



1、小學(xué)三年英語上學(xué)期讀與理解培補(bǔ)差輔導(dǎo)專練習(xí)外研版班級(jí):_姓名:_1. 閱讀判斷Today sun is shining.Kitty and go to Ali Babas farm. many there. are yellow go . ”, what can are pink lovely. very much. are happy.1 is a day. ( )2 are animals on Ali farm. ( )3The ducks are big yellow. )4Kitty and Ben like ( )5 not sad. )2. 閱讀短,完成習(xí)。Hello! My n

2、ame Li I have a family. are in family. My mother a doctor. My father is a He teaches English. My fish My mother apples, tea. I like pears, We all like (1) are _ in family. 3 B. 4 C. 5(2)I _. B. apples C. (3) _. fish B. C. (4) mother a teacher B. doctor C. worker(5)We like _. vegetables B. fruits (果)

3、 C. football3. 閱讀下對話,斷句子正誤 White: Good morning, morning, White. White: it your bike? Yes, it is. White: that toy bear? No, it . It Jiamins.( ) ()It afternoon.( ) () a ( ) ()Ms has a toy bear.( ) ()Jiamin has a toy bear.( ) () a 1 / 4. 閱讀判。A dog a 片 of meat mouth. sees himself(他自己 in He it That a pie

4、ce of in his mouthtoo. wants to 得到) his can two opens his mouth to bark(叫) meat down into(在里面) water.( ) ()The is very clever.( ) ()The two pieces of ( ) ()The sees in the ( ) ()The meat down into 5. 根據(jù)短內(nèi)容,斷正誤。 at Its pencil Its Its my pencil case. in it? a pen. black. This is a pencil. And this is

5、a ruler. Its green. an eraser. Its white. My pencil case is big I like ( ) ()My pen black.( ) ()This an orange pencil .Its small and nice.( ) ()There a pen,a pencil,a ruler,and in ( ) ()My blue ( ) ()I like my case.6. 閱讀理。根據(jù)章內(nèi)容判斷( T)()Tom and are good friends. Tom is old. six old. are good students.

6、 Miss White is their English teacher.1Tom and good friends. ( )2Tom is 5. )3 is 7. ( )4 ( )5 Green their English teacher. )7. 讀下列笑話,斷正誤。A man says to Guess many 硬幣) I have my pocket(兜. The If(如果) I right,will give me one of ?The man ,If right,Ill you both(兩個(gè)都) of ( ) ()The man has two coins.( ) ()Th

7、e the man has two coins at first(開始).( ) ()The man is very clever.8. 閱讀短,判斷錯(cuò)。Today Linda is at She has , PE in the morning. She doesnt have Music has Maths and Art in the has Music on ( ) ()Linda at school ( ) ()Linda has ,English PE in the morning.( ) ()Linda has Music on Mondays.( ) ()Linda has Mu

8、sic on ( ) ()Linda has Maths and PE in 9. 看圖讀子,并出與圖片意相符的案。2 / 1 Merry Christmas.( ) Christmas B. Thank 2What they ( ) re_. swimming B. and 3 you a Christmas ( ) Yes, I B. No, I t4What in Christmas tree? ( ) I Christmas gifts B. cars5Do like Day? )_. Yes, I do No, I t10. 閱讀短文,判正誤。 Chen from I have fo

9、ur good Mike John boys. Mike from Canada. from USA. my friends, too. They are from the UK. I like my (1) are boys.( )(2)Im )(3) is from the USA.( )(4) from )(5)I my )11. 讀S的自我紹短文,選正確的案。 is I am at I have a mouth and two 6 old. I black very I have a black pencil, a black ruler. And I like animals(動(dòng)物)

10、 very Today is my birthday. I got gift. Whats in it? Look! Three How funny!(1)How old ) B. Seven. C. Eight.(2) has a big _ two big mouth; B. mouth; C. nose; (3) 3 / B. C. (4) 有) B. C. (5)Whats Sams ) B. C.12. 閱讀短文,擇正確的選。Its Parents today. Lucys dad and mum going to speak to teacher. Now Lucys are to

11、 Smart says, Lucy is a good clever girl. She works She lazy. good English.Lucys mother happy with Lucys (1) is _. Teachers Day Childrens C. Parents Day(2)Whats a good girlB. a clever girlC. a girl(3)Is Lucy lazy? _ Yes, she B. No, she C. I dont know(4) good _. Chinese B. PE English(5)Who is happy wi

12、th Lucys _. B. Lucys C. my teacher13. 閱讀文,根短文內(nèi)容選正確答。 Tom. Look! This my bedroom. My schoolbag on desk. My books in schoolbag. My kite toys are in box. My basketball is behind the blue cap on chair. dog? Oh, its under my cap.(1)My_is on desk. C.kite(2) toys in the A.box (3) is chair.A.on B.under C.be

13、hind4 / (4) cap is _. B.black C.blue(5) dog _. B.chair 14. 閱讀話,根對話選擇正的答案 school.Mary: Thank you. is our playground. our gym. We can ping-pong in it. Mary: your computer Its on the floor.Mary: you a Yes, we do. Its first floor. This please.1We play ping-pong ( ) on B. in the gym in classroom2Is this

14、your computer ( ) Yes, it B. it is. C. it isnt.3Where computer ?( ) _ Its on the first floor. B. Its on the floor. C. Its on the third 4Do have a ( )_ No, I dont. Yes, it is. C. we do.5The is _ floor. ( ) first B. second C. Third15. 閱讀短文,判正誤。 Mary. to my at How twoeight! my toy box. in it? Let open it and see. Wow! two balls, four cars I have ten books on desk. How many books do have?(1)Mary has eight )(2)Mary has books five pencils.( )(3) are two balls four cars in toy )(4)The books in toy box.( )(5)Mary have toy bear


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