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1、2021-2022高考英語(yǔ)模擬試卷請(qǐng)考生注意:1請(qǐng)用2B鉛筆將選擇題答案涂填在答題紙相應(yīng)位置上,請(qǐng)用05毫米及以上黑色字跡的鋼筆或簽字筆將主觀題的答案寫在答題紙相應(yīng)的答題區(qū)內(nèi)。寫在試題卷、草稿紙上均無效。2答題前,認(rèn)真閱讀答題紙上的注意事項(xiàng),按規(guī)定答題。第一部分 (共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)1I was an only child, and _ I had no experience of large families.Aso BbutCor Dwhile2- Can you spare me a few minutes now?- _, but Ill be free this

2、 afternoon.AIm afraid notBIm not sureCYes, with pleasureDNo, I wont3The Oxford English Dictionary is necessary for learning English, so youd better buy _.AthisBthatCitDone4- _ I remind you of is to return the book to our English teacher. -I will give it to him _ I see him.AThat; immediately BWhat; t

3、he momentCWhat; while DWhether; once5-How did she lose so much weight as expected?-_ eating less,she jogged for several miles every day.AIn addition toBIn spite ofCInstead ofDThanks to6After looking at many new cars, I found _ which I would accept just as suitable.AitBthisCthatDone7After class, the

4、teacher couldnt leave, by the students.AsurroundedBto surroundCwas surroundedDsurrounding8More wild tigers have been seen in the forest around this area, _ there used to be very few.AwhenBwhereCwhatDwhich9Its supposed to be the end of the paperback(簡(jiǎn)裝書) and the _ of digital media, but some bookstore

5、s are surviving the Internet Age with surprising success.AdeadlineBdawnCduskDdeparture10It was in that small house _ was built with stones by his father _ he spent his childhood.Athat; whereBwhich; thatCwhich; whichDthat; which11Do you know our town at all?Surely, this is the third time I _ here.Aca

6、me Bcome Chave come Dam coming12Whether the buildings in this area should be pulled down has remained _;people are still looking for other possible solutions.AunchallengedBrelevantCcontroversialDcontradictory13Hopefully,the new method will be effective,helping students to get their career plans _.Aa

7、t hand Bat willCon trial Don track14The course about Chinese food attracts over 100 students per year, _ up to half are from overseas.Ain whichBof whomCwith whichDfor whom15Communication can help you gain more respect from your parents, and you may be able to reach _ that make everyone happy.Acompro

8、misesBcontributionsCcongratulationsDcompetitions16 _ Its only an interview! Only an interview? Only an interview? What if I panic? What if I say a silly word by accident?AWell done! BCome on!CHow come? DNo doubt!17She is _ being pleased about it ; she is very angry.Afree fromBfree ofCout ofDfar from

9、18According to the companys rule, ones payment is _ the work done, not to the time spent doing it.Ain proportion toBin addition toCin contrast toDin regard to19The young man has _ experience. He probably cant do that job.AfewBlittleCsomeDany20The prediction from Maya worries residents _ December 21,

10、 2012 would be the end of the world.AifBthatCwhetherDwhich第二部分 閱讀理解(滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。21(6分)Eighty-five-year old Chinese pharmacologist(藥理學(xué)家) Tu Youyou became Chinas first winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine when it was announced that she was one of three scienti

11、sts awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work in developing effective drugs against parastic diseases.Tu was honored for developing artemisin(青蒿素),a drug for malaria that has saved millions of lives across the globe,especially in the developing world,the Nobel Assembly at

12、 karolinska Institue disclosed on its website on Monday.Tu,a Chinese trained pharmacologist and a researcher at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing,went to Stockholm,Sweden in December to receive her award,according to Cao Hongxin,the science and techology department head of the

13、 State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.She was calm and said she has received lots of congratulatory calls. Cao told China Daily on Monday after he telephoned Tu to congratulate her.Its an overdue(遲來的)honor for Tu and the worlds recognition of traditional Chinese medicine, he said.Tus

