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3、al Life Lewwis Grrassicc Gibbbons Sunseet Sonng (19932) wwas vooted “tthe beest Sccottissh novvel off all time”bby Scoottishhs reeadingg publlic inn 200551 Oncce connsiderred shhockinng forr its frankk desccriptiion off aspeects oof thee livees of Scotllandss poorr ruraal farrmers,iit hass beenn ada

4、ppted ffor sttage,ffilm,TTV andd radiio in recennt deccades. Thhe novvel iss set on thhe ficctionaal esttate oof Kinnraddiie,in the ffarminng couuntry of thhe Scoottishh nortthwestt in tthe yeears uup to and bbeyondd Worlld Warr I.Att its heartt is tthe sttory oof Chrris,whho is both part of thhe co

5、mmmunitty andd a liittle outsiide itt. GGrassiic Gibbbon ggives us thhe mosst dettailedd and intimmate aaccounnt of the llife oof hiss herooine.WWe wattch heer groow thrrough a chiildhoood domminateed by her ccruel but hhard-wworkinng fatther;eexperiience trageedy (hher moothers suiicide and mmurder

6、r of hher twwin chhildreen);annd leaarn abbout hher feeelinggs as she ggrows into womann.We ssee heer marrry,loose heer hussband,tthen mmarry againn.Chriis hass seemmed soo convvincinng a ffiguree to ssome ffemalee readders tthat tthey ccannott beliieve tthat sshe iss the creattion oof a mman2. Butt

7、 it wwould be miisleadding tto sugggest that this book is juust abbout CChris.It iss trully a nnovel of a placee and its ppeoplee.Its openiing seectionn tellls of Kinraaddies lonng hisstory,iin a llanguaage thhat immitatees thee placces cchangiing paatternns of speecch andd writting. Thee storry its

8、self iis amaazinglly fulll of charaacterss and inciddents.It iss toldd fromm Chriis pooint oof vieew butt alsoo fromm thatt of tthe goossipiing coommuniity,a commuunity wheree everrybodyy knowws eveeryboddy elsses bbusineess annd notthing is evver foorgottten. Sunsset Soong haas a ssociall themme to

9、oo.It iis conncerneed witth whaat Graassic Gibboon perrceivees as the ddestruuctionn of ttradittionall Scotttish rurall lifee firsst by moderrnizattion aand thhen byy Worlld Warr 1.Giibbon triedd hardd to sshow hhow ceertainn charracterrs ressist tthe waar.Desspite this,tthe waar takkes thhe youung

10、meenawayy,a nuumber of thhem too theiir deaaths.IIn parrticullar,itt takees awaay Chrris hhusbannd,Ewaan Tavvendalle.Thee war finallly kiills EEwan,bbut noot in the wway hiis widdow iss toldd.In ffact,tthe Geermanss arennt reesponssible for hhis deeath,bbut hiis ownn sidee.He iis shoot beccause he i

11、ss saidd to hhave rrun awway frrom a battlle. If thhe novvel iss abouut thee end of onne wayy of llife iit alsso loooks ahhead.IIt is a “Suunset Song”bbut iss conccernedd too with the nnew Kiinradddie,inndeed of thhe neww Euroopean worldd.Grasssic GGibbonn wentt on tto pubblish two oother novells ab

12、oout thhe plaace thhat coontinuue itss storry.練習(xí): 1.Whatt is SSunsett Songg mainnly abbout? A)TThe Fiirst WWorld War. B)TThe beeauty of thhe sunnset. C)TThe neew Eurropeann worlld. D)Thee livees of rurall Scotttish farmeers. 2.WWhich stateement is NOOT truue of Chriss? AA)She is thhe herroine of Suu

13、nset Song. B)She hhad a miserrable childdhood. C)She iis thee creaation of a man. D)SShe maarriedd onlyy oncee. 33.Whaat is the oopeninng secction of thhe novvel maainly conceerned with? A)The cclimatte of Kinraaddie. B)The hhistorry of Kinraaddie. C)The ggeograaphy oof Kinnraddiie. D)Thee langguage

14、 spokeen in Kinraaddie. 4.Who are rresponnsiblee for Evans deaath,acccordiing too Chriis? A)Thee Germmans. B)TThe Frrench army. C)The BBritissh trooops. D)TThe Ruussiann solddiers. 5.The word sunseet occcurrinng in the ttitle of thhe novvel moost prrobablly meaans A)thee end of thhe herroines liffe.

