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2、年 (第 套) 年 (第 套) 年 (第 套) 年 (第 套) 年 (第 套) 年 (第 套) 年 (第 套) 年 (第 套) 年 (第 套) 年 (第 套) 年 (第 套) 年 (第 套)20126 年 (第 套 年 (第 套3 / 年 月Part 六(第 套Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark habits result from resisting ion.” You can cite le to illustrate 年 月Part

3、六(第 套Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark habits result from resisting ion.” You can cite le to illustrate your . should Sheeteast 150 words but no n 200 words. Write your essay on (30Part his section, you will hear 8 short conversations and

4、 2 long conversations. each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be pause.Duringthepause,youmustreadthefourmarkedA),B),C)andD),decidewhichisthebestanswer.Thenmarkthecorrespo

5、ndingletteronAnswerSheet1wi single line through the centre.Whyhisphonehadbeendisconnected. Whyshe could not get through to him. Why he didntleave her amessage.WhyherefusedtoanswerherThehouseswithinhispricerangearesoldMosthiscitywant toowna Hehasdifficultyfindingaffordablehousing. The woman should re

6、nt a nicer apartment.Thewomanwouldlikethemantotakecareof .ThewomanhasputtheoThenewcopymachinecanmeeteveryonesAcodenumberissarytorunthecopyHewillstopworktotakecareofthebaby. Hewillfindajobnearhishomenextyear. His wife is going to give birth to a baby.HiswifewillleaveherworkThecenterisfloodedwithTheyw

7、illcometothemallsomeotherhiscity isahorrible Shewillwaitforthemanatthesouth HewillbebackinaminutetorepairtheItwilltakelongertoreconnectthecomputerstotheHehastackledmorecomplicatedn Alotofcoolstuffwillbeavailableonline4 /SheottocallherProf.SmithgiveslecturesregularlyonTV. Her mother is a friend of Pr

8、of. Smiths.ShedidseeProf.SmithonThemanhastowaittogethisThestoreSheottocallherProf.SmithgiveslecturesregularlyonTV. Her mother is a friend of Prof. Smiths.ShedidseeProf.SmithonThemanhastowaittogethisThestorevetheprescribedThemanhastogo toseehisdoctorTheprescriptionisnotwrittenclearlyQuestions9to11are

9、basedontheconversationyouhavejustItisadvertisingelectronicproducts. It is planning to tour East Asia.It is sponsoring aTVItis giving Alot of goodTalentedartiststoworkforit. Long-term investments.AdecreaseinproductionPromiselong-termcooperation withtheExplainlytheirowncurrentlPayforthe in90ftheperfor

10、manceBearthecostofthepublicisin9theCompanysQuestions12to15arebasedontheconversationyouhavejustHehasbeenseeingdoctorsandcounsellors. He has found a new way to train his voice. He was caught abusing drugs.Hemightgive up concert SingerseaddictedtoIthelpssingerswarmthemselvesSingersuseittostayawayfromIt

11、candoharmtosingersvocalTheyareeager Manylackefamous. altraining.Fewe TheyliveaglamorousHarmtosingersdonebysmokyatmospheres. Side effects of some common drugs.Voiceproblemsamon9popHardshipsexperiencedbymanyyoun9 his section, you will hear 3 short passages. At questions. Both the passage and the quest

12、ions willofeachpassage,youwillhearsome be spoken only once. After you hear single line through the centre.ThenmarkthecorrespondingletteronAnswerSheet1PassageQuestions16to19arebasedonthepassageyouhavejust16. A) snotbeenvery5 /Isea newsmetwithsattractedalotof.ItsavesIt ensures drivers safety.ItcarColl

13、ectmoneyandhelpnewIsea newsmetwithsattractedalotof.ItsavesIt ensures drivers safety.ItcarCollectmoneyandhelpnewheautomatedStayalerttoanyWalkaroundandguardagainstcartheft. TheywillvarywiththesizeofTheywillbediscountabletoregularTheywillbenconventionalTheywillbereducedifpaidinPassageQuestions20to22are

14、basedonthepassageyouhavejustHalfoftheheatmosphereisfromneethe chiefsourceofgreenhouseConsumer behavior may be influenced by the environment. Meatconsumptionhasanadverseeffectontheenvironment. It takes time for the human body to get used to it.ItlacksthevitaminsandmineralsessentialforIt immunitytocer

