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1、Section 3 : Option 1 Phase 1 Implementation (Logistics)3.1 SummmaryOracle has rrecognnized the HHONGKOONG TEELECOMM requuiremeent tto meeet Y20000 coompliaance wwithinn itss Logiisticss Infoormatiion Syystem. Oraccle thherefoore prroposees an approoach tto proovide that complliancee and minimmize oo

2、perattionall channge foor dayy to dday buusinesss opeeratioons. In Opption 1 forr impllementtationn of aa new Logisstics systeem, leegacy satelllite systeems wiill reemain unchaanged and tto a mminimuum exttent iinterffaced to thhe neww Logiisticss Systtem. TThis aapproaach buuilds a fouundatiion fo

3、or furrther improovemennts ussing OOraclees prroductts andd servvices and iis a rrelatiively safe way tto meeet shoort teerm gooals aand allso saatisfyy longg termm straategicc objeectivees witth a ccost eeffecttive pprograam.Oracle also recoggnizess the compllexityy in bbuildiing innterfaaces wwith

4、 aa numbber off legaacy syystemss, andd recoommendds HONNGKONGG TELEECOM wwork wwith OOraclee in ccreatiing thhese iinterffaces in a rapidd timme fraame. Option 1 Phaase 1 Logisstics of thhe Bussinesss Suppport SSystemm willl be ppositiioned as thhe corre eleement of Hoongkonng Tellecoms inntegraate

5、d iinformmationn systtem whhich wwill aallow Logisstics operaationaal anaalysiss and foreccastinng at both the mmanageement and ooperattionall leveel. TThe coore off the Optioon 1 PPhase 1 sollutionn is tthe Orracle Distrributiion appplicaationss moduules. Thesee appllicatiion sooftwarre moddules ar

6、e “ooff thhe sheelf” aappliccationns whiich suupportt the businness aactiviities of Orrder MManageement, Purcchasinng, Suupply Chainn Plannning and DDistriibutioon. TThese appliicatioons haave beeen buuilt uusing standdard OOraclee Deveeloperr/20000 on OOraclee RDBMMS.Surrounnding this core packaage

7、 wiill bee a miinimumm set of cuustom extennsionss to ssupporrt agrreed uupon ffunctiionaliity gaaps noot suppporteed by the ppropossed appplicaationss. Iniitiallly theese gaaps wiill bee careefullyy reviiewed for OOptionn 1 Phhase 11 impaact wiith a desirre to minimmize rrisk aand reealizee a faast

8、er impleementaation. Custtom exxtensiions wwill bbe devvelopeed usiing Orracle Develloper/2000 for cconsisstencyy in tthe usser innterfaace. 3.2 ScoopeA well-definned sccope eestabllishess the parammeterss and outcoomes oof thee projject. Thiss secttion ppresennts ouur currrent underrstandding oof H

9、oongkonng Tellecom requiiremennts too addrress tthe sttated systeem neeeds. TThe sccope oof thiis prooposall is bbased on thhe Reqquest for PPropossal innformaation , inttervieews wiith thhe keyy userrs froom thee mainn busiiness functtions, andd otheer corrrespoondencce on this subjeect . We haave

10、reeferreed to the HHongkoong Teelecomm “Reqquesteed Scoope Annd Strrategyy For Quotaation From Supplliers” datedd 3 Occtoberr 19977, whiich iss outllined in thhe folllowinng secctionss.In Optiion 1 Phasee 1 off the projeect, OOraclee willl impllementt Oraccle Loogistiics mooduless for HONGKKONG TTEL

11、ECOOM Loggisticcs PMOO funcctionaality and rreplacce thee currrent DD&B Loogistiics Syystemss. Innternaal intterfacces wiith exxistinng Loggisticcs sattellitte sysstems will be inncludeed andd exteernal interrfacess withh otheer leggacy ssystemms willl be creatted. Moreoover, interrface betweeen D&B

12、 Genneral Ledgeer andd Oraccle Geenerall Ledgger wiill bee buillt.3.2.1 IIncludded inn ScoppeOracle Appliicatioons Mooduless- Secction 3.3Internaal Sattellitte Sysstems- Secction 3.4Extensiions- Secction 3.5 Interfaaces- Secction 3.6Reportss- Secction 3.7Traininng- Secction 3.9 Projectt Mileestonees

