1、PAGE PAGE 29 上上海市房屋租賃合同商品房預(yù)租Lease Agreement本合同雙方當(dāng)事事人:Two Parrties of thhis aggreemeent: 出租方(甲方): Lessor (partty A): 承租方(乙方):Lessee (partty B):根據(jù)中華人民民共和國(guó)合同同法、上上海市房屋租租賃條例(以下簡(jiǎn)稱:條例)的規(guī)定,甲甲、乙雙方在在平等、自愿愿、公平和誠(chéng)誠(chéng)實(shí)信用的基基礎(chǔ)上,經(jīng)協(xié)協(xié)商一致,就就乙方承租甲甲方可依法 出租 的 房屋 事宜,訂立立本合同。 Accordding tto Thee Conttract Law of Peoplles RRepu
2、bllic off Chinna, and the RRegulaation of Shhanghaai munnicipaality on leease oof Urbban Hoouse (hereiinafteer refferred too as: Regullationn), Parrty A annd Parrt B tthrouggh neggotiattion, have execuuted tthis CContraact inn the matteers off leassing tthe Prremisees leggally ownedd by PParty A to
3、Partyy B. TThis CContraact iss baseed upoon thee prinnciplees of equallity wwillinngnesss, equuity aand goood faaith. 一、出租或預(yù)預(yù)租房屋情況況One、Thee situuationn of lleasinng or pre-lleasinng Preemisess:1-1 甲方出出租給乙方的的房屋座落在在本市水城路16弄8號(hào)樓302室。該該房屋出租(【出租租】實(shí)測(cè))建建筑面積為 平方米,土土地用途為 居住 ,房房屋類型為 、結(jié)結(jié)構(gòu)為 。該該房屋的平面面圖見(jiàn)本合同同附件(一)。
4、1-1 Thee Premmises leaseed to Partyy B byy Partty A llocatee at RRoom3002 , BBuildiing 8 , Lane 16 Shhui Chheng RRoad , Shannghai .The buuildinng areea of the PPremisses (leasiing) actuaal meaasure is squaare meeters, thee usagge of the lland iis for rresideentiall purpposes, the type of thhe Preemi
5、sess is , the consttructiion iss . The floorr plann of tthe Prremisees is attacched hhave aas apppendixx (onee). 1-2甲方作為為該房屋的 與乙方建立立租賃關(guān)系。簽簽定本合同前前,甲方已告告知乙方該房房屋 設(shè)定抵押。1-2 Parrty A reegardss as buildds up the rrelatiionshiip of leasiing wiith Paarty B. BBeforee signning tthe coontracct Parrty A haas alr
6、ready inforrmed PParty B thhe Preemisess sett colllateraalize.1-3該房屋的的公用或合用用部位的使用用范圍、條件件和要求;現(xiàn)現(xiàn)有裝修、附附屬設(shè)施、設(shè)設(shè)備狀況和甲甲方同意乙方方自行裝修和和增設(shè)附屬設(shè)設(shè)施的內(nèi)容、標(biāo)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及需約定定的有關(guān)事宜宜,由甲、乙乙雙方分別在在本合同附件件(二)、(三)中加以以列明。甲、乙乙雙方同意該該附件作為甲甲方向乙方交交付該房屋和和本合同終止止時(shí)乙方向甲甲方返還該房房屋的驗(yàn)收依依據(jù)。1-3 Thee use rangee condditionn and requiiremennt Preemisess comm
7、mon pllaces; the preseent deecorattion、attacched ffaciliities、the ddecoraation and tthe coontentt stanndard and oother relevvant oof thee decooratioon andd attaached facillitiess incrreasedd by PParty B, whhich iis agrreed bby Parrty A, shalll be listeed in appenndix (2), (3) byy Partty A aand Paart
8、y BB. Parrty A and PParty B botth agrree thhat thhis apppendiixes sshall be coonsideered aas thee insppectioon reccord wwhen PParty A hannds ovver thhe Preemisess to PParty B andd whenn Partty B rreturnns thee Premmises to Paarty AA uponn comppletioon of this leasiing teerm inn accoordancce witth th