15、 B)thee end of onnes llife. C)tthe ennd of tradiitionaal liffe. D)thee end of thhe dayy.答案與題題解: 1.D 問(wèn)題問(wèn)的是是日落歌主主要講的是什什么?選項(xiàng)AA說(shuō)的是:第第一次世界大大戰(zhàn)。選項(xiàng)BB說(shuō)的是:日日落之美。選選項(xiàng)C說(shuō)的是是:新歐洲世世界。選項(xiàng)DD說(shuō)的是:蘇蘇格蘭農(nóng)夫的的生活。選項(xiàng)項(xiàng)D是正確的的,相關(guān)的信信息可在第一一段中找到。 2.D 問(wèn)題問(wèn):哪個(gè)陳述對(duì)Chris是不符的?選項(xiàng)A說(shuō)的是:她是日落歌中的女主人公。選項(xiàng)B說(shuō)的是:她的童年很苦。選項(xiàng)C說(shuō)的是:她是由一個(gè)男人創(chuàng)作出來(lái)的。選項(xiàng)D說(shuō)的是:她只結(jié)過(guò)

16、一次婚。D不對(duì)。第三段有這么一句話:We see her malty,lose her husband,then marry again.我們看見她結(jié)婚,失去丈夫,后來(lái)又結(jié)婚。 3.B 問(wèn)題問(wèn)的是:小說(shuō)的開頭部分主要說(shuō)了些什么?選項(xiàng)A說(shuō)的是:Kinraddie的氣候。選項(xiàng)B說(shuō)的是:Kinraddie的歷史。選項(xiàng)C說(shuō)的是:Kinraddie的地理。選項(xiàng)D說(shuō)的是:Kinraddie說(shuō)的語(yǔ)言??纯聪旅孢@句話:Its opening section tells of Kinraddies long history,in a language that imitates the places chang

17、ing patterns of speech and writing.小說(shuō)的開頭部分講述了Kinraddie的悠久歷史,講述時(shí)模仿了該地方變化著的口頭語(yǔ)和書面語(yǔ)的表達(dá)方式??梢钥闯?,B是對(duì)的。 4.A 問(wèn)題問(wèn)的是:根據(jù)Chris,誰(shuí)殺死了Evan?選項(xiàng)A說(shuō)的是:德國(guó)人。選項(xiàng)B說(shuō)的是:法國(guó)軍隊(duì)。選項(xiàng)C說(shuō)的是:英國(guó)部隊(duì)。選項(xiàng)D說(shuō)的是:俄羅斯士兵。B是正確的。倒數(shù)第二段有這么兩句話:The war finally kills Ewan,but not in the way his widow is told.In fact,the Germans arent responsible for his

18、death,but his own side.戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)最后殺死了Ewan,但不是他的寡婦說(shuō)的那樣。事實(shí)上,德國(guó)人沒(méi)有殺他,是他自己一邊的人殺的。 5.C 問(wèn)題問(wèn)的是:小說(shuō)題目中sunset這個(gè)詞的意思很町能是哪一個(gè)意思?選項(xiàng)A說(shuō)的是:女主人公生命的結(jié)束。選項(xiàng)B說(shuō)的是:一個(gè)人生命的結(jié)束。選項(xiàng)C說(shuō)的是:傳統(tǒng)生活方式的結(jié)束。選項(xiàng)D說(shuō)的是:一天的結(jié)束。正確答案是C。最后一段的第一句話是這么說(shuō)的:If the novel is about the end of one way of life it also looks ahead.如果小說(shuō)是關(guān)于一種生活方式的結(jié)束,那么它同時(shí)也是朝前看的。閱讀下面的短短文。

