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1、參加網(wǎng)絡(luò)經(jīng)濟學(xué)學(xué)課程學(xué)習(xí)的同學(xué)請注意,我們現(xiàn)在把何夢筆教授的網(wǎng)絡(luò)經(jīng)濟學(xué)介紹轉(zhuǎn)給你們。里面既有他設(shè)想的學(xué)習(xí)方法的敘述,也有參加這門課程的同學(xué)必須回答的問題,也有參加學(xué)習(xí)的人在網(wǎng)上需要找到的閱讀材料。請按照何夢筆教授在他的介紹中的要求去做,否則可能會影響到學(xué)習(xí)效果。Introduuctionn Intoo Evollutionnary EEconommicsTeacherr: Proof. Drr. Carrsten Herrmmann-PPillatth, Wiitten/Herdeecke UUniverrsity, GermmanyIn a noon-tecchnicaal fasshion

2、, the coursse offfers aan inttroducction into the nnewly emergging ffield of Evvolutiionaryy Econnomicss. Bassic coonceptts andd methhodoloogicall premmises are ddevelooped, folloowing an inndepenndent approoach wwhich is clloselyy relaated tto Eurropeann inteellecttual ttradittions in ecconomiics (

3、ee.g. iinstittutionnal ecconomiics, ttheoryy of oorder, reguulatioon theeory, Schummpeterrian eeconommics, Austrrian SSchooll etc.). Teachinng metthodollogy iis “errotetiic”, bbased on thhe Soccratiaan appproachh to ggain nnew knnowleddge viia possing qquestiions aand coonductting aan opeen andd equ

4、aal diaaloguee betwween sstudennt andd teaccher. The cclass presuupposees priior inndepenndent studyy by tthe sttudentts, thhe undderlyiing maateriaal of whichh is ooffereed viaa the websiite HYPERLINK wwww.evoolutioonaryeeconommics.nnet. SStudennts arre askked too preppare ttheir answeers too the q

5、uesttions by exxploitting tthis mmateriial, hhoweveer theey aree freee to iincludde inddependdent rresearrch annd vieewpoinnts. TThe weebsitee conttains numerrous llinks to otther rresourrces tthat ccan bee usedd for this purpoose. IIn parrticullar, tthey aare sttronglly enccouragged too findd theii

6、r ownn soluutionss and to deevelopp theiir inddependdent oopinioon. Inn the classsroom, the teachher acctivelly parrticippates in thhe freee disscussiion ammong tthe sttudentts andd provvides addittionall infoormatiion annd perrspecttives.The claass iss conccludedd withh a wrrittenn examminatiion wh

7、here oone ouut of two qquestiions ffor chhoice has tto be discuussed. Origginal and ccriticcal thhoughtt is eespeciially praissed, wwith lless eemphassis onn “rigght” oor “wrrong”.Languagges ussed inn the classsroom are EEnglissh andd Chinnese. The wwritteen exaaminattion iis in Chineese (cclearlly

8、wriitten).Sessionn One: First SSteps Towarrd a NNew Viiew off Econnomicss: Knoowledgge andd Netwworks1-1. Whhat arre thee costts of the eentreppreneuur? Arre theey inccludedd in tthe daata frrom thhe acccountiing deepartmment? 1-2. Peeople oftenn deciide wiith inncompllete iinformmationn and even to

9、tall ignoorancee abouut thee futuure. DDo youu thinnk thaat theey cann applly somme opttimizaation calcuulus aabout the nnecesssary iinvesttment into the ccollecction of innformaation? Whatt are the aalternnativees? Immaginee yourrself buyinng a nnew coomputeer witth cuttting edge equippment. How do

10、 yoou finnd thee bestt buy? Whenn do yyou sttop seearchiing foor furrther markeet inttelliggence?1-3. Hoow wouuld yoou deffine knowlledge“? Is tthere alwayys a ssubjecct whoo “knoows” tthe knnowleddge? CConsidder soome soocial ruless the functtion oof whiich miight ddifferr fromm the meaniing thhat

11、iss assiigned to thhe rulles byy the partiicipannt subbjectss. Draaw a ccomparrison with the “kknowleedge” that is emmbodieed in your geness.1-4. Whhat iss the diffeerencee betwween tthe foollowiing twwo vieews off the markeet? a) The markeet is the pplace wheree suppply annd demmand mmeet aand arre

