



1、第第 頁共5頁試題名稱:本科大學(xué)英語I年級:專業(yè):學(xué)號:姓名:分數(shù):Daily CommU nicatio n (10 x2=20)HoW are you, Bob?BTed.How are you?B. I m fine. Thank you .C. How do you do?D. NiCe to meet you.Tha nk you for your help.AMy PIeaSUre.B. NeVer mi nd C. QUite right.D. Don t tha nk me.Hello, I m Harry Potter.Hello, my name is CharIeS Gr

2、een, but_ C.call my Charles.B. call me at Charles.C. call me Charles.D. call CharIeS me.Paul,B?Oh, that S my father! And beside him, my mother.What is the PerSOn OVer there B. Who S talking over thereC. What are they doi ng D. WhiCh is thatHi, Tom, how is everyth ing With you?B, and how are you?A. D

3、on t mention it. B. Hm, not too bad.C. Thanks.D. Pretty fast.That S a beautiful dress you have on!AA. Oh, tha nks. I got it yesterday.B. Sorry, itooChBap.C. You Can have it.D. See you later.Why didn t you come to my birthday Party yesterday?DA. EXCUSe me, my frie nd Sent me a flower. B. Fin e, I n e

4、ver go to birthday parties.C. Ha ha, I don t Iikehbffly parties. D. Sorry, but my Wife had a Car accident.Hi, welcome back! Had a nice trip?AA. Oh, fantastic! FreSh air, and sunshine every day. B. Come on, I Ve gotoofun.C. By the way, I don t like SatUrdaySiWell, I ll look forward to your phone call

5、.HaVen t Seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now?DA. I hate the Weather here.B. My hair is gett ing a bit Ion ger.C. Yeah, tha nks for coming.D. I am work ing Part time in a bookshop, you know.Marilyn, I m afraid I have to be leaving now.BA. That sou nds wo nderful.B. Oh, so early. C. Not at

6、all. D. Good luck!Read ing COmPrehe nsionPaSSage 1 (5x2=10)The FrenCh Revolution broke out in 1789. At the time FranCe WaS in a crisis. The government WaS badly run and PeOPle S IiVeS Were miserable King IOUiS XIV tried to control the national Parliament and raise more taxes. BUt his effort failed.

7、He Ordered his troops to VerSaiIles. The people thought that Louis intended to PUt down the Revolution by force. On JUly 14,1789, they StOrmed and took the Bastille, Where political PriSOnerS Were kept. EVer SinCe that day, July 14 has been the FrenCh NatiOnal Day. Louis tried to flee the CoUntry in

8、 1792 to get SUPPOrt from AUStria and PrUSSia.However, he WaS CaUght and PUt in PriSon. In SePtember 1792, the monarchy WaS abolished. In the Same year, Louis WaS executed. A few mon ths later his wife, Marie also had her head CUt off. The Revoluti on of FranCe had frighte ned the other kings of EUr

9、ope. ArmieS from AUStria and PrUSSia bega n to march aga inst France. The FrenCh raised republican armies to defend the nation. The RevolutiOnWent through a PeriOd of terror. ThOUSa nds of people lost their lives. In the end, power PaSSed to Napole On Bon aparte. (190 WOrdS)What S this PaSSage abOUt

10、?A. France.B. King Louis. C. The FrenCh Revoluti on.D. EUrope.WhiCh did not happen in 1789? BA. The FrenCh Revoluti On broke out. B. The n ati OnaleConomy WaS develop ing rapidly.C. The government WaSn t well ruD. King Louis XIV WaS in power.Where Were the political PriSOnerS kept? DA. In Versailles

11、. B. In AUStriaC. In PrUSSia.D. In Bastille.What does the Un derl ined word“ abOi3?Dd”A. PUt off.B. EStabIished.C. Un ited.D. En ded.What WaS NOT the effect of the Revolution? DJuly 14 has become the FrenCh Nati Onal Day.It brought some impact On the other EUrOPea n kin gs.Louis S wife, MaWelS kille

12、d.D. The king tried to Control the natiOnal ParIiament.PaSSage 2 (5x2=10)In the United States, it is nOt CUStOmary to telephOne someOne Very early in the morning. If you telepho ne him early in the day, while he is ShaVi ng or hav ing breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is Very imp

13、ortant and requires immediate attention. The Same meaning is attached to telephOne calls made after 11:00 p.m. If someOne receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes its a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance.In social life, time plays a Very import

14、a nt part. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the inVitation to a dinner Party is extended Only three or four days before the Party date. BUt it is not true in all CoUn tries. In Other areas of the world, it may be Con Sidered foolish to make an appo in tme nt too far

15、in adva nce because pla ns WhiCh are made for a date more tha n a Week away tend to be forgotte n.The meaning of time differs in differe nt PartS of the world. Thus, misun dersta ndings arise betwee n people from CUItUreS that treat time differently. PrOmPtness is VaIUed highly in AmeriCan life, for