9、iis Conntractt.二、租賃用途Two、Usaage off The Prremisees2-1乙方向甲甲方承諾,租租賃該房屋作作為 居住 使用,并遵遵守國(guó)家和本本市有關(guān)房屋屋使用和物業(yè)業(yè)管理的規(guī)定定。2-1 Parrty B prromisees to PParty A thhat thhe Preemisess is oonly for reesidenntial purpooses , andd shalll obeey thee releevant statee and locall reguulatioons abbout uuse annd thee manaagemen
10、nt of the hhousinng.2-2乙方保證證,在租賃期期內(nèi)未征得甲甲方書(shū)面同意意以及按規(guī)定定須經(jīng)有關(guān)部部門(mén)審批而未未核準(zhǔn)前,不不擅自改變上上述約定的使使用用途.2-2 Parrty B prromisees thatt it sshall not cchangee the usagee of tthe Prremisees witthout gettiing thhe wriitten conseent off Partty A annd thee apprroval of thhe rellated deparrtmentt accoordingg to tthe teerms
11、hhereinn duriing thhe Leaasing term. 三、交付日期和和租賃期限Three、DDeliveery daate annd leaasing term3-1甲乙雙方方約定,甲方方于 年 月 日前且合同同補(bǔ)充條款第第一條規(guī)定的的首月租金和和保證金到達(dá)達(dá)甲方指定賬賬戶后向乙方方交付該房屋屋?!境鲎狻糠糠课葑赓U期自自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。甲方方需在房屋交交付日前做好好各項(xiàng)整修及及清潔工作。3-1 Botth Parrties agreee thatt Partty A shhall hhand oover tthe Prremisees to Partyy B
12、 beefore afterr Partty A rreceivved thhe firrst moonthlyy renttal annd depposit. Leasiing the leasiing Teerm iss commmencedd fromm tto . All mainttenancces annd cleeaningg workks havve to be fiinisheed beffore tthe Chheck-iin Dayy.3-2租賃期滿滿,甲方有權(quán)權(quán)收回該房屋屋,乙方應(yīng)如如期返還。乙乙方需繼續(xù)承承租該房屋的的,則應(yīng)于租租賃期滿前兩個(gè)月,向向甲方提出續(xù)續(xù)租書(shū)面
13、要求求,經(jīng)甲方同同意后簽訂租租賃合同。3-2 Parrty A shhall hhave tthe riight tto takke bacck thee Premmises from Partyy B annd Parrty B shhall rreturnn the Premiises tto Parrty A onn timee uponn the expirrationn of leaasing term. Partty B shaall appply ffor exxtensiion inn writting tto Parrty A two (2) moonths beforre
14、thee expiiratioon if Partyy B inntendss to ccontinnue thhe leaase, tthe neew leaase coontracct shaall bee signned affter ggettinng Parrty As appprovall.四、租金、支付付方式和期限限Four、Reent, PPaymennt Metthod aand teerm4-1甲、乙雙雙方約定,該該房屋每日每每平方米建筑筑面積租金為為( / 幣) / ?!境鲎狻吭略伦饨鹂傆?jì)為為( 人民 幣) 元(大寫(xiě): / 萬(wàn) / 仟 / 佰 / 拾元 / 角整)。4-1
15、 Thee two Partiies aggree tthat tthe reent off one squarre metter foor onee day is ( / ) / . Leaasing the mmonthlly rennt is ( RMB ) .該房屋租金 11 年內(nèi)不不變。自第22 年起,雙雙方可協(xié)商對(duì)對(duì)租金進(jìn)行調(diào)調(diào)整。有關(guān)調(diào)調(diào)整事宜由甲甲、乙雙方在在補(bǔ)充條款中中約定. The rennt shaall noot be changged wiithin one yeears. Thee rentt shouuld bee incrreasedd or ddecreaas
