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1、2021-2022高考英語模擬試卷考生請注意:.答題前請將考場、試室號、座位號、考生號、姓名寫在試卷密封線內(nèi),不得在試卷上作任何標記。.第一部分選擇題每小題選出答案后,需將答案寫在試卷指定的括號內(nèi),第二部分非選擇題答案寫在試卷題目指定的 位置上。.考生必須保證答題卡的整潔。考試結束后,請將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。第一部分(共20小題,每小題L 5分,滿分30分)People believe that the China Dream is not very difficult so long as the whole nation works hard for it.A. realizingB.

2、 to be realizedC- realized D. to realizeThe house I live in is very small.A. that B. whom C. when D. whatThe battery in my cell phone is running low.I that last night before we went to bed.A. was noticing B. have noticed C. would notice D. had noticedhis conclusion on the evidence he collected on th

3、e scene, he proved that the murderer was guilty.A. BasedB. BasingC. To base D. Being basedThe debate here will be limited in two main respects9 the time available.A. in view of B. in return forC. in addition to D. in comparison withhis overseas study, he was eventually employed by his dream company.

4、A. Having completedB. CompletingC. Completed D. To completeI believed him to be honest but his actions showed that he had.A. the top dog B. the feet of clayC. his cup of tea D. the apple of his eyeIt is obvious that John is unhappy., it comes as no surprise that she has decided to change her job.A.

5、However B. Otherwise C. MoreoverD. ThereforeThe Games are known as the friendly games because of their on kindness and mutual respect.A. lacksB. focusesC. challenges D. researchesYou can get off the bus one or two stops and walk the rest of the way to work every day so as to take someexercise.A. mor

6、e early B. earliest C. early D. earlierI am a better reader this year than I was last year because I to hundreds of new concepts and ideas.A. have exposed B. had been exposed C. have been exposed D. was exposedSome tourists9 visiting Tian, anmen Square during the holiday left a of litter everywhere

7、they went.A. trailB. dotC. chain D. track一Im sorry for breaking the cup.Oh, Ive got plenty.A. help yourselfB. forget itC. my pleasure D. pardon meAlphaGos beating Go grandmaster Lee Sedol 4-1 has an international debate about whether robots willcompletely take the place of humans.A. give offB. work

8、outC. set off D. put outComparison may make something appear more beautiful than it is when alone.A. seen B. seeing C. see D. to seeyou are supposed to do you dont like a thing is it. Dontcomplain.A. That; what; changeB. When; that; to changeC. What; when; change D. What; that; changingThe purpose o

9、f her talking to me last night actually this: That I shall never trust him any more in future.A. comes round B. comes outC. comes on D. comes to. I was embarrassed to admit that yesterday I a serious error.A. acted B. committed C. performed D. completedChinas Change 4 robotic probe entered lunar orb

10、it on Wednesday,a major step in its mission to make a soft landing on the moons far side.A. markingB. to markC. having marked D. markedIn recent years, Chinese arts have won the of a lot of people outside China.A. reputation B. enjoymentC. appreciation D. entertainment第二部分閱讀理解(滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B

11、、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。(6 分)Researchers in China and the United States have developed a new cataract(白內(nèi)障)treatment with cells that has restored vision in babies in a trial and may eventually be used in adults.The treatment-by doctors and staff members at the University of California, San Diego School of M

12、edicine andSichuan and Sun Yat-sen universities in China-was published in March 9 edition of the scientific journal Nature.A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear lens(晶體)of an eye. Typical cataract operation involves the removal of the cloudy lens and the insertion of an artificial one. The

13、new operation has been tested in animals and during a small, human trial. It resulted in fewer complications(并發(fā)癥)than the current harmful operation, and in regrown lenses with superior visual function in all 12 of the baby cataract patients who received the procedure.A con.ecital cataract-lens cloud

14、ing that occurs at birth or shortly after- is important cause of blindness in children. In the new research, K and Zhang, head of ophthalmic genetics at US San Diegos Shiley Eye Institute, and his colleagues relied on the regrown potential of endogenous(同源的)stem cells.According to Zhang, endogenous

