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1、譯林版6B-U3-Revision(賽課課件)譯林版6B-U3-Revision(賽課課件)Say them quicklySay them quicklyWhy?Its good forI likeYummy!Its bad forHow much do you have? a few? a little? some? a lot of?Why?Its good forI likeYummy69I have a few/a little/a lot of/someBecause 69I have a few/a little/a lot Mike drinks_ water every da

2、y.He has _ bread and milk for breakfast.He has _ rice, _fish and _ meat for lunch and dinner.He has _ eggs every week.Mikes dieta littlesomea lot ofsomesomea fewTips: a few, a little 很挑剔, a few 后面跟可數(shù),a little 后跟不可數(shù)。some, a lot of 本領(lǐng)大,可數(shù)不可數(shù)都搭配。Mike drinks_ water ea fewa littlea fewa littlepotatotomat

3、omangoesesespotatotomatomangoesesesYang Lings dietYang Ling often _ for breakfast. She sometimes _.She _ for lunch and dinner. She only _.She _ at a time. She_ every day.has a lot of noodleseats an egg.eats some meat and vegetables eats a little riceeats a little sweet foodeats some fruitYang Lings

4、dietYang Ling ofteWhat do you think of their diet?breakfastlunch & dinner moreinformationsomea lot ofa lot ofsomesomea littlea few a littlea littlesomelikename healthy? unhealthy? has a healthy/unhealthy diet. BecauseWhat do you breakfastlunch & dFood pyramida lot ofa lot ofsomea few/a littleFood py

5、ramida lot ofa lot ofsochipshot dogsSushiSashimicerealchipshot dogsSushiSashimichipshot dogsSushiSashimicerealchipshot dogsSushiSashimicereaJapanAmerica . Eat a lot of fish . Like rice and Sushi . Have a lot of fruit and vegetables . Often eat food without cooking such as Sashimi . Not like food wit

6、h fat and oil . Drink a lot of water every day. Usually have cereal, bread, milk or juice for breakfast. Like eating junk food for lunch. Not eat too much for dinner. Always drink coffee and soft drinks. Usually eat sweet food after mealsJapanAmerica . Eat a lot of Piggys storybreakfastlunchdinnermo

7、rePiggy Watch and answer: 1. Did Piggy eat too much today? 2. What was wrong with him at last?Piggys storybreakfastlunchdinIn the morningMum, mum, Can I have some sandwiches now?But youve already had two hamburgers for breakfast!Oh, Im still hungry. Two sandwiches please, Mum.In the morningMum, mum,

8、 Can I In the morningMum, Im thirsty.Drink some water then, my dear?No, I want some cola.A big bottle, please.In the morningMum, Im thirstyLunch timeMum, whats for lunch?Meat, fish, vegetables and fruit salad!Vegetables? Fruit? I dont want any. Just give me some meat, please.Lunch timeMum, whats for

9、 luncIn the afternoonThank you. I love chocolates, ice creams and chips.Piggy, the chocolates, ice creams and chips are for you.Mm, yummy, yummy!.In the afternoonThank you. I lAt dinner timeTurkey! My favorite food! Mum, my mouth is watering! Oh, piggy. You eat too much for dinner! Youre getting fat

10、ter and fatter. Now youd better go out to take a walk!At dinner timeTurkey! My favorIn the evening But mum, Im too full. I cant move now. Oh, my God! I have a stomachache!In the evening But mum, Im Did Piggy eat too much today?What did he eat today?What was wrong with him at last?Do you know?Stomach

11、acheDid Piggy eat too much today?WWhat did he eat today?lunchafter lunchdinnerbreakfastListen and choose. 聽故事,圈出Piggy吃的東西。What did he eat today?lunchaft He doesnt like eating vegetables and fruit. He eats a lot of sweet food. He likes eating “junk food”. He drinks soft drinks when hes thirsty. He ea

12、ts a lot when the food is yummy.VsjtyWhat bad eating habits does Piggy have? He doesnt like 1. I eat _ vegetables and fruit every week. A. lot of B. some C. a few D. no2. I _eat sweet food (cakes, sweets, ice cream, chocolate) A. always B. often C. sometimes D. never3. I _ eat “junk food”. A. always

13、 B. often C. sometimes D. never4. I usually drink _ when Im thirsty. A. water B. tea C. milk D. soft drinks5. I _ eat a lot when the food is yummy. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. neverOur Survey1. I eat _ vegetable1. I eat _ vegetables and fruit every week. 1. I eat _ vegetables and fruit every

14、week. always often sometimes never38 children eat vegetables and fruit every week. But 11 children dont often eat them.1. I eat _ vegetable1. I eat _ vegetables and fruit every week. 2. I eat_ sweet food (cakes, sweets, ice cream, chocolate) a lot of some a few no 22 children like eating sweet food.

15、 They eat too much. 27children dont often eat them.1. I eat _ vegetable1. I eat _ vegetables and fruit every week. 3. I _ eat “junk food”. always often sometimes neverOnly 15 children never eat “junk food”.17 children always or often eat them. 17 children sometimes eat them.1. I eat _ vegetable1. I

16、eat _ vegetables and fruit every week. 4. I usually drink _ when Im thirsty. water tea milk soft drinksMost of the children have water when thirsty.But 11 children usually drink soft drinks .1. I eat _ vegetable1. I eat _ vegetables and fruit every week. 5. I _ eat a lot when the food is yummy? alwa

17、ys often sometimes never25children will eat a lot if the food is yummy. Only 14 children never do that. 1. I eat _ vegetableHow to make our diet healthy?breakfastlunchmoremealsfood and drinks 調(diào)整三餐飲食:根據(jù)所學(xué)的知識和調(diào)查中的問題,給大家設(shè)計(jì)更為合理的三餐飲食,將內(nèi)容填在表格內(nèi)。dinnerHow to make our diet healthy?b Lets share!1. I eat _ vegetables and fruit every week. To have a healthy diet, we shouldfor. We shouldnt Because1. I eat _ vegetable1. I eat _ vegetables and fruit every week. Have a healthy life Diet cures more than doctors!飲食有節(jié),勝過上門求醫(yī)!Do exercise every day


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