19、每篇短短文的后面有有五個(gè)問(wèn)題,每每個(gè)問(wèn)題有四四個(gè)備選答案案。請(qǐng)根據(jù)短短文的內(nèi)容選選擇最佳答案案。每個(gè)試題題計(jì)3分,共共計(jì)15分Who WWants to Liive Fooreverr? IIf youur docctor ccould give you aa drugg thatt woulld lett you live a heaalthy life for ttwice as loong,woould yyou taake itt? TThe goood neews iss thatt we mmay bee drawwing nnear tto thaat datte.Sciient

20、issts haave allreadyy exteended the llives of fllies,wworms and mmice iin labboratoories.Many now tthink that usingg geneetic ttreatmments we wiill sooon bee ablee to eextendd humaan liffe to at leeast 1140 yeears. Thiis seeems a greatt ideaa.Thinnk of how mmuch mmore ttime wwe couuld sppend cchasin

21、ng ourr dreaams,sppendinng timme witth ourr loveed onees,wattchingg our famillies ggrow aand haave faamiliees of theirr own. “LLongerr lifee woulld givve us a chaance tto reccover from ourmiistakees andd prommote llong tterm tthinkiing,”ssays DDr Greegory Stockk of tthe Unniverssity oof Callifornnia

22、 Scchool of Puublic Healtth.“Itt woulld alsso raiise prroducttivityy by aaddingg to tthe yeear wee can work.” LLongerr livees donnt juust afffect the ppeoplee who live them.They also affecct socciety as a wholee.“We have war,ppovertty,alll sortts of issuees aroound,aand I dontt thinnk anyy of tthem

23、wwould be att all helpeed by havinng peoople llive llongerr,”sayys US bioetthicisst Danniel CCallahhan.“TThe quuestioon is Whatt willl we gget ass a soocietyy? I suspeect itt wont be a bettter ssocietty.” It wwould certaainly be a very diffeerent socieety.Peeople are aalreaddy finnding it moore diif

24、ficuult too stayy marrried.DDivorcce rattes arre rissing.WWhat wwould to maarriagge in a socciety wheree peopple liived ffor 1440 yeaars?Annd whaat wouuld haappen to faamily life if niine orr 10 ggeneraationss of tthe saame faamily were all aalive at thhe samme timme? Reseaarch iinto aageingg may en

25、ablle wommen too remaain feertilee for longeer.Andd thatt raisses thhe proospectt of hhavingg 100-year-old pparentts,or brothhers aand siisterss bom 50 yeears aapart.We tthink of ann eideer sibbling as soomeonee who can pprotecct us and ooffer help and aadvicee.Thatt woulld be hard to doo if tthat s

26、siblinng camme froom a ccompleetely diffeerent generrationn. WWorkinng liffe wouuld allso bee affeected,eespeciially if thhe rettiremeent agge wass liftted.Moore peeople wouldd stayy in wwork ffor loonger.That wouldd givee us tthe beenefitts of age-sskill,wwisdomm and good judgeement. Onn the otherr

27、 handd,moree peopple woorkingg for longeer wouuld crreate greatter coompetiition for jjobs.IIt wouuld maake itt moree diffficultt for youngger peeople to fiind a job.TTop poosts wwould be doominatted byy the same few iindiviidualss,makiing caareer progrress mmore ddifficcult.AAnd hoow eassily wwould

28、 a 25-year-old eemployyee bee ablee to ccommunnicatee withh a 1225-yeaar-oldd bosss? YYoung peoplle wouuld bee a smmallerr partt of aa sociiety iin whiich peeople livedd to 1140.Itt may be thhat suuch a socieety woould pplace less imporrtancee on gguidinng andd educcatingg younng peoople,aand moore

29、onn makiing liife coomforttable for tthe olld. And ssocietty wouuld feeel veery diiffereent iff moree of iits meemberss weree oldeer.Theere woould bbe morre wissdom,bbut leess ennergy.Youngg peopple liike too movee abouut.Oldd peopple liike too sit stilll.Younng peoople ttend tto actt withhout tthin

30、kiing.Olld peoople ttend tto thiink wiithoutt actiing.Yooung ppeoplee are curioous annd likke to experriencee diffferentt thinngs.Olld peoople aare leess ennthusiiasticc abouut chaange.IIn facct,theey aree lesss enthhusiasstic aabout everyythingg. TThe efffect of annti-aggeing technnologyy is ddeepe

