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1、Unit 4 Stories and PoemsLesson 22 The Giant (I)1精選What does fairy tale?ei賣火柴的小女孩TheLittleMatchGirl灰姑娘Cinderella e2精選A fairy tale is a story that often has characters like fairies, dwarfs, giants or mermaids.睡美人SleepingbeautyDo you like reading fairy tales? Do you know any famous fairy tales? What ar

2、e they?3精選白雪公主SnowWhite拇指姑娘Thumbelina4精選小紅帽LittleRedRidingHood丑小鴨Uglyduckling5精選6精選Read the lesson and number the scenes in the correct order.The children were playing in the giants garden.The giant built a high wall around his garden and put a notice on a board: DO NOT ENTER!Spring came, but it was

3、 still winter in the giants garden.The giant came back and drove the children away. 21347精選loudfrightenedboardawakemusicianperhapsadj. 大聲的;喧嘩的adj. 驚嚇的;受驚的n. 板;木板adj. 醒著的n. 音樂家;樂師adv. 也許;可能8精選once upon a time:“從前,很久以前”,這是講故事常用的開頭語。=long ago/long, long ago=a long time agobe filled with: “充滿”,其中的filled

4、是動詞fill的過去分詞,起形容詞作用,= be full of.Exclamatory sentence9精選1. How happy they are! How 引導(dǎo)感嘆句的用法:(1)How +形容詞或副詞+主語+謂語! How nice the girl is!(2)How + 主語+ 謂語! How time beautiful!(3)How +形容詞+a/an + 可數(shù)名詞的單數(shù) 形式+ 主語+謂語! How useful a subject we are learning!10精選 what 引導(dǎo)的感嘆句結(jié)構(gòu):(1) What +a/an + 形容詞+可數(shù)名詞 單數(shù)+主語+謂語!

5、 What a handsome boy he is!(2) What+ 形容詞+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)+ 主語+謂語! What important jobs we have done!(3) What+ 形容詞+不可數(shù)名詞+ 主語+ 謂語! What wonderful weather it is!11精選 lie作不及物動詞,意為“躺、平放、位于、撒謊”,作“撒謊”講時,過去式、過去分詞是lied, lied,作其他含義講時,過去式、過去分詞是lay, lain;它的現(xiàn)在分詞都是lying。如:Zhejiang lies in the east of China. 浙江位于中國東部。He lied

6、 to us again. 他對我們又撒謊了。作可數(shù)名詞,意為“謊言”,短語tell a lie意為“撒謊”。 如:Why did she tell lies this time? 這一次她為什么要撒謊?12精選Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box.run away pass by enter awakeI see them_ my house every day.They were not allowed to _ the theatre without tickets.Im

7、so sleepy that I can hardly stay _.The fox_ before the hunter could shoot it.pass byenterawakeran away13精選Past Continuous Tense過去進行時在過去某一時刻正在進行的動作。 We were eating breakfast at 7:00 am yesterday.(b) I was writing a letter at this time yesterday.(c) Five minutes ago, David was looking out of the windo

8、w and Lily was reading a book.過去進行時表示過去某時正在進行的動作或存在的狀態(tài)。14精選2. 在過去某段時間一直在進行的動作。(a) From 1987 to 1998, he was teaching at England.(b) They were drawing a picture last night.15精選 基本結(jié)構(gòu):was / were + verb-ing 否定式:was / were not + verb-ing was not = wasnt were not = werentI was doing some shopping. People

9、were running quickly.I was not writing.People were not running quickly.16精選 (3) 疑問句:將 was / were調(diào)到主語前 結(jié)構(gòu)為:Was / Were + 主語 + verb-ing? 回答:Yes, 主語 + was/were. No, 主語 + was not/wasnt. were not/werent.Was she jumping? Yes, she was. / No, she wasnt.Were they jumping? Yes, they were. / No, they werent.17精

10、選Complete the answers with the information given and find out who the criminal is in the story.Mary Sheep lost her child. Detective Monkey thinks the baby was stolen between 9:30 and 10:00 last night. He is questioning some suspects.What were you doing between 9:30 and 10:00 last night?Well, we had

11、a birthday party for Panda last night. I was talking with (talk with) Fox at that time. We were also helping Panda clean the room.18精選I was at Pandas home with Tiger. We_ (help) Panda while we were talking. At about 10:00, I left the party. On my way home, I met Wolf and we took a walk together.The

12、criminal is Wolf.Let me think. I went to Pandas Party at 7:00, and I left at 9:30. Between 9:30 and 10:00, I_ (take a walk) with Fox.I _ (clean) my room at that time. Yesterday was my birthday. Lots of friends came to my home. Most of them left at 9:30. But Tiger and Fox stayed late and helped me.was cleaningwere helpingwere talking a walk19精選Group work:What is your favourite fairy tale?20精選DiscussTalk about the differenc


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