13、- Secction 3.10Projectt Orgaanizattion- Secction 3.11Projectt Ganttt Chaart anndCriticaal Patth- Secction 3.12Projectt Teamm (Oraacle aand HKKT)Resourcce Esttimatee- Secction 3.13Key Delliveraables- Secction OOut off Scoppe AreeasThe scoope off workk in tthis iimplemmentattion ppropossal d

14、ooes noot incclude any ttasks or acctivitties relatted too the folloowing :Data Coonverssion This task invollves eextraccting the ddata ffrom tthe inn-housse sysstem aand looadingg it iinto tthe Orracle Appliicatioons. TThis ttask wwill nnot bee perfformedd by OOraclee Conssultinng Serrvice (OCS). A

15、 fflat ffile fformatt willl be ssuppliied too HKT by thhe OCSS projject tteam aand itt willl be tthe reesponssibiliity off HKT to suupply the cconverrsion data in thhe ASCCII fiile foormat proviided aand looad thhis innto thhe Oraacle AAppliccationn. It is thhe ressponsiibilitty of HKT tto enssure t

16、the vaaliditty andd accuuracy of thhis daata.Interfaaces: The pprovission oof anyy inteerfacees intto or out oof thee Oraccle Fiinanciials tthat hhas noot beeen inccludedd in tthe Innterfaaces TTable outliined iin secction 5.6 oof thiis prooposall willl be oout off the scopee of tthe prrojectt. Anyy

17、 timee spennt asssistinng HKTT on tthe deesign, builld or testiing off thesse addditionnal innterfaaces wwill bbe subbject to chhange contrrol.End Useer Traainingg: Alll end user trainning wwill bbe connducteed by Hongkkong TTelecoom.Businesss Proocess Reenggineerring/RRedesiign: TThe asssumpttion t

18、that wwe makke in this propoosal iis thaat thee busiiness proceesses will not ddifferr subsstantiially from what was pprovidded inn the tendeer doccumentt provvided HKT. The tteam mmemberrs willl perrform analyysis aand unndersttand tthese proceesses and mmap itt to tthe prroposeed pacckage. Theey w

19、illl nott undeertakee to rrecommmend cchangees or underrtake to chhange thesee proccessess. Howwever in thhe couurse oof mappping thesee to tthe paackagee, if a moddificaation to thhe proocess is neecessaary annd hass a poositivve ressult, the tteam mmay reecommeend a changge. Thhis wiill haave too

20、be aacceptted byy HKT beforre anyy impllementtationn. Agaain anny chaanges propoosed wwill hhave tto be handlled ass per the CChangee Conttrol PProceddure.Additioonal CCustomm Exteensionns: Baased oon ourr undeerstannding of thhe tennder aa numbber off custtom exxtensiions hhave bbeen iidentiified (

21、pleaase seee seectionn 3.5 of thhis prroposaal). AAny addditioonal ccustomm exteensionns willl be handlled ass per the CChangee Conttrol PProceddure.Hardwarre sellectioon: OOraclee propposal for tthe immplemeentatiion off Oraccle Fiinanciials ddoes nnot coover tthe seelectiion off a haardwarre vennd

22、or. Infoormatiion caan be proviided oon thee certtifiedd plattformss but any sselecttion oof venndors is ouutsidee of tthis sscope.Networkk or BBenchmmark ttestinng: TThe onnly teestingg thatt Oraccle wiill unndertaake iss the unit testiing off custtom exxtensiion. OCS may pperforrm ad-hoc cconferre

23、nce room pilott testting oof sysstem ffunctiionaliity buut thiis is at thhe disscretiion off the OCS pprojecct mannager.3.3 ModdulesThe Oraacle AAppliccationns moddules to bee impllementted inn Optiion 1 Phasee 1 arre :Oracle AlerttOracle InvenntoryOracle Bill of MaateriaalsOracle ServiiceOracle Qua

24、liityOracle MPS/MMRPOracle PurchhasinggOracle Orderr EntrryOracle Work in PrrocesssOracle Generral Leedger (Shelll)Oracle Payabble3.4 Intternall Sateellitee SysttemsThere iis no HONGKKONG TTELECOOM sattellitte sysstem tto be replaaced iin Opttion 11 Phasse 1 iimplemmentattion.3.5 ExttensioonsIt is r