14、 breakthrough in winning the Nobel Prize in a natural science is the pride of the whole nation and the whole Chinese scientific community, said Zhou Dejin,spokesman of the Chinese Academy of Science,Chinas national research body that consists of more than one hundred research insistutes,universities

15、 and research branches,The achievement of discovering artemisinin was made in the 1970s,but it only received international recognition in later years ,which suggests that we might have more achievements that have reached the Nobel Prize level but have not been recognized. Zhou said.1、Why was Tu Youy

16、ou awarded the Nobel Prize?AShe made a breakthrough in the Chinese scientific communityBShe came up with a revolutionary theory about medicineCShe devoted her whole life to medicine researchDShe developed a very effective drug in the 1970s2、What do we know about Tu Youyou ?AShe secretly accepted the

17、 Nobel Prize by herselfBShe s the second Chinese to win the 2015 Nobel PrizeCShe has an ordinary heart though winning the Nobel PrizeDShe won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with three scientists3、What can we infer from the last paragraph?AChina lacks talented scientists like Tu Youyo

18、uBTus achievement was recognized by the world a long time agoCChinese scientists should work harder to win more Nobel PrizesDMore Chinese scientific achievements should be acknowledged4、What type of writing does this passage belong to?AA scientific report BAn official documentCA news report DA medic

19、al record22(8分)The ministry of education recently published national standards for the management of primary and secondary schools. It says that schools and parents should work together to ensure primary school students sleep at least 10 hours a day and middle school students sleep nine hours a day.

20、However, we interviewed some students parents and none of our interviewees said they could achieve that goal. And none of the interviewees believed other parents would be able to achieve that goal.This has to do with the academic burden on children. Many kids have ridiculous amounts of homework to d

21、o each night, while they also suffer from the additional burden of after-school courses. The truth is that children have to work harder than adults.It should be noted that many parents are rather tired with this situation, and they complain about being exhausted by helping their children with homewo

22、rk and feel pressured by the economic burden of after-school courses.Doubtlessly, the main course lies in the competition in society. No parents want their children to fall behind in the race.The problem is especially serious in many cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, where there are both quality

23、education resources and fierce competition. It is difficult for children in these cities to sleep enough hours every day.In order to change this, education resources need to be more fairly equal, especially for primary education, so that students and their parents do not have to compete so fiercely

24、for the limited amount of quality education resources.Such things are always easier said than done, of course. To balance primary and secondary education resources will be a difficult process. But only by doing so will our children get enough sleep every day.1、What is the purpose of the national sta

25、ndards mentioned in Paragraph 1?ATo make sure students have enough sleep.BTo explain why enough sleep is important for students.CTo find out why students cant have enough sleep.DTo state how the national standards are carried out.2、Which fact does mainly lead to students lack of sleep?ALearning stre

26、ss.BEconomical pressure from extra courses.CFierce social competition.DLow efficiency in study.3、According to the author, the government should _.Areduce the learning courses.Bprovide equal education resources.Cstrengthen financial support.Dpublish strict education policy.4、Which one can BEST descri

27、be the structure of the passage?ACompare and contrast. BCause and effect.CReason and solution. DOpinion and suggestion.23(8分)Flaubert had it that “one way of tolerating existence is to lose oneself in literature as in an unending party”It turns out that reading doesnt only help us to tolerate existe

28、nce,but actually lengthens it.A recent study by Yale University researchers,published online in the journal Social Science & Medicine,concluded that “book readers experienced a 20 percent reduction in the risk of death over the 12 years of followup compared to nonreaders”The data was obtained from t

29、he study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging.The study looked at 3,635 subjects,all older than 50,whom the researchers divided into three groups:those who didnt read books,those who read up to 3.5 hours a week and those who read more than 3.5 hours a week.The findings were remarkable:on ave

30、rage,book readers survived almost two years longer than those who didnt crack open a book.The more the subjects read,the longer they lived,but as little as 30 minutes a day was still beneficial in terms of survival.Accounting for factors such as education level,income and health status,the study fou