16、ed ffrom tthe seconnd yearr. Thee releevant matteers onn adjuustingg shalll be speciified in thhe suppplemeentaryy clauuse byy bothh partties. 4-2乙方應(yīng)于于每月 15日前向甲方方支付租金。逾逾期支付的,每每逾期一日,則則乙方需按月月租金的 0.5 %支付付違約金。4-2 Parrty B shhall ppay thhe rennt beffore tthe 15th day oof eacch monnth too Partty A. Partyy
17、 B shhall ppay thhe oveerdue paymeent fiine eqquivallent tto 0.5 % of the mmonthlly rennt, payabble foor eacch dayy fromm the date on whhich tthe ammount was ddue unntil tthe fuulfilllment of thhe payyment.4-3乙方支付付租金的方式式如下: 詳見(jiàn)補(bǔ)充條條款。 4-3 Thee paymment mmethodd of tthe reent iss as ffollowws: RRefer t
18、o Apppendiix. 五、保證金和其其他費(fèi)用Five、Seecuritty Depposit and oother Fees5-1甲乙雙方方約定,甲方方交付該房屋屋時(shí),乙方應(yīng)應(yīng)向甲方支付付房屋租賃保保證金,保證證金為 貳 個(gè)月的租金金,即( 人人民 幣) 元5-1Bothh Partties aagree that Partyy B shhall ppay Paarty AA secuurity depossit whhen Paarty AA handding oover PPremisses. TThe seecuritty depposit is twwo(2) monthhs r
19、ennt ( RMB ) .5-2租賃期間間,使用該房房屋所發(fā)生的的水、電、天天然氣、通訊訊、等費(fèi)用用由 乙方 承擔(dān)。5-2 Durring tthe leeasingg termm, Parrty B shalll be rresponnsiblee for the ffull ppaymennt of the PPremisses off the costss wateer, ellectriicity, natuural ggas annd commmuniccationn. 5-3 乙方 負(fù)責(zé)支付的的上述費(fèi)用,計(jì)計(jì)算或分?jǐn)傓k辦法,支付方方式和時(shí)間:詳見(jiàn)補(bǔ)充充條款。5-3 Thee co
20、unnt, waay of the sshare, paymment mmethodd and date of thhe paiid feee are: Reffer too Appeendix. 六、房屋使用要要求的維修責(zé)責(zé)任Six、Thee respoonsibiilitiees on Repaiir of the PPremisses6-1租賃期間間,乙方發(fā)現(xiàn)現(xiàn)該房屋及其其附屬設(shè)施有有損壞時(shí),應(yīng)應(yīng)及時(shí)通知甲甲方修復(fù);甲甲方應(yīng)在接到到乙方通知后后 叁 日內(nèi)進(jìn)行維維修。逾期不不維修的,乙乙方可代為維維修,費(fèi)用由由甲方承擔(dān)。6-1 Durring tthe leeasingg termm, P
21、arrty B shalll infoorm Paarty AA to rrepairr in tthe evvent tthat tthe daamage to thhe Preemisess or ffaciliities is occcurreed. Paarty AA shalll reppair iit witthin threee(3) day afterr receeivingg the noticce. Inn Casee Partty A ffails to reepair the ddamagee on ttime, Partyy B caan reppair iit in
22、sstead of Paarty AA and the PParty A shaall bee respponsibble foor thee feess. 6-2 租賃期期間,乙方應(yīng)應(yīng)合理使用并并愛(ài)護(hù)該房屋屋及其附屬設(shè)設(shè)施。因乙方方使用不當(dāng)或或不合理使用用,致使該房房屋及其附屬屬設(shè)施損壞或或發(fā)生故障的的,乙方應(yīng)負(fù)負(fù)責(zé)維修。乙乙方拒不維修修,費(fèi)用由乙乙方承擔(dān)。6-2 Parrty B shhall ttake ggood ccare oof andd reassonablly usee the Premiises aand atttacheed faccilitiies duuring the
23、 lleasinng teaam. Paarty B shaall bee respponsibble foor thee immeediatee repaair orr comppensattion ffor thhe dammage tto thee Premmises or faacilitties ddue too Partty Bs iimpropper usse.6-3租賃期間間,甲方督促促物業(yè)管理公公司保證該房房屋及附屬設(shè)設(shè)施處于正常常的使用和安安全的狀態(tài)。甲甲方對(duì)該房屋屋進(jìn)行檢查、養(yǎng)養(yǎng)護(hù),應(yīng)提前前 壹 日通知乙方方。檢查養(yǎng)護(hù)護(hù)時(shí),乙方應(yīng)應(yīng)予以配合。甲甲方應(yīng)減少對(duì)對(duì)乙方使用該該房
