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1、2023學(xué)年中考英語(yǔ)模擬測(cè)試卷注意事項(xiàng):1 答題前,考生先將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號(hào)填寫清楚,將條形碼準(zhǔn)確粘貼在考生信息條形碼粘貼區(qū)。2選擇題必須使用2B鉛筆填涂;非選擇題必須使用05毫米黑色字跡的簽字筆書寫,字體工整、筆跡清楚。3請(qǐng)按照題號(hào)順序在各題目的答題區(qū)域內(nèi)作答,超出答題區(qū)域書寫的答案無(wú)效;在草稿紙、測(cè)試卷卷上答題無(wú)效。4保持卡面清潔,不要折疊,不要弄破、弄皺,不準(zhǔn)使用涂改液、修正帶、刮紙刀。. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、Do you think they will _ the match? I think so. The weather is really terrible.Atake offBtur

2、n offCset offDput off2、Everyone is born _ the ability to learn.AatBonCwithDin3、- _ you come with me to Lang Langs piano concert this evening?- Id love to, but I have to study for my math test.AShouldBMayCMustDCan4、One is filled with knowledge always behaves with elegance(優(yōu)雅).AwhichBwhoChowDwhat5、I c

3、ant find my notebook anywhere. Im afraid I _it.Alose Blost Chave lost Dwas losing6、_ Mary _ Jack is listening to the report carefully, because they are both interested in it very much.ANeither; norBEither; orCBoth; andDNot only; but also7、Excuse me, where is the nearest bookstore around here?Just go

4、 along Center Street and turn left. Xinhua bookstore is _ your right.AinBonCatDto8、 I am busy this weekend,I will go to Shanghai Disneyland with you.AUnlessBWhetherCIfDSince9、Tasting good food is an interesting part of traveling. When in , Germany, we can enjoy sausages, potatoes and cheese as well

5、as many different kinds of beer.AMoscowBBostonCMunich10、This is a survey about the students who can speak foreign languages in the twins class.They and their 48 classmates can speak different languages. The following form is about the percentage of the whole class. According to the form, students ca

6、n speak two or more foreign languages.A13B10C20. 完形填空11、通讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出一個(gè)最佳答案。 When people talk about the Chinese womens volleyball team, they dont just talk about a sporting group. The term has come to mean an amazing team spirit (精神). The team won its fourth World Cup victory by 1 t

7、eam Japan 3-1 on September 6, 2015. This has been its first world title in 11 years since it won at the Athens Olympic Games in 2004. 2 , in the 1980s, the team was almost unbeatable and won two championships (錦標(biāo)賽), two World Cups, and one Olympics.After the team finished fifth at the 2012 London Ga

8、mes, Lang Ping took over as head 3 the following years. She had led the Chinese team to the 1981 and 1985 World Cup titles as a player. As head coach, she “ 4 in fresh air, using more young players.”But things never go exactly as 5 . Before going to Japan, some key 6 were injured (受傷的). She had to c

9、alm down (使冷靜下來(lái)) her girls. Assistant coach Lai Yawen knew all about the 7 made by 54-year-old Lang, who slept less than four 8 every day during the World Cup. Her girls fought just as 9 as she did. Zhu Ting, 20, was asked to return to a game after South Korea took the lead. She had left because of

10、an injury.The title didnt come easy but the team made it. “I believe chance only helps the 10 people,” Lang said.1Abeating Bhurting Chitting Dgiving2ABesides BThough CUnless DHowever3Ateacher Bcoach Cmaster Dplayer4Abrought Barrived Ctook Dcame5Adesigned Bdiscovered Cplanned Dencouraged6Aworkers Ble

11、arners Cmanagers Dplayers7Adifference Bmoney Ceffort Dfood8Aminutes Bhours Cmonths Dweeks9Ahard Bwell Cprobably Dproudly10Aclever Bpoor Cdifficult Dprepared. 語(yǔ)法填空12、 Chinese New Year begins in late January1early February. It is one of the2(great) festivals in China.Many things are done to get ready3

12、this festival. The house is cleaned in the days before the holiday. No sweeping is done on the holiday because people worry about that good luck will be cleaned away. Best 4(wish)are written on red paper and hung around the house.One the5(one) day of Chinese New Year, children are given red envelope

13、s. Food is 6 important part of the holiday season. Special foods are7(eat)on certain days. Different foods have different 8(mean) behind them. For example, fish is said to mean success.Chinese New Year is9(certain) regarded as a time to be with ones family. Many visits are done during the 15 days. M

14、any traditions are to honor family members who10(die) in the past.What an interesting festival it is!. 閱讀理解A13、People with disabilities make up a large part of the population. It is reported that over 35 million Americans have physical, mental, or other disabilities. About half of these disabilities

15、 are “developmental, that is to say, they happen before peoples twenty-second birthday, often from born conditions, and are hard enough to affect three or more areas of development, such as movement, communication, occupation, etc. Most other disabilities are considered “adventitious (偶然的), i.e., ac

