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1、Topic 1文化概述在中國五千年的文明史上, 中國人有無數(shù)的發(fā)明和創(chuàng)造, 如漢字、中醫(yī)、絲綢、瓷器 (porcelain) 、指南針、造紙術(shù)、印刷術(shù)和火藥 (gunpowder) 。這些獨特的發(fā)明和創(chuàng)造是中國人對世界文明的偉大貢獻, 證明中華民族是一個富于原創(chuàng)性的民族。 與此同時, 中國人又有一種開放的胸懷,歡迎遠方來的朋友, 并以極高的熱情吸收和包容外來的文化。 大唐盛世和明代鄭和七下西洋都表明,中華文明具有開放性和包容性。Over a history of 5 000 years, Chinese people have produced numerous inventions. The

2、se unique inventions, including Chinese characters, traditional Chinese medicine, silk, porcelain, compass,papermaking, printing and gunpowder, are significant contributionsChinese made to the globalcivilization, proving that the Chinese nation is full of creativity.In the meanwhile, the Chinesepeop

3、le have always kept an open mind toward foreign friends and absorbed foreign cultures with great enthusiasm. Both the prosperity of Tang Dynasty and Zheng He s seven long voyages to the West Seas in Ming Dynasty demonstrate the openness and inclusiveness of Chinese culture.Topic 2 四大發(fā)明說到中國古代的科技文明, 就

4、不能不說四大發(fā)明 ( the Four Great Inventions )。人們普遍認為,指南針、火藥 (gunpowder) 、造紙術(shù)和印刷術(shù)的發(fā)明對中國古代的政治、經(jīng)濟、文化的發(fā)展產(chǎn)生了巨大的推動作用;并且,這些發(fā)明經(jīng)由各種途徑傳至西方,也影響著世界的文明進程。從歷史發(fā)展的角度來看, 中國古代的四大發(fā)明是為人類社會生活帶來革命性變化的科學發(fā)明,這是中國人對世界文明的偉大貢獻。 中國的四大發(fā)明在人類科學文化史上留下了燦爛的一頁,推動了人類歷史的前進。When it comes to science and technology in ancient China, the Four Grea

5、t Inventions, including compass, gunpowder, papermaking and printing, should always be discussed. It is commonly believed that the Four Great Inventions have promoted the development of politics, economy andculture of ancient China dramatically; moreover, these inventions have a great impact on the

6、civilization of the world since they have been introduced into the Western world in various ways. From the perspective of historical development, the Four Great Inventions of ancient China arescientific inventions that bring revolutionary changes to the social life of human beings, which are great c

7、ontributions Chinese made to the civilization of the world. The Four Great Inventions of ancient China are brilliant in the history of human science and culture and promote the progress of human history.Topic 3長城說到中國文化, 不得不提到長城。從公元前7 世紀到公元16 世紀,在大約 2 200 年的時間里,先后有 19 個朝代修建過長城,所修的長城累計有10 萬千米以上。 主要的長城

8、修建工程是在秦代、漢代和明代?,F(xiàn)今存有遺跡的主要是明長城,從東邊人??诘纳胶jP(guān)( Shanhai Pass)開始,一直到沙漠深處的嘉峪關(guān)(Jiayu Pass),全長 6 700 千米。長城是世界歷史上最偉大的工程,其建造時間之長、參與人數(shù)之多、工程難度之大,在世界上無出其右。When it comes to Chinese culture, the Great Wall is the one that will be definitely referred to. From the 7th century BC to the 16 th century, through about 2 20

9、0 years, the Great Wall was built in 19 dynasties and reached a length of more than 100 000 kilometers. Major construction was carried out in Qin, Han and Ming Dynasties. The Great Wall we visit nowadays is mainly theGreat Wall of Ming Dynasty, stretching 6 700 kilometers from Shanhai Pass on the ea

10、stern seashore to Jiayu Pass in the depth of desert. The Great Wall is the greatest project in the history of the world for its unparalleled span of construction, number of labors and difficulty.Topic 4 移民現(xiàn)象現(xiàn)在, 很多人選擇在國外生活,這引起了人們極大的關(guān)注。越來越多的人,特別是大量知識分子(intellectual) ,移民到美國、英國和加拿大等發(fā)達國家。并且,很多在國外學習和工作的人都

