



1、2022-2023學(xué)年安徽省亳州市立德中學(xué)高二英語聯(lián)考試卷含解析一、 選擇題1. Shopping online will never take_ place of shopping in stores, because many people find it _great delight to walk around in stores.A. /; a B. the; a C. a; the D. a; /參考答案:B略2. I listened carefully to his long boring speech, but could not what he was talking ab

2、out. A. pick out B. make out C. bring out D. give out參考答案:3. Lots of water has been dumped into the river ,which has led to _.A lots of fish having been killed B kill lots of fishC lots of fish being killed D lots of fish to kill 參考答案:C4. _from space, the earth, with water_seventy percent of its per

3、centage, looks like a “blue ball.”A. Seen; covered B. Seeing; covering C. Seeing; covered D. Seen; covering參考答案:D5. Where are you living now? In Chicago. But I _ in New York for 3 years.A. have lived B. had lived C. had been living D. lived參考答案:D6. When it comes to sports passion, nothing _the crazi

4、ness in fans more than football.A. picks out B. makes outC. brings out D. figures out參考答案:C考查動詞短語辨析。A. picks out挑出;B. makes out理解,辨認(rèn)出;C. brings out 說出;D. figures out解決。句意:當(dāng)提到運(yùn)動激情時,沒有什么能表達(dá)球迷們對足球的狂熱。根據(jù)句意選C。7. He pretended when his mother stepped into his room.A. to study B. studyingC. to be studying D

5、. to have studied參考答案:C【詳解】考查不定式用法。不定式的一般式to do說明該動作在謂語動詞之后發(fā)生;進(jìn)行時to be doing表示兩者同時發(fā)生;to be done表示被動。句意:當(dāng)他的媽媽走進(jìn)房間的時候,他假裝在睡覺。根據(jù)句意說明兩個動作同時發(fā)生,故使用不定式的進(jìn)行時。故C正確。8. We are invited to a party _ in our club next Friday.A. held B. to be held C. being held D. holding 參考答案:B9. _ much work you have to finish ever

6、y day, it is wise to get lots of sleep. A.However B. Whichever C. Whatever D. Whenever參考答案:A10. You havent done it well enough.But I tried my best and did it in the way _I think is the most convenient.Ain which Bwhere Cby which Dthat參考答案:D略11. -Jack, are you leaving for Iraq?-Yes. I am going there t

7、o report the war.- _ A. Have a good time. B. Help yourself. C. Take care. D. Good idea參考答案:C12. I tried to phone her, but even as I _ she was leaving the building. A. phonedB. would phoneC. had phonedD. was phoning參考答案:D13. The ancient historic site is extremely expensive to preserve _ it will cost

8、between three and five million yuan to repair it.A. but B. or C. and D. yet參考答案:C14. We have got plenty of time left to get the work finished so _. Dont go too hard at it. A. take it easy B. take time C. dont hurry D. dont worry 參考答案:A15. They were observed _ the bank. A. entering B. entered C. is e

9、ntering D. are entering 參考答案:A二、 完型填空16. I had a very special teacher many years ago whose husband died suddenly of a heart attack. About a week after his 41 , she shared her insights(頓悟) with the students. When the class was nearly over, she 42 and said, “I would like to 43 with all of you a though

10、t that has 44 to do with class, but which I feel is very _45 .“Each of us is put here on the _46 to learn, share, love and appreciate ourselves. None of us knows when this _47 will end. At any moment it can be _48 . Perhaps this is lifes way of telling us that we must make good _49 of every day.” He

11、r eyes beginning to _50 ,she went on saying, “So I would like you all to 51 me. From now on, on your way home, find something _52 to notice. It doesnt have to be something you seeit could be scent(香味) of fresh bread, or it could be the 53 of the wind slightly rustling(發(fā)出沙沙聲) the leaves.”“Please look

12、 for these things, and 54 them. The little things are put here on the earth for us to enjoy. They are _55 observing, for at any time they can all be taken away.”The class was totally quiet. We all picked up our books and went out of the room_56 . That afternoon, on my way home I noticed_57 things th