15、stem cells are different from other stem cells that are typically grown in a laboratory, transplanted into a patient, and can have risks of immune (免疫的)rejection, infection or cancers. Zhang told CBS News, “We invented a new operation to make a very small opening at the side of a cataractous lens ba

16、g, remove the cataract inside, allow the opening to heal, and promote potential lens stem cells to regrow an entirely new lens with vision.”The human trial involved 12 babies under the age of 2 who were treated with the new method, while 25 babies received the standard operation care. The latter gro

17、up experienced a higher incidence of post-operation danger, early- onset eye high blood pressure and increased lens clouding. The scientists reported fewer complications and faster healing among the 12 babies who has the new procedure.1、What is the text mainly about?A new cataract treatment with ste

18、m cells.The concept of the cataract.Bad effects of post-operation in the cataract.The reasons why the cataract conies into being.2、Which of the following best describe the new cataract treatment according to the passage?A. Convenient. B. Comfortable.C. Safe. D. Cheap.3、What can we learn about the ne

19、w cataract treatment?A. It may be used widely. B. It has more risks.C. It has been put into practice widely. D. It can only restore vision in babies.4、What does the underlined word “ congenital“ in the fourth paragraph mean?A. Strange.B. Born.C. Serious.D. Dangerous.22. (8 分)Frank Lloyd Wright is of

20、ten called the father of American modern architecture. He designed buildings and homes across the United States for more than 70 years. He created most of his works from 1900 through the 1950s, but his open-living spaces and imaginative designs still appear very modern today.Last week, the United St

21、ates nominated(提名)10 of his buildings for the UN Educational) Scientific and Cultural Organizationor UNESCOthe World Heritage List. The World Heritage List recognizes the most, important cultural and natural sites worldwide.The 10 buildingsy titled. Key Works of Modern Architecture by Frank Lloyd Wr

22、ight, “were built between 1906 and 1969. They include several of his personal homes and studios, churches9 government buildingsy private residences, and one very famous museumNew York Citys Guggenheim Museum.The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is one of the most visited sites in New York City. About on

23、e million people visit it every year. Frank Lloyd Wright worked on it from 1943 to 1959. It was designed to create a new type of space for new types of art. The museum remains an international symbol of modern architecture that represents Wrighfs unique design.Many of Mr. Wrights modern buildings an

24、d homes in the U. S. Midwest have also become symbols of modern American architecture. Richard Longstreth is the president of the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy. He calls Mr. Wrisht“the father of modern architecturey fundamentally redefining the nature of form and space during the early 20t

25、h century that would have enduring impacts of modern architecture worldwide. ”The UNESCO World Heritage Committee will announce its decision in mid-2016. If Frank Lloyd Wrighfs 10 buildings were chosen for the list* they would be the first World Heritage listings for modem U. S. architecture. The Wo

26、rld Heritage List already includes 22 other American sites, including the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park and the Statue of Liberty.1、We can learn from the passage thatMr. Wrighfs designs are out of style todayMr. Wrighfs designs have been widely recognizedMr. Wrighfs designs on modern build

27、ings and homes are a failureMr. Wright is the owner of ten buildings2、Which of the following statements about Guggenheim Museum is true?A. It is a masterpiece showing Mr. Wrighfs unique design.B It is a good example of traditional design.It is the most famous site in New York City.It is the symbol o

28、f New York City.3、In which section of the newspaper can you probably find this article?A. NewsB. ScienceA. NewsC. BiographyD. Economy4、Whafs the best title of the passage?Frank Lloyd Wrightthe Father of American Modern ArchitectureThe World Heritage ListCultural Collection WorldwideGuggenheim Museum

29、International Symbol of modern ArchitectureFrank Lloyd WrighfBuildingsOn the way to World Heritage List23. (8 分) Alma Deutscher could read music before she could read words. She composed her first piano sonata at six, her first short opera at seven, and her first full-length opera at 10.Alma Alma, a

