



1、四川省成都市天馬鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)2022-2023學(xué)年高三英語期末試題含解析一、 選擇題1. The contest is drawing near, and I feel very nervous.- _. So long as you try your best, it doesnt matter whether you win or not.A. Take your time B. Take it easy C. Dont mention it D. Its hard to say參考答案:B試題分析:take your time慢慢來,別著急;take it easy別擔(dān)心;dont menti

2、on it沒關(guān)系;It is hard to say 很難說;句義:比賽就要結(jié)束了!我很緊張。別擔(dān)心,只要你努力了,贏不贏沒有關(guān)系。根據(jù)句義說明考點:考察交際英語2. Your brain uses information from both your nose and your tongue to _ what something tastes like.A.point out B. give out C. figure out D. pick out參考答案:C3. I am not sure what his _ in the comedy is, but I think he will

3、 act the part of the hero.A. role B. performance C. play D. position參考答案:A4. As it was almost time for the flight, all the passengers got _ the plane.A. board B. abroad C. aboard D. broad 參考答案:C5. The road conditions there turned out to be very good, _ was more than we could expect.A. it B. what C.

4、which D. that參考答案:C解析:后部分是對前部分的補(bǔ)充.題意是 “那兒的路況結(jié)果很好,比我們原想的還好.”what不是關(guān)系代詞不引導(dǎo)定語從句,that一般不引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句。it干擾性大,如果在逗號后加連詞and,則選項A成立。22. Will $200 the cost of the damage? Im afraid not. I need at least $100 more.A. pay B. do C. cover D. afford參考答案:C略7. With a shortened season, NBA players had to_ their preseas

5、on training and get to know their new teammates and coaches sooner Amake up Bspeed up Ctry out Dwork out參考答案:B略8. Fortunately, the driver and the passengers _ the car accident with little injury.Alived Bexisted Csaved Dsurvived參考答案:D9. The 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature _ to Mo Yan, Chinese writer ,

6、whose novel Red Sorghum was successfully filmed in 1987.A. returned B. distributed C. awarded D. went參考答案:D10. In no time _ smoke coming out of the house.A. did we see B. we saw C. are we seeing D. we see參考答案:B11. _is now no doubt _ global warming is a security threat to us all AIt; that BThere; tha

7、t CThere; whether DIt; whether參考答案:B 考查固定表達(dá)。There is no doubt that+從句,意為“毫無疑問?!?2. Why must you _ when we are having a heated discussion about our travel plan?A. drag him behindB. drag his subject inC. drag himD. drag on參考答案:B略13. Why dont we choose that road to save time?The bridge to it _.A. has r

8、epaired B. is repairedC. is being repaired D. will be repaired參考答案:C解析:考查時態(tài)和語態(tài)。根據(jù)語境可知不走另一條路的原因是因為橋正在被修。所以用現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時的被動形式作為該題的答案.14. To report an event responsibly, a journalist must not only make sense of earlier reports, but also his report in the long term.A. allow forB. follow upC. catch onD. switch

9、to參考答案:B15. Are you coming to my wedding ceremony? _ . I cant miss your prettiest and happiest moment. A. Im afraid I cant. B. Youre welcome. C. No way! D. You bet!參考答案:B略二、 完型填空16. 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1. 5分,共30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白 處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。Many people seem to like the sound

10、 of bells because it sounds very nice. But people of Burlington are being 36_ by the sound of bells. Four students from Burlington Col-lege of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the 37 _and have made up their minds to 38_ the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest against heavy trucks which

11、 run 39_ through the narrow high streets.They not only make it 40 _to sleep at night, but they are doing 41_ to our houses and shops, said John Norris, one of the protesters.If we must have these 42_ trucks on the roads, said Jean Lacey, a biology student, why dont we build a new road that goes roun

12、d the town? Burlington isnt much 43_ than a large village. It is the place which is very famous for the local places of interest. Its narrow high streets were never 44_ for heavy traffic.“Harry Fields also learning 45_ said they wanted to make as much 46 _as possi-ble to force the 47_ to realize wha

13、t everybody was having to 48 _. Most people dont live here anyway, “ he said, they come far away from here for 49_ against heavy trucks running through the narrow high streets all the time. The Town Hall is soundproof(隔 音的),so it is probably difficult for the government officials in the hall to 50_

14、the noise all that much. But ifs high time that the officials realized the problem.“The fourth student, Liza Vernum, said she thought the public were 51_ on their side, and even if they werent, they soon would be.I asked if they were 52_ that the police might come to stop them. Not really, one of th

15、em said, actually we are 53_ bell-ringers. I mean we are assistant bell-ring-ers for the church. There is no 54_ against doing like this.“I left the church with the sound of the bells ringing in my ears, 55_ it was right or wrong of them to do so.36.A.satisfiedB.disturbedC.frightenedD.excited37.A.co

16、llegeB.villageC.townD.church38.A.changeB.repairC.ringD.shake39.A.now and thenB.day and nightC.up and downD.sooner or later40.A.easyB.difficultC.uncomfortableD.pleasant41.A.workB.goodC.damageD.research42.A.fastB.modernC.old-fashionedD.noisy43.A.cleanerB.biggerC.moreD.dirtier44.A.testedB.meantC.keptD.


