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1、消費者行為學第十章2022/9/162Key studying points 學習要點Importance of Global Thinking in Marketing 全球思維的重要性Structure of Global Markets 全球市場的結(jié)構(gòu)Global marketing Strategy 全球市場營銷戰(zhàn)略2022/9/16310.1 . Global Consumer Markets10.1.1 全球營銷戰(zhàn)略 Global marketing StrategyThe forces affecting globalization of markets and internat

2、ional competition have been identified by Michael Porter to include the following: 邁克爾.波特確定出了幾個主要影響市場全球化和國際競爭的因素: Growing similarities in terms of available infrastructure, distribution channels, and marketing approaches; 各國在根底設(shè)施、分銷渠道、營銷方法的日益增長的相似性;Fluid global capital 資本市場的流動性Technological restruct

3、uring and the integrating role of technology 技術(shù)重組與技術(shù)整合New global competition 新的全球競爭者2022/9/1642022/9/16510.1.2 全球營銷思維的重要性 Importance of Global Thinking in MarketingMulti-national enterprises and global companies 跨國公司和全球化公司大小公司均可成為全球化公司The contents of globalization thinking 全球化思維的內(nèi)涵利用全球資源是關(guān)鍵Interacti

4、on of cultures 文化的交融2022/9/16610.1.3 全球市場結(jié)構(gòu) Structure of Global MarketsPopulation 人口狀況The tends of global population 全球化人口趨勢Rapid growth despite falling fertility in developing nations 開展中國家人口迅速增長,盡管出生率下降;Prolonged below-replacement fertility in developed nations 興旺國家的低出生率的繼續(xù)走低;資料1.資料2Rapid urbaniza

5、tion in less developed countries, with unprecedented migration from LDCs to more affluent industrialized nations 次興旺國家的迅速城市化, 貧窮國家大量向富裕國家移民。2022/9/16710.1.4 快速和慢速增長的市場 Fast and Slow Growth Markets出生率缺乏的問題 Birth Dearth (西方興旺國家快速增長的人口 Fast-Growth populations 2021年10月30日到達70億, 預計2050年到達90億經(jīng)濟資源與市場吸引力 Ec

6、onomic and Resources and Market Attractiveness人口與經(jīng)濟都增長的國家最具吸引力人均收入人均國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita 人口自然增長率壽命期城市人口Changing Tendency of Global Markets 全球市場變化趨勢Growing of New Markets 新興市場的崛起壯大如中國、印度Developed countries continually concern health and material culture of individuals. 興旺國家繼

7、續(xù)關(guān)注個人的健康和物質(zhì)文化。In next decade, the gaps between poor and rich will become wider due to poor population growing faster than their income. 由于貧窮人口增長大于收入的增長,在下一個十年貧富差距會擴大。2022/9/168In the trades between south and north, the gaps between countries will be bigger. 南北貿(mào)易中,國家間的技術(shù)水平差距加大。The illiteracy amount o

8、f developing countries will decline. 開展中國家的文盲數(shù)量下降。More Eastern European countries will joint into EU. 東歐國家將參加歐盟。2022/9/169Global consumer trends 全球新消費趨勢Fluid lives 不固定的生活Simply pleasures 簡單的娛樂Responsible livings 對生活負責Quest health and wellness 健康與健壯的平衡Consumer in control 消費者掌控Keeping it real 保持真實2022

9、/9/1610The sub-trends for Fluid Lives are: 流動生活下的追求Simple by Designsolutions that reduce complexity or save time. 簡化的款式Winding Down talks about slowing down and escaping to recharge the body and mind 放松和逃離壓力Conveniently There-Describes the need for ever improved convenience and portability 追求方便Guide

10、d Choiceways to make good choices quickly and easily 選購指導Peak Performance Managing your physical and mental performance throughout the day 希望自己能有最正確表現(xiàn)2022/9/1611The sub-trends for simply pleasure are:簡單娛樂下的需求Fun and Play enjoyment through play and novelty . 好玩和新鮮。Co-CreationThe enjoyment and fun of

11、being part of the creative process. 好玩成為創(chuàng)新的一局部。Enhanced SensationsDesire for intensifies sensory experiences . 加深感知和體驗。Seeking ConnectionsMaking, maintaining or deepening connections with others. 尋求與其他人之間的聯(lián)系。Rich Rewards Indulgent experiences that offer respite and reward. 放縱之后放松與回報Passion and Purpo

12、se Experiences that introduce new meaning, purpose or goals in life. 體驗新的人生的意義、目的或目標。2022/9/1612The sub trends for Sustainable Lives include: 追求可持續(xù)的生活方式Conserving Resourcesliving in a world where resources are increasingly in short supply. 節(jié)約資源Good Causes explains how consumers are supporting a wort

13、hy cause through purchase choices. 給購置決策正當理由Fair Treatment is about treating animals and people fairly in the production process. 公平與善待Climate Conscious focuses on protecting the worlds environment and biodiversity. 全球氣候意識War on Waste highlights the drive to reduce the wasteful results of consumptio

