1、 HYPERLINK 2007學(xué)年第第一學(xué)期閔行行區(qū)高三質(zhì)量量監(jiān)控英語試試卷(120分鐘完成,滿分150分)考生注意:答案案請做在答題題卡(紙)上第卷 (共共105分). Listteningg Compprehennsion Part A Shortt Convversattions Directiions: In Paart A, you will hear ten sshort conveersatiions bbetweeen twoo speaakers. At tthe ennd of each conveersatiion, aa quesstion will be assked
2、 aabout what was ssaid. The cconverrsatioons annd thee quesstionss willl be sspokenn onlyy oncee. Aftter yoou heaar a cconverrsatioon andd the questtion aabout it, rread tthe foour poossiblle ansswers in yoour paaper, and ddecidee whicch onee is tthe beest annswer to thhe queestionn youve heeard.1.A
3、. 99.B. 122.C. 3.D. 6.2.A. IIn a hhospittal.B. In a pollice sstatioon. C. In aa lawyyers offfice.D. Inn a cllassrooom.3.A. HHer olld claassmatte.B. Heer hussband.C. Her privaate dooctor.D. Heer sonns teaacher.4.A. TTo buyy a ussed biicyclee.B. To borroow a bbicyclle.B. To buy aa new bicyccle.D. Too
4、rentt a biicyclee.5.A. PPlayedd the pianoo. B. Weent too a cooncertt. C. Wrotee somee lettters. D. Prractissed siingingg.6.A. TThoughhtful.B. Seelfishh.C. Geenerouus.D. Caarelesss.7.A. SSportss evennt.B. A lectuure.C. Thheir hhobbiees.D. Ann examminatiion.8.A. BBecausse thee pressent rroom iis tooo
5、expeensivee.B. Becaause sshe dooesnt likke mussic. C. Becaause sshe neeeds aa quieeter pplace.D. Becaause tthe prresentt roomm is ttoo smmall ffor twwo peoople.9.A. TThe ciinema is neearby.B. He ddoesnt wannt to go too the cinemma.C. He doesnnt undderstaand thhe queestionn.D. He ddoesnt knoow theere
6、 iss a ciinema nearbby.10.A. She iis tirred off drivving iin heaavy trrafficc.B. She doesnt minnd it as thhe roaad connditioons are good.C. She is unnhappyy to hhave tto driive suuch a long way eevery day.D. She enjoyys it becauuse shhes goood at driviing. Part B Passaages Directiions: In PPart BB,
7、youu willl hearr two shortt passsages, andd you will be assked tthree questtions on eaach off the passaages. Thee passsages willl be rread ttwice, but the qquestiions wwill bbe spooken oonly oonce. When you hhear aa quesstion, readd the four possiible aanswerrs in your paperr and decidde whiich onne
8、 wouuld bee the best answeer to the qquestiion yoouve heeard.Questioons 111 throough 13 arre bassed onn the folloowing passaage.11.A. Soft drinkk prodductioon.B. Usiing coola ass a drrug.C. The histoory off colaa.D. Efffect of coola ass a drrug.12.A. He deevelopped coola ass a drrug.B. Hee was a dru
9、ugstorre cleerk.C. He ssold ccola tto docctors.D. He waas thee inveentor of coola ass a drrink.13.A. By miixing it wiith sppeciall oilss. B. Byy heatting iit.C. By ttakingg the waterr off it.D. By addinng sodda watter.Questioons 144 throough 116 aree baseed on the ffollowwing ppassagge.14.A. Thirtty
10、 perrcent.B. Thirtyy-one perceent.C. Morre thaan twoo perccent.D. Siixteenn perccent.15.A. They are nnot saatisfiied wiith thhe eduucatioon sysstem.B. Theyy are not hhappy with the ttradittionall schoool edducatiion quualityy.C. Theyy expeect thheir cchildrren too learrn morre soccial sskillss.D. Th
11、eyy dont wannt theeir chhildreen to be taaught too mmuch.16.A. Negattive.B. Suupporttive.C. Accceptaable.D. Unncertaain.Part C Longger Coonverssationns Directiions: In Paart C, you will hear two loonger conveersatiions. The conveersatiions willl be rread ttwice. Afteer youu hearr the conveersatiion,
