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1、 has got more than 80, 000 accessible materials for people unable to read traditional print. I can t imagine how many readers of all ages have benefited from Doris s contribution as a skilled volunteer through her rich voice and her high degree of accuracy in the hundreds of booksshe has brailled an

2、d proof-read over the yearsand she is still doingso, “ said a CNIB official.“For me, “ said Low, “the CNIB is more than just a place tovolunteer. Three things matter most in my life a little play, a little work, a little love. I ve found them all here. ”【注】請將第71至75題的答案寫在答題紙上!交卷時 只交答題卡及答題紙!天津一中2015-2

3、016-2高二年級英語學(xué)科期中質(zhì)量調(diào)查試卷第一卷第二卷總分第二卷IV.閱讀表達(dá)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)What has Low been volunteering her time and talents to for 40 years?(no more than 8 words)Why did Low learn Braille? ( no more than 15 words)What does the underlined word “fed up“ most probably mean? (1 word)Why did Low say “ the CNIB is more

4、than just a place to volunteer ” ? (no more than 15 words)What do you think of Low? Give your reasons. ( no more than 20 words)V.單詞拼寫(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)Her voice was shaking (盡管)all her efforts to control it.The players of Houston Rockets left the gym in (失 意挫?。゛fter the failure.The famous band has

5、promised to (重聚)for one last concert.The mayor was the guest of honor and (頒發(fā))the awards to the winners.As parents, we should teach our kids the v (品德 優(yōu)點(diǎn))of disciplineand self-control.The monster created by Frankenstein is intelligent and has human e.Hopefully everyone here can make a b in English t

6、his term.When she lost her best friend, the pain was a.Johnson has been a managing director of the new division.The Grammys are not as important as before. T, they are not takenseriously by some musicians.VL翻譯句子(共VL翻譯句子(共5小題;每小j2分,滿分10分)毫無疑問他的建議值得考慮。我們最終到達(dá)了山頂,疲憊不堪卻興奮不已。由于激烈的競爭和父母的期望,許多高中生壓力很大。 (fier

7、ce competition; expectation)博客給人們提供一個與他人分享感受與想法的平臺。(The blog; platform)上周我們學(xué)校組織了一次義賣,為四川涼山的貧困學(xué)生募捐。(a fair)the poor students in Liangshan, Sichuan province.高二年級期中考試英語參考答案.聽力(10%)1-5 AABAA.單選(20%)16-20 CCACD.聽力(10%)1-5 AABAA.單選(20%)16-20 CCACD.完型(20%)36-40 ACBDB.閱讀(30%)56-60 ABCDC6-10 BCABA21-25 ADBCB

8、41-45 CAADB61-65 BCBCC11-15 CBABC26-30 DBCAC 31-35 DABAD46-50 DABAD 51-55 CCBDC66-70 ABDCDHelping transform literature into Braille ( for blind readers / the blind).(Because ) her mother? s eyes began to fail and she heard an/ the advertisement.Tired / Bored.She found three things there that matter

9、most in her life, play, work and love.I think Low is kind and helpful because she has devoted much time to transcribing booksinto Braille as a volunteer.(答案不唯)(Low is a kind-hearted lady with a positive attitude toward life because she takes delight inhelping others.)V.單詞(10%)despite 77. frustration

10、78. reunite 79.presented80. virtues81. emotion(s )82. breakthrough 83. acute84. appointed85. Therefore / ThusVL 翻譯(10%)There is no doubt that his suggestion deserves to be considered / consideration.There s no doubt that his advice is worth considering / consideration.Finally / Eventually we reached

11、 the top of the mountain, exhausted but excited.Many high school students are under great pressure because of fierce competition andparents expectations.Many high school students suffer (from) great stress / pressure because of fiercecompetition and parents expectations.The blog offers people a platform where they can share feelings and ideas with others.The b


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