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1、翻譯英文原文:IN THE YEARS OF THE TRANSFORMATIONva HIDEG - Erzs bet NOV KYIntroductionTracing the future orientation of Hungarian society in the years of the transformation is of utmost importance. The future orientation of the young generations and the changes itundergoes is vital in shaping the future of

2、 Hungary as the success and speed of the transformation hinge greatly on these. For futures researchers to be able to exert a positive influence on the future orientation of young people they must become familiar with the youth s attitude to the future.Future orientation is the characteristic and th

3、e capacity, unique to human beings, which enable thinking to be regulated by the past and present, but also to reflect continuously assumptions regarding the future. . Humankind has a historical view andalso has a future attitude, which is, expressed in future orientation. The decisions and actions

4、of the future-oriented person are guided more by his or her intentions, goals anddesires for the futures than by his or her experiences of the past. The future inspires the driving force of human activity.The Department of Futures Research of the Budapest University of Economic Sciences has regularl

5、y surveyed, since 1992, the future orientation of Hungarian societyin groups of varying composition and size. We have endeavoured to learn of the components of future orientation through the following criteria:?.interest in and thinking about the future?.why is the person interested in the future,?.

6、why are others interested in the future,?. what does the person think about (family, place of residence, country, world) andwhat timespan,?.activities carried out in the interest of the future?.what does the person do for his/her own future,?.what does the person do for the future of his/her loved o

7、nes,?. what does the person do so that the situationin his/herplace of residence,country and the world will be better in ten years time,?.expectations for the future?.how does the person expect to live in ten years time,?.how does the person expect his/her loved ones to live in ten years time,inhis/

8、her?. what willthe situationbe likein the person s place ofresidence,countryand theworld in ten years time,?.can certain specific events be expected to happen before the year 2000 or 2020.Working in an academic environment, we have for many years been able to surveythe attitude to the future of vari

9、ous generations of young people. Analysing the outcomeand changes in time of the empirical surveys we conducted between 1992 and 1996, i.e.in the initial years of the transformation in Hungary, has been particularly informative.We reliedon questionnaires,the time-honouredmethodinfuturesresearch,tore

10、viewtheattitudetothe future,futureorientationand howfutureorie ntationhaschanged among:secondary modern school pupils between 14 and 18,undergraduates of the Budapest University of Economic Sciences andundergraduates between 25 and 30 who have had to abandon their engineering studiesfor studies of e

11、conomics (so called engineer economists).The review aided by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund was made in the frameof RenewingMethodologyof the FuturesResearchin the Era ofTransitionproject(project leader: va Hideg) between 1995-1997.The Future Orientation of Hungarian Youth and theTransformat

12、ionThepolled younggenerationsinHungary representthreedifferenttypesof futureorientation. Most future oriented and ambitious are the economics undergraduates, whiletheengineering-economicsundergraduateshaveatroubledfutureorientationandsecondarymodern school pupils have the most underdeveloped(and pro

13、bablythe leastelaborated) attitude to the future.Economics undergraduates tend to be the most future oriented because they do not fearthe futureand wishtoinfluenceitinkeepingwiththeirindividualgoals andinterests.Althoughthe futureisuncertain,theybelievethatbythinkingabout itthe uncertaintycan be les

14、sened. Beyond their own personal future they are equally interested in that oftheirfamiliesand theworld. Thefuture ofthecountryandtheirplace ofresiden ce,however,carrylessweightforthem.Theyaremore and moreconcernedaboutthe5-10-year timespan and the future beyond 40 years ahead.Theyareincreasinglycon

15、vincedthat withtheiractivitythey can influenceandshape the future, especially their own and that of their loved ones. This is the objectivethat makes them study and preserve their health. They have less power to influence thefuture oftheircountry,theworldand theirplaceofresidence. Theyhave progresse

16、dfrom the passive backing of good causes to recognising the importance of environmental protection, saving and taking on active political roles.They are less optimistic in their expectations. They are more and more sure of their own personal future, however, because they are preparing for a career t

17、hat is prosperingin Hungary. They tend to see the future of their broader surroundings in an increasinglypessimisticlight,thoughtheyarestillmoreoptimisticthan theothertwoyoungage-groups polled. They donottrustina significantimprovementin thesituationinHungary as they fail to see how the process of i

18、mpoverishment and the deterioration ofthe state of the environment can be halted even in the long run. They consider Hungarys accession to the European Union before the year 2000 impossible too. They were moreoptimistic about these questions at the outset of the transformation.Engineering-economicsu

19、ndergraduatesaccountfora stillyounggenerationwhichhas amassedmoreexperienceinlifebutwhichhashaditsshareoffailuretoo.Theirfuture orientation is laden with a number of problems. They fear the future though willnot admitit,andtheyaredisillusionedwiththetransformationas theyhadtoretrainthemselvesearlyon

