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1、 Section BUnit 7 How much are these socks? Section BUnit 7 HoSection B課前自主預(yù)習(xí)課堂互動(dòng)探究Unit 7 How much are these socks?Section B課前自主預(yù)習(xí)課堂互動(dòng)探究Unit 7 Section B單詞闖關(guān)1十/ten/_2十一/levn/_3十二/twelv/_4十三/(r)tin/_5十五/fftin/_6十八/etin/_7二十/twent/_fifteentwentyeleventwelvetenthirteen課前自主預(yù)習(xí)eighteen Section B單1十/ten/_fif

2、tSection B單詞闖關(guān)8三十/(r)t/_9(用于男子的姓氏或姓名前)先生/mst(r)/_10(pl.)衣服;服裝/klz/_11商店/st(r)/_12特價(jià)銷售;出售/sel/_13出售;銷售;賣/sel/_ thirtyMr. clothessale storesellSection B單8三十/(r)t/_Section B單詞闖關(guān)14所有的;全部的/l/_15很;非常/ver/_16價(jià)格/pras/_17購買;買/ba/_(反義詞)_18男孩/b/_(復(fù)數(shù))_allverysellboyspricebuyboySection B單14所有的;全部的/l/_Section B短語

3、互譯1. 一雙_2一家服裝店_3紫色的短裙_4. 兩件黃色的毛衣_5at good prices_6on sale_skirts in purple/purple skirts以優(yōu)惠的價(jià)格降價(jià)銷售a clothes store two yellow sweatersa pair ofSection B短1. 一雙_Section B句型在線1.這個(gè)白色的包多少錢?How much is the _ _?2我們在大甩賣,快來買衣服吧!Come and _ your clothes _ our great _!3我們以非常優(yōu)惠的價(jià)格出售所有的衣服。We sell all our clothes _

4、 very good _.white bagbuy at saleat pricessaleSection B句1.這個(gè)白色的包多少錢?white Section B句型在線4.對(duì)于男孩子們,我們有僅售22美元的黑色褲子。_ _, we have black trousers for only $22.5.對(duì)于女孩子們,我們有僅售20美元的紫色短裙。For girls, we have skirts _ purple _ only $20.For boysin forSection B句4.對(duì)于男孩子們,我們有僅售22美元的黑Section B課文初探根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容,判斷正(T)誤(F)。()1

5、.Mr. Cools Clothes Store sells clothes at very good prices.()2.The green sweaters are only fifteen dollars.()3.For boys, they have black trousers for only $30.()4.For girls, they have purple skirts for only $28.TTFFSection B課根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容,判斷正(T)誤(F)。TT課堂互動(dòng)探究詞匯點(diǎn)睛 Section B 1buy v. 購買;買 觀察 I buy a sweater fo

6、r my mother.我給我媽媽買了一件毛衣。 He buys his father a blue tie.他給他父親買了一條藍(lán)色的領(lǐng)帶。課堂互動(dòng)探究詞匯點(diǎn)睛 Section B 1buy v. Section B探究 buy sb. sth.buy sth._ sb.,意為“給某人買某物”。拓展 buy的反義詞為_,意為“賣”; sell sth. _ sb.sell sb. sth.,意為“把某物賣給某人”。forselltoSection B探究 buy sb. sth.buy活學(xué)活用 Section Bsell1(1)你可以給她買藍(lán)色的短襪。 You can _ blue socks

7、 _ her. (2)這家商店賣面包和牛奶。 This store_ bread and milk.buy for活學(xué)活用 Section Bsell1(1)你可以給她買藍(lán)Section B2sale n. 特價(jià)銷售;出售 觀察Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! 我們在大甩賣,快來買衣服吧!The magazine sells 300,000 copies a week. 這本雜志一周售出30萬冊。探究 sale的動(dòng)詞形式是_。拓展 有關(guān)sale的常用搭配:at great sale在大促銷; on sale在促銷,出售; for sale

8、待出售sellsSection B2sale n. 特價(jià)銷售;出售觀察Section Bon sale2.(1)我們不賣學(xué)習(xí)用品。 We dont _ school things. (2)這些鋼筆在促銷。 These pens are _ _.sellSection Bon sale2.Section B3price n. 價(jià)格 觀察 LookWe sell all our clothes at very good prices.我們以非常優(yōu)惠的價(jià)格出售所有的衣服。The price of the car is very high. 這輛小汽車的價(jià)格很高。The pencils are at

9、a very low price.The pencils are very cheap. 鉛筆很便宜。Section B3price n. 價(jià)格觀察 LooSection B探究(1)at a good/great price 以優(yōu)惠的價(jià)格;at a high price 價(jià)格高;at a low price 價(jià)格低廉(2)表示價(jià)格的“高低”用high和low。 Section B探究(1)at a good/greaSection B3.We sell skirts _ very good prices. AinBat Cof DonBSection B3.We sell skirts _S

10、ection B1For girls, we have skirts in purple for only $20. 對(duì)于女孩子們,我們有僅售20美元的紫色短裙。句型透視探究(1)“介詞in顏色”常用來表示穿某種顏色的衣服。如:a girl in red一個(gè)穿紅色衣服的女孩。(2)介詞for的用法:表示“對(duì)而言”。Its easy for me. 這對(duì)我來說是容易的。Section B1For girls, we have Section B 表示“交易的價(jià)格”。He has pens for ¥10. 他有十元錢的鋼筆。 表示“用途”。I want shoes for sports. 我想要

11、做體育運(yùn)動(dòng)穿的鞋子。表示“原因”。Thanks for helping me. 謝謝你幫我。Section B 表示“交易的價(jià)格”。Section B活學(xué)活用1Do you know the boy _ black? Yes.He buys the black sweater_ just $5. Ain; for Bin; at Con; for Don; atA解析in black意為“穿黑色的衣服”; for just $5意為“僅僅用5美元”。Section B活學(xué)活用1Do you know thSection B2Come to Mr. Cools Clothes Store now! 現(xiàn)在就來酷先生服裝店吧! 探究(1)祈使句以動(dòng)詞原形開頭,表示請(qǐng)求、命令等。(2)come to地點(diǎn);come副詞。如:come to school 來上學(xué)come back 回來come here 來這里Sectio


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