



1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)專心-專注-專業(yè)精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)Unit 8 Popular ScienceLesson 22(EC)Oil(1)By G. C. ThornleyThere are three main groups of oil:animal, vegetable and mineral. Great quantities of animal oil come from whales, those enormous creatures of the sea which are the largest remain

2、ing animals in the world. To protect the whale from the cold of the Arctic seas, nature has provided it with a tick covering of fat called blubber. When the whale is killed, the blubber is stripped off and boiled down, either on board ship or on shore. It produces a great quantity of oil which can b

3、e made into food for human consumption. A few other creatures yield oil, but none so much as the whale. The livers of the cod and the halibut, two kinds of fish, yield nourishing oil. Both cod liver oil and halibut liver oil are given to sick children and other invalids who need certain vitamins. Th

4、ese oils may be bought at any chemists.Vegetable oil has been known from antiquity. No household can get on without it, for it is used in cooking. Perfumes may be made from the oils of certain flowers. Socpa are made from vegetable and animal oils.To the ordinary man, one kind of oil may be as impor

5、tant as another. But when the politician or the engineer refers to oil, he almost always means mineral oil, the oil that drives tanks, aeroplanes and warships, motor-cars and diesel locomotivs, the oil that is used to lubricate all kinds of machinery. This is the oil that is used to lubricate all kn

6、ids of machinery. This is the oil that has changed the life of the common man. When it is refined into petrol it is used to drive the internal combustion engine. To it we owe the existence of the motor-car, which has replaced the private carriage drawn by the horse. To it we owe the possibility of f

7、lying. It has changed the horse. To it we owe the possiblility of flying. It has changed the methods of warfare on land and sea. This knid of oil comes out of the earth. Because it burns well, it is used as fuel and in some ways it is superior to coal in this repect. Many big ships now burn oil inst

8、ead of coal. Because it burns brightly, it is used for illumination; countless homes are still illuminated with oil-burning lamps. Because it is very slippery, it is used for lubrication. Two metal surfaces rubbing together cause friction and heat; but if they are separated by a thin film of oil, th

9、e friction and heat are reduced. No machine would work for long if it were not properly lubricated. The oil used for this purpose must be of the correct thickness; if it is too thin it will not give sufficient lubrication, and if it is too thick it will not reach all parts that must e lubricated.(fr

10、om English Through Reading)參考譯文:G.C.索恩利油可以分為三大類:動(dòng)物油、植物油、礦物油。大量的動(dòng)物油是從鯨魚身上得來的。鯨魚是海里的龐然大物,是世界上現(xiàn)有動(dòng)物中最大的一種。大自然為了保護(hù)鯨魚,使它不不致在北冰洋受凍,便讓它長了厚厚的一層脂肪,叫做鯨脂。鯨魚殺死之后,把鯨脂剝下來熬油,這項(xiàng)工作有的是在船上進(jìn)行的,有的是在岸上進(jìn)行的。這樣,就能生產(chǎn)出大量的油,供人們食用。有些動(dòng)物也出油,但都沒有鯨魚出得多。鱈魚和比目魚,這兩種魚的肝臟出的油營養(yǎng)豐富。從這兩種魚得來的魚肝油可以給缺少某種維生素的患兒或其他病人服用。 這兩種魚肝油在任何一家藥房里都可以買到。植物油自古以


12、照明,許多家庭現(xiàn)在仍靠沒燈照明。因?yàn)樗浅;瑵?,可以用作潤滑劑。兩個(gè)金屬面相擦,就要產(chǎn)生摩擦和熱;但如果在它們之間抹上薄薄的一層油,就可以減少摩擦,降低熱度。任何機(jī)械如果不使用一定的潤滑劑,就不能持續(xù)工作。潤滑油的濃度必須適當(dāng),太稀則起不到應(yīng)有的潤滑作用,太稠則流不到所有需要潤滑的零件。Lesson 23(EC)The Other Road(1)By Rachel CarsonWe stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frosts familiar poem, they are not equall

13、y fair. The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhigh-way on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the roadthe one “l(fā)ess traveled by”offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of o

14、ur earth.The choice, after all, is ours to make. If, having endured much, we have at last asserted our “right to know”, and if, knowing, we have concluded that we are being asked to take senseless and frightening risks, then we should no longer accept the counsel of those who tell us we must fill ou

15、r world with poisonous chemicals; we should look about and see what other course is open to us.A truly extraordinary varity of alternatives to the chemical control of insects is available. Some are already in use and have achieved brilliant success. Others are in the stage of laboratory testing. Sti

16、ll others are little more than ideas in the minds of imaginative scientists, waiting for the opportunity to put them to the test. All have this in common: they are biological solutions, based on under standing of the living organisms they seek to control, and of the whole fabric of life to which the

17、se orgainisms belong. Specialists representing various areas of the vast field of biology are contributingentomologists, pathologists, geneticists, physiologists, biochemists, ecologistsall pouring their knowledge and their creative inspirations into the formation of a new science of biotic controls

18、.“Any science may be likened to a river,” says a Johns Hopkins biologist, Professor Carl P. Swanson. “It has its obscure and unpretentious beginning; its quiet stretches as well as its rapids; its periods of drought as well as of fullness. It gathers momentum with the work of many investinagators an

