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1、Strategic Human Resources ActionsBeing strategic is sort of like the weather-everybody talks about it, but nobody does anything about it. Here, San Francisco State University professor John Sullivan gives some examples of actions that he says have proven to be strategic. Here are what John Sullivan

2、(in his new book) lists as some of the actions workforce management professionals can take that are a little bold. General managementHuman resources administrationRecruitingRetention and employee relationsWorkforce planningCompensation and incentivesMotivation and communicationDevelopmentCommon stra

3、tegic errors of human resources departmentsGENERAL MANAGEMENTIntegrate your managers through metrics - Managers often work independently and fail to share best practices among each other. By offering each individual manager on the management team an incentive, based on the overall performance of the

4、 management team, you can encourage managers to cooperate. By tying managerial performance together with a common bond, you can encourage top managers to help improve the performance of the below-average managers.By asking employees to rate the quality of their own management and then rewarding mana

5、gers with high scores, you can also encourage managers to play closer attention to their people management practices.Bad management-identification program - One of the primary reasons that employees quit their jobs is the bad management practices of their direct supervisor. Develop a program that ca

6、n identify bad managers, and then develop strategies for fixing these managers, transferring them back to more technical jobs, or releasing them.Measure and reward managers for good people management - Managers who practice good people management have the most productive employees. Unfortunately, mo

7、st firms have no measurement system for assessing individual managers on how they manage their people. Human resources should send a clear message to individual managers that managing people is important by developing a system for rewarding managers for great people management.Off-cycle actions - Go

8、ing against the grain might seem unwise on the surface, but in some cases, it can lead to being the first or the only competitor in the field. For example, if the economy is down and no one is recruiting on college campuses, you might find that if you actively recruit, you might get some superstar h

9、ires that you would have had little or no chance of getting when everyone else was going full speed in college recruiting. Yes, this means creating open positions when the company is not doing well, but it might also mean that you will be able to explode out of the box better than your competitors c

10、an when the economy improves.There are other off-cycle actions; for example, intensifying retention programs even though your turnover rate is currently very low. Most employees expect special treatment when they know there is a high demand for their talent. This off-cycle approach is so effective b

11、ecause, when you pay attention and recognize employees when its not needed, employees tend to appreciate it more. In addition, when the job market improves, they might just remember how well you treated them when you did not have to.HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATIONReward results in human resources - H

12、uman resources managers must be recognized and rewarded for their results in maintaining a competitive advantage over the organizations competitors. Human resources lags woefully behind in the use of incentives for its people and programs, however. Combining metrics with significant bonuses for perf

13、ormance can have a dramatic impact on human resources productivity.In particular, rewards should be offered to all if human resources meets its overall goals. Incentives are also effective for recruiters, generalists (if their business unit achieved its goals), and those in leadership development. I

14、t does not take much; as little as a five percent bonus will improve performance by significantly more than five percent. A note of caution, though; bonuses must be tied to numerical results, not subjective terms like merit or leadership.Reward cooperation - Human resources is known for having funct

15、ional silos; this runs counter to the goal of developing a competitive advantage. In order to ensure that human resources functions work together, human resources needs to develop a common metric and reward that crosses all critical human resources functions. This way, human resources professionals

16、are given incentives to work together.Prioritize programs - Its not important to be great in every area, just in critical ones. That means that human resources must identify which programs and processes are critical to the firms success and focus on maintaining a competitive advantage in those areas

17、.Shifting resources - In addition to prioritizing programs, human resources leadership must ensure that human resources budget and time allocations continually shift from low priority human resources programs to high priority ones.Employment brand - One of the areas that is critical if you are to bu

18、ild a competitive advantage is the organizations brand as a good place to work. Because most human resources departments spend little time and effort on building a brand, this is an area where it is relatively easy to provide a competitive advantage.Managers are your delivery system - Its important

19、to remember that supervisors or line managers deliver a great deal of a firms people management services like policy interpretations, performance assessment, and motivation. Although human resources does deliver some information directly to employees, most of that is filtered or redefined by line ma

20、nagers. As a result, it is important for human resources to realize that the primary delivery system for people-management services is the manager.Human resources must accordingly design its programs based on the strengths and the weaknesses of the delivery system the manager. It is not enough to de

21、velop a human resources program; it must be pre tested utilizing managers in order to see if what you intended actually will filter through to the employees.Human resources advisory group - Like most other functions, human resources tends to be isolated from outside criticism. To counter that insula