31、rr thann we mmight thinkk.But as thhe sciience advannces,wwe neeed to thinkk abouut theese chhangess now. “IIf thiis couuld evver haappen,tthen wwed bbetterr ask what kind of soocietyy we wwant tto gett,”sayys Danniel CCallahhan.“WWe hadd bettter noot go anywhhere nnear iit2 unntil wwe havve figgure

32、 tthose probllems oout.”練習(xí): 1.Whhich oof thee folllowingg is NNOT meentionned ass one of thhe thiings tthat llivingg longger miight eenablee an iindiviidual to doo? AA) Speendingg moree timee withh his familly. B) Haaving more educaation. C) Reallizingg moree dreaams. D) WWorkinng lonnger. 2.Whichh

33、of tthe foollowiing iss impllied iin thee sixtth parragrapph? A) Maarriagges inn the US tooday aare quuite uunstabble. B) MMore aand moore peeople in thhe US todayy wantt to gget maarriedd. CC) Livving llongerr woulld makke it easieer forr peopple too mainntain theirr mariital tties. D) If peeople l

34、ive longeer,theey wouuld sttay inn marrriage longeer. 3.Alll of the ffollowwing aare poossiblle efffects livinng lonnger mmight have on woorkingg lifee EXCEEPT A) Coommuniicatioon bettween emplooyers and eemployyees wwould be moore diifficuult. B) MMore mmoney wouldd be uused bby empployeees in paym

35、eent off theiir empployeees. C) Thhe jobb markket woould bbe morre commpetittive. D) It woould bbe morre diffficullt forr younng peoople tto be promooted tto topp posiitionss. 44.An imporrtant featuure off a soocietyy in wwhich peoplle livve a llong llife iis thaat AA) it placees morre empphasiss on

36、 eeducatting tthe yooung. B) it iss bothh wisee and energgetic. C) it llacks the ccuriossity tto expperimeent whhat iss new. D) it wwelcmees chaanges. 5.Whicch of the ffollowwing bbest ddescriibes CCallahhans attittude tto antti-ageeing ttechnoology? A) Optiimistiic. B) Peessimiistic. C) Reseerved.

37、D) Negaative.答案與題題解: 1.B 長(zhǎng)壽使個(gè)人人能做的事主主要在第3、44段里講到,作作者沒(méi)有提到到長(zhǎng)壽可以讓讓人更多地接接受教育 2.AA 本題答案案以下面的這這兩句話為依依據(jù):Psoople aare allreadyy findding iit morre diffficullt to stay marriied.Diivorcee ratees aree risiing.暗示示美國(guó)人目前前的婚姻關(guān)系系已經(jīng)十分脆脆弱。 3.B 文章的第99段講了壽命命延長(zhǎng)、退休休推遲可能帶帶來(lái)的種種問(wèn)問(wèn)題,但作者者沒(méi)有提到雇雇傭者需要更更多的錢來(lái)支支付員工的工工資。 4.C 答案可以在在1

38、0、111這兩段里找找到。 5.C 本題的答案案依據(jù)可以在在最后一段里里找到。Caallahaan認(rèn)為在搞搞清楚長(zhǎng)壽社社會(huì)會(huì)給我們們帶來(lái)哪些問(wèn)問(wèn)題之前,最最好不要急著著搞抗衰老的的技術(shù)。可見見他對(duì)抗衰老老技術(shù)的發(fā)展展是有保留的的。閱讀下面面的短文。每每篇短文的后后面有五個(gè)問(wèn)問(wèn)題,每個(gè)問(wèn)問(wèn)題有四個(gè)備備選答案。請(qǐng)請(qǐng)根據(jù)短文的的內(nèi)容選擇最最佳答案。每每個(gè)試題計(jì)33分,共計(jì)115分The BBest WWay too Reduuce Yoour Weeight Youu hearr thiss:“No wondeer youu are fat.AAll yoou eveer do is eaat.”Y