18、ned53.A.properB.experiencedC.hopefulD.serious54.A.driverB.lawC.officialD.student55.A.remindingB.rememberingC.agreeingD.wondering參考答案:略三、 閱讀理解17. In June, 2007, a group of students from eight high schools in Winnipeg, the capital of Canadas Manitoba province, will begin test-launching (試發(fā)射) a satelli

19、te the size of a Rubiks cube. The one-kilogram Win-Cub satellite, named for its home city and its shape, will be put into low orbit. Once in space, it can perform for a few months or up to several years, communicating information that could help find the signs of earthquakes. There are 80 similar sa

20、tellite projects worldwide, but this is the first high-school based program of its kind in Canada. 30 Manitoba high school students are having a hand in designing and building the satellite, in cooperation with aerospace (航空航天的) experts and 10 students from the University of Manitoba, and with suppo

21、rt from two other organizations. The Win-Cube project is not something that goes on a piece of paper; it is real-world engineering, allowing high school students to have an opportunity to learn more about the exciting world of engineering through their participation in this challenging program. It i

22、s also taken as a wonderful example of the unique partnerships within Manitoba. Designing, building and launching a satellite with high-school participation will bring this world-class educational project into reality and Manitoba closer to space. “These Manitoba high school students deserve congrat

23、ulations for their enthusiasm, innovation (創(chuàng)新), and a strong love for discovery,” said Education, Citizenship and Youth Minister Peter Bjomson. “We want to make science more relevant (相關(guān)的), interesting and attractive to high school students by showing them how classroom studies can relate to practic

24、al experience in the workplace or, in this case, in space,” Bjomson added. The Win-Cube program is mainly named at inspiring a strong desire for discovery on the part of the students. It also shows Manitobas devotion to research and innovation and the development of a skilled workforceall important

25、drivers of knowledge-based economic growth. 56. According to the passage, the Win-Cube satellite is _. A. named after Manitoba and its shape B. intended for international communication C. designed like a Rubiks cube both in shape and size D. challenged by university students around the world57. Acco

26、rding to Mr. Bjomson, _. A. those Manitoba high school students are worth praising B. the study of space can be practically made in classrooms C. Manitoba high schools are famous for the study of space D. scientific research is too far away from high school students 58. The primary purpose of the pr

27、oject is to _. A. find the early signs of earthquakes B. relate studies to practical C. help high school students study real-world engineering D. inspire a strong desire for discovery among the students59. The best title for this passage may be _. A. Manitoba School B. Win-Cube Program C. Space Co-o

28、peration D. Satellite Launching 參考答案:56.C解析: 根據(jù)第一段及圖可知。57 A解析: 倒數(shù)第二段第一行:“These Manitoba high school students deserve congratulations for their enthusiasm。這些中學(xué)生值得祝賀。58. D解析: 倒數(shù)第一段第一行59. B解析:本文主要講第一次吸收中學(xué)生參與航天計劃行動Win-Cube Program。D行只是該計劃的一個環(huán)節(jié)。18. It doesn t feel like it, but we got a raise this week. T

29、he sliding price of oil, which made OPEC decide to announce a production cut, has put money in the pockets of consumers, who worry about the world - wide recession(經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退). The high price of gasoline has greatly changed driving patterns, perhaps permanently We are seeing changes in habits. says Julian

30、 Lee from the Center for Global Energy Studies in London. People now prefer to buy small cars instead of gas - guzzling SUVs. If we see this change it becomes a much longer term issue with long - term demand destruction. In the short term, there s simple math. The price slide could save drivers a gr

31、eat deal of money. However, because the U.S. is out of its peak summer driving season, there s not too much of an encouragement to drive a lot more just because gas prices are down. Oil demand in the U.S. has dropped 10% in the few weeks, continuing a year longtrend. According to the U.S. Department

32、 of Transportation, Americans drove 15 billion fewer miles in August, or 5.6% less than they did the year before. DOT says it s the largest ever year -to -year decline recorded in a single month. Due to falling worldwide demand, oil price dropped to its lowest level in more than a year.For months le

33、aders of oil - rich countries have watched nervously as world oil prices have been more than 50% lower than the all - time high in July. All of which spells disasters for OPEC. Iran and Venezuela have pushed fellow OPEC members to make big enough cuts in production to change the plunge in prices in

34、Vienna on Thursday for OPEC s emergency meeting. OPEC countries method of fixing their combined out - put has for years hugely influenced world prices, since OPEC s 13 members account for about one - third of the world s total oil supplies.7l. According to the passage, we got a raise dais week because _ A. the consumers seldom


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