25、recommmendedd thatt Honggkong Teleccom shhould impleement each of thhe Oraacle aappliccationn moduules wwith mminimaal chaanges and/oor moddificaationss for OPTIOON 1, Phasee 1. We haave baased tthis ppropossal onn the assummptionn thatt the projeect teeam wiill maake noo channges tto ourr appllicat

26、iions mmodulees exccept aas dellineatted beelow. Listted beelow aare thhe knoown cuustom extennsion requiiremennts whhich aare inncludeed in this propoosal.Identiffied mmodifiicatioons inncludeed as part of thhis prroposaal:Vendor Lead Time Captuure annd PlaanninggTotal LLandedd Costt Captture aand

27、AsssignmmentOracle has aalso rrecognnized minorr funcctionaal enhhancemments requiired tto meeet HOONGKONNG TELLECOM needss. Theese wwill bbe furrther analyyzed dduringg the Defiinitioon phaase off the impleementaation projeect, aand duuring the BBuild phasee Oraccle wiill woork wiith HOONGKONNG TEL

28、LECOM to deesign the mmost aapproppriatee soluution to fiit thee HONGGKONG TELECCOM neeeds.3.5.1 VVendorr Leadd Timee ManaagemenntHongkonng Tellecom has tthe reequireement, whicch willl be proviided bby a ccustomm exteensionn, to preseent thhe folllowinng funnctionnalityy in PPhase 1:Identifficatiio

29、n off the Lead Timess per Item for eeach VVendorr, andd to hhave tthe Veendor rankeed in orderr of ppreferrence.Automattic crreatioon of requiisitioons whhen thhe avaailablle quaantitiies inn Inveentoryy are not ssufficcient to saatisfyy demaand.Automattic crreatioon of requiisitioons baased uupon b

30、best mmatch for tthe ittem prromisee datee (on the oorder) whenn venddor leead tiime iss takeen intto acccount.Automattic usser nootificcationn if nno Venndor ccan prrovidee deliivery of sppecifiic iteems too meett the Promiise Daate onn the Orderr Linees.3.5.2 TTotal Landeed Cosst AsssignmeentHongk

31、onng Tellecom has tthe reequireement, whicch willl be proviided bby a ccustomm exteensionn, to preseent thhe folllowinng funnctionnalityy in PPhase 1:Identifficatiion off algoorithmms, orr perccentagges, tthat aassignn the valuees of Freigght, DDuty aand Innsurannce too the item speciific ccost aat

32、timme of receiipt.Identifficatiion off thesse perrcentaages ffor eaach Puurchasse Ordder Liine.Providiing deefaultts of thesee perccentagges baased uupon tthe ittem caategorry forr eachh Purcchase Orderr Linee.Ensurinng thaat thee perccentagges foor alll Purcchase Orderr Linees, onn one Purchhase OO

33、rder, exacctly ssum too 100%.The abiility to reecord the FFreighht, Duuty annd Inssurancce cossts asssociaated wwith eeach iinventtory rreceippt andd add thesee extrra cossts too the receiipt coost off the partiicularr itemm.3.5.3 OOrder EntryyAt Ordeer Enttry Sccreen, it iis reqquiredd to ggive tth

34、e usser a sortiing opption in viiewingg the existting llots (drumss) in desceendingg ordeer bassed onn variiance perceentagee (reqquesteed lenngth vvs avaailablle lenngth).3.5.4 PPurchaasingUpon reejectiion off goodds aftter reeceiptt, givve useer a ooptionn to aauto ggeneraate a debitt memoo. Orrac

35、le Alertt shouuld hoold thhe payyment for aall thhe invvoicess withh the matchhing PPO iteem shiipmentt linee.3.5.5 CCable Stockk Manaagemennt SysstemBest Fiit Picck Proocess (Batcch) - Startt searrchingg for all tthe shhortesst -leength cablees to meet the bbest ffit (mmay bee withh acceeptablle to