24、屋的影響響。6-3 Parrty A shalll guarranteee thatt the Premiises sshall be unnder tthe coonditiion off usabble annd saffety dduringg the leasiing teerm. PParty A shaall nootice Partyy B onne (1) day in addvancee whille reppairinng maiintenaance PPremisses. PParty B shaall asssist or coooperaate wiith Paart
25、y AA . Paarty AA shalll redduce tthe innfluennce off Partty Bss usinng of the PPremisses.6-4 除本合合同附件(三三)外,乙方方另需裝修或或者增設(shè)附屬屬設(shè)施和設(shè)備備的,應(yīng)事先先征得甲方的的書(shū)面同意,按按規(guī)定須向有有關(guān)部門(mén)審批批的,則還應(yīng)應(yīng)由 甲方委托乙乙方 報(bào)請(qǐng)有關(guān)部部門(mén)批準(zhǔn)后,方方可進(jìn)行。乙乙方增設(shè)的附附屬設(shè)施和設(shè)設(shè)備歸屬及其其維修責(zé)任由由甲、乙雙方方另行書(shū)面約約定. 6-4 If Partyy B inttends to maake reenovattions or chhangess to tthe
26、 orriginaal faccilitiies appart ffrom tthe apppendiix (3) of tthis ccontraact, PParty B shaall doo so oonly afterr obtaainingg the writtten coonsentt of PParty A. Partyy B shhall bbe ablle to carryy out the ssaid pprojecct onlly aftter gooing tthrouggh thee appllicatiion foormaliities to thhe rellat
27、ed deparrtmentt in acccordaance wwith tthe reelevannt reggulatiions. The oownersship aand reesponssibiliities of reepairiing thhe acccessorry equuipmennt shaall bee stippulateed at some otherr timee by PParty A andd Partty B.七、房屋返還時(shí)時(shí)的狀態(tài)Seven、TThe sttate oof thee retuurned Premiises7-1 除甲方方同意乙方續(xù)續(xù)租外,乙
28、方方應(yīng)在本合同同的租期滿后后的 當(dāng) 日內(nèi)返還該該房屋,未經(jīng)經(jīng)甲方同意逾逾期返還房屋屋的,每逾期期一日,乙方方應(yīng)按 / 元平方方米(幣)向甲甲方支付該房房屋占用費(fèi)。(詳詳見(jiàn)補(bǔ)充條款款)7-1 Exccept tthat PParty A agrrees PParty B exttends this contrract, Partyy B shhall rreturnn the Premiises aat thee expiiratioon of the lleasinng terrm. Inn casee Partty B ffails to doo, so Partyy B shhall pp
29、ay / perr day per mmeter squarre metter foor thee occuupatioon feee of tthe Prremisees.(Reefer tto Apppendixx.)7-2 乙方返返還該房屋應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)符合正常常使用后的狀狀態(tài)。返還時(shí)時(shí),應(yīng)經(jīng)甲方方驗(yàn)收認(rèn)可,并并相互結(jié)清各各自應(yīng)當(dāng)承擔(dān)擔(dān)的費(fèi)用。7-2 Thee Premmises shalll be iin thee normmal sttatemeent. WWhile returrning, the Premiises sshall be chheckedd for accepptancee
30、 and the ttwo paartiess shalll payy up tthe chhargess oughht to be boorne bby eacch othher.八、轉(zhuǎn)租、轉(zhuǎn)讓讓和交換Eight、SSublettting, trannsfer and eexchannge8-1除甲方已已在本合同補(bǔ)補(bǔ)充條款中同同意乙方轉(zhuǎn)租租外,乙方在在租賃期內(nèi),需需事先征得甲甲方的書(shū)面同同意,方可將將該房屋部分分或全部轉(zhuǎn)讓讓給他人。但但同一間居住住房屋,乙方方不得部分或或同時(shí)轉(zhuǎn)租給給二個(gè)或二個(gè)個(gè)以上的承租租人。8-1 Parrty B shalll be aalloweed to suble