14、n. 向浪費宣戰(zhàn)2022/9/1613The sub trends for Quest for Health & Wellness are:追求健康與健壯的平衡Proactive PreventionProactively defending the body against future illness via healthier choices. 預先防范Finding Balance Looking for emotional and physical balance via nutrition and lifestyle. 通過營養(yǎng)和生活方式尋求情感和身體健康的平衡Image Cont

15、rol Managing weight and external appearance. 外形控制。Good StartEnsuring children get the best start in life. 好的開端Naturally Goodsearching for the best from nature to improve health. 追求自然好。Coping Strategies -using or excluding products in a response to modern day ailments. 通過使用和杜絕產(chǎn)品來應(yīng)對現(xiàn)代疾病。 2022/9/1614Th

16、e sub-trends for Consumers in Control are: 控制消費Redefining Valuedeepening desire for good value beyond the price alone. 重新定義希望的價值,不僅以價格來定義。Expert Status-growth in pursuit of knowledge and discernment for identity and status. 重視專家意見。Tangible Benefitsfocusing on proof of real tangible benefits and esta

17、blished quality . 看重有形的價值與質(zhì)量Counselled Consumptionthe rise of specialist advisors and peer reviews for all consumptions. 看重消費忠告專家意見Exclusive Choices-there is a growing demand for exclusivity and rarity.追求獨特和稀有消費。 2022/9/1615The sub-trends for Keeping it Real are: 保持真實Back to Basics adopting traditio

18、nal approaches and skills to meet todays needs. 以返璞歸真應(yīng)對今天的需要。Celebrating Tradition taking the best tradition and heritage to meet modern tastes. 弘揚傳統(tǒng)Craftsmanshipthere is a rising interest in the people and artisan skills behind products. 欣賞手工Behind the Scenes Transparency is now a mark of quality a

19、nd trust. 了解幕后透明是質(zhì)量和信任的標志。Passion for Place We are seeing a growing interest origin as a mark of quality and trust. 對原產(chǎn)地的熱衷Embracing the Seasons growing interest in consuming seasonal produce.追捧季節(jié)品2022/9/1616The New Ps of Marketing 新的營銷組合Protection: Protecting consumers from uncertainty and risk。保護P

20、ractical: Helping consumers to plan and be more self-reliant。實用-幫助消費者方案和自行決策。Permission: Encouraging consumers to make connections and see the positives of a life with less。允諾鼓勵消費者建立一身的聯(lián)系和積極的看待人生以較小的花銷。Purpose: Giving consumers new meaning and purpose to their lives。給消費者新的生活的意義和目的。Pride: Re-building

21、 a sense of pride and achievement。重建自豪感和成就感。2022/9/16172022/9/16182022/9/161910.2 Cultural Analysis of Global markets 對全球市場的文化分析Cultural analysis involves the ability to understand and be effective in communicating with the core values of a society. 文化分析包括理解能力和用某個核心價值觀去有效的影響某個社會的能力。要適應(yīng)而不是改變。Global m

22、arketers find its useful to track global trends to predict and better understand how consumers in various parts of the world will be changing. 理解世界變化趨勢和世界各地的消費者的變化是十分重要的。2022/9/162010.2.1 跨文化分析 Cross-culture AnalysisCross-cultural analysis is the systematic comparison of similarities and differences

23、 in the material and behavioral aspects of cultures. 跨文化分析是指系統(tǒng)地對文化、物質(zhì)和行為方面的相似性和差異性進行比照。Cultural analysis provides an approach to understanding the consumer behavior of diverse nations and diverse groups within a nation. 文化分析提供了一條理解不同國家消費者和同一國家的不同群體的消費者行為的途徑。也是制定營銷戰(zhàn)略的根底。2022/9/162110.2.2 Can Marketin

24、g Be Standardized? 市場營銷可以標準化嗎?Standardization based on Similarities 基于相似性之上的標準化基于普遍性根底上的市場營銷戰(zhàn)略Localization Based on Differences在差異根底上的地方化Choice of the Enterprises: 企業(yè)的選擇:Going global and acting local 全球思維與地方行動Global Advertising Effectiveness 全球廣告的有效性Ad characteristics that are suitable for a globali

25、zed advertising approach: 適用于全球化的廣告的特征:The communications message is based on similar lifestyles 溝通信息是基于相似的生活方式之上;The appeal of the ad is to basic human needs and emotions 廣告的表現(xiàn)是基于人類的需要和情感;The product satisfies universal needs and desires 產(chǎn)品滿足的是普遍的需求和愿望2022/9/1622 Overcome the langue obstacles 戰(zhàn)勝語言障

26、礙Standardization marketing must overcome langue problems. 標準化營銷方案必須克服語言障礙Back Translation 逆向翻譯Brand Name 品牌名稱Implications of English Name 英文名稱的含義Pronunciation 發(fā)音Whether there is a similar name abroad 是否在國外有 同名或接近2022/9/16232022/9/162410.3 Research Methodology for Cross-Cultural Analysis 跨文化分析的方法mult