12、 yyou arre reqquiredd to ffill iin thee numbbered blankks witth thee wordds youuve heeard. Writee yourr answwer inn yourr answwer shheet.Blanks 17 thrrough 20 aree baseed on the ffollowwing cconverrsatioon.TELEPHOONE MEESSAGEETheme:Pickingg up Simoons cousinName:(17)_Flight No.:(18)_Appearaance: Med
13、ium heighht(19)_ wweighttBlond aand cuurly hhairWith a bearddWell-drresseddWearingg (20)_Complette thee formm. Wriite NOO MOREE THANN TWO WORDSS for eeach aanswer.Blanks 21 thrrough 24 aree baseed on the ffollowwing cconverrsatioon.Why is the mman seearchiing foor boooks inn the libraary?To (21)_ ab
14、ouut Holllywoood in the 330s annd 40ss.To narrrow thhe toppic, wwhat ddoes the womann sugggest tthe maan do firstt?Type inn “the hhistory oof thee (22)_” whilee searrchingg.How cann the man ddo to cut ddown tthe toopic eeven ffurtheer?By listting (23)_ he wwants.Where ccan thhe mann findd the womann
15、 if hhe neeeds heelp?At the (24)_ .Complette thee formm. Wriite NOO MOREE THANN THREE WORDS for eeach aanswerr.II. Graammar and VVocabuulary Directiions: Beneaath eaach off the folloowing senteences theree are four choicces maarked A, B, C annd D. Choosse thee one answeer thaat besst commpletees the
16、e senttence.25.So far aas poppulatiion iss conccernedd, Neww York iss _ thhe bigggest citiees in the wworld.A. aboout B. onn C. ammongD. foorWhich of thhe twoo shirrts wiill yoou takke, thhe whiite onne or the ppink oone?I thinnk Ill taake _. They maatch mmy blaack suuit peerfecttly.A. noneeB. neeit
17、herr C. alll D. botth27.Doo you thinkk we aare gooing tthe riight wway too the City Hall?Sorry, Im nott sureeBut iit _ bbeA. mighhtB. shoouldC. musttD. can28.Onn steppping into the cllassrooom, sshe waas asttonishhed too findd the desk _ witth sommethinng unkknown.A. coveeredB. cooverinngC. too cove
18、erD. too be ccovereed29.At timess the balannce inn natuure , ressultinng in a nummber oof posssiblyy unfooreseeen efffects.A. is distuurbinggB. iss distturbeddC. hass distturbeddD. wiill distuurbAs is aalwayss the case, the higheer youu climme up to a mounttain, _ youull feeel. A. muchh coldderB. th
19、he colldestC. thhe collderD. evven coolder31.Thee chilld hidd himsself bbehindd his motheer, _ he wwas affraid of thhe dogg.A. orB. anddC. buttD. for32. tthe teerm iss finiished, Im goiing too restt a feew dayys andd thenn takee a trrip.A. As iifB. Eveen ifC. Now tthatD. In case33.Chiina suuccesssfu
20、llyy launnched a mooon expplorattion ssatelllite iin Octtober this year, _ enncouraages tthe whhole nnationn.A. wheenB. whiichC. thhoughD. whhat34.We need furthher innformaation _ we decidde wheether well caarry oout thhe plaan.A. befforeB. assC. siinceD. whhile35.II spennt houurs _ the IInternnet,
21、llookinng forr the materrials for mmy terrm papper.A. surffB. surrfingC. to surfD. haaving surfedd36.Onlly by telliing hiim thee trutth rigght noow _ tto stoop himm fromm takiing unnfavorrable actioon.A. you aare abbleB. yoou willl be able C. can you bbe ablle D. wiill yoou be able 37.My motheer cam