39、oou feeel sadd:“I sskip mmy breeakfasst andd suppper.I run eevery morniing annd eveening.What else can II do?”BBasicaally yyou caan do nothiing.Yoour geenes,nnot yoour liife haabits,ddetermmine yyour wweightt and your body consttantlyy triees to mainttain iit. Alberrt Stuunkardd of tthe Unniverssity

40、 oof Pennnsylvvania foundd fromm expeerimennts thhat,“880 perrcent of thhe chiildrenn of ttwo obbese pparentts beccome oobese,aas commparedd withh no mmore tthan 114 perrcent of thhe offfsprinng of two pparentts of normaal weiight.” How can obese people become normal or even thin through dieting?Wel

41、l,dieting can be effective,but the health costs are tremendous.Jules Hirsch,a research physician at Rockefeller University,did a study of eight fat people.They were given a liquid formula providing 600 calories a day1.After more than 10 weeks,the subjects lost 45kg on average.But after leaving the h

42、ospital,they all regained.The results were surprising:by metabolic measurement,fat people who lost large amounts of weight seemed like they were starving.They had psychiatric problems.They dreamed of food or breaking their diet2.They were anxious and depressed;some were suicidal.They hid food in the

43、ir rooms.Researchers warn that it is possible that weight reduction doesnt result in normal weight,but in an abnormal state resembling that of starved non-obese people. Thin people,however,suffer from the opposite:They have to make a great effort to gain weight.Ethan Sims,of the University of Vermon

44、t,got prisoners to volunteer to gain weight.In four to six months,they ate as much as they could.They succeeded in increasing their weight by 20 to 25 percent.But months after the study ended,they were back to normal weight and stayed there. This did not mean that people are completely without hope

45、in controlling their weight.It means that those who tend to be fat will have to constantly battle their genetic inheritance if they want to significantly lower their weight. The findings also provide evidence for something scientists thought was true-each person has a comfortable weight range3.The r

46、ange might be as much as 9kg.Someone might weigh 60-69kg without too much effort.But going above or below the natural weight range is difficult.The body resists by feeling hungry or full and changing the metabolism to push the weight back to the range it seeks.練習(xí): 1.What determines your weight? A)Yo

47、ur working manner. B)Your eating habit. C)Your life style. D)Your genes. 2.What did Jules Hirsch do in his study? A)He let the eight fat people skip supper. B)He let the eight fat people skip breakfast. C) He let the eight fat people run every morning and evening. D)He gave the eight fat people a li

48、quid formula providing 600 calories a day. 3.What happened to the eight fat people after they left the hospital? A)They went mad. B)They killed themselves. C) They were back to normal weight. D)They attempted suicide. 4.What did Ethan Sims make his subjects do? A)Battle their genetic inheritance. B)

49、Increase their weight. C)Stay at home. D)Lower their weight. 5.What did scientists think was true? A)Each person has a fixed weight range. B)Each person has a weight range of 9 kg. C)Each person wants to control his weight. D)Each person wants to eat to his hearts content.答案與題解: 1.D 問(wèn)題問(wèn)的是:什么決定了你的體重?

50、A說(shuō)的是:你的工作方式。B說(shuō)的是:你的吃飯習(xí)慣。C說(shuō)的是:你的生活風(fēng)格。D說(shuō)的是:你的基因。正確答案是D。第一段中有這么一句話:Your genes,not your life habits,determine your weight and your body constantly tries to maintain it.你的基因而不是你的生活習(xí)慣決定了你的體重,因此你的身體總是試圖保持它。 2.D 問(wèn)題問(wèn)的是:Jules Hirsch在他的研究中做了什么?A說(shuō)的是:他讓八個(gè)胖子不吃晚飯。B說(shuō)的是:他讓八個(gè)胖子不吃早飯。C說(shuō)的是:他讓八個(gè)胖子早晚都跑步。D說(shuō)的是:他給八個(gè)胖子一種每天提供6

51、00熱卡的流食配方。D是正確的。第三段有這么一句話:They were given a liquid formula providing 600 calories a day.他們被給予一種流食配方,每天提供600熱卡。 3.C 問(wèn)題問(wèn)的是:八個(gè)胖子出院后怎么啦? A說(shuō)的是:他們發(fā)瘋了。B說(shuō)的是:他們自殺了。C說(shuō)的是:他們又回到了原來(lái)的體重。D說(shuō)的是:他們?cè)噲D自殺。C是正確的。第四段的最后一句話是這樣的:But months after the study ended,they were back to normal weight and stayed there.研究結(jié)束幾個(gè)月后,他們的體重

