhe eevollutiion of morre aand morre oorgaanissms thaat aare bettterr fiitteed tto ttheiir eenviironnmennts.Eaach livvingg thhingg iss addaptted to itss waay oof llifee inn a genneraal wway, buut eeachh iss addaptted esppeciiallly tto iits ownn diistii
41、nctt cllasss. AA pllantt, ffor exaamplle, deppendds uuponn itts rrootts tto ffix itsselff fiirmlly aand to abssorbb waaterr annd iinorrgannic cheemiccalss. IIt ddepeendss uppon itss grreenn leeavees ffor usiing thee suunss ennerggy tto mmakee foood froom iinorrgannic cheemiccalss. TThesse aare genne
42、raal aadapptattionns, commmonn too moost plaantss. IIn aaddiitioon, theere aree sppeciial adaaptaatioons thaat oonlyy ceertaain kinnds of plaantss haave.Maany aniimalls hhavee addapttatiionss thhat hellp tthemm esscappe ffromm thheirr ennemiies. Soome inssectts aare hidddenn byy thheirr boody collor
43、 or shaape, annd mmanyy loook likke aa leeaf or a llitttle braanchh. TThe coaats of deeer aare colloreed tto mmix witth tthe surrrouundiingss. MManyy annimaals havve tthe abiilitty tto rremaain commpleetelly sstilll wwhenn ann ennemyy iss neear.Orgaanissms havve aa grreatt vaarieety of wayys oof aad
44、apptinng. Theey mmay adaapt in theeir strructturee, ffuncctioon, andd geenetticss; iin ttheiir ddeveeloppmennt aand prooducctioon oof tthe youung; annd iin ootheer rresppectts. An orgganiism mayy crreatte iits ownn ennvirronmmentt, aas ddo wwarmm-blloodded mammmalls, whiich havve tthe abiilitty tto
45、aadjuust boddy hheatt exxacttly to maiintaain theeir ideeal temmperratuure desspitte cchannginng wweattherr. UUsuaallyy addapttatiionss arre aan aadvaantaage, buut ssomeetimmes an orgganiism is so welll aadapptedd too a parrticculaar eenviironnmennt tthatt iff coondiitioons chaangee, iit ffindds iit
46、 ddiffficuult or impposssiblle tto rreaddaptt too thhe nnew conndittionns. 1. SSomee pllantts aand aniimalls ddeveelopp suuperriorr chharaacteerissticcs sso tthatt thhey mayy( CC )A) hhelpp ottherrs oof ttheiir kkindd geet ffoodd, sshellterr annd ootheer tthinngs neeededd.B) ssurvvivee evven in extt
47、remmelyy seeverre ccondditiionss.C) bbecoome bettterr addaptted to thee ennvirronmmentts tthann ottherrs oof ttheiir kkindd.D) rresuult in thee evvoluutioon aand prooducctioon oof mmoree inntellliggentt orrgannismms.2. IIn tthe firrst parragrraphh, tthe worrd envviroonmeentss ccoulld bbestt bee reep
48、laacedd byy( BB )A) cconttextts.B) ssurrrounndinngs.C) nneigghboors.D) EEnemmiess.3. IIt ccan be infferrred froom tthiss paassaage thaat tthe feaatheers of a bbirdd arre ccolooredd( DD )A) tto ffrigghteen iits eneemiees.B) tto aattrractt itts eenemmiess.C) tto aadjuust itss boody heaat.D) tto mmatcc
49、h iits envviroonmeent4. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg iss noot ddireectlly mmenttionned in thee paassaage?( DD )A) AA liivinng tthinng wway adaapt in itss sttruccturre.B) AAn oorgaanissm mmay adaapt in itss fuuncttionn.C) AA liivinng ccreaaturre mmay adaapt in itss geenettic makkeupp.D) AA liivinng
50、oorgaanissm mmay adaapt in itss slleeppingg haabitt.Passsagee 4It llookked jusst llikee annothher airrcraaft froom tthe outtsidde .Thee piilott toold hiss yooungg paasseengeers thaat iit wwas buiilt in 19664.BBut apppearrancces werre ddeceeptiive, annd tthe 13 stuudennts froom EEuroope andd thhe UUS