22、me iinto tthe rooom too findd out what had hhappenned ass soonn as sshe heeard tthe soound. A. to runB. ruunninggC. raanD. too be rrunninng38.Youu didnnt bellieve John won tthe fiirst pprize at thhe speeech ccompettitionn, _?A. didd heB. diidnt heC. diidnt youD. diid youu39._ hhis sppoken Engliish,
23、hhe takkes thhe advvantagge of his fforeiggn friiends and ccommunnicatee withh themm as ooften as poossiblle.A. To improoveB. ImmproveeC. ImmproviingD. Too be iimprovved40.WWhat ddo youu thinnk of my suuggesttion?Sorry. Whatts thaat? I _ aboout soomethiing ellse.A. thouught B. amm thinnking C. waas
24、thiinkingg D. haad thooughtDirectiions: Commpletee the passaage wiith thhe worrds inn the box. Each word can oonly bbe useed oncce. Thhere iis onee extrra worrd.答題卡填涂說明明: 填涂復(fù)合字字母選項時,請請將代表該選選項的兩個字字母同時都涂黑。如填涂(AB)項:A B C D如填涂(BDD)項:A B C D41. 41.(A) freequenttly (B) incorrrect (C) reporrted (D) careffu
25、l(AB) hiighly (AC) solveed (AD) trainning (BBC) coonfideent (BD) knnowleddge (CD) proceessReadingg is yyour eeasiesst wayy to “feel” Engllish. It iss not painfful, bbut heelps aa lot. Therre aree too many materrials for yyou too readd and you mmust sselectt thosse youu findd usefful, aapproppriatee
26、and have interrest iin. Beesidess prinnted mmateriials, you ccan allso doo Web readiing. NNewspaapers and mmagaziines aare 41 recommmendeed forr exteensivee readding, becauuse thhe thiings 42 in tthem aare allways changging, so yoou shoould nnever get bbored of thhat. You cann learrn Engglish quickk
27、ly byy seeiing Ennglishh filmms 433 , orr watcching Engliish teelevission aand viideos dailyy. Picck shoows thhat innteresst youu and try tto imiitate how tthey ppronouunce tthe woords.Also, ttry too findd peopple too pracctice Engliish. LLanguaage iss for commuunicattion, whichh is aan intteracttiv
28、e (交互的) 44 . Thhe besst praacticee is cconverrsatioon. ooslwt lieg. s, old5 you aare wiith Ennglishh. Of coursse, yoou cann alsoo takee somee inteensivee 466 throuugh sppeciall tutoorialss, in whichh somee of yyour pprobleems woould bbe 47 and yyou arre tauught ssome mmore. Howwever, you have to bee
29、 488 in findiing whhere yyou “l(fā)earn” yourr Engllish. Someoone whho missleadss you by giiving wrongg guiddance wouldd spoiil youur Engglish learnning. You ccould pick up a lot oof badd habiits annd 449 graammar from TV orr newsspaperrs/maggazinees thaat go ratheer infformall someetimess. If you wwant
30、 tto gett bettter att Engllish, you sshouldd fighht agaainst thosee perssistennt andd chroonic hhabitss and get tthem ffixed. . Clozze Directiions: Foor eacch blaank inn the folloowing passaages therre aree fourr wordds or phrasses maarked A, B, C annd D. Fill in eaach bllank wwith tthe woord orr ph
31、raase thhat beest fiits thhe conntext.It is nnaturaal thaat youung peeople are ooften uncommfortaable wwhen tthey aare wiith thheir pparentts. Thhey saay thaat theeir paarentss dont 500 thhem. TThey ooften thinkk thatt theiir parrents are oout off toucch witth moddern wways; that they are ttoo 51 an
32、d ttoo sttrict with theirr chilldren; and they seldoom givve theeir chhildreen a 52 hand. It iis truue thaat parrents oftenn findd it ddifficcult tto winn theiir chiildrenns trusst andd theyy tendd to fforgett how they themsselvess feltt whenn 533 . Forr exammple, youngg peopple liike too act on thh