22、rity, human resources should put together an advisory group to provide critical input and ideas, and to act as beta testers. The group should include line managers, individuals who hate bureaucracy, individuals from finance, and some other diverse thinkers. Ask this group to be critical of everythin

23、g you propose and offer suggestions in order to make your programs easier to implement and more strategic.Competitive intelligence - A significant side benefit of doing a competitive analysis between firms is that you frequently gain competitive intelligence information about the operation of their

24、people-management programs. This information can be used to improve existing programs so that you can leapfrog over your competitors. Cooperate with the competitive intelligence staff within your own business units and piggyback on their processes and sources.Experimentation - Constantly try new thi

25、ngs in every area of human resources on the assumption that you cant beat them if you dont act differently. Rapidly drop the ones that dont work. Run pilot and test programs to see if great ideas really become great programs.On demand - Human resources has a bad habit of offering flavor of the month

26、 programs to managers. Flooding managers with programs that they dont want can be a tactical error that can result in a lot of wasted resources on unwanted programs. A wiser approach is to first identify manager needs and provide information to managers about programs and services that you could pro

27、vide. But only offer new human resources programs after managers request or demand them. Proof that managers really want a human resources program is typically if they are willing to fund it.RECRUITINGDevelop a most wanted list - A most wanted list is an element of a recruiting strategy that espouse

28、s asking your key managers which individuals working at competitors that are to die for. By identifying the specific individuals you want to hire, by name, at the beginning of the hiring process, you take a good deal of the chance out of the recruiting process.Pre-identifying targets allows you to f

29、ocus a significant portion of your recruiting time and resources on convincing a relatively small number of highly desirable individuals to come to work with your firm. And the net result is that you can, first, really wow your managers and, second, you can increase the effectiveness of your firm dr

30、amatically by bringing in these high-impact individuals.Hire to hurt - Identify key individuals at your competitors who, if they were hired away, would significantly hurt your competitor. Look at competitors as you would a sports team with no backups in crucial positions. Be sure and exclude people

31、who are easily replaceable in the marketplace or who have a strong second who can step in easily. Ask your current employees who formerly worked for your competitors to help you identify these key individuals.Benchmark to recruit - Call the top firms (or piggyback on others at your firm who are acti

32、vely benchmarking) to benchmark their best practices. Use that benchmarking process to identify and build relationships with potential recruiting targets.First day of hire, ask, who else is good? - When you hire someone from a competing firm, it is essential that you use that opportunity to gather t

33、he names of employees from their former firm who you might want to recruit. Ask the new hire who else at the firm is really good or will soon be good, as well as who is undesirable. Ask new hires (and reward them) if they will help you in recruiting top talent from their former employers.Pre-need hi

34、ring - Hire people in key positions before there is an urgent need. If you wait until someone leaves a key job, that means that there inevitably will be a delay before the new hire is up to speed. This can dramatically slow your time to market. Hire people before they are needed so they can ramp up

35、their skills and be ready when you need them. Calculate the learning curve and the time-to-fill periods, and use that to determine when to pre-need hire.On-site professional seminars - People who continually learn and improve are the type of talent you want to recruit. These are the same kind of peo

36、ple who regularly attend seminars. By holding professional seminars on your site, you can physically draw them to your premises while simultaneously improving your organizations brand.When they arrive you can excite them with your facility, get them to meet your people, and show them your cool proje

37、cts and tools all under the guise of helping them learn to perform their current job better. Bring in outside experts as speakers in order to draw them in. Invite potential hires to speak along with your own top employees. Demonstrate to attendees that your firm and its employees are on the leading

38、edge of knowledge.Invited open house - An invite a friend to work program has a simple premise. Any organization needs to get candidates in the door in order to have a real chance of closing the sale. Car dealers and realtors have used this strategy for decades. A bring a friend to work program gets

39、 potential candidates to come to your facility and talk to your team. It targets employed but passive job seekers who wouldnt apply for a job but might come to an event to see what its like where my friend works.Bring a friend to work is a high-touch variation of the traditional employee referral pr

40、ogram. It differs from traditional open house programs (that are open to the public) in that individual employees invite people they know on a professional basis and who have the competencies the organization needs. If the friend is hired, the employee gets the standard referral bonus.RETENTION AND

41、EMPLOYEE RELATIONSWho is at risk of leaving? - Instead of guessing who is going to leave the organization, it is better to take a proactive approach in identifying who is at risk of leaving. Possible strategies include searching the Web for your own employees resumes; placing a blind ad to see if yo