16、 example. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully resp On sible. In the U.S. no one would think of keep ing a bus in ess associate Wait ing for an hour, it would be too impolite. A PerS on who is 5 minu tes late, he will Say a few words of expla nati on, though PerhaP

17、S he will not complete the Senten ce.(260 WOrdS)What is the main idea of this passage?BIt is not CUStOmary to teleph One some Onein the morning and in sleep ing hours in the U.S.The role of time in social life over the world.If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully res

18、p On sible in the U.S.Not every CoUntry treats the Con CePt of time as the same.What does it mean in the PaSSage if you call some One duri ng his or her sleep ing hours?BA. A matter of work.B. A matter of life or death.C. You Want to See him or her. D. You Want to make an appo in tme nt With him or

19、her.WhiCh of the following time is PrOPer if you Want to make an appointment With your friend?BA. at 7:00 am B. at 4:00 PmC. at the night D. at 4:00 amWhiCh of the following Statement is true according to the passage? DIn the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are highly regarded if the inVitation to a

20、 dinner Party is exte nded Only three or four days before the Party date.There is no misunderstanding arising between PeOPle form different CUItUreS about the COnCePt oftime.It may be conSidered foolish to make an appointment well in advance in the U.S.A.PrOmPtness is VaIUed highly in AmeriCan life.

21、From the PaSSage We Can SafeIy infer thatBit S a matter of life or death if you call someOne in the day time.the meaning of time differs in differe nt PartS of the world.it makes no differe nce in the U.S. Whether you are early or late for a bus in ess party.if a PerSOn is late for a date, he needn

22、t make some explanation.GrammatiCaI familiarization (10 x2=20)PrOfeSSOr Smith PrOmiSed to look _ Bmy paper, that is, to read it CarefUIly before the defence.A. afterB. overC. onD. i ntoOUr house is about a mile from the railway Stati On and there are not many housesA. i n betwee n B. far apart C. am

23、ong themD. from each otherAS the bus Came round the Corn er, it ran A _ a big tree by the roadside.A. intoB. OnC. overD. UPOn average, a SUCCeSSfUI IaWyer has to talk to SeVeraIDa day.A. CUStOmerSB. SUPPOrterSC. guestsD. clie ntsWhat is the trainCto Birmi ngham?A. feeB. tripC. fareD.costThe StUde nt

24、 Were all en terta ined in a MeXiCa n restaura nt, at PrOfeSSOr Bria nA. moneyB. PayC. expe nseD. lossTom, What did you do With my documents? I have never Seen SUCh a _ B_ and disorder!A. massB. messC. guess D. busIf She WantS to Stay thin, She must make aAin her diet.A. Cha ngeB turnC. runD. go_A_

25、the War of Independence, the United StateS WaS an English colony.B. AtC. InD. BetWee nCyour time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.B. doC. killD. kickA. Before30. You ShoUldnA. Before30. You ShoUldnA. CUtThere Were OnCe three SonS of a WeaIthy bus in essma n.31 they met, th

26、e two eldest, who Weretwins, _32_to quarrel about WhiCh of them should be his fathers heir(繼承人) .The youn gest, who WaSnot _33ambitious (野心勃勃的),took no Part in their arguments. AS soon as they left home, the fatherarran ged for an adequate in come to be PrOVided for _34of them, but in SiSted that ap

27、art from this theyWere to be finan cially SeIf-SUPPOrt ing. The _35twi n, who had the adva ntage of good looks and aStrik ing PerS On ality, decided that he would take UP the Stage _36_ a career. He _37 a small repertory compa ny, acted in minor parts, WaS in VariabIy UnPUn ctual at rehearsals and W

28、aS accord in gly _38With his fellow-actors. He earned little and so had to live mainly on his allowa nce. HeOCCaSi On ally thought of 39his PrOfeSSi on, but always PUt off40 a decisi on, andOCCaSi On ally thought of 39his PrOfeSSi on, but always PUt off40 a decisi on, andin CreaS in gly bored and di

29、sillusi On ed.31. A. WhateVerB. Whe neverC. WhereVerD. however32. A. are USedB. USedC. USingD. are USing33. A. at leastB. at mostC. in the leastD. i n the most34. A. everyB. allC. eachD. none35. A. firstB. olderC.youngD. elder36. A. isB. asC. beD. /37. A. joi nedB. atte ndedC. We ntD. joi ned in38. A. popularB. Un popularC. welcomeD. Un welcome39 A. Iivi ngB. turni ngC. endingD. Cha nging40. A. maki ngB. makeC. decideD. decidi ngV. Translate the following Chinese into English (5x2=10)41王麗的父親從北京大學(xué)畢業(yè)后就直在這里教英語。Toms Sather hastaught EngIiSh here SinCe he graduated f


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