31、et thee premmises in paart orr in wwhole to thhird PParty only afterr gettting PParty As wriitten conseent duuring the lleasinng terrm unlless PParty A autthorizzes Paarty BB to ssublett the Premiises iin thee Suppplemenntary Agreeement made by Paarty AA and Partyy B. PParty B shaall noot subblet tt
32、he saame Prremisees in part or suublet the PPremisses too moree thann two otherr Perssons.8-2乙方轉(zhuǎn)租租該房屋,應(yīng)應(yīng)按規(guī)定與受受租方訂立書(shū)書(shū)面合同的轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)租合同并按按規(guī)定向該房房屋所在區(qū)、縣縣房地產(chǎn)交易易中心或農(nóng)場(chǎng)場(chǎng)系統(tǒng)受理處處辦理,登記記備案。8-2 Wheen Parrty B subleets thhe Preemisess, Parrty B shalll concclude writtten suubleassing CContraact wiith thhe subb lesssee annd
33、 reggisterr in tthe prremisees traansacttion ccenterr of ddistriict/coountryy or aaccepttance bureaau of farm systeem wheere thhe preemisess locaate inn accoordancce witth reggulatiions.8-3在租賃期期內(nèi),乙方將將該房屋轉(zhuǎn)讓讓給他人承租租或與他人承承擔(dān)的房屋進(jìn)進(jìn)行交換,必必須事先征得得甲方書(shū)面同同意。轉(zhuǎn)讓或或交換后,該該房屋承租權(quán)權(quán)的受讓人或或交換人應(yīng)與與甲方簽定租租賃主體變更更合同并繼續(xù)續(xù)履行本合同同。8-3
34、 Durring lleasinng terrm, Paarty BB shalll nott subllease the ppremisses too thirrd Parrty orr exchhange it wiith thhird PParty unlesss a wwritteen connsent from Partyy A haas be grantted. AAfter subleettingg, thee succcessorr of tthe leease rright of thhe Preemisess shalll exeecute a priincipaal pa
35、rrt altteratiion coontracct witth Parrty A and ccontinnue too fulffill tthis ccontraact.8-4在租賃期期內(nèi),甲方如如需出售該房房屋,應(yīng)提前前三個(gè)月通知知乙方。乙方方放棄優(yōu)先購(gòu)購(gòu)買權(quán)。轉(zhuǎn)讓讓后,甲方應(yīng)應(yīng)保證受讓人人與乙方簽定定租賃主體變變更合同并繼繼續(xù)履行本合合同。8-4 Durring lleasinng terrm, Paarty AA shalll infform PParty B thrree(3) montths inn advaance , Partty B ggives up thhe rigg
36、ht off preeemptioon. Afterr propperty transsactioon, Paarty AA shalll guaaranteee thee succcessorr of tthe prropertty shaall exxecutee a prrincippal paart allternaation contrract wwith PParty B andd conttinue to fuulfilll thiss conttract九、解除本合同同的條件Nine、 ccondittions to teerminaate thhe Conntractt9-1
37、甲、乙雙雙方同意在租租賃期內(nèi),有有下列之一的的,本合同終終止,雙方互互不承擔(dān)責(zé)任任。9-1 Durring tthe leeasingg termm, thee contraact shhall bbe terrminatted whhen anny of the ffollowwing ccondittion ooccurss and two ppartiees shaall noot be respoonsiblle forr eachh otheer.(一)該房屋占占用范圍內(nèi)的的土地使用權(quán)權(quán)依法提前收收回的;(a) Thee righht to the uuse off landd on