42、ur own employees apply; or asking other workers to identify who is looking. Also consider hiring an executive search professional to tell you who is a prime candidate for other firms, who is looking, and who is safe. By getting real data and outside opinions, you increase the odds of identifying the

43、 correct individuals who truly are at risk.Challenge plans or learning plans - One of the top reasons employees leave a job is that they are not challenged in their current job. By giving each employee an individual challenge plan, employees can continue to grow and learn. A challenge plan would inc

44、lude new projects, tasks and presentations in front of management. Managers and employees both could choose from a list of tried and true challenges if they are unsure of what might challenge them.Pre-exit interviews - Instead of waiting until someone quits, it pays to be proactive and ask key emplo

45、yees why they stay By identifying what keeps them in the job and at your organization, you can reinforce the positives and eliminate what frustrates them the most. Interviews should be held every six months for employees who are at risk.Re-recruit - Superstar employees often leave because they are c

46、ourted and praised by outside recruiters. Managers must remember to do the same periodically in order to reduce turnover. Why wait until recruiters call and sweet talk your top talent? Every six months treat your employees as potential recruits and re-do the deal to re-energize and excite them.Block

47、ing tools - In this aggressive world, managers must anticipate large scale raiding by competitors. Managers must develop blocking tools in order to protect the organizations talent resources. These tools include anticipating competitors actions through competitive intelligence, developing a blocking

48、 team, re-recruiting top talent, offering stay-on bonuses, and doing a competitive analysis of the raider. Other blocking strategies might include tools to make it difficult for competitors to identify your top talent, to know your pay ranges, and to find your weaknesses.Attention plans - Many emplo

49、yees desire recognition and attention. One-way to systematically ensure that key employees get exposure is to develop an individual attention plan for each of them. Ask the employee what kinds of exposure he or she wants, and plot out a plan to insure it happens. Attention areas might include commit

50、tee assignments, presentations, write ups, chances to be a team leader, meetings with the CEO, and meetings with members of the board of directors.Post exit interviews - Many people fail to give the real reason for leaving a job because they fear potential retaliation by their manager in the form of

51、 a bad reference. If, however, you postpone the interview until three to six months after the termination, the chances of getting a candid reason for leaving increase dramatically. Use an independent market research firm to identify why employees have left, what the salary differential is at their p

52、resent job, and even if theyre interested in returning.Change the players - Even when sports teams win championships, the next year they frequently change more than 10 percent of their team. Teams change their players in order to stay fresh or to adapt to the changing competition or environment. Unf

53、ortunately, such high turnover rates are quite unusual in business. If you are trying to be strategic, a low turnover rate could be a big mistake, especially if you have poor hiring practices, weak training, or ineffective incentive and motivation programs. My advice to managers is that if you conti

54、nually lose the game, change the players.Drop the deadwood - Improve people productivity by dropping the deadwood. Instead of giving everyone a second and third chance, run the metrics to see if investing in poor performers has a higher return than getting rid of the poor performers as soon as it be

55、comes obvious they arent performing. Instead of crying we might get sued, quantify the real risks of lawsuits. Develop no-fault divorce approaches to termination in order to encourage managers to drop bottom performers quickly.WORKFORCE PLANNINGBench strength (back-fill) plan - In a time of high tur

56、nover, its increasingly essential to have a strategy for identifying and developing individuals who can take over if an employee leaves. A bench strength plan differs from traditional succession planning in that it only covers replacing key jobs within a single department. It is not a company-wide s

57、uccession plan. Individual managers are held responsible (and are rewarded) for developing at least one individual to fill every key job.Redeployment - Quite often businesses reduce their productivity not because they have the wrong people but because they have good people in the wrong job. This is

58、especially true in businesses that are undergoing continuous rapid change. Initially placing an innovator in a business unit, for example, might have been a wise move when the business was in its early growth stages. Once the business has transitioned into a commodity business, however, it makes mor

59、e sense to move the innovator out and into another business where innovative ideas can be put to better use this can have more of an impact as well.Rather than waiting for the employee alone to figure out where his or her own best internal job placement should be, a better approach is for human reso

60、urces and managers together to proactively identify and move talent from areas of relatively low return to jobs with a higher return. This process is known as proactive intra placement or redeployment.Targeted succession plans - Targeted succession plans are narrowly focused strategies for ensuring


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