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1、To make the parameters globally effective in an SAP System (system profile parameters), set them in the default system profile DEFAULT.PFL. However, to make them instance-specific, you must set them in the profiles of each application server in your SAP System.To display the documentation for one of

2、 the parameters, choose Tools CCMS Configuration Profile Maintenance (transaction RZ10), specify the parameter name and choose Display. On the following screen, choose the Documentation pushbutton.Password ChecksParametterDescripptionlogin/mmin_paassworrd_lnggDefiness the minimmum leength of thhe pa

3、ssswordd. Defaultt valuue: 3; permmissibble vaalues: 3 40Until SSAP NeetWeavver 6.40 (iinclussive), up tto 8 ccharaccters.login/mmin_paassworrd_diggitsDefiness the minimmum nuumber of diigits (0-9) in ppasswoords.Defaultt valuue: 0; permmissibble vaalues: 0 40Availabble ass of SSAP Weeb AS 6.10 (Unt

4、iil SAPP NetWWeaverr 6.400 (incclusivve), uup to 8 chaaracteers.)login/mmin_paassworrd_letttersDefiness the minimmum nuumber of leetterss (A-ZZ) in passwwords. Defaultt valuue: 0; permmissibble vaalues: 0 40Availabble ass of SSAP Weeb AS 6.10 (Untiil SAPP NetWWeaverr 6.400 (incclusivve), uup to 8 ch

5、aaracteers.)login/mmin_paassworrd_speecialssDefiness the minimmum nuumber of sppeciall charracterrs in the ppasswoord Peermisssible speciial chharactters aare, iin parrticullar, ! $%&/()=?*+#-_.,;:| andd spacce After SSAP NeetWeavver 6.40, aall chharactters tthat aare noot lettters or diigits are rr

6、egardded ass speccial ccharaccters.Defaultt valuue: 0; permmissibble vaalues: 0 40Availabble ass of SSAP Weeb AS 6.10 (Untiil SAPP NetWWeaverr 6.400 (incclusivve), uup to 8 chaaracteers.)login/ppasswoord_chharsettThis paarametter deefiness the charaacterss of wwhich a passswordd can consiist.Permiss

7、sible valuees: 0 (resstricttive): The passwword ccan onnly coonsistt of ddigitss, lettters, and the ffollowwing (ASCIII) speecial charaacterss :! $%&/()=?*+#-_.,;:| and sspace 1 (bbackwaard coompatiible, defauult vaalue): The passwword ccan coonsistt of aany chharactters iincludding nnationnal sppec

8、iall charracterrs (suuch ass , , ffrom IISO Laatin-11, 88559-1). Howeever, all ccharaccters that are nnot coontainned inn the set aabove (for valuee = 0) are mappeed to the ssame sspeciaal chaaracteer, annd thee systtem thherefoore dooes noot diffferenntiatee betwween tthem. 2 (nnot baackwarrd commp

9、atibble): The ppasswoord caan connsist of anny chaaracteers. IIt is conveerted interrnallyy intoo the Unicoode foormat UTF-88. If your systeem doees nott suppport UUnicodde, yoou mayy not be abble too enteer alll charracterrs on the llogon screeen. Thhis reestricction is liimitedd by tthe coodepagge

10、 speecifieed by the ssystemm langguage.With loogin/ppasswoord_chharsett = 2, passswordss are storeed in a forrmat tthat ssystemms witth oldder keernelss cannnot innterprret. YYou muust thherefoore onnly seet thee proffile pparameeter tto thee valuue 2 aafter you hhave eensureed thaat alll systtems i

11、involvved suupportt the new ppasswoord cooding.Availabble inn the standdard ssystemm as oof SAPP Web AS 6.40.login/mmin_paassworrd_difffDefiness the minimmum nuumber of chharactters tthat mmust bbe diffferennt in the nnew paassworrd commparedd to tthe olld passswordd.Defaultt valuue: 1; permmissibbl

12、e vaalues: 1 40Availabble ass of SSAP Weeb AS 6.10 (Untiil SAPP NetWWeaverr 6.400 (incclusivve), uup to 8 chaaracteers.)login/ppasswoord_exxpirattion_ttimeDefiness the validdity pperiodd of ppasswoords iin dayys.Defaultt valuue: 0; permmissibble vaalues: 0 -11000login/ppasswoord_chhange_for_SSSOIf t