20、in theircareers.They haverealisedthat theymust thinkaboutthefuturenotonlybecause ofthe futureoftheir familiesbutintheinterestoftheirownfuture and a better standard of living. Whilethe future of their families and the world,besidetheirownpersonalfuture,used tobe equallyimportantforthem,now itisthefut

21、ureoftheirfamiliesandtheircountrythatcarryequalweight.The futureoftheirplaceofresidencestilldoesnotreallyinterestthem.Theirattitudehas shiftedfrom ashort-term to a medium-term view, and their need to think about the long-term future hasincreased.Many of them, though in a decreasing proportion, think

22、 that they can do nothing forthe future. Those who believe they can, consider their own retraining the most important.Furthermore, many of them believed in investment and entrepreneurialism following thetransformation, but moonlighting has again become important by now. Economising andtaking out ins

23、urance policies have surfaced as a new field of activity from the point ofview of their own futureand thatoftheirlovedonesalike.Earlyon intheshiftofsystem they did not consider doing something for the future of their place of residence,the country and the world as their own task but expected that fr

24、om the state. By today,however, they believe they can make their mark felt in environmental protection, work,tax paying and taking on active political roles.Theiroptimismconcerningtheirexpectationshasalsodecreasedsignificantly.However, they expect their personal circumstances to improve more than th

25、e situation oftheir wider environment. The majority showed uncertainty when judging the situation ofthe country and their place of residence. The number of those who expect the situation toimprovewithin10yearsisfewerandfewer.Theymanifestedsimilaruncertaintyconcerningthehaltingofthe processofimpoveri

26、shmentand theimprovementofthestate of the environment, though they tend to believe more in the latter than the formeruntil 2020.The secondary modern school pupils, who will obtain their final certificates of vocational training within a few years, had the most unformed future orientation. A greatman

27、y of them had not even thought about the question why they and others are interested in the future. Those who had thought about it were interested in the future primarily forreasons of a better living standard. They are not particularly interested, however, in continuing their studies or in their fu

28、ture workplace. They are the most materialistic, orperhaps the most honest, because they express the value judgement so forcefully presentin Hungarian society today that the future is interesting in order to make a lot of money.At the same time they do not fear the future, but do not think of the fu

29、ture in connectionwith their eventual happiness. Beyond their own future they are interested in the futureof their families and their place of residence. They do not know how to handle the futureof thecountryandtheworld.For themthe futureisimportantintheshortandthemediumterm.Theydisplaynolong-termco

30、nscienceofthe future,thoughthey watchand read rather a lot of science fiction.They also fail to perceive the future and its dimensions concerning their activities.Theirstudies,doingsportsandhelpinginthe homeare importantforthem, andworkalso emerges as a priority. Generally speaking, they do not thin

31、k that they are or will beableto doanythingforthefutureofothers, thecommunityat large,beyondtheirownfuture and that of their loved ones. The only exception is their place of residence. Theybelievethey could,infact, dosomethingforthefutureofthatbyprotectingtheenvironment and undertaking a role in pub

32、lic life.Theirexpectationsforthefuturearealsounformedand uncertain.Onlyhalfofthose polled believe that their situation will be better in ten years time, while the otherhalfthinktheir situationwillremainunchanged.Theyare completelyunsureofthefuture of their place of residence, the country and the wor

33、ld. Regarding the future of thecountrytheyareunsurebecausetheyseeboththehaltingoftheprocessofimpoverishmentand theimprovementofthe stateoftheenvironmentas impossibletosolve until 2020. Yet it is this group that believes in the greatest proportion that Hungarycan become a member of the European Union

34、 before the year 2000.Naturally,all young age groups embrace opinionsof the futuredifferingfromthetypicalina positiveornegative sense,butthenumberofthoseholdingsuch viewsisinsignificant. This may, in our opinion, be due to the fact that the surveyed age-groupsare closelylinked to certaintypesofschoo

35、ls, andtheHungarianschoolsystemisstillrather closed from the point of view of social mobility (Hideg-Nov ky, 1997/a). Schooland schooling exert a fundamental influence on peoples future orientation. This is alsocorroborated by studies of the future orientation of different adult groupin Hungary.翻譯在社

36、會轉(zhuǎn)變的年代介紹在轉(zhuǎn)變的年代追溯匈牙利社會的未來導(dǎo)向是至關(guān)重要的。年青一代的未來導(dǎo)向和它經(jīng)歷的變化對決定匈牙利的未來尤為重要,因為變化的成功和速度都很大地取決于這些。要讓研究未來的人員能夠積極的影響年青人的未來導(dǎo)向,他們首先要熟悉年青人對未來的態(tài)度。未來導(dǎo)向是人類獨有的性格和能力,它使思維受到過去和現(xiàn)在的調(diào)整,但同樣對未來反應(yīng)出連續(xù)的假設(shè)。人類有對歷史的觀點,也有對未來的態(tài)度,這在未來導(dǎo)向中表現(xiàn)出來。有未來取向的人的決定和行為更多是受到他或她對未來的意圖,目標和要求的引導(dǎo),而不是受到他或她過去經(jīng)驗的影響。將來在人類行為上施展了一個推動力。布達佩斯經(jīng)濟科學(xué)大學(xué)的未來研究院自1992 年以來有規(guī)律