52、又回到了原來(lái)的樣子并保持不變。 4.B 問(wèn)題問(wèn)的是:Ethan Sims讓他的調(diào)查對(duì)象干什么? A說(shuō)的是:跟他們的基因遺傳物做斗爭(zhēng)。B說(shuō)的是:增加他們的重量。C說(shuō)的是:呆在家里。D說(shuō)的是:減少體重。第四段有一個(gè)句子是這么說(shuō)的:Ethan Sims,of the University of Vermont,got prisoners to volunteer to gain weight.Vermont大學(xué)的Ethan Sims讓犯人自愿增加體重??梢夿是正確的答案。 5.A 問(wèn)題問(wèn)的是:科學(xué)家認(rèn)為什么是對(duì)的? A說(shuō)的是:每個(gè)人的體重都有一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)姆?。B說(shuō)的是:每個(gè)人的體重幅度是9公斤。C說(shuō)的

53、是:每個(gè)人都想控制自己的體重。D說(shuō)的是:每個(gè)人都想吃得高興。正確答案是A。最后一段的第一句話是這么說(shuō)的:The findings also provide evidence for something scientists thought was true-each person has acomfortable weight range.結(jié)論還證實(shí)了科學(xué)家認(rèn)為是正確的一點(diǎn),即每個(gè)人的體重有一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)姆?。Proponeents oof diffferennt jazzz styyles hhave aalwayss arguued thhat thheir ppredeccessorrs m

54、musicaal styyle diid nott incllude eessenttial ccharaccterisstics that definne jazzz as jazz. Thuss, 19440s swingg was belitttled by beeboppeers off the 1950s whho werre theemselvves atttackeed by free jazzees of the 11960s. Thhe neooboppeers off the 1980s annd 19990s attaccked aalmostt everrybodyy

55、elsee. Thee titaanic ffiguree of BBlack saxopphonisst Johhn Colltranee has compllicateed thee arguumentss madee by pproponnents of sttyles from bebopp throough nneobopp becaause iin hiss own musiccal joourneyy he ddrew ffrom aall thhose sstyless. Hiss inflluencee on aall tyypes oof jazzz wass immeea

56、suraable. At thhe heiight oof hiss popuularitty, Cooltranne larrgely abanddoned playiing beebop, the sstyle that had bbroughht himm famee, to exploore thhe outter reeachess of jjazz.Colttrane himseelf prrobablly bellievedd thatt the only essenntial charaacteriistic of jaazz waas impprovissationn, th

57、ee one consttant iin hiss jourrney ffrom bbebop to oppen-ennded iimprovvisatiions oon moddal, IIndiann, andd Afriican mmelodiies. OOn thee otheer hannd, thhis doogged studeent annd proodigioous teechniccian who insissted oon speendingg hourrs eacch dayy praccticinng scaales ffrom ttheoryy bookks wwa

58、s neever aable tto jetttisonn comppletelly thee inflluencee of bbebop, withh its fast and eelaborrate cchainss of nnotes and oornameents oon mellody.Two styliistic charaacteriisticss shapped thhe wayy Colttrane playeed thee tenoor saxxophonne: hee favoored pplayinng fasst runns of notess buillt on a

59、 mellody aand deependeed on heavyy, reggularlly acccentedd beatts. Thhe firrst leed Colltranee to ssheetss of ssound” wheree he rraced fasteer andd fastter, ppile-ddrivinng nottes innto eaach otther tto sugggest stackked haarmoniies. TThe seecond meantt thatt his sensee of rrhythmm was almosst as cl

60、osee to rrock aas to bebopp.Thhree rrecorddings illusstratee Colttranes ennergizzing eexplorrationns. Reecordiing Kiind off Bluee withh Milees Davvis, CColtraane foound hhimsellf outtside bop, explooring modall meloodies. Heree he pplayedd surgging, lengtthy soolos bbuilt largeely arround repeaated


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