31、nd that those who read more than 3.5 hours weekly were 23 percent less likely to die during that 12year period.Those who read up to 3.5 hoursan average of a half hour a daywere 17 percent less likely.“In other words,just like a healthy diet and exercise,books appear to promote a significant survival

32、 advantage,” the authors concluded.Why or how thats_the_case remains unclear;the research showed only an association between book reading and longevity,not a causal relationship.But the findings are not so surprising.Other recent research showed that reading novels appears to increase both brain con

33、nectivity and sympathy.1、Why does the author mention Flauberts words in the first paragraph?ATo stress the value of reading.BTo compare reading with a party.CTo introduce the study on reading.DTo support the findings of the study.2、From the text,what can we learn about the study?ANo similar study on

34、 reading has been carried out.BThe process of the study lasted more than ten years.CIt shows readers live two years longer than nonreaders.DIt shows time spent on reading increases ones love for it.3、What do the underlined words“thats the case”probably mean?AReading books enables people to live long

35、er.BReading is similar to a healthy diet and exercise.CReading books is closely associated with longevity.DReading increases brain connectivity and sympathy.4、Where can we most probably read this text?Ahttps:/lifeandstyle/family.Bhttps:/b/books/comingsoon.Chttps:/news/toyourhealth.Dhttp:/www.thebook

36、bag.co.uk/Book_Recommendations.24(8分) When a special occasion arrives, a colorful gift bag or a box often finds its way to a doorstep, an office desk or a mailbox But once in a while, a present arrives at an unexpected moment as a reminder that someone is thinking about usWanda Anderson of Richland,

37、 US, remembers such a gift The rosebushes were finally in full bloom on that day in spring Seeing roses always brings to mind Wandas childhood memories To this young girl, those flowers were a luxury We never had money to buy extra things, so even a tired rose was something to cherish, Wanda saidNow

38、adays, to have a backyard filled with many different roses is pure enjoyment Wanda especially loves the very first blooms Her husband, Dale, devotedly tends the roses and knows this little fact about his wife So, on this particular morning, he picked the very first flowers of spring, fresh from the

39、garden But as Dale came back into the house, he was met by a neighbor who had stopped in for a quick visit As the woman turned to go, Dale graciously (有風(fēng)度地) handed the roses to her And even though their visitor insisted she didnt want to take them, she was repeatedly convinced that the flowers were

40、hers to keep I told her I was happy for her to have the roses, but I really wasnt, Wanda said, recalling the emotions she was feeling right thenSeeing her very precious first blooms go out of the door filled her with regret, and a bit of selfishness Throughout the rest of the morning, Wanda argued w

41、ith herself, knowing logically it was better to give than to receive Nevertheless, she wished she could have kept the roses for herselfLater that day, the couple headed to the post office, where Wanda waited outside in the car Then, without warning, an older woman suddenly appeared at the cars open

42、window, with a bunch of multicolored roses in her arms These are for you, she said, giving the flowers to Wanda Theyre my first blooms this spring Totally surprised and overwhelmed (不知所措的), Wanda thanked the woman and bent for a moment to inhale (吸入) the roses rich fragrance When she looked back, th

43、e mysterious visitor was goneTo this day, that special delivery changed Wanda Now, her very first blooms always go to someone else, as a reminder that someone is thinking of them1、Why does Wanda love roses so much? _AShe thinks that they stand for pure loveBShe was given them often as a childCHer hu

44、sband always sends her rosesDShe couldnt afford them when she was young2、How did Wanda feel after the neighbor left? _AWorriedBUpsetCSatisfiedDRelieved3、What changed Wandas opinion of giving gifts? _AThe flowers her husband bought herBThe gifts her neighbor gave back to herCThe roses she received fr

45、om a strangerDA mysterious delivery she got from the post office4、Why does Wanda always give away her roses to others now? _ATo show off her beautiful flowersBTo prove that she isnt selfishCTo surprise people she lovesDTo show that shes thinking of them25(10分)Tiny Countries You Never knew ExistedSao

46、 Tome and principeSao Tome and Principe off Africas west coast is only 372 square miles, but it has Impressive, undamaged nature, rich in biodiverse species. The amazing needle-like volcanic peak Pico Cao Grande rises 1,000 feet into the air. The islands are home to only around 200,000 people today.