37、的調(diào)查匈牙利社會上各個團體的未來取向, 這些團體的組織和規(guī)模都不相同。我們努力通過下面這些標準來了解未來導(dǎo)向的組成部分:?對未來的興趣和思考,?這個人為什么對將來感興趣,?其他人為什么對將來感興趣,?這個人在哪些時間段中想些什么(家庭,居住地,國家,世界)?出于對未來的興趣而表現(xiàn)出的行,?這個人為他或她的將來做些什么,?這個人為他或她的愛人的將來做些什么,?這個人做些什么可以使他或她的住房,國家和世界在十年之內(nèi)變得更好,?對未來的期望,?這個人希望十年之內(nèi)過上怎樣的生活,?這個人希望十年之內(nèi)他或她的愛人過上怎樣的生活,?十年之內(nèi)這個人的住房,國家以及世界會是這樣的情形,?在 2000 年或 2

38、020 年前一些特定的事情有可能會發(fā)生嗎。由于多年都在一個學(xué)術(shù)氛圍下工作,我們能夠知道許多代的年青人對未來的態(tài)度,我們分析 1992 1996 中做的經(jīng)驗性調(diào)查的結(jié)果和變化,發(fā)現(xiàn)在匈牙利社會轉(zhuǎn)變最初的幾年中,年青人的未來導(dǎo)向具有很大的提示性。我們通過調(diào)查表,和在對未來的研究中一直推崇的方法來回顧他們對未來的態(tài)度,他們的未來導(dǎo)向和未來導(dǎo)向在他們當中是如何變化的。這些人是:?14 18 歲之間的高中生,?布達佩斯經(jīng)濟科學(xué)大學(xué)的本科生,?25 30 歲之間放棄了機械學(xué)來學(xué)經(jīng)濟學(xué)的大學(xué)生(所謂的機械經(jīng)濟學(xué)家)。由匈牙利科學(xué)研究基金會資助的調(diào)查是在19951997 年“在社會轉(zhuǎn)變時期,更新對未來研究的方

39、法”項目的框架下完成的(項目負責(zé)人: va Hideg).匈牙利年青人的未來導(dǎo)向和轉(zhuǎn)變在匈牙利,被調(diào)查的年青人表現(xiàn)出三種不同的未來導(dǎo)向,經(jīng)濟類的大學(xué)生是最具有未來意識并且最有野心的, 工程經(jīng)濟學(xué)的大學(xué)生的未來導(dǎo)向有些迷茫, 高中生對未來的態(tài)度還不明確(也許是最漫不經(jīng)心的) 。經(jīng)濟學(xué)的大學(xué)生之所以最具有未來導(dǎo)向是因為他們不害怕將來。他們希望能朝著使未來與他們的個人目標和興趣保持一致的方向來影響它。盡管未來不明確, 但他們相信通過考慮可以是將來的不確定性減少。除了他們自己的未來, 他們也同樣關(guān)心他們的家庭和整個世界的未來。然而他們國家和住所的未來對他們就沒有那么大的影響了,他們越來越多的關(guān)心510

40、年的時間跨度和 40年以后的未來。他們越來越堅信通過他們的行為他們能影響甚至創(chuàng)造未來,尤其是他們自己和他們愛人的未來。 這一目標促使他們學(xué)習(xí)并保持身體健康。他們對自己國家的,世界的,以及他們住所的未來影響力不大。由于得到好的理由的支持,他們逐漸意識到環(huán)境保護,節(jié)省開支,和扮演積極的政治角色的重要性。他們對他們的期望不那么樂觀了。他們對自己的未來越來越明確,那是因為他們一直準備的職業(yè)在匈牙利有很光明的前景。他們對他們周圍更多事物的未來抱以悲觀的態(tài)度,然而他們還是比其他兩組被調(diào)查的年青人更樂觀。他們不相信匈牙利的情況會有顯著的提高,因為他們看不到貧窮和國家環(huán)境惡化的進程即使從長遠角度來看會停下來。他們認為匈牙利不可能在 2000 年前加入歐盟。在社會轉(zhuǎn)變初期,他們對這些問題比其他人更樂觀。工程經(jīng)濟大學(xué)生解釋了為什么更年青的一代既積累了更多的生活經(jīng)驗,但也避免不了失敗的原因。 他們的未來導(dǎo)向背負著許多問題。他們害怕將來而不愿承認


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