15、tainIthelpspeopletoliveamuchlongerlife. Produce green food.Waste no food. Quiteatingmeats.GrowQuestions23to25arebasedonthepassageyouhavejustTheydo notknowany Theydonotgiveupdrunkdriving. They do not behave in public pla.TheydonotadmitbeingalcoholTostopthemfromfightingnk them for theirToteachthemtheE

16、uropeanTo vetheirpainsand erventiontheywillbeaheadachetotheWithsupportthey can be broughtback toa normalTheyreadilyrespondtomedicaleaseriousthreattol 6 /hissection,you willsagethreetimes. Whenthe passageisreadforyou should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the secon

17、d you are required to he s with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, thepassageisread forthethird time, youshould check whatyou have Self-image is cture you have of yourself, the sort you ve you are. Including your self-image are the 26 inhissection,you willsagethreetimes. Whenthe passageis

18、readforyou should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second you are required to he s with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, thepassageisread forthethird time, youshould check whatyou have Self-image is cture you have of yourself, the sort you ve you a

19、re. Including your self-image are the 26 in which you place yourself, the roles you play, and other you use to identify yourself. If l an 27 you are a grandfather who recentlylost hiswife and does teer work kends, several elements of your self-image are brought to lightthe ofgrandparent,widower,28Bu

20、t self-image is n how you picture yourself; it also involves how others see you. types of feedback from others are 29 how they see us: confirmation, rejection, Confirmation occurs when others treat you in a manner 30 with who you veyou are. You ve have leadership abilities and when others treat you

21、in a s put you 31 a new work team. Onthe other hand, rejection t is inconsistent with your 32 .Pierre Salinger was senator from California but subsequently lost election.He thought he was a public l, but the voters 33 thought otherwisetheir vote was inconsistent with f-The third type of feedback is

22、disconfirmation, which occurs whenothers fail to 34 your notion of self responding neutrally. A student writes what he thinks is anexcellent ition, but the teacher writes encouraging remarks. n 35 how othersclassify you, consider how you identify yourself. wayinwhichyouidentifyyourselfisthebestrefle

23、ctionofyourself- (40Part Directions: Thereare2hissection.Eachpassageisfollowedbysomequestionsordecide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 wi line through the centre.PassageQuestions36to45arebasedonthefollowing is na serious economic downturn. Whatdistinguishes a fr

24、omis paralyzing fearfear of the unknown so t it causes consumers, businesses,and y cut spending. They sell stocksand investors to retreat and panic. They save up cash and despera assets. A shattering loss of confidence inspires behaviort the normal self-t usuallypreventa ingdeep andprolonged: .Compa

25、ring 1929 with 2007-09, Christina Romer, the head Obamas Council Advisers, finds the initial blow to confidence far greater n then. True, stock fell a third September to December 1929, but fewer Americans then owned stocks. Moreover,home dropped. From December 1928 to December 1929, total household

26、wealth declinedonly 3% . By the loss in household wealth n December 2007 and December 2008 was17% . Both stocks homes, more widely held, droppedmore.Thus traumatized (),theeconomy veoa free fall ending in ., it did o free fall.Shoppers refrained from buying , and other big-ticket items. Spending on

27、suchdurables dropped at a 12% annual rate in thirdquarter,a20% hefourth.Andbusinessesshelvedinvestmentt these huge declines didnt lead to mainly reflects, as Romer countermeasures taken by ernment. Private markets oods, , labor, and do mostly self-correct, but panic feeds on itself and disarms these

28、 stabilizing 7 /situation, ernment can protect the economy as a whole, because most individuals companiesareheself-defeatingbehaviorofself-ernments failure to perform this role in the early 1930s transformed o.Scholars will debate erventions this timethe Federal pport of a credit system, guarantees

29、of debt, Obamas situation, ernment can protect the economy as a whole, because most individuals companiesareheself-defeatingbehaviorofself-ernments failure to perform this role in the early 1930s transformed o.Scholars will debate erventions this timethe Federal pport of a credit system, guarantees

30、of debt, Obamas stimulus plan and stress testcounted inpreventing a recurrence. Regardless,all these complex measures had the same psychological e: re t the free fall would stop and, thereby, curb the t would etuate (使持久) freeAll this improved confidence. But the consumer sentiment index remains wea

31、k, and all the reboundhas occurred in Americans evaluation of future economic conditions, not the present. Unemployment(9.8%) is abysmal (糟透的), the recoverys strength unclear. Here, too, there is an echo from the1930s. Despite bottoming out in 1933, the Depres didnt end until World War II. ernmentpo