13、he user logs on wiith Siingle Sign-On, ccheckss whetther tthe usser muust chhange his oor herr passsword.Availabble ass of SSAP Weeb AS 6.110, ass of SSAP Baasis 44.6 byy Suppport PPackaggelogin/ddisablle_passswordd_logoonControlls thee deacctivattion oof passswordd-baseed loggon This meeans tthat t

14、the usser caan no longeer logg on uusing a passswordd, butt onlyy withh Singgle Siign-Onn variiants (X.5009 cerrtificcate, logonn tickket). See HYPERLINK /erp2005_ehp_03/helpdata/EN/52/67119e439b11d1896f0000e8322d00/content.htm LLogon Data Tab PPageAvailabble ass of SSAP Weeb AS 6.110, ass of SSAP B

15、aasis 44.6 byy Suppport PPackaggelogin/ppasswoord_loogon_uusergrroupControlls thee deacctivattion oof passswordd-baseed loggon foor useer grooupsAvailabble ass of SSAP Weeb AS 6.110, ass of SSAP Baasis 44.6 byy Suppport PPackaggelogin/mmin_paassworrd_lowwercasseSpecifiies hoow manny chaaracteers inn

16、 loweer-casse lettters a passswordd mustt conttain. Permiissiblle vallues: 0 440; deefaultt valuue 0Availabble affter SSAP NeetWeavver 6.40login/mmin_paassworrd_upppercasseSpecifiies hoow manny chaaracteers inn uppeer-casse lettters a passswordd mustt conttain. Permiissiblle vallues: 0 440; deefault

17、t valuue 0Availabble affter SSAP NeetWeavver 6.40login/ppasswoord_hiistoryy_sizeeSpecifiies thhe nummber oof passswordds (chhosen by thhe useer, noot thee admiinistrrator) thatt the systeem stoores aand thhat thhe useer cannnot uuse aggain.Permisssible valuees: 1 1000 (uniit: nuumber of enntriess);

18、deefaultt valuue 5Availabble affter SSAP NeetWeavver 6.40login/ppasswoord_doownwarrds_coompatiibilittySpecifiies thhe deggree oof bacckwardd comppatibiility to bee achiieved. The defauult vaalue iis 1, wheree the valuees havve thee folllowingg meanning:0With loogin/ppasswoord_doownwarrds_coompatiibi

19、litty = 0, passswordds aree storred inn a foormat that systeems wiith ollder kkernells cannnot iinterppret. The ssystemm onlyy geneeratess new (backkward incommpatibble) ppasswoord haash vaalues.1The sysstem aalso ggeneraates bbackwaard coompatiible ppasswoord haash vaalues interrnallyy, butt doess

20、not evaluuate tthese for ppasswoord-baased llogonss (to its oown syystem). Thiis settting is reequireed, iff thiss systtem iss usedd as tthe ceentrall systtem off a Ceentrall Userr Admiinistrrationn thatt systtems tthat oonly ssupporrt bacckwardd comppatiblle passswordd hashh valuues arre alsso conn

21、necteed to the ssystemm grouup.2The sysstem aalso ggeneraates bbackwaard coompatiible ppasswoord haash vaalues interrnallyy, whiich itt evalluatess if aa logoon witth thee new, non-backwward ccompattible passwword ffailedd. In this way, the ssystemm checcks whhetherr the logonn woulld havve beeen ac

22、cceptedd withh the backwward ccompattible passwword (trunccated afterr eighht chaaracteers, aand coonvertted too uppeer-casse). TThis iis reccordedd in tthe syystem log. The llogon failss. Thiis settting is too alloow thee idenntificcationn of bbackwaard inncompaatibillity pprobleems.3As withh 2, bb

23、ut thhe loggon iss regaarded as suuccesssful. This settiing iss to aallow the aavoidaance oof bacckwardd incoompatiibilitty prooblemss.4As withh 3, bbut noo entrry is creatted inn the systeem logg.5Full baackwarrd commpatibbilityy: thee systtem onnly crreatess backkward compaatiblee passsword hash v