38、 wwhich the PPremisses loocate be leegallyy takeen bacck in advannce;(二)該房屋因因社會(huì)公共利利益或城市建建設(shè)需要被依依法征用的;(b) Thee Premmises be taaken bback ffor thhe neeed of publiic intterestt or the ccityss consstructtion;(三) 該房屋屋毀損、滅失失或者被鑒定定為危險(xiǎn)房屋屋的;(c) Thee Premmises be damagged, mmissinng or be auuthentticateed as d
39、angeerous Premiises;9-2甲、乙乙雙方同意,有有下列情形之之一的,一方方可書(shū)面通知知另一方解除除本合同。違違反本合同的的一方,應(yīng)向向另一方按月月租金的 兩 倍支付違約約金;給對(duì)方方造成損失的的,支付的違違約金不足抵抵付一方損失失的,還應(yīng)賠賠償造成的損損失與違約金金的差額部分分:9-2Thee bothh sidees agrree thhat Onne Parrty shalll infform tthe otther PParty in wwritteen to termiinate the CContraact unnder tthe foollowiing coond
40、itiions. The deefaultting PParty shalll payy to tthe otther PParty the liquiidatedd damaages eequivaalent to twwo(2) timess of tthe moonthlyy rentt. If the ffinanccial llossess incuurred to thhe othher Paarty eexceedd the amounnt of the lliquiddated damagges, tthe deefaultting PParty shalll comppens
41、atte thee defiicienccy.(一)甲方未按按時(shí)交付該房房屋,經(jīng)乙方方催告后 拾伍 日內(nèi)仍未交交付的;(a) Parrty A faails tto delliver the PPremisses onn scheedule and ffails to doo so wwithinn fiftteen(115) daays affter rrecepttion oof Parrty Bs ssummonn exhoortatiion. (二)甲方交付付的該房屋不不符合本合同同的約定,致致使不能實(shí)現(xiàn)現(xiàn)租賃目的的的;或甲方交交付的房屋存存在缺陷,危危及乙方安全全的。(b) Thee
42、 Premmises Partyy A deeliverred bee not in acccordaance wwith tthe aggreemeent off Conttract whichh leadds to ffail tto fullfill the aaim off the rent. Or the Prremisees be defecctive to enndangeer thee safeety of Partyy B.(三)乙方未征征得甲方書(shū)面面同意改變房房屋用途,致致使房屋損壞壞的;(c) Parrty B traansforrms thhe usaage off t
43、he Premiises wwithouut thee writtten aagreemment oof Parrty A whhich ddamageed thee Premmises;(四)因乙方原原因造成房屋屋主體結(jié)構(gòu)損損壞的;(d) Thee damagge of main struccture of thhe Proopertyy caussed byy Partty B;(五)乙方擅自自轉(zhuǎn)租該房屋屋、轉(zhuǎn)讓該房房屋承租權(quán)或或與他人交換換各自承租的的房屋的;(e) Parrty B suubletss the Premiises oor thee righht of the ttena
44、nccy or exchaange the PPremisses wiith otthers withoout Paarty AAs coonsentt;(六)乙方逾期期不支付租金金累計(jì)超過(guò) 壹 個(gè)月的; (f) Parrty B faails tto payy the rent on scchedulle forr longger thhan onne(1) monthh; 十、違約責(zé)任Ten、Liaabilitties ffor Brreach of coontracct10-1該房屋屋交付時(shí)存在在缺陷的,甲甲方應(yīng)自交付付之日起的 拾 日內(nèi)進(jìn)行修修復(fù),逾期不不修復(fù)的,甲甲方同意減少少租金并
45、變更更有關(guān)租金條條款。 10-1 iff the Premiises hhas deefect when delivveringg, Parrty A shalll repaair thhe Preemisess withhin ten(110) days. If PParty A faails tto reppair iit, Paarty AA agreee to reducce thee rentt and changge thee relaated iitems of thhe rennt claause.10-2因甲方方未在本合同同中告知乙方方,該房屋出出租前已抵押押或產(chǎn)權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)移移已受