30、 gifted musician as well as a composery the child prodigy, or Little Mozart”, whose music is in the classical-romantic tradition, was on stage throughout, switching between the piano and the violin.Her parents mother Janie* and father Guy, are quite formal. They think deeply before they speak, and a

31、ppear to be quiet. They maintain Alma is an adult when it comes to music and a normal girl in other ways.She has always been home-schooled and is reading Philip Pullmans His Dark Materials when we meet. Janie, who has given up her university job, is also a huge support, home-schooling both girls. An

32、d they believe Alma wouldnt have developed in mainstream education anyway. Because her needs are different and its quite difficult for any school.But perhaps what most sets her apart is the intensity(強度)of her imagination. Spend time with Alma and you are struck by how often she talks about Transylv

33、anian which is unrelated to the region in Romania. I must have heard the name somewhere, because I didnt know it was a real place until much later, “she says.Transylvanian is“ my own land with its own language and there are beautiful composers there* named Antonin Yellow sink and Ashy and Shell and

34、FlareM. Transylvanian is outside* inside; everywhere and nowhere.She has written biographies about the composers, created a magazine, Paris Flash, for the inhabitants, and even composed a Transylvanian national anthem. Her father believes her musical ability is a sign of this imagination. MIt all po

35、urs out like a volcano/* he says.1、What can we learn about Alma from the first two paragraphs?She is too young to be a musician.She is a wonder child on music.She is a hard-working child on music.Her music works are well-known around the world.2、Why did Alma receive education at home?Because she did

36、nt like school.Because of her special needs.Because her mother lost her job.Because she wanted to stay with her sister.3、What do we know about Transylvanian?Transylvanian is a place in Almas city.Transylvanian is a place in the book Alma read.Transylvanian is a place that Alma imagined.Transylvanian

37、 is a group for musicians and composers.4、According to her father; what is the key to Almas success?A. Her rich imagination.B. Her parents influence.C. Her teachers instruction.D. Her hardwork on music.24. (8 分) Almost one in five drivers had dozed off behind the wheel, a shocking news report had sh

38、owed. Of those who were dozing off, 29% have done so with their cars speeding at 70 miles per hour. The report also found a quarter of men have fallen asleep while driving, making it almost twice as many as women.The Safety on Wheel Report, by Post Office Insurance, also looked at how often tirednes

39、s or a lack of concentration caused accidents. Three in ten drivers have experienced an accident, from passing a walker crossing to hitting another vehicle, because of a lack of concentration. Meanwhile, almost half (49%) of UK drivers have driven when they do not concentrate.Paul Havenhand, head of

40、 insurance at Post Office, said, “ When tiredness stakes, drivers should avoid the roads. There is no measurement for tired driving, unlike driving under the influence of alcohol, yet it could result in an equally dangerous accident.Drivers are advised to take a 15-minute break from driving every tw

41、o hours. However, a third (36%) are so eager to reach their destination that they will ignore feelings of tiredness. Whafs more, almost one in five (18%) will drive for longer than four hours without a break, while 6% carry on for up to 6 hours. Just over a quarter (27%) choose a quick stop to buy a

42、 cup of coffee, which is a very popular way for drivers to get rid of tiredness, and only 17% stop to have a rest until they feel energetic again. Mr. Havenhand added, “Drivers should plan ahead and rest before starting a long journey; besides, they can take regular breaks to recharge their batterie

43、s while on road; in some cases, if they do feel too tired to concentrate on the roads, they could consider an alternative means of transport.” 1、Which suggestion is NOT put forward by Mr. Havenhand?Preparing well for a long journey and taking a complete rest before it.Having breaks regularly in orde

44、r to feel refreshed.C. Choosing another method of transport instead.D. Choosing a quick stop to grab something to eat.2、What does the underlined phrase “recharging their batteries“ in the last paragraph mean?Put a new supply of electricity into their batteries.Get back their energy by resting for a