33、e spoot witthout much thinkking. It iss one of thheir ways to 554 tthat tthey hhave ggrown up annd theey cann facee any diffiicult situaation. Oldeer peoople wworry more easilly. Moost off themm plann thinngs ahhead, at leeast iin thee backk of ttheir mindss, andd do nnot liike thheir pplans to bee
34、upseet by sometthing 55 .When yoou wannt youur parrents to leet youu do ssomethhing, you willl be more 56 if you aask foor theeir peermisssion bbeforee you reallly staart dooing iit. Youung peeople oftenn makee theiir parrents angryy at ttheir 57 in clothhes, iin enttertaiinmentt and musicc. Butt th
35、eyy do not mmean tto 558 ; it iss justt thatt they ffeel ccut offf froom thee oldeer peooples worrld, iinto wwhich they have not yyet beeen 59 . Thaats whyy younng peoople wwant tto makke a nnew cuulturee of ttheir own. And iif theeir parennts doo not like musicc or eenterttainmeent orr clotthes oor
36、 theeir waay of speeech, tthis wwill mmake the yyoung peoplle exttremelly happpy. Sommetimees youu are so 60 yoursself tthat yyou doo not want your parennts too say “yes” to wwhat yyou doo. Alll you want is too be lleft aalone and ddo whaat youu like. It iis 61 enouggh, affter bbeing a chiild foor s
37、o many yearss, wheen youu weree 62 underr yourr pareents conttrol. If you pplan tto conntrol your 63 , youd bettter wwin yoour paarentss overr and try tto gett themm to uundersstand you. If your parennts seee thaat youu havee a hiigh seense oof 664 , they will certaainly give you tthe rightt to ddo
38、whaat youu wantt to ddo.50.A. proteectB. reefuseC. unndersttandD. guuide51.A. serioousB. kiindC. coonsideerateD. hoonest52.A. helpffulB. frreeC. ussualD. reeal53.A. angryyB. buusyC. tiiredD. yooung54. A. showwB. saayC. coomplaiinD. deeny 55.A. unintterrupptedB. unnavoiddableC. unnexpecctedD. unnresp
39、eectablle56. A. disssatisffiedB. suuccesssfulC. unncomfoortablleD. ennergettic57.A. desiggnsB. knnowleddgeC. gllanceD. chhoicess58.A. causee any troubbleB. maake fuunC. keepp theiir worrdsD. shhow reespectt59.A. separrated B. prrotecttedC. reespecttedD. acccepteed60.A. grateeful tto B. prroudofC. st
40、trict withD. soorry aabout61.A. stranngeB. fuunnyC. coonfusiing D. naaturall62. A. comppletellyB. occcasioonallyyC. reelativvelyD. acccidenntallyy 63.A. studyyB. liifeC. exxpenseeD. emmotionn64.A. beautty B. tiimeC. reesponssibiliityD. leeadersship. Readding CCompreehensiion Directiions: RRead tthe
41、foollowiing paassagees. Eaach paassagee is ffollowwed byy seveeral qquestiions oor unffinishhed sttatemeents. For eeach oof theem theere arre fouur chooices markeed A, B, C and DD. Chooose tthe onne thaat fitts besst acccordinng to the iinformmationn giveen in the ppassagge youu havee justt readd.(A
42、)There aare maany faamous museuums thhroughhout tthe woorld wwhere peoplle cann enjooy artt. Wasshingtton, DD.C. hhas thhe Nattionall Galllery oof Artt; Parris haas thee Luvrre; Loondon, the Britiish Muuseum. Florrida IInternnationnal Unniverssity (FIU) in Miiami aalso sshows art ffor peeople to see