46、到限制制,造成乙方方損失的,甲甲方應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)賠賠償。10-2 Paarty A shhall bbe fullly reesponssible for aany daamagess or llossess to PParty B if Partyy A haas nott infoormed Partyy B thhe Preemisess had been ppledgeed or tthe trransfeer of the pproperrty riight hhad beeen liimitedd in tthe coontracct.10-3租賃期期間,甲方不不及時(shí)履行本本合同約定的的維
47、修、養(yǎng)護(hù)護(hù)責(zé)任,致使使房屋損壞,造造成乙方財(cái)產(chǎn)產(chǎn)損失或人身身傷害的,甲甲方應(yīng)承擔(dān)賠賠償責(zé)任。 10-3 duuring leasiing teerm, PPart AA shalll payy for the lloss oor anyy bodiily haarm too partty B ccausedd by tthe daamage of thhe Preemisess resuultingg fromm Partty A faailingg to peerformm the respoonsibiilitiees forr repaair annd maiintenaance sst
48、ipullated in thhe conntractt.10-4租賃期期間,非合同同的情況甲方方擅自解除本本合同,提前前收回該房屋屋的,甲方應(yīng)應(yīng)按提前收回回天數(shù)租金的的 兩 倍向乙方支支付違約金。若若支付的違約約金不足抵付付乙方損失的的,甲方還應(yīng)應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)賠償。10-4 Iff Partty A teerminaates tthe coontracct andd takees bacck thee Premmises in addvancee for causees othher thhan coontracct durring lleasinng terrm, paarty A shhall
49、ppay thhe liqquidatted daamagess equiivalennt to two(2) tiimes oof thee daily rentaal lefft of the PPremisses too Partty B. sshouldd the liquiidatedd damaages nnot too be eenoughh to ppay foor Parrty Bs loss, Partty A sshall be reesponssible for tthe deeficieency.10-5乙方未未征得甲方書(shū)書(shū)面同意或者者超出甲方書(shū)書(shū)面同意的范范圍和要求
50、裝裝修房屋增設(shè)設(shè)附屬設(shè)施的的,甲方可以以要求乙方恢恢復(fù)房屋原狀狀。10-5 Iff Partty B reenovattes and instaalls addiitionaal faccilitiies inn the leaseed Preemisess withhout tthe appprovaal of Partyy A, PParty A haas thee righht to requeest Paarty B too restoore thhe Preemisess to iits orriginaal staate.10-6租賃期期間,非本合合同規(guī)定的情情況,乙方中中途擅自退
51、租租的,甲方可可沒(méi)收乙方的的保證金,不不足抵付甲方方損失的,乙乙方還負(fù)責(zé)賠賠償。10-6 Iff Partty B teerminaates tthe coontracct andd givees bacck thee Premmises in addvancee for causees othher thhan Coontracct durring lleasinng terrm, Paarty A shhall sseizurre thee secuurity depossit annd if the ssecuriity deepositt not to bee enouugh too
52、pay for PParty As loss, Partty B shhall bbe ressponsiible ffor thhe defficienncy.十一、其他條款款Eleven、Others terms11-1租賃期期間,甲方需需抵押該房屋屋,應(yīng)當(dāng)書(shū)面面告知乙方。11-1 Duuring leasiing teerm, iif Parrty A needss to mmortgaage thhe Preemisess, Parrt A sshall inforrm Parrty B wiith wrrittenn notiice. 11-2本合同同未盡事宜,經(jīng)經(jīng)甲、乙雙方方協(xié)商一