11、在為 “綠卡” 而奮斗。造成這種現(xiàn)象的原因有很多,其中,追求高質(zhì)量的生活是關(guān)鍵。再者, 這些人中大多數(shù)人移居國外是想讓孩子在那兒接受良好的教育。 此外, 一些人只是想體驗他們所喜歡的異域文化。以上這些就是造成他們決定移居他國的原因。Nowadays many people choose to live in a foreign country, which has aroused great concern. More and more people, especially plenty of intellectuals, migrate to some developed countries

12、, such as America, Britain and Canada. In addition, there are still many people studying andworking in foreign countries struggling for green cards. There are many reasons accounting for this phenomenon. Among all these factors, pursuing high-quality life plays a critical role. Moreover, most of the

13、m migrate to some foreign countries with a view to making their children Receive good education there. Besides, some people just want to experience the foreign culture they like. All these above factors contribute to their choice to migrate to another country.Topic 5 中國漢字近年來,隨著經(jīng)濟的快速增長,中國的國際影響力提升了,世界

14、上學漢字的人也多了起來。這套獨特的符號系統(tǒng)積淀了豐富的歷史文化內(nèi)容,西方人在學漢字的過程中甚至能體會到這個東方民族的微妙心靈。如今在中國,漢字也越來越受到人們的重視。人們發(fā)現(xiàn), 這一文字符號包含著豐富的文化內(nèi)涵和審美意蘊,在科技飛速發(fā)展的今天,反而越來越顯示出它的光彩。古老的文字在現(xiàn)代的文化生活中煥發(fā)出新的魅力。With its rapid economic development in recent years, China s international influence has greatly increased, so the number of Chinese character

15、learners across the world has been on the rise. This unique symbol system accumulates the rich historical and cultural content in it. When Western people learn Chinese characters, they may even understand the delicate thoughts of this oriental nation. Nowadays, great importance is attached to Chines

16、e characters in China. It is found that the glamour of these character symbols with rich cultural and aesthetic connotation is greatly shown especially in the current society with rapid scientific development. These ancient characters are revitalized in modern civilization.Topic 6 鄭和下西洋公元1405 年 7 月

17、11 日,地球藍色的海洋上出現(xiàn)了一支龐大的船隊,前后有 208 艘船, 這是有史以來最大的一支船隊,船上所載的各類人員有27 500 多人,也是有史以來最多的航海人員。船隊由一位叫鄭和的人統(tǒng)帥。船隊帶著中國這個古老國家的瓷器、 絲綢、 茶葉等數(shù)不盡的珍奇,穿越南海、馬六甲海峽 ( the Strait of Malacca) ,橫跨印度洋,到達亞洲、非洲的很多國家。在此后的 28 年間,鄭和一共六次下西洋,隨船人員共計 10 萬多人,訪問了30 多個國家。On July 11, 1405, a huge fleet consisting of 208 ships appeared on the

18、 blue sea of the earth. It was the greatest fleet with more than 27 500 crews that the world had ever seen. The Commander of this fleet was Zheng He. Carrying porcelain, silk, tea and other numerous Treasures from China, a country with a long history, the fleet passed through the South China Sea and

19、 the Strait of Malacca, traversed the Indian Ocean and arrived at many countries in Asia and Africa. Over the next 28 years, Zheng He led six more fleets with crew members adding up to more than 100 000 people, and visited more than 30 countries.Topic 7 中國藝術(shù)中國人創(chuàng)造了很多獨特的藝術(shù)形式,如純凈的瓷器,千古傳誦的唐詩(Tang poetry

20、) ,以演員表演為中心的京劇等。這些藝術(shù)形式呈現(xiàn)了中國人的心靈世界,顯現(xiàn)了中國人獨特的美感,成為展示中國人生命力和創(chuàng)造力的窗口,具有永恒的魅力。 中國人將藝術(shù)當作提升生活品質(zhì)、慰藉 ( soothe)心靈的媒介,藝術(shù)是中國人人生哲學的延伸。中國的藝術(shù)傳統(tǒng)是一部記載著中國人生活品位和美感世界的活的圖畫,反映出中國人的優(yōu)雅心態(tài)。The Chinese have created many unique forms of art, such as pure porcelain, enduring Tang poetry and actor-centered Peking Opera, etc. The