45、while.Accuse them of stealing batteries.Pay twice more money for their batteries.It is implied in the last paragraph that for drivers the most popular cure for tiredness is, A. drinking coffeetalking with othersignoring feelings of tirednesssinging songs4、Whafs the purpose of the writer in writing t

46、his passage?To warn people of the danger of tired driving.To tell people to be careful when walking on the street.To inform people of the importance of a good rest.To introduce some dangers while driving on the roads.(10 分) Thousands of persons in Peru are suffering from the disease cholera. Medical

47、 experts say it is the first time in their century that cholera has reached the western part of the world. The United States Centers for disease control says the kind of cholera has been spreading throughout the world since 1961. It was discovered that year in Indonesia. Since the first case in Peru

48、, more than sixteen thousand people have been affected and about one hundred have died.Cholera is caused by polluted food and water. People become infected (傳染)when they eat the polluted food or drink the polluted water If untreated immediately, they may die within hours. Most victims however, can b

49、e saved. Treatment includes drugs and replacement of body fluids (液體)directly into the blood.Medical researchers have developed a vaccine (菌苗)medicines to protect against cholera. But the vaccine is only about 50% effective. And it protects against cholera for only about six months. Medical experts

50、say the best way to fight cholera is to prevent it. They also say people should not eat uncooked food or food that has not been cooked long enough. People who live in areas where cholera has been found should wash their hands before eating and cooking. They should drink only water that has been boil

51、ed or made pure with chemicals.1、 The underlined word “Cholera“ in the first paragraph means.A. a certain place in Perua kind of illness which may make people diea certain place in Indonesiaa certain medicine to deal with diseases2、Cholera results from (由于結果).Peru and Indonesiathe different peoples

52、in the worldthe different areas in the worldpolluted water and polluted food3、How to treat the people who have been caught by cholera?By medicines and blood improvement.By eating unpolluted food.By drinking unpolluted water.By taking them to a separated place.4、The most effective way of avoiding cho

53、lera is,seeing doctors as soon as possiblefighting against itpaying attention to the eating and drinkingtaking vaccine immediately第三部分語言知識運用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、 C和D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項.(30 分)In a fast-paced world driven by noise, excitement, and continuous connections due to t

54、echnology, I think weve lost a(n) for something essential to the human experience: Quiet.Im not talking about the library style version of soft whispers, but about the soul-defining quiet of introspection(自 ?。?of solitude and of being 2.This past weekend, I found myself glued to my computer screen i

55、n a flurry (忙亂)of3 work to build mycareer. I was 4 social media and worrying about building my vision for tomorrow. Like so many evenings, the call of the internet had 5 me in, and the beautiful July night in Pennsylvania was6until my husbandstepped in and reminded me that theres more to life than n

56、oises, likes and followers.We got into our truck and drove ten minutes to a local state park, a place that has 7 our different stages of life through the years. Phones and computers 8. we spent the evening in nature, enjoying simple scenes and 9in the quiet of the setting.Gone were the rings of noti

57、fications, the honking horns of cars flying by, and the 10 of YouTiibe videos. In their place, a silence 11 something we both know but sometimes lose 12 of: Lifes quiet, simple moments are sometimes the most beautiful.In these peaceful moments, I found a(n) 13 with nature and with my husband. I foun

58、d a reminder that there is a world 14 the computer and the 15 of our fast-paced life.16,1 was reminded that in these quiet moments, we were able to hear the most important voice: our own.Our world 17 constant attention and engagement. We become so 18 to constantly connecting and engaging with others

59、 that we fail to appreciate something 19 to our happiness: our inner voice.So take a moment, take a break and take some time to find the quiet in your life. Let the quiet moments in life remind you that your inner voice 20 to be heard.1、A. cooperationB. appreciation C. confidence D. opportunity2、A.

60、unfoldedB. unconfirmed C. unplugged D. unaccompanied3、A. regularB. simply C. desperate D. interesting4、A. drowning inB. fond of C. curious about D. sensitive to5、 A. showedB. sucked C. forced D. led6、A. acquiredB. occupied C ignored D. stressed7、A. markedB. experienced C. presented D. undertaken8、A.


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