24、aluees.Availabble affter SSAP NeetWeavver 6.40login/ppasswoord_chhange_waitttimeSpecifiies thhe nummber oof dayys thaat a uuser mmust wwait bbeforee channging the ppasswoord aggain.Permisssible valuees: 1 1,0000 (uunit: days); deffault valuee 1Availabble affter SSAP NeetWeavver 6.40login/ppasswoord_

25、coompliaance_tto_currrent_policcyPermisssible valuees: 0 no checkk; 1 the systeem cheecks dduringg passsword logonn whetther tthe cuurrentt passsword compllies wwith tthe cuurrentt passsword ruless and forcees a ppasswoord chhange if thhis iss not the ccase.Defaultt valuue: 0Availabble affter SSAP N

26、eetWeavver 6.40login/ppasswoord_maax_idlle_prooductiiveSpecifiies thhe maxximum periood forr whicch a pproducctive passwword (a passswordd chossen byy the user) remaains vvalid if itt is nnot ussed. AAfter this periood hass expiired, the ppasswoord caan no longeer be used for aauthennticattion. The

27、uuser aadminiistrattor caan reaactivaate paassworrd-bassed loogon bby asssigninng a nnew innitiall passsword.Permisssible valuees: 0 24,000 (unit: dayss); Deefaultt valuue 0, that is, tthe chheck iis deaactivaatedAvailabble affter SSAP NeetWeavver 6.40login/ppasswoord_maax_idlle_iniitialSpecifiies t

28、hhe maxximum periood forr whicch an initiial paassworrd (a passwword cchosenn by tthe addminisstratoor) reemainss valiid if it iss not used. Afteer thiis perriod hhas exxpiredd, thee passsword can nno lonnger bbe useed forr authhenticcationn. Thee userr admiinistrrator can rreactiivate passwword-bba

29、sed logonn by aassignning aa new initiial paassworrd.This paarametter reeplacees thee proffile pparameeters loginn/passsword_max_nnew_vaalid aand loogin/ppasswoord_maax_resset_vaalid.Permisssible valuees: 0 24,000 (unit: dayss); Deefaultt valuue 0, that is, tthe chheck iis deaactivaatedAvailabble af

30、fter SSAP NeetWeavver 6.40login/ppasswoord_maax_neww_valiidDefiness the validdity pperiodd of ppasswoords ffor neewly ccreateed useers.Only avvailabble inn SAP Web AAppliccationn Servver 6.20 annd 6.440.login/ppasswoord_maax_resset_vaalidDefiness the validdity pperiodd of rreset passwwords.Only avva

31、ilabble inn SAP Web AAppliccationn Servver 6.20 annd 6.440.Multiplle LoggonParametter Descripptionlogin/ddisablle_mullti_guui_logginControlls thee deacctivattion oof mulltiplee diallog loogonsAvailabble ass of SSAP Baasis 44.6login/mmulti_loginn_userrsList off exceepted userss (mulltiplee logoon)Ava

32、ilabble ass of SSAP Baasis 44.6Incorreect LoogonParametter Descripptionlogin/ffails_to_seessionn_endDefiness the numbeer of unsucccessfful loogon aattemppts beefore the ssystemm doess not alloww any more logonn atteempts. The parammeter is too be sset too a vaalue llower than the vvalue of paaramett

33、er loogin/ffails_to_usser_loock.Defaultt valuue: 3; permmissibble vaalues: 1 -999login/ffails_to_usser_loockDefiness the numbeer of unsucccessfful loogon aattemppts beefore the ssystemm lockks thee userr. By defauult, tthe loock apppliess untiil middnightt.Defaultt valuue: 122; perrmissiible vvalues

34、s: 1 -99login/ffailedd_userr_autoo_unloockDefiness whetther uuser llocks due tto unssuccesssful logonn atteempts shoulld be autommaticaally rremoveed at midniight.Defaultt valuue: 1 (Lockk appllies oonly oon samme dayy); peermisssible valuees: 0, 1SSO Loggon TiicketParametter Descripptionlogin/aacceptt_sso22_tickketAllows or loocks tthe loogon uusing SSO ttickett.Availabble ass of SSAP Baasis 44.6D, as off SAP Basiss 4.0 by Suupportt Packkagelogin/ccreatee_sso22_tickketAllows the ccreatiion off SSO tickeets.Availabble ass of SSAP Baasis 44.6Dlogin/ttickett_expiirati


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