21、se art forms with eternal charm reveal the inner world of the Chinese people, demonstrate their unique sense of aesthetics and become the windows that show the vitality and creativity of Chinese people. The Chinese regard art as a way to enhance the quality of life and to soothe the mind. Art is an

22、extension of the Chinese philosophy of life. Chinese art tradition is a vivid picture of Chinese peoples lifestyle and aesthetics, reflecting Chinese elegance.Topic 8 中國園林中國人建造園林有兩干多年的歷史,主要有皇家園林(imperial garden) 、寺院園林和私家園林?,F(xiàn)存的皇家園林,如北京頤和園, 都是舉世聞名的園林。中國的佛教和道教寺院也多建有園林,如杭州靈隱寺。在這中間,私家園林獨具風味。今天,在江南(South“

23、 the Yangtze River)和長江沿岸的蘇州、揚州等地所見的私家園林,多是明清兩代留下的,它們?nèi)缤环剿? the landscape painting) ,展現(xiàn)出獨特的魅力。中國園林藝術(shù)有豐富獨特的創(chuàng)造,是理解中華民族美感特點的一個重要領(lǐng)域 .Chinese people started to build gardens more than 2 000 years ago, mainly including three stylesof garden: the imperial garden, the temple garden and the private garden.

24、 The extant imperial gardens today, such as the Summer Palace in Beijing, are world-famous gardens. Many gardens were also built in China s Buddhist and Taoist temples, such as the Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou. While among the Chinese gardens, the private gardens have a unique ambience. Scattered in S

25、outhof the Yangtze River and Suzhou, Yangzhou and other places along the Yangtze River, the private gardens are mostly legacies from Ming and Qing Dynasties. They resemble the landscape paintings with distinctive charm. Rich and unique creativity could be found in Chinese gardens, which is an import

26、ant field to understand Chinese aesthetics.Topic 9 中國詩歌中國是詩的國度。 尤其到了唐代, 中國古典詩歌進人了全盛時期 ( heyday)。唐代近三百年間,涌現(xiàn)出了大批優(yōu)秀詩人和杰出的詩歌作品。唐代詩歌數(shù)量極大,題材廣泛,意象 (image) 和風格多樣化, 出現(xiàn)了大量思想性和藝術(shù)性完美結(jié)合的作品。 唐詩是中國人的千古絕唱。 唐代的偉大詩人不勝枚舉, 其中李白、 杜甫、王維因其詩歌所蘊含的中國文化的意味和情趣而最具代表性。China is a country of poetry.Especially in Tang Dynasty, Chin

27、ese classical poetry reached itsHeyday. During the nearly three-hundred-year reign of Tang Dynasty, large numbers of excellent poets and outstanding poems mushroomed. Poetry of Tang Dynasty featured large quantities, widethemes and diversifiedimages and styles, and many masterpieces withperfect comb

28、inationofgreat thoughts and artistry emerged. Poetry of Tang Dynasty is Chinese eternal legacies. Li Bai,Du Fu and Wang Wei are the representatives of greatpoets of Tang Dynasty due to the uniquemeaning and temperament of Chinese culture in their poems.Topic 10 茶館文化中國很多地區(qū)依然保留著傳統(tǒng)的茶館文化,尤其是在四川省的省會成都, 茶

29、館遍布城市的各個角落:路邊、橋下、公園里,甚至寺院和其他歷史景點。泡茶館(relaxing inteahouse)是當?shù)厥忻褡钕矚g的消遣方式之一。工作日的下午三點鐘, 茶館里往往人滿為患。當?shù)厝俗诠派畔愕闹褚卫铮玫牟杈弑旧砜赡芤彩枪哦?。服務人員托著一大堆茶具急匆匆地跑來跑去,將長嘴壺( long-spout kettle )里倒出來的水注滿茶杯,為顧客沖泡最優(yōu)質(zhì)的茶葉。Traditional teahouse culture still exists in many parts of China, especially in Chengdu, the capitalof Sichuan