47、San MarinoOnly 23 square miles with a population of just 34,000, the little-known country of San Marino, surrounded by Italy, is the worlds fifth smallest country. With the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Mount Titano, the country is said to be the oldest republic in the world.DominicaDominica covers

48、only 290 square miles, with some of the best diving in the Caribbean, including the UNESCO World Heritage Site of volcanic Morme Trois Pitons National Park. In Dominica, youll see rainforests, waterfalls, and coastal views. The island is also home to the only remaining population of the Kalinago, wh

49、o are part of the islands 74, 900 inhabitants.KiribatiThis Pacific island country 33 coral islands is 313 square-miles, but its the only country in the world to fall into all four hemispheres (半球). The countrys 109, 000 residents live in only 21 of the islands see this tropical paradise before it is

50、 no longer-rising seas are threatening to swallow the country whole.1、Which country has the smallest population?ASao Tome and Principe.BSan Marin.CDominica.DKiribati.2、What can one see in both San Marino and Dominica?AVolcanoes.BWorld heritage sites.CViews of the Caribbean.DWaterfalls.3、Which is tru

51、e of Kiribati?AIt is rich in biodiverse species.BIt is surrounded by Italy.CIt is home to the Kalinago.DIt is disappearing.第三部分 語(yǔ)言知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)26(30分) I was the fool at school, regarded as a special needs student I was termed as such Obviously

52、, because I was not interested in school and did not care for my 1 Over time, I started to believe in my stupidity I 2 the fact that I was in special needs classes and poured it out as anger and depression But one activity 3 this view of myself: chessI started to play chess with my father after scho

53、ol 4 because I wanted to beat him at something My father was a 5 man, fond of physics, writing, religion, almost every field He was called a walking dictionary So, winning in chess against my father would be a 6 that I had intellectual power On the small chessboard, I had a chance to 7 my so-called

54、inabilityGame after game, I wanted to beat my father even more I started to study chess books and play against a chess computer to 8 my skills One weekend, I finally checkmated(將殺) my father on a ferry ride, which made me feel 9 Two years later, I became the second board 10 my school chess team, wit

55、h our top board being the best high school player in the state But before the tournament season, our top player 11 to come There came my chance to play as top board against the best players in other statesI was determined to show who I had become: a(n) 12 person able to win with calculation, logic a

56、nd will My most 13 game came in the final round Our team was facing a high school which only excellent students attended It was 14 a match between a special needs student and a smart soul My opponent(對(duì)手) was playing well and kept 15 while I kept defending to keep my king safe He spent long trying to

57、 break down my defenses, but could not find the final push I 16 with more defensive moves, trying to make it as difficult for him as possible With little 17 left, he started to make rapid moves 18 he could make the final decision, he ran out of time Honestly, as his clock flag fell, I jumped up out

58、of my seat and kissed the floor out of excitement Of course it was not the most sportsmen-like 19 , but I could not control my emotionsWhile holding my winners cup, I knew I was not 20 The inferiority complex(自卑感) had melted away, and I realized that underneath our thoughts, each person is a genius1

59、、Ahabits Bgrades Cplans Dbenefits2、Anoticed Bexplained Caccepted Dignored3、Achanged Bsupported Cquestioned Dshowed4、Aespecially Bobviously Csimply Dhopefully5、Asmart Bstrict Cquiet Dstrong6、Adream Blesson Ctheory Dsign7、Aturn over Bturn down Cget over Dget through8、Ateach Bsharpen Cchoose Dinvent9、A

60、overjoyed Bdisappointed Cpuzzled Dinterested10、Afor Bin Cof Don11、Apromised Bmanaged Chappened Dfailed12、Abrave Blucky Cactive Dintelligent13、Aterrible Bmemorable Cdangerous Dpopular14、Anormally Bpossibly Cactually Dpartly15、Aattacking Bsmiling Cpausing Descaping16、Areturned Bquit Cwon Dexchanged17、


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