53、致,可可訂立補(bǔ)充條條款。本合同同補(bǔ)充條款及及附件均為本本合同不可分分割的一部分分,本合同及及其補(bǔ)充條款款和附件內(nèi)空空格部分填寫(xiě)寫(xiě)的文字與鉛鉛印文字具有有同等效力。11-2 Paarty AA and B shaall maake thhe suppplemeentaryy agreeementts forr the unacccounteed terrm of this agreeement throuugh neegotiaation betweeen Paarty AA and B. alll suppplemeentaryy termms in the aagreemment aand
54、atttachmment sshall be inntegraal parrts off the contrract tthe wrrittenn wordds fillled iin thee blannk of suppllementtary tterms and aattachhmentss in tthe coontracct shaall bee of eequallly autthentiic witth thee prinnted wwords of thhe oriiginall leasse conntractt.11-3甲、乙乙雙方在簽署署本合同時(shí),對(duì)對(duì)各自的權(quán)利利、義務(wù)、
55、責(zé)責(zé)任清楚明白白,并愿按本本合同規(guī)定索索賠。如一方方違反本合同同,另一方有有權(quán)按本合同同規(guī)定索賠。11-3 Paarty AA and B shaall bee totaally aaware of hiis rigghts, dutiees, annd ressponsiibilitties wwhen ssigninng thee conttract. If anyy partty breeachess the contrract, the oother partyy shalll havve thee righht to claimm for damagges inn accoordan
56、cce witth thee termms of this contrract.11-4甲、乙乙雙方就履行行本合同發(fā)生生糾紛,應(yīng)通通過(guò)協(xié)商解決決;協(xié)商解決決不成的,雙雙方同意選擇擇下列第 (二) 種方式解解決:11-4 Anny disspute arisiing ouut durring tthe peerformmance of thhe conntractt shalll be resollved bby friiendlyy conssultattions, if aan amiicablee agreeementt cannnot bee reacched, Partyy A ann
57、d Parrty B agreee to ssolve the ddisputte by the wway (bb).(一)、提交 / 仲裁委員會(huì)會(huì)仲裁;(a). Suubmit the ddisputte to / Arbiitratiion Coommisssion(二)、依法向向人民法院起起訴。(b)Submmit thhe disspute to Peeople s Couurt.11-6本合同同連同附件一一式 三 份。其中:甲方執(zhí)一份份、乙方執(zhí)一一份, 一份,均均具有同等效效力。11-6 thhis Coontracct toggetherr withh the attacchmen
58、tt has threee (3) origginalss amonng whiich eaach paarty kkeeps one oor twoo, shhall kkeep oone. AAll thhe oriiginalls havve thee samee effeect. 本合同自簽字生生效。The conntractt shalll comme intto efffect ssubjecct to signiing 補(bǔ) 充 條 款A(yù)ppendiix在本合同簽訂后后的 拾 天內(nèi),乙乙方應(yīng)向甲方方支付首月租租金及相當(dāng)于于 貳 個(gè)月租租 金的保證金金,合計(jì)為RRMB (大寫(xiě):人人民
59、幣 )。其其中保證金為為RMB (大寫(xiě):人民幣 元整);首月房屋租租金RMB (大寫(xiě):人民幣 元整),包包括雙人俱樂(lè)樂(lè)部卡, 物物業(yè)管理費(fèi),寬帶安裝費(fèi)費(fèi)。在乙方支支付上述首月月租金及保證證金后,甲方方向乙方交付付該房屋。若若上述首月租租金及保證金金到達(dá)甲方指指定賬戶時(shí)間間遲于合同第第3-1條規(guī)規(guī)定的房屋交交付時(shí)間的,甲甲方實(shí)際交付付房屋時(shí)間為為上述首月租租金及保證金金到達(dá)甲方指指定賬戶后第第二日。 Withinn ten (10) days of thhe siggning of thhis Foormal Tenanncy Aggreemeent, PParty B shaall pay t
60、to Parrty A a seccurityy depoosit eequivaalent to ann amouunt off two (2) mmonthss rentaal andd the firstt Renttal, tthe tootal iis RMBB . The Securrity DDeposiit is RMB Only aand thhe firrst Moonthlyy Renttal iss RMB ; inclludingg Mgt. Fee, ADSL instaallatiion feee, coouple club membeershipp cardd.
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