30、 Province.Teahouses are everywhere: on the sides of roads, under bridges, intheparks and even insidetemples and other historical sites. Relaxing in teahouse is one ofthefavorite pastimes of the locals inChengdu. A teahouse full to the brim-at three oclock onaworkday afternoon-is nothing out of the o

31、rdinary. Locals sit on quaint bamboo chairs and drinkfrom traditional tea setsthat could well be antiques in their own right. Teahouse waiters scurryaround with trays of tea sets, and top up tea cups with hot water poured from long-spout kettles to brew up the high-quality tea for tea drinkers.Topic

32、 11京劇角色“生、旦、凈、丑”是京劇中的角色分類。 “生”是男性正面角色, “旦”是女性正面角色,“凈”是性格鮮明的男性配角 (supporting role) ,“丑”是幽默滑稽或反面角色。每種角色又有表明身份的險譜 ( facial make-up) 、扮相 (costume)等,只要演員一上場,你一看便知。在人的臉上涂上某種顏色以象征這個人的性格和品質(zhì)、角色和命運, 是京劇的一大特點,也是理解劇情的關(guān)鍵。簡單地講,紅臉含有褒義,代表忠勇(valor) ;黑臉為中性,代表猛(vigor)智;黃臉和白臉含貶義,代表兇詐。Sheng, dan, jing, chou refer to dif

33、ferent types of roles in Peking Opera. Sheng is the positive malerole, dan is the positive female role, while jing is a supporting male role with a distinctive character and chou is the clown or a negative character. Each type of role has its own facial make-up and costume that expose its identity a

34、s soon as he/she appears on the stage. One major characteristic of Peking Opera is the color painted on the face of a character that shows personality, quality, role and fate. It is also the key to understanding the plot. To put it simply, red is appreciative, standing for loyalty and valor; black r

35、epresents a neutral role, representing vigor and wisdom; yellow and white both suggest cunning, negative characters.Topic 12 羊羊是一種本性溫順( docile)、易于管理的動物。從巖畫( rock painting )上原始人鐫刻的形態(tài)各異的羊形象中, 我們可以看出人類與羊的親善、 和諧關(guān)系。 羊為人們的生活或祭祀而犧牲,是“有義 personal loyalty 之物”。羔羊似乎懂得母親的艱辛與不易,所以吃奶時是跪著的。羔羊的“跪乳”被人們賦予了“孝順”和“懂禮”的意

36、義。據(jù)文獻記載,人們很早就把羊的美德視為人的道德準則和榜樣, 這反映了人們對羊的精神感受和對羊的秉性的人格化概括。The sheep is an animal that is docile in nature and easy to manage. From the sheep images of various shapes on the rock paintings carved by primitive men, we can see the good andharmonious relationship between human beings and sheep. Sheep sac

37、rifice their lives for people s living or worship, and therefore are deemed as embracing personal loyalty. The lamb seems toknow the hardship of its mother, sucking the breast on bent knees.Such behavior is consideredby people to have symbolic meanings of filial piety and courtesy. According to the

38、documents, people have long regarded this morality of sheep as a moral code and example for human beings, which is a reflection of peoples feeling toward sheep and a personalized summary of sheeps nature.Topic 13 聯(lián)合國中文日聯(lián)合國中文日是聯(lián)合國語言日的一部分。根據(jù)傳說,倉頡( Cang Jie) 創(chuàng)造了中國最原始的象形文字 ( hieroglyph) 。上蒼因倉頡造字而感動,為其降下

39、一場谷子雨,這就是“谷雨” (the GrainRain) 的由來。中文日因此被定在每年中國農(nóng)歷的 “谷雨”,以紀念漢字始祖?zhèn)}頡。 從 2010 年開始, 聯(lián)合國每年都在中文日前后舉行多種形式的慶祝活動。 例如: 2014 年,紐約聯(lián)合國總部以書畫展、 茶藝表演 ( tea-making performance) 、歌曲演唱和書法講座等形式慶祝中文日。The Chinese Language Day is part of the UN Language Days. According to legend, Cang Jie created the original hieroglyph use