16、cidental or caused by outside forces.Before the 20th century, only a small percentage of people with disabilities survived for long. Medical treatment for these disabilities was unavailable. Improvements in medicine and social services have created a climate in which people with disabilities can exp

17、ect to have such basic (基本的) needs as food, shelter, and medical treatment. Unluckily, these basics are often not available. Human rights such as the right to vote, marry, get an education, and achieve work have traditionally been not agreed on the basis of disability.In recent ten years, the disabi

18、lity rights movement has been organized to fight against these disagreements of human rights. Congress(國(guó)會(huì)) replied by passing important laws recognizing(承認(rèn)) people with disabilities as a protected group under human rights laws.It is reported that more than half of qualified(有資格的) Americans with disa

19、bilities dont have work, and a lot of those who do work are out of work. About two-thirds live at or below the official lowest level.Obvious difficulties, especially in communication and public awareness(意識(shí)), prevent disabled people from taking part in society. For example, while no longer stopped b

20、y law from marrying, a person unable to communicate is excluded(排斥) from society and social activities which might lead to the development of long-term relationships.Only when public attitudes(態(tài)度) advance as far as laws have, disabled people will be fully able to take their rightful place in society

21、.1. A “developmental disability _.Ais caused by forcesBhappens in youth and affects developmentCdevelops very slowly over timeDis getting harder and harder2Most disabled people used to die early because _.Athey were not very well looked afterBdisabilities destroyed body functions terriblyCthey were

22、too poor to get right treatmentDmedical treatment were not available3The sentence “Still today, people with disabilities must fight to live their lives freely.” should be placed at the beginning of Paragraph _.AOne BTwoCThree DFour4Which of the following cannot be inferred(推斷)from the passage ?AThe

23、public tend to(傾向) look down on the disabled people.BMany disabled people may remain single(保持單身) for their whole life.CThe disabled people feel inferior(不及) to those common people.DDiscriminatory(歧視性) laws prevent the disabled from mixing with others.5The best title for this passage might be _.AThe

24、 Causes for DisabilitiesBMedical Treatments for DisabilitiesCThe physical difficulties of the DisabledDDisadvantages of People with DisabilitiesB14、There are many colors in nature. But do you know if a color has weight? I think youll say “no”. But I am afraid you are wrong. If you dont believe, you

25、may do a small experiment.First, put two objects with the same weight into two boxes. Then cover the box. Third, wrap one box with a red piece of paper, the other with a white piece of paper. OK. Now hold the boxes with your hand one by oneIt is certain that you will think the red one is a little he

26、avier.Why do you think so? A scientist found that different colors have different weight in a mans mind. So he did many tests and at last he got the result. That is to say, every color has its own weight in our mind and their order is the same. The heaviest color is red, then blue, green, orange, ye

27、llow and white.The scientist told us that colors also have smell. Can you smell the color? Of course not. Then why did the scientist say so? That is because every color stands for a kind of light with a certain wavelength. It reaches our brain through sense organs.According to this discovery, scient

28、ists say that people accept the colors they like, and refuse the colors they hate. So your body and mind will be healthy by using the colors you like. Or youll be nervous or even get ill. For example, if you stay in a room with red windows, wallpapers and furniture for two hours, youll feel you have

29、 been there for four hours. But if the room is blue, youll feel you have been there for only an hour. Another example, if a person walks out of a red room and into a blue room, his temperature will fall. That means our body temperature will change with different colors.1The purpose of the second par

30、agraph is to tell us _.Aa red box is heavier than a white one Ba color has weight in ones mindCwhite paper is lighter than red paper Dyou can know the weight of a color by holding it2Why did the scientist say colors have smell?ABecause people can sense the light from colors.BBecause we can smell col

31、ors with our nose.CBecause every color has its own sweet smell.DBecause every color can give off light of the same length.3If a person walks from a blue room to a red room, his body temperature will _.Arise Bfall Cstay the same Dchange now and then4It can be implied from the text that _.Acolors have

32、 orders in weightBcolors can change the weight of an objectCpeople would stay longer in a room with red windowsDcolors can affect our mood and health5This passage is probably a _.Abook review Bfiction novel Cfairy tale Dscience reportC15、California Gov. Jerry Brown on Tuesday signed a law for driver

33、less cars to travel on public roadways, showing once again that Left Coast has a way of making car-makers develop faster. It is not that smart minds in Japan and Germany arent already working on driverless cars. But with most new technologies, engineers want to make sure that they are safe enough be

34、fore large production. The California law will allow them to travel on the states roadways if there is an experienced driver sitting in the driving seat to take over if needed. “Today, were looking at science fiction becoming tomorrows reality,” Gov. Brown said during a news conference at Googles he

35、adquarters. “This driverless car is another step forward in this long march of California and leading not just the country, but the whole world.”The state often uses stricter laws to control greenhouse gases and global warming, which was strongly against by most car-makers in other states, saying it