12、 equuilibrrated via tthe prrice mmechannism, and bb) thee markket iss a coomplexx sociial neetworkk wherre subbjectss commmunicaate annd proocess inforrmatioon to find opporrtunitties ffor muutuallly benneficiial baargainns. Trry to definne a nnetworrk of relattions betweeen acctors and ccomparre yo

13、uur conncept with standdard ddescriiptionns of markeets inn a miicroecconomiics teextboook.1-5. Inn whatt way do sttructuures oof nettworkss consstitutte powwer off an aactor? Whatt doess poweer meaan in the eeconommic coontextt? In the ccontexxt of compeetitioon, poower iis oftten peerceivved ass b

14、einng dettrimenntal tto thee emerrgencee of ssociallly opptimall outccomes. Howeever, how aabout the rrole oof powwer foor staabilizzing sstructtures of neetworkks thaat cooordinaate maarket transsactioons?Sessionn Two: Ends annd Meaans inn an EEvoluttionarry Conntext2-1. Maany ecconomiists tthink t

15、hat prefeerencees aree giveen andd do nnot neeed too be eexplaiined. Peoplle aree pressumed to fiind ann equiilibriium off theiir connflictting wwants such that they are ffully satissfied with theirr reallized statee of cconsummptionn. Yett, tryy to uundersstand consuumptioon andd prefferencces wiit

16、h a view on thhen exxistennce off inteernal confllicts, for exampple, bbetweeen thee wishh to hhave aa beauutifull bodyy and the ddrive to eaat a llot off deliiciouss thinngs, oor bettween shortt-termm inteerestss in lleisurre andd longg-termm inteerestss in pprofesssionaal succcess. How can wwe exp

17、plain the ddifferrent kkinds of prrefereences, and how ccan wee undeerstannd thee way of soolvingg the confllicts? Is tthe eqquilibbrium conceept reeally sensiible hhere?2-2. Doo you thinkk thatt it mmakes a diffferennce whhetherr peopple trry to maximmize ttheir perceeived levell of mmateriial weel

18、faree or wwhetheer theey tryy to mmaximiize thheir rrelatiive poositioon to otherr peopple? WWhat iis thee impllicatiion foor soccial ccooperrationn and sociaal ordder? TTry too findd somee arguumentss why the mmaximiizatioon of relattive sstatuss mighht be engraained in ouur gennes ass a reesult of

19、 naaturall evollutionn. Whaat kinnd of evideence ddo youu findd in eeverydday liife?2-3. Ecconomiists mmostlyy thinnk of peoplle beiing leed by self-interrest aand raationaal chooice. In reealityy, theere iss muchh roomm for symphhathy, lovee and hatreed andd otheer emootionss. Thiink off probblems

20、of sttrateggic innteracction wheree “irrrationnal” bbehaviior maay leaad towward ooptimaal outtcomess! Strrategiic intteracttion iinvolvves coomplexx issuues off mutuual innformaation aboutt the knowlledge of thhe diffferennt acttors iinvolvved. HHow caan emootionaal commmitmeent heelp too overrcome

21、 obstaacles againnst a soluttion tto thee probblem tto undderstaand annd antticipaate thhe othhers actioon?2-4. Onne of the mmain aachievvementts of humann histtory iis thee capaabilitty to creatte larrge orrganizzationns. Coonsideer diffferennt expplanattions of thhe emeergencce of the oorganiizati

22、oon in a marrket ccontexxt. Too whicch exttent ccan wee expllain tthe orrganizzationn as aa resuult off expllicit humann desiign? CCan wee thinnk of goalss of tthe orrganizzationn whicch aree parttly auutonommous ffrom tthe gooals oof thee indiividuaal memmbers? Sessionn Threee:Patternns of Proceess

23、 annd Chaange3-1. Thhink aabout time. In mmost sscienttific analyyses, time is trreatedd as aa lineear arrrow bbetweeen passt andd futuure. HHow faar cann we ssay thhat tiime haas alsso a sstructture? Imagiine prroducttion aas a cchain of ellementtary pprocessses wwhich cannoot be furthher suubdivii

24、ded iin timme. Inn whatt way are ssimulttaneouus eveents aa cruccial ddetermminantt of tthe sppecifiic outtcome? How is cooordinnationn of ddifferrent pprocessses iin timme posssiblee? Thiink off econnomic devellopmennt as an inncreassing ccompleexity of sttructuures oof timme!3-2. Hoow doees thee p

25、astt deteerminee the preseent? TTake ttechnoology as ann exammple, as, ffor innstancce, thhe auttomobiile. HHow faar aree currrent ttechnoologiccal chhoicess resttraineed by past eventts in technnologyy evollutionn? Tryy to uundersstand technnologyy as aa netwwork, both on thhe matteriall and the ss

26、ociall leveel. Hoow do netwoork sttructuures cchanneel furrther technnologiical cchangee?3-3. A fundaamentaal conncept of anny evoolutioonary explaanatioon is the mmechannism oof varriatioon, seelectiion annd rettentioon. Immaginee the markeet proocess and ttry too depiict itt as aa VSR-mechaanism.