19、d as it is fed by other streams of thought; it is deepened and broadened by the concepts and generalizaations that are gradually evolved.”So it is with the science of biological control in its modern sense. In america it had its obscure beginnings a century ago with the first attempts to introduce n

20、atural enemies of insects that were proving troublesome to farmers, an effort that sometimes moved slowly or not at all, but now and again gathered speed and momentum under the impetus of an outstanding success. It had its period of drought when workers in applied entomology, dazzled by the spectacu

21、lar new insecticides of the 1970s, turned their backs on all biological methods and set foot on “the treadmill of chemical control.” But the goal of an insect-free world continued to recede. NSome of the most fascinating of the new methods are those that seek to turn the strength of a species agains

22、t itselfto use the drive of an insects life forces to destroy it. The most spectacular of these approaches if the “male sterilization” technique developed by the chief of the United States Departmet of Agricultures Entomology Research Brance, Dr. Edward Knipling, and his associates.(from Rachel Cars

23、on, Silent Spring)參考譯文:新路(摘錄1)雷切爾卡森我們正處于兩條道路分岔的地方。但是并不像我們所熟習(xí)的羅伯特弗羅斯特詩中所說的,這兩條路是同樣的好。我們一直在走的這條跌表面上很好走,是一條平坦的超級(jí)公路,我們可以高速前進(jìn),但是走到盡頭地要遇到災(zāi)難。另外一條路,是一條“走得不多”的路,它為我們提供最后的出路,也是唯一的出路,以便我們達(dá)到一定的目的,使我們這個(gè)地球確實(shí)得到保護(hù)。走哪一條路,最終還是要由我們來選擇。如果我們?cè)谌淌芰撕荛L時(shí)間之后,終于提出了“知情權(quán)”,如果我們知情以后,認(rèn)為現(xiàn)在人們是在要求我們冒無謂的可怕風(fēng)險(xiǎn),我們就不應(yīng)該再聽從那些人的建議,非得把我們這個(gè)世界弄得到



26、老路”。然而實(shí)現(xiàn)無昆蟲的世界這一目標(biāo)卻越來越渺?!,F(xiàn)在已經(jīng)很明顯,盲目地大量使用化學(xué)殺蟲劑,對(duì)我們自己的威脅比對(duì)要控制的對(duì)象的威脅還要大,于是生物控制學(xué)這一條河又流動(dòng)起來,而且有新的思想支流注入其中。在這些新方法中,有一些最為令人神往,就是設(shè)法利用一種昆蟲本身的力量來對(duì)付這種昆蟲即利用昆蟲的生命力作為動(dòng)力來消滅之。這些方法之中,最引人注目的是“雄性不育”術(shù),這種技術(shù)是由美國農(nóng)業(yè)部昆蟲研究所主任愛德華尼普林博士和他的同事們發(fā)明的。Lesson 24(CE)海洋可持續(xù)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略中國有12億多人口,陸地自然資源人均占有量低于世界平均水平。根據(jù)中國有關(guān)方面的統(tǒng)計(jì):中國有960萬平方公里的陸地國土,居世界


28、洋生物物種繁多,已鑒定的達(dá)20278種。中國海域已經(jīng)開發(fā)的漁場(chǎng)面積達(dá)81.8萬平方海里。中國有淺海、灘涂總面積久1333萬公頃,按現(xiàn)在的科學(xué)水平,可進(jìn)行人工養(yǎng)殖的水面有260萬公頃,已經(jīng)開發(fā)利用的有93.8萬公頃。中國海域有30多個(gè)沉積盆地,面積近70萬平方公里,石油資源量約250億噸,天然氣資源量約8.4萬億立方米。中國沿海共有160多處海灣和幾百公里深水岸線,許多岸段適合建設(shè)港口,發(fā)展海洋運(yùn)輸業(yè)。沿海地區(qū)共有1500多處旅游娛樂景觀資源,適合發(fā)展海洋旅游業(yè)。中國海域還有豐富的海水資源和海洋可再生能源。(摘自中國海洋事業(yè)的發(fā)展第一部分)譯文:Sustainable Marine Develo

29、pmentStrategyChina has a population of more than 1.2 billion, and its land natural resources per capita are lower than the worlds average. Official statistics show that China has a land area of 9.6 million sq km, making it the third-biggest country in the world. However, the land area per capita is

30、only 0.008 sp km, much lower than the worlds average of 0.3 sq km per capita. In recent years Chinas average annual amount of freshwater resources has been 2,800 billion cum, ranking sixth in the world; but the amount of freshwater resources per capita is only one-fourth the world average. China is

31、rich in land mineral resoures, but the amount per capita is less than half the figure per capita worldwide. As a major developing country with a long coastline, China boasts a mainland coastline of more than 18,000 km. There are more than 5,000 islands in Chinas territorial waters, each with an area

32、 of more than 500 sq m, and the islands coastlines total more than 14,000 km. China also exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over the vast continental shelves and exclusive economic zones(EEZs), as defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Located in medium and low latitudes, Chinas sea areas have comparatively advantageous natural environmental and re


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