40、d in China. The Heaven was moved and rained grain in praise of him, which is the origin of the Grain Rain. As a result, the Chinese Language Day is set onthe rain Rain according to the Chinese lunar calendar in memory of Cang Jie, the ancestor of the Chinese characters. Since 2010, the UN has been h

41、olding all kinds of celebrating activities around this day every year. For example, in 2014, the UN Headquarters in New York celebrated this day with painting and calligraphy exhibitions, tea-making performances, singing performances, calligraphy lectures, etc.Topic 14 筷子筷子由兩根長短相同的木棍組成,是中國的傳統(tǒng)餐具( eat

42、ing utensil) ??曜映霈F(xiàn)在三千多年前,它的出現(xiàn)不僅是中國烹飪文化的變革,也是人類文明的標志。 此外,筷子在烹飪技巧的發(fā)展過程中也起著推動作用。如今, 筷子不僅是一種餐具,還成為一種獨特的文化形式,對于我們來說,筷子可以作為藝術(shù)品來欣賞、研究和收藏。 筷子雖小,但仍被世界上許多人所推崇。一項有趣的實驗表明,當你在使用筷子的時候,許多關(guān)節(jié)和肌肉都會得到鍛煉。Chopsticks, the traditional eating utensils in China, are a pair of equal length sticks.Chopsticks appeared more tha

43、n three thousand years ago. The appearance of chopsticks is not only a revolution of Chinese cuisine culture, but also a symbol of human civilization. Besides, chopsticks have promoted the development of cooking techniques. Today, chopsticks not only area kind of tableware, but also have become a un

44、ique culture form, coming in front of us as a work of art for appreciation, research and collection. Chopsticks are small, but they are adored by many people in the world. An interesting experiment shows that many joints and muscles can be exercised when you use chopsticks.Topic 15 風箏風箏起源于中國,在這個國家,制

45、作風箏的理想材料一應俱全:絲織品用來做帆,極具韌性的(high-tensile-strength) 絲線可以制作風箏線,輕盈的骨架則由韌性十足的竹子制成。據(jù)說,風箏是墨子和魯班在公元前5 世紀時發(fā)明的。在 13 世紀末期,馬可波羅首次將與風箏有關(guān)的故事介紹到歐洲。 盡管風箏最初只被看作是珍奇物品 ( curiosity) ,但自 18 世紀開始, 風箏被用作科研工具。 現(xiàn)在, 風箏節(jié)已經(jīng)成為一種流行的娛樂形式, 最為著名的就是中國的濰坊風箏節(jié)。Kites originated in China, where ideal materials for makingkites were readil

46、y available: silkfabric for the sail; high-tensile-strength silk thread for the flying string; and resilient bamboo forthe light framework.It is said that kites were invented by Mo Zi and Lu Ban in the 5thcenturyBC. Stories of kiteswere first introduced to Europe by Marco Polo in the late13thcentury

47、.Although kites were initially regarded as curiosities, since the 18th century they have been used asa vehicle for scientific research. Now, kite festivals have become a popular form of entertainment, and the most famous one is Chinas Weifang Kite Festival.Topic 16 銅鼓銅鼓( bronze drum )文化是遠古時代在長江以南及東南

48、亞的廣大地區(qū)流行的一種典型文化代表。在古代, 銅鼓多用于祭神、 征戰(zhàn)和節(jié)日活動。 在祭神時, 它是神圣的法器 ( artifact ) ;征戰(zhàn)時,它是號令軍隊振作士氣的軍樂器;在節(jié)日里,它又成為最激動人心的打擊樂器( percussion instrument )。銅鼓給人們帶來的不僅是精神層面的東西,它還有重要的實用價值。許多少數(shù)民族依然保留著在傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日及婚娶和喪葬等場合使用銅鼓的習俗,The bronze drum was a kind of typical culture popularized in the wide area of South of the Yangtze River

49、 in China and Southeast Asia in ancient times. More often than not, it was used on such occasions as sacrifice ceremonies to gods, launching ceremonies for the war and festival activities. It was sacred artifact on the sacrifice ceremonies, military musical instrument transmitting orders to soldiers