27、i-attribute methodology has dominated recent consumer behavior literature 多屬性分析法占重要地位Focus groups, a traditional form of consumer research, are also applicable on a global basis. 焦點小組訪談Content Analysis內(nèi)容分析2022/9/1625泛太平洋地區(qū)的消費者行為 Consumer Behavior in the Pacific RimIndia 印度 South Korea 韓國Australia 澳大

28、利亞China 中國Japan 日本2022/9/162610.4.2 拉丁美洲的消費者 The Latin American ConsumerNAFTA (北美自由貿(mào)易協(xié)議has increased U.S.-Mexico trade.美國產(chǎn)品受歡送。U.S. products viewed favorably.西班牙語很重要。Spanish language variations possibly important.2022/9/162710.4.3 東歐的消費者The East European Consumer對西方產(chǎn)品的巨大需求。Western products are in hu

29、ge demand收入低于西方或國家,但生產(chǎn)率正在提高。 Income is less than in western Europe, but productivity is rising after political turmoil in the early 1990s.市場營銷需要理解不同的文化和商業(yè)實踐活動。Marketing requires an understanding of the different cultures and business practices.2022/9/162810.4.4 西歐消費者The West European Consumer歐盟包含了很多

30、好國家。 The EU contains many nations, cultures, and languages不存在歐盟消費者一說。There is no “Euroconsumer2022/9/162910.4.5 非洲消費者The African Consumer非洲正在發(fā)生快速的變化。 受過去殖民統(tǒng)治者的影響,非洲人通常講雙語。Africa is changing rapidly. Africans are often bilingual, speaking their own language and that of former European colonial admini

31、strators.講法語、英語和德語的當?shù)厝耍?會更歡送法國、英國和德國的產(chǎn)品。 The culture and business climate is strongly influenced by Europe with Francophone (former French colony)countries liking French products. Anglophone countries give high marks to British and German goods. 美國產(chǎn)品受高度關(guān)注, 但只有富有的人能夠負擔得起。 American products are highly

32、 regarded but only the well-to-do can afford them. 2022/9/163010.4 .6 跨文化問題的范圍 Cross-Cultural Problem AreasTranslation 翻譯National Languages and Dialects各國的標準語言和地方語言Time perception 時間觀念Symbols 符號象征Friendship 友誼Etiquette 禮節(jié)Nonverbal Behavior 非語言行為Country-of-Origin Issues 原產(chǎn)國問題Ethnocentricity 種族主義Animo

33、sity 仇恨Bi-national products 雙國產(chǎn)品2022/9/1631Translation 翻譯促銷信息必須精確的翻譯。Promotional messages must be accurately translated. 防止錯誤的方法是“逆向翻譯。 The method used to avoid mistakes is back translation. 逆向翻譯The process involves translating the message back and forth by different translators. In this way differe

34、nces in meaning can be identified.2022/9/1632Time perception 時間概念不同的國家時間觀念是不同的。 Time is precious in western cultures. However in many other countries, time is much less important. A study was performed on the accuracy of bank clocks, the average walking speed of pedestrians on a city street, and how

35、 long it took postal clerks to sell a stamp in several cultures:日本人在時間方面最精確。 On all three measures, Japan had the most accurate and fastest times.美國人和英國人屬于第二和第三位。 United States and England were either second or third on each. 印度尼西亞是時間觀念最松寬的地方。Indonesia tended to have the most relaxed pace.Symbols 符號

36、象征 例子7 在加納、肯尼亞是不吉利的數(shù)字, 但在印度、捷克是吉利的數(shù)字。 7 is unlucky in Ghana, Kenya, lucky in India and the Czech Republic.4 在中國和日本是不吉利的數(shù)字。4 is unlucky in Japan, China.8、3、2 的發(fā)音在香港是好運的聲音。 8, 3, 2 sound good in Hong Kong.2022/9/1633Friendship 友誼在中和日本友誼在一些情況下可能替代法律體系。In China & Japan friendship is a substitute for a l

37、egal system. We view friendships as more disposable.關(guān)系是極為重要的。 Guanxi (personal relationships ) are seen as critical.2022/9/1634Etiquette (禮節(jié)擁抱和親吻Hugging and kissing在拉美比在亞洲更為流行。More prevalent in Latin America than here: less prevalent in Asia than here.飲食習慣 Eating habitsJapanese slurp noodles, Indian

38、 meals, some Europeans wont eat any food with their fingers.2022/9/1635Non-verbal Behavior 非語言行為用與溝通的行為、動作和語調(diào) Actions, movements and utterances that communicate.跳舞。In some Russian villages, boys dance with chairs until a girl indicates interest. So in Russia, It Takes One to Tango.空間問題。Spacing issues語境。 Context2022/9/16362022/9/


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