36、llerancce %)3.5.6 AAccounnts PaayableesRequireementssModificcationn DesccriptiionAccountts Payyabless2Due DDateThe sysstem mmust bbe cappable of seelectiing innvoicees forr paymment oon thee basiis of a rannge off datees andd the user may tthen ppay alll invvoicess seleected or eddit thhe sel

37、lectedd invooices priorr to iinitiaating the ppaymennt proocess.You cann onlyy enteer a ddue daate inn the paymeent seelectiion, nnot a due ddate rrange.Providee anotther ppaymennt sellectioon proogram, or cchangee the existting pprograam to alloww enteer duee datee rangge.2Alterrnate PayeeeI

38、n a nuumber of innstancces suupplieers haave diirecteed payyment to bee madee to aa thirrd parrty att an aaddresss diffferennt froom thaat of the ssuppliier. The ssystemm mustt be ccapablle of mainttaininng thee neceessaryy recoords tto suppport an allternaate paayee. The systeem shaall bee ablee to

39、 ssettlee all invoiices oof a vvendorr, inccludinng alll rediirecteed invvoicess fromm otheer venndors usingg the alterrnate payeee funcction, in oone siingle chequue in a payyment cyclee.You cann storre altternattive ppayee name or usse onee of tthe coontactt persson ass alteernatiive paayee.Create

40、 a flaag to indiccate wwhetheer altternattive ppayee will be ussed orr not by deescripptive flexffieldChange of thhe payyment progrram too seleect allternaative payeee baseed on the fflag.Anotherr way is too creaate thhe altternattive ppayee as a normaal venndor iin thee systtemUse desscripttive ffl

41、exfiields to sttore tthe veendor code of thhe altternattive ppayee.Change the ppaymennt proogram to usse thee alteernatiive paayee vvendorr detaails.2Invoiice TrrackinngWith thhe funnctionnalityy outllined in 1, thee systtem muust bee capaable oof traackingg the progrress oof thee invo

42、oice bby loccationn and proceessingg stagge. TThis iinformmationn shouuld bee acceessiblle to userss enquuiringg of tthe prrogresss of the iinvoicce.System shoulld be able to reecord the nname aand loocatioon of the aactionn offiicer wwho appprovee the invoiice orr perfform iinvoicce mattchingg to P

43、PO.Descripptive Flexffieldss can be crreatedd to sstore the rrequirred innformaationCreate a neww invooice iinquirry funnctionn whicch alllow usser too enteer criiteriaa in tthe deescripptive flexffieldss9Bank AccouuntsThe sysstem sshall be abble too autoomaticcally assiggn thee apprropriaate

44、 baank acccountt for payinng thee invooices basedd on aaccounnt codde, ammount and ccurrenncy.The sysstem sshouldd be aable tto perrform the ffollowwing :based oon thee accoount ccode tto detterminne thee typee of eexpensses : CAPEXX or OOPEXThere aare sppecifiic bannk acccountss assiigned for CCAPE

45、X and OOPEX eexpensses reespecttivelyy.For OPEEX exppensess, if the aamountt is lless tthan aa preddefineed amoount (e.g. 1M), a parrticullar baank acccountt willl be uused. Otheerwisee, anoother bank accouunt wiill bee usedd.Programm modiificattions :In bankk accoount mmainteenancee, addd fiellds t

46、oo speccify wwhetheer thee bankk accoount wwill bbe useed forr OPEXX and CAPEXX and for wwhat aamountt rangge.In invooice, storee the inforrmatioon whiich caan be used to deetermiine thhe typpe of expennses (note that the aaccounnt codde strructurre mayy be cchangeed so that it maay be not aable tto

47、 usee the accouunt coode too deteerminee the type of exxpensees in futurre)In paymment bbatch creattion, user stilll needd to sspeciffy theey wannt to pay OOPEX oor CAPPEX exxpensees andd amouunt raange bby speecifyiing thhe bannk acccountChange the iinvoicce sellectioon proogram to prrovidee the in

48、tellligennt to base on thhe flaag stoored iin thee invooice tto detterminne thee typee of eexpensses annd amoount rrange. It then selecct onlly thoose innvoicees forr paymment.3.6 IntterfaccesThe commplex mix oof exiistingg legaacy Saatelliite Syystemss, 25 systeems reecogniized aas intternall and a