32、licies aided recovery; some hindered it. The good news today is t the bad news is 36. Whydoconsumers,businessesandinvestorsretreatandimesof?A)Theysufferossesinstocks,propertyandotherB)Theyfindtheself-correctingmechanismsC)TheyareafraidthenormallorderwillbeD)TheydontknowwhatisgoingtoheWhatdoesChristi

33、naRomersayaboutthecurrenteconomic?ItsseverityisnomatchfortheGreatItsinitialblowtoconfidencefaroftofIIsaffected house ownersnstocksresultedinafreefalloftheofWhydidntthecurrentoaaccordingtoChristinaervenedPrivatemarketscorrectedPeople refrained from buying durables and big-ticket items. Individualsand

34、companiesadoptedself-protectionmeasures.Whatis the chief eofallthecountermeasuresTocreatejobTocurbthefearofalastingfreefall. Tostimulatedomesticconsumption. To rebuild the credit system.Whatdoestheauthorthinkoftodayseconomicsituation? It may worsen without further stimulation.Itwillseeareboundsooner

35、orIsnot gone from bad to ItdoesnotgivepeoplereasonforPassageQuestions41to45arebasedonthefollowingUsually when we walk through the rain forest we hear a soft sound from all the moist leaves and anic debris on the forest floor, says ecologist Daniel Nepstad. Now we increasingly get rustle tsthe sound

36、ofa dying Predictions of the collapse of the tropical rain forests have been around for years. Yet until 8 /the worst forecasts were almost exclusively linked to direct human activity, such as clear-cutting burning for pastures or farms. Left alone, it was med, the worlds rain forests would not only

37、 but might even rescue us from disaster by absorbing the s carbon dioxide and t the rise greenhouse gases. Now it turns t may be wishful thinking. Some scientists carbon the worst forecasts were almost exclusively linked to direct human activity, such as clear-cutting burning for pastures or farms.

38、Left alone, it was med, the worlds rain forests would not only but might even rescue us from disaster by absorbing the s carbon dioxide and t the rise greenhouse gases. Now it turns t may be wishful thinking. Some scientists carbon levels t the Amazon and other rain forests in Asia and Africa may go

39、 from being assets the battle against rising temperatures to liabilities. Amazon plants, forinstance, hold n 100 metric tons ofcarbon, equalto 15 years oftailpipe and s. If thecollapse ofthe rain speeds up dramatically, it could eventually release 3.5-5billion metric tons of carbon each yearmaking f

40、orests the leading source ofgreenhouse gases.o the monly severe droughts brought on by global climate changes have led to forest-wildfires from Australia to Indonesia, but nowhere more acut the rain forest is already at the brink of collapse.nhe Amazon. Some experts Extreme weather and reckless deve

41、lopment are plotting against the rain forest in t have neverseen. Treesneed more waterastemperaturesrise,butthe prolongeddroughtshave robbed of moisture, making whole forests easily cleared of trees and o farmland. cture with each round of El Nino, the unusually warm he Pacific t drive up and invari

42、ably presage(預(yù)示)droughts and he rain forest.Runaway fires pour even more otheair,whichincreasestemperatures,startingthewholeviciouscycleallovernparadiserishingrain forestcould triggera domino dingwindsandkilometers off course and loading the skies with even greater levels of greenhouse t will be far

43、beyond the Amazon basin. In a sense, we are alreadygetting a glimpse of whats to come. Each heAmazon, fires y set by frontier settlers and developers hurl up lf a metric tons of carbon a year, placing Brazil among the top five contributors to greenhouse gases Welearnfromdeadleavesandtreedebrismaketh

44、esametaredyingusually giveoutasoft anic debris echoes the sounds in a rain forest. thesoundofaforestsignifiesitshealthcondition.hesecondparagraph,theauthorchallengesthethecollapse ofrain forests is caused bydirect t.carbon sare theleadingcause ofcurrentglobaltheconditionofrainforestshasbeen ly rainf

45、orestsshouldnotbeopasturesorTheauthorttherisingcarbonlevelsinrainforeststurnoamajorsourceofgreenhousechangethe atternsthroughoutthe eathreattowildlife acceleratetheirsmadeiteasiertoturnsomerainoriseincarbonLackofrainfallresultingfromglobalTheunusualwarmhePacificWhatmakesBraziloneoftheworldstopfiveco

46、ntributorstogreenhouseThedominoeffecttriggeredbytheperishingrainItspracticeofburningforestsforsettlementand9 /ThechangedpatternsofwindsandheAmazonItsinabilitytocurbthecarbonsfrom 年 月 六(第 套Part Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay ThechangedpatternsofwindsandheAmazon

47、Itsinabilitytocurbthecarbonsfrom 年 月 六(第 套Part Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark provideenoughtosatisfyeverymansneed,butnoteverymansgreed.”Youcanciteto illustrate your . You should WriteyouressayonAnswerSheeteast 150 words but no n 200 (3

48、0Part hissection, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. conversation,oneor morequestions will be asked aboutwhatwas said. Boththe and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. thepause,youmustreadthefourmarkedA),B),C)andD),anddecidewhi

49、chthe best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 wi through the centre.Shehasysingle SheoshockafteranSheisstillinacriticalcondition. She is getting much better.OrderingaBookingaBuyingaMostborrowersneverreturnedthebookstoThemanisthehobrought herbook Sheneverexpectedanyonetoretu

50、rnthebookstoMostofthebooksshelentamebackwithoutSheleftherworkearlytogetsomebargainslastSheattendedthesupermarketsgrandopeningceremony. She drove afull hour before finding a parking space.ShefailedtoothesupermarketlastHeisbothered by thepain inhis Hecannotdohisreportwithoutacomputer. He cannot afford

51、 to have a coffee break.Hefeelssorrytohavemissedthe10 /Onlytopartstudentscanshowtheirhe The gallery space is big enough for the mans paThewomanwouldliketohelpwiththeexhibitionlayout. ThemanisuncertainhowhisartworksOnlytopartstudentscanshowtheirhe The gallery space is big enough for the mans paThewom

52、anwouldliketohelpwiththeexhibitionlayout. Themanisuncertainhowhisartworkswillbe ThewomanneedsatemporaryreplacementforherThemanhesamedepartmentasthewoman ThewomanwillhavetostayinhospitalforafewThemaniscapableofdealingwithdifficultItwasntheprevious ItdistortedthemayorsItexaggeratedthecityseconomicprob

53、lems. ItreflectedtheopinionsofmostQuestions9to12arebasedontheconversationyouhavejustToinformhimofaproblemtheyTorequesthimtopurchasecontrolTodiscussthecontentofaprojectreport. To ask him to fix the dicing machine.Theyquotethe best he They manufacture and sell office furniture. Theycannotdelivertheste

54、elsheetsontime. Theycannotproducethesteelsheetsneeded. By marking down the unit price.By accepting the penalty clauses. Byallowingmoretimefordelivery.Bypromisingbetterafter-salesGivethecustomeratenpercentClaim compensation from the steel AsktheBuyingDepartmenttoCancelthecontractwiththeQuestions13to1

55、5arebasedontheconversationyouhavejustImproveD) ExplaincertainnaturalPredictglobalpopulationPromotenationallChanging attitudes toward nature.ChaostheoryanditsThecurrentglobaleconomic his section, you will hear 3 short passages. At questions. Both the passage and the questions willof each passage, you

56、 will hear be spoken only once. After you hear ThenmarkthecorrespondingletteronAnswerSheet1single line through the centre.11/PassageQuestions16to18arebasedonthepassageyouhavejustThey laygreat emphasison hard Theyname150starengineerseachyear. They require high academic degrees.TheyhavepeoplePassageQu

57、estions16to18arebasedonthepassageyouhavejustThey laygreat emphasison hard Theyname150starengineerseachyear. They require high academic degrees.TheyhavepeopleveryhighLongyearsofjobHigh DevotiontotheadvanceofersonalRichworkingHigh motivation.PassageQuestions19to21arebasedonthepassageyouhavejustAAfairy

58、Abiography.HewasasportsHelovedHedislikedHelikedhair-raisingEncourage people to undertake adventures. Publicizehiscolorfulanduniquelifestories.RaisepeoplesenvironmentalD) AttractpeopletoAmericasnationalQuestions22to25arebasedonthepassageyouhavejustinfectedThe doctor identifiedAriverrunningthroughtheC

59、ongo. They exhibit similar symptoms.Theycanbetreated withthesame TheyhavealmostthesamemortalityTheyhave bothdisappeared Byinhalingairpollutedwith .By contacting contaminated body fluids. BydrinkingwaterfromtheCongoRiver. ByeatingfoodgrowninSudanandMorestrainswillevolvefromthe.Scientistswilleventuall

60、yfindcuresfor12 /AnotherOncedemicmayeruptsooneroreimmuneto his section, you will sage three times. When the passage is read for you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second you are required to he s with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, thepas


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