36、 would be impractical for each state to make its own fuel standards. However, the U.S. EPA(環(huán)境保護(hù)署) sided with California . At last all sides reached an agreement, but the push from California undoubtedly influenced the EPAs sharply higher fuel standards, which require car-makers to achieve an average

37、 of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025.When it comes to driverless cars, California is actually the third state to authorize(批準(zhǔn)) them, behind Nevada and Florida. But by far it is the most influential. “Its meaningful because California is a big state , a first mover and really a big player,” Ryan Calo, a

38、 law professor at the University of Washington who studies autonomous transport law, told the New York Times.1The sentence“California, of course , has led the way towards cleaner transport.”is the topic sentence of _.AParagraph 2 BParagraph 3 CParagraph 4 DParagraph 52From the whole passage, what ar

39、e the advantages of driverless cars in California?AThey are green and safe BThey are fast and bigCThey are green and big DThey are fast and safe3The last paragraph is written mainly to _.Aintroduce a new law signed by CaliforniaBCalifornia is a big state and really a big playerCCalifornia is the thi

40、rd state to authorize the lawDshow the influence of Californias law on driverless cars4According to the passage, we can learn _.Aengineers in other countries arent working on driverless carsBCalifornia and the EPA reached an agreement on fuel standardsCthe developing of driverless cars in California

41、 will lead the worldDCalifornia is the first state that allows driverless cars to travel on roadsD16、There are many TV programs on Chinese cuisines(烹飪、美食),but few are like A Bite of China. It tries to bring something new by introducing more cultural features related to dishes, such as eating habits

42、and wonderful stories about food.Its said that more than 100 million Chinese people are watching the program. Most Chinese people see this program as more than just the regular food shows. They see it as an amazing documentary providing a special view of Chinese as well as the relations between peop

43、le and food and between people and society.On the other hand, the documentary also stimulates(刺激)Chinese peoples consumption. Taobao, one of Chinas biggest online shopping sites, reports that the search(搜索) on food items that were introduced by the documentary has increased to 4 million times within

44、 one week, and sales have increased to 5.82 million, or 20%.To get enough good stories, the production team spent three months doing research and interviews in about 60 cities before they started making the documentary last July. Filming lasted about nine months.Liu Wen, the director, says “As CCTV-

45、9 serves as a window allowing the world to better understand China, the documentary aims to help the world not only appreciate the beauty of Chinese cuisines, but also learn Chinese customs.”1A Bite of China is a .Afilm BTV show Cbook2This program is quite different from other food shows because it

46、has more features of .Aculture Bcuisine Cnews3The main idea of the 3rdparagraph is that the program brings a new opportunity on .AInternet communicationBfilm makingCfood business4It took the production team about to complete the whole program.A3 monthsBsix monthsCa year5Which of the following statem

47、ents is TRUE according to this passage?AMost people watch the program because they want to learn how to cook.BTherere many wonderful stories about Chinese cuisines in “A Bite of China”.CYou can buy some food that is more delious and cheaper through the program.E17、1How many days will the show last?A

48、11 days B10 days C9 days D8 days2If the show begins at 10 am, it will probably finish at _.A2 pm B7 pm C11:30 am D11:45 am3A couple and their two children will spend _ if they watch the show at 2 pm.A$140 B$120 C$100 D$854What will happen to a latecomer?AHe or she can still watch the whole show.BHe

49、or she can only enter during a break.CHe or she wont have a proper break.DHe or she will fail to enter the theatre.5_ will not be allowed in.ATeenagersBOld people over 60CFamilies with three childrenDChildren under 3F18、Mrs. Thompson stood in front of her 5th grade class on the first day of school.

50、She found a boy sleeping in his seat. He was Teddy. Also Thompson noticed the boy didnt play well with the other children. It got to the point F at the top of his papers. Mrs. Thompson reviewed each childs past records. However, when she reviewed Teddys file(檔案), she was in a surprise.Teddys first g

51、rade teacher wrote, Teddy is a bright child. He does his work neatly and has good manners.His second grade teacher wrote, Teddy is an excellent student, but he is troubled because his mother has an illness and life at home is difficult.His third grade teacher wrote, His mothers death had been hard o

52、n him. He tries his best, but his father doesnt show much interest in his study.Teddys fourth grade teacher wrote, Teddy iswithdrawnand doesnt talk with others. Also he doesnt show much interest in school. He doesnt have many friends and he sometimes sleeps in class.By now, Mrs. Thompson realized th

53、e problem. She felt even worse when her students brought her Christmas presents wrapped in beautiful and bright paper, except for Teddys. He sent a rhinestone bracelet(石鏈?zhǔn)骤C) with some stones missing. But Mrs. Thompson told him with a smile, “I like it very much.” After school Teddy said, Mrs. Thompson, today you smell just like my Mother used to be. Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. The more she encouraged him, the faster he responded. By the end of the year, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class. Teddy became one of her teachers pets.根據(jù)材料


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