49、nothher 122 systtems rrecognnized as exxternaal to the llogisttics ssystemm, makke intterfacce devvelopmment aa crittical part of thhe prooject. Oraccle wiill noot devvelop interrfacess to SSatelllite SSystemms thaat aree ideentifiied beeing standd alonne sysstems . Froom infformattion ggiven to Orr

50、acle, thee folllowingg inteernal satelllite systeems arre staandaloone: Warrantty Reppair SSystemmPhone-ccard SSystemmSerialiized SStock Trackking SSystemmDeliverry Ordder Trransmiissionn systtemStores Locattion SSystemmEquipmeent reegistrrationn SysttemNon- coode Ittem Innventoory Coontroll Systtem

51、Petty CCashMRIContracct Infformattion SSystemmPowerbaase Puurchassing SSystemmOracle will devellop innterfaaces tto extternall Sateellitee Systtems aas deffined expliicit iin thee RFP and aas deffined in thhe lisst bellow. The Oraacle pprojecct mannager togetther wwith tthe Hoongkonng Tellecom proje

52、ect maanagerr willl manaage thhe intterfacce devvelopmment pprocesss usiing Orracles intterfacce devvelopmment pproceddures. 3.6.1 SSystemm InteerfaceesOracle will devellop foorty (40) iinterffaces betweeen innternaal andd exteernal Satelllite Systeems annd thee Oraccle Appplicaationss. Alll intterf

53、acces wiill bee filee-to-ffile iinterffaces, not progrram-too-proggram iinterffaces. Datta willl be exchaanged via aa flatt ASCIII fille. Foor outtboundd inteerfacees froom Oraacle AAppliccationns, Hoongkonng Tellecom will speciify thhe forrmat oof thee filee to bbe prooducedd. Thee infoormatiion to

54、o be pprovidded muust bee avaiilablee to tthe Orracle Appliicatioons. OOraclee willl creaate a file on thhe serrver wwhere the OOraclee Appllicatiions eexist. Thesse filles wiill exxist iin a ttemporrary hholdinng areea wheere Hoongkonng Tellecom can ppick uup thee filee and transsfer tthe daata too

55、 otheer extternall systtems iif neccessarry. Foor intterfacces thhat arre inbbound to thhe Oraacle AAppliccationns, Orracle will speciify thhe forrmat iin whiich thhe infformattion iis to be prrovideed. HHongkoong Teelecomm needds to proviide thhe fille to the sserverr wherre thee Oraccle Appplicaat

56、ionss exisst. Thhis foormat will be coonsisttent wwith tthe appplicaation progrram innterfaaces (APIss) thaat aree avaiilablee for Oraclle Appplicattions.A list of innterfaaces bby Oraacle AAppliccationn Moduule iss provvided beloww, aloong wiith ann indiicatioon of the ccompleexity of eaach innterf

57、aace. TThe coost annd timme to compllete tthe innterfaace woork iss baseed on the nnumberr of iinterffaces and tthe coomplexxitiess. Innterfaaces may bbe addded orr remooved dduringg the Operaationss Anallysis phasee withhout aany immpact to coost orr timee to iimplemment, proviided tthe tootal nnum

58、berr of iinterffaces and tthe coomplexxity mmix dooes noot chaange. Any changges too the numbeer or compllexityy mix of innterfaaces iis outtside the sscope of thhe Phaase I propoosal.Interfaace PoointInboundd or OOutbouundOrigin and DDestinnationn SysttemsComplexxityAccountt Codee combbinatiions ff

59、rom DD&B Geenerall LedggerInbounddD&B Genneral Ledgeer to Oraclle Genneral LedgeerMedium Accounnt Jouurnalss fromm the GL InnterfaaceOutbounndOracle Generral Leedger to.DD&B Geenerall Ledgger.Very HiighShipmennt Dettails for IInvoicce creeationn withhin D&B Acccountss ReceeivablleOutbounndOracle Ord

60、err Entrry to D&B AAccounnts ReeceivaableHighReturn Materrial AAuthorrizatiion innformaation for CCreditt Memoo creaation withiin D&BB Accoounts receiivableeOutbounndOracle Orderr Entrry to D&B AAccounnts ReeceivaableMediumCustomeer Intterfacce (inncludiing Crredit Ratinngs)InbounddD&B Acccountss Re


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