27、Coulld youu thinnk of technnologyy evollving via VVSR-prrocessses? HHow iss plannned cconstrructioon rellated to evvolutiion? WWhat iis thee rolee playyed byy limiited kknowleedge aabout compllex syystemss? Payy speccial aattenttion tto thee sourrces oof varriety and tto thee mechhanismms of retennt

28、ion. Conssider what happeens iff the mechaanismss of rretenttion aare thhemsellves tthe obbject of a VSR-pprocesss.3-4. Wee can say tthat aan ecoonomicc systtem maaintaiins a statee of oorder as coompareed to its eenviroonmentt. Forr thiss, thee systtem neeeds eenergyy. Tryy to aapply the llaws oof

29、theermodyynamiccs on this. How far ccan wee can go inn reacching certaain coonclussions for eenergyy poliicy? FFor exxamplee, shoould wwe tryy to mminimiize ennergy throuughputt as ffar ass posssible, evenn if mmarkett pricces suuggestt otheerwisee? Shoould tthe goovernmment ppursuee an eexpliccit p

30、oolicy to saave reesourcces? OOr, wiill thhe marrket rregulaate thhe prooper ppreparrationn for futurre neeeds?Sessionn Fourr:Evolutiion off Struucturee4-1. Hoow cann we ddistinnguishh betwween ddifferrent llevelss of eevoluttion? What is thhe rellationn betwween uunits of seelectiion annd commplexi

31、ity off VSR-mechaanismss? Connsiderr the effecct of a sellf-refferenttial VVSR-prrocesss. Appply thhese ttheoreeticall disttinctiions oon humman soocial organnizatiion annd coooperattion. For eexamplle, coonsideer coooperattion aamong villaagers who ccollecctivelly orgganizee an iirrigaation systeem

32、, annd whoo stayy in aa comppetitiive reelatioon witth a nneighbbourinng nommadic tribee who mightt try to liive paarasitticallly on the vvillagge by meanss of rregulaar raiids. HHow faar cann we ggo witth an indivviduallisticc expllanatiion off obseerved patteerns, and ddo we need a conncept of grr

33、oup sselecttion?4-2. Annalyzee the diffeerent functtions of innstituutionss in tthe ecconomyy. Howw far can wwe expplain thesee as aa resuult off ratiional choicce amoong a largeer grooup off actoors? DDiscusss thee relaation betweeen “eevoluttion” and “rrevoluution” in innstituutionaal chaange, tak

34、inng Chiinas recennt hisstory as ann exammple. 4-3. Coonsideer marrket iinstittutionns thaat coppe witth thee probblem oof quaality uncerrtaintty. Hoow cann theyy emerrge sppontanneouslly outt of tthe maarket proceess? TTo whiich exxtent is a powerrful iintervventioon neeeded tto creeate aand sttabi

35、liize suuch innstituutionss?4-4. Iss therre a rrelatiion beetweenn techhnologgy andd insttitutiions? Broadden yoour viiew onn orgaanizattions. How far iis tecchnoloogy evvolutiion deetermiined bby intternall facttors, how ffar byy exteernal factoors, ii.e. rreferrring tto thee insttitutiional and oo

36、rganiizatioonal eenviroonmentt? Is theree an iinteraactivee relaation, withh techhnologgy alsso detterminning tthe evvolutiion off insttitutiions aand orrganizzationns? 4-5. Annalysee the diffeerent kindss of kknowleedge iinvolvved inn techhnologgy evoolutioon. Teest yoour reesult by meeans oof appp

37、lyingg it oon thee quesstion how uusers influuence technnologyy evollutionn.Sessionn Fivee:Emergennce off Ordeer5-1. Maany peeople thinkk thatt cultture iis an imporrtant deterrminannt of econoomic ddeveloopmentt. Howw can cultuure bee fit into an evvolutiionaryy apprroach? How do yoou thiink abbout rrecentt fearrs aboout a “classh bettween civillizatiions”? Try to diistingguish betweeen neegativve andd posiitive econoomic eeffectts of cultuural ddistinnctiveeness amongg grouups annd peoople


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