50、 and reviving the morale in the war, exciting percussion instrumentin festivals. In addition to its spiritual content, the bronze drum also benefits people with its important value of practical use. Many minority groups still adopt the tradition of playing the bronze drums on the occasions of tradit

51、ional festivals, wedding ceremony, funeral ceremony, etc.Topic 17 十二生肖之鼠鼠相貌猥瑣,鬼鬼祟祟,破壞力強,落得個“老鼠過街,人人喊打”的千古罵名。但它居于中國三生肖 (the twelve symbolic animals)之首,自古以來就令人不可思議。一個較為合理的解釋是:鼠常在夜里 23 時至凌晨 1 時四處活動,這是一天當中最黑暗的時候,老鼠此時出沒便于隱藏行跡。由此看來,鼠晝伏夜出的( nocturnal)習性是使它能夠在十二生肖中獨占鰲頭的主要原因,與其口碑不佳及相貌可鄙沒有關(guān)系。Rat looks mean an

52、d stealthy, and always causes mass destruction, winning it the notorious reputation for “A rat crossing the street is chased by all. ”However, it ranks first among the twelve symbolic animals, which has always been a wonder since ancient times. A more reasonableexplanation is; Rats often move around

53、 from 11 pm to 1 am, the darkest hours in a day that is convenient for the rats to hide themselves. Judging from this, the habit of being nocturnal is themain reason why rat is put in the first place in the twelve symbolic animals, which has nothing to do with its bad reputation or contemptible look

54、s.Topic 18 中國寄宿幼兒園20 世紀 90 年代,中國寄宿幼兒園 (boarding kindergarten) 的孩子數(shù)量達到頂峰,在當時送孩子去這樣的學校是一種地位的象征。 不過最近, 這一體系不再像當初那樣流行。 一些私立和公立的 (state-run) 寄宿幼兒園都陸續(xù)關(guān)門,其他的幼兒園正在從寄宿變?yōu)槿胀小N挥谏虾5闹袊@麉f(xié)會幼兒園 (The China Welfare Institute Kindergarten) 以前是寄宿幼兒園,但現(xiàn)在 22 個班里只有 3 個寄宿班。中國家長現(xiàn)在開始意識到,孩子很小的時候要多花時間陪陪他們,這點很重要,因為孩子們正處于學習的階段,這

55、是成長過程中一個很重要的階段。The number of kids sent to boarding kindergartens in China peaked in the 1990s, when sending ayoung child to such schools was a symbol of status. Recently, however, the system has become less popular. Some boarding kindergartens, both private and state-run, are closing one after anoth

56、er. Others are switching from boarding classes to day care. The China Welfare Institute Kindergarten in Shanghai used to be a boarding kindergarten, but now in the 22 classes, only 3 classes for young children are residential. Chinese parents are now starting to realize that it s important to spend

57、more time with their kids when they are very young, because they are learning in this period and it s a very important stage of growth.Topic 19家庭觀念中國人重團圓、 重親情、 講孝道 (filial piety ),并強調(diào)家庭的和睦。 中國人最期望的就是 “家和萬事興”。當家庭中出現(xiàn)矛盾的時候,中國人最忌諱把這些矛盾暴露在外人面前,所以中國人常說“家丑不可外揚”。中國人在家庭中還特別重視父母、長輩的意見,“不聽老人言,吃虧在眼前” 便是強調(diào)長輩的經(jīng)驗對

58、年輕人具有重要的作用。中國人還強調(diào)家庭教育對孩子人格形成的重要影響,常說“子不教,父之過”。Chinese people attach great importance to reunion, family love, filial piety and a harmonious relationship among the family members. What they expect most is “the family being in harmonyand all affairs prosperous ”. When there emerges a conflict in the f

59、amily, it is a taboo for Chinese people to expose the problem to others. Therefore it is often said by Chinese people, “ You re your dirty linen at home.”In a Chinese family, the opinions of parents and the elders are greatlyrespected. It is often quoted, “You will suffer losses if you close your ea

60、rs to the elders ”, which reflects that the elders experience is of great importance to the younger generation. And Chinese people place emphasis on family education which is believed to have great influence on children scharacter building, and this can be demonstrated by the proverb “Failing to edu


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