13、an before. Every time I think of that teacher and remember what a(n) 58 she made on all of us, I try to 59 all of those things that sometimes we all ignore. For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we often regret, 60 the things we didnt do.41A.diseaseB.deathCarrivalD.appearance42A.paus

14、ed(暫停)B.continuedCfocusedD.broke43A.argueB.Communicate CshareD.whisper(低聲地說)44A.somethingB.nothingCeverythingD.anything45A.improperB.importantCattractiveD.unbelievable46A.earthB.farmCroadD.ground47A.disasterB.scheduleCexperienceD.custom48A.put awayB.gone outC.handed outD.taken away49A.funB.differenc


16、larger58.A.resultB.chanceC.painD.impression59.A.produceB.tasteC.appreciateD.change60.A.orB.andC.forD.But參考答案:41-45 BACBB 46-50 ACDDC 51-55 BBBDC 56-60 AADCD三、 閱讀理解17. 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。 As any homemaker who has tried to keep order at the dinner table knows, there is far more to a fami

17、ly meal than food. Sociologist Michael Lewis has been studying 50 families to find out just how much more. Lewis and his co-workers carried out their study by videotaping(錄像) the families while they ate ordinary meals in their own homes. They found that parents with small families talk actively with

18、 each other and their children. But as the number of children gets larger, conversation gives way to the parents efforts to control the loud noise they make. That can have an important effect on the children. “In general the more question-asking the parents do, the higher the childrens IQ scores,” L

19、ewis says. “And the more children there are, the less question-asking there is.” The study also provides an explanation for why middle children often seem to have a harder time in life than their siblings(兄弟姐妹). Lewis found that in families with three or four children, dinner conversation is likely

20、to center on the oldest child, who has the most to talk about, and the youngest, who needs the most attention. “Middle children are invisible,” says Lewis. “When you see someone get up from the table and walk around during dinner, chances are that its the middle child.” There is, however, one thing

21、that stops all conversation and prevents anyone from having attention: “When the TV is on,” Lewis says, “dinner is a non-event.”56. Parents with large families ask fewer questions at dinner because _.A. they are busy serving food to their childrenB. they are busy keeping order at the dinner tableC.

22、they have to pay more attention to younger childrenD. they are tired out having prepared food for the whole family57. By saying “Middle children are invisible” in paragraph 3, Lewis means that middle children _.A. have to help their parents to serve dinnerB. get the least attention from the familyC.

23、 are often kept away from the dinner tableD. find it hard to keep up with other children58. Lewis research provides an answer to the question _.A. why TV is important in family lifeB. why parents should keep good orderC. why children in small families seem to be quieterD. why middle children seem to

24、 have more difficulties in life59. Which of the following statements would the writer agree to?A. It is important to have the right food for children.B. It is a good idea to have the TV on during dinner.C. Parents should talk to each of their children frequently.D. Elder children should help the you

25、nger ones at dinner.60. The writers purpose in writing the text is to _.A. show the relationship between parents and children.B. teach parents ways to keep order at the dinner table.C. report on the findings of a study.D. give information about family problems.參考答案:CBBDC18. Poorer children would be

26、offered the chance to attend lessons on Saturday to help catch up with their middle-class peers (同齡人), the shadow schools secretary, Michael Gove, said today.The Conservatives would give English state schools the freedom to choose to have longer teaching hours and extra classes at the weekend; he to

27、ld the Association of Teachers and Lecturers annual conference.Gove said the move would help to close the achievement gap with richer children whose parents could afford extras such as tutoring and music lessons.He told delegates (代表)in Manchester, “For children who come from homes where parents don

28、t have the resources to provide additional stretch and cultural experiences, there are benefits in having those children in the learning environment, in school, for longer.”“Parents would love to have schools starting earlier in some circumstances, and certainly going on later in the afternoon, give

29、n the reality of their working lives,” he said. He held up the example of Kipp (Knowledge Is Power Program) schools in the US, which are often based in the poorest communities and open from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays, plus Saturdays. But it would be up to schools to decide to offer longer hours, Gove added.Parents said Saturday classes could become a “badge of dishonor” if pupils were forced to go while teachers raised concerns about their workload.Margaret Morrissey, of Parents Outloud, said, “I think the suggestion the government made about one-to-one teaching for these kids would be


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