51、A whoo booardded thee aiircrraftt weere in forr thhe ffligght of theeir livves. Insiide, thhe aareaa thhat norrmallly hadd seeatss haad bbecoome a llongg whhitee tuunneel. Heaavilly ppaddded(填塞) frrom flooor to ceiilinng ,it loookedd a bitt sttrannge. Thheree weere almmostt noo wiindoows, buut lligh
52、hts aloong thee paaddeed wwallls iilluuminnateed iit. Mosst oof tthe seaats hadd beeen takken outt appartt frrom a ffew at thee baack wheere thee yooungg sccienntissts quiicklly ttookk thheirr pllacees wwithh a loook oof ffearr. For 12 monnthss, sscieencee sttudeentss frrom acrrosss thhe cconttineen
53、tss haad ccomppeteed tto wwin a pplacce oon tthe fliightt att thhe iinviitattionn off thhe EEuroopeaan SSpacce AAgenncy.Thee chhalllengge hhad beeen tto ssugggestt immagiinattivee exxperrimeentss too bee coonduucteed iin wweigghtllesss coondiitioons. For thee neext twoo hoourss, tthe fliightt reesem
54、mbleed tthatt off ann ennormmouss biird whiich hadd loose itss reeasoon, shoootiing upwwardds ttowaardss thhe hheavvenss beeforre rrushhingg toowarrds Earrth. Thhe iinveentiion wass too acchieeve weiighttlesssneess forr a feww seeconnds. The airrcraaft toook ooff smooothhly enooughh, bbut anyy feeel
55、iingss thhat I aand thee yooungg sccienntissts hadd thhat we werre oon aanytthinng llikee a schheduuledd paasseengeer sservvicee weere quiicklly ddismmisssed wheen tthe pillot putt thhe pplanne iintoo a 45 deggreee cllimbb whhichh laasteed aarouund 20 seccondds. Theen tthe engginees ccut ourr annd w
56、we bbecaame weiighttlesss. Eveerytthinng bbecaame connfussed andd leeft or rigght, upp orr doown no lonngerr haad aany meaaninng. Aftter tenn seeconnds of freee-ffalll deesceent (下降降) tthe pillot pullledd thhe aairccrafft oout of itss nooseddivee. TThe retturnn off grraviity wass leess immmediiatee
57、thhan itss looss, buut wwas stiill sudddenn ennouggh tto eensuure thaat ssomee sttudeentss caame dowwn wwithh a bummp. Eachh tiime thee piilott cuut tthe engginees aand we beccamee weeighhtleess, a neww teeam connducctedd itts eexpeerimmentt. FFirsst iit wwas thee Duutchh whho wwantted to disscovver
58、 howw itt iss thhat catts aalwaays lannd oon ttheiir ffeett. TThenn thhe GGermman teaam wwho connducctedd a succcesssfuul eexpeerimmentt onn a traadittionnal buiildiing metthodd too seee iif iit ccoulld bbe uusedd foor bbuilldinng aa fuuturre sspacce sstattionn. TThe Ameericcanss haad aan iideaa too
59、 crreatte ssolaar ssaills tthatt coouldd bee ussed by sattelllitees. Afteer ttwo houurs of goiing up andd doown in thee laane doiing theeir expperiimennts, thhe ppreddomiinannt ffeellingg waas oone of excciteemennt rrathher thaan ssickknesss. Mosst oof tthe stuudennts thooughht iit wwas an unfforgge
60、tttablle eexpeerieencee annd oone theey wwoulld bbe kkeenn too reepeaat.5. WWhatt diid tthe wriiterr saay aabouut tthe plaane?. ( D )A) IIt hhad no seaats. B) IIt wwas paiinteed wwhitte. C) IIt hhad no winndowws. D) TThe outtsidde wwas missleaadinng.6. AAccoordiing to thee wrriteer ,howw diid tthe y
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