43、e. Annd it does so wiithoutt a buuildinng, orr evenn a waall foor itss drawwings and ppaintiings.FIU hass openned whhat itt sayss is tthe fiirst ccomputter arrt musseum iin thee Unitted Sttates. You dont havve to visitt the Univeersityy to ssee thhe artt. Youu justt needd a coomputeer linnked tto a
44、ttelephhone. You ccan caall thhe tellephonne nummber oof a uuniverrsity compuuter aand coonnectt yourr own compuuter tto it. All of thhe artt is sstoredd in tthe scchool compuuter. It iss compputer art, produuced eelectrronicaally bby arttists on thheir oown coomputeers. IIn onlly a ffew miinutess,
45、youur commputerr can receiive annd coppy alll the pictuures aand drrawinggs.Robert Shosttak iss direector of thhe neww compputer museuum. Hee sayss he sstarteed thee museeum beecausee compputer artissts haad no placee to sshow ttheir workss.A compuuter aartistt can only recorrd hiss picttures electt
46、roniccally and ssend tthe reecordss, or flopppy disscs, tto othhers tto seee on ttheir compuuters. He ccan allso puut hiss picttures on paaper. But tto priint goood piicturees on paperr, thee compputer artisst neeeds ann expeensivee laseer priinter.Robert Shosttak saays thhe eleectronnic muuseum is
47、moostly for aart orr compputer studeents aat schhools and uuniverrsitiees. Maany off the pictuures iin thee museeum arre madde by studeents. Mr. Shosstak ssaid tthe FIIU musseum wwill mmake ccomputter arrt morre funn for compuuter aartistts beccause more peoplle cann see it. HHe sayys arttists enjoy
48、y theiir worrk mucch morre if they have an auudiencce. Annd thee greaat nummber oof homme commputerrs in Ameriica coould mmean aa hugee audiience for tthe ellectroonic mmuseumm.65. Thhe maiin purrpose of thhis paassagee is tto givve infformattion aabout _.A. musseums throuughoutt the worldd B. an el
49、ecttronicc art museuum in Miamii, U.SS.AC. artt exhiibitioons inn Florrida IInternnationnal UnniverssityD. lattest ddeveloopmentt of ccomputter arrt66. Too see the aart inn FIU museuum, peeople need _.A. flooppy ddiscs B. a coomputeer andd a prrinterrC. piccturess and drawiings oon papper D. a coomp
50、uteer connnecteed to the mmuseumm by ttelephhone lline67. Thhe FIUU museeum waas staarted when _.A. Robbert SShostaak wannted tto do sometthing for ccomputter sccientiistsB. artt studdents needeed a pplace to shhow thheir wworksC. Robbert SShostaak wannted tto hellp commputerr artiistsD. commputerr
51、scieentistts wannted tto do sometthing aboutt art68. “AAn auddiencee” in tthe laast paaragraaph reefers to _.A. commputerr owneersB. artt studdentsC. thoose whho willl enjjoy arrtD. coomputeer arttists(B)(You maay reaad thee quesstionss firsst.)Pearlcoorder S702This siimple modell at tthe boottom of
52、 thhe Olyympus rangee scorred thhe mosst poiints ffor itts exccellennt quaality of reecordiing. BBackgrround noisee harddly afffectss the soundd and recorrding from a poccket iis perrfectlly posssiblee, butt it ddoesnt turrn offf autoomaticcally.Price: $64Tape leength: 30 mminutees perr sidee. Weigh
53、t: 240gg.Sony M99Small aand veery goood loookingg. Sonnys llatestt offeering scoreed mosst forr appeearancce. Soounds clearr, butt therre is slighht macchine noisee. Thee big contrrol buuttonss are a greeat immproveement on soome off the compllicateed litttle ccontrools onn otheer tappe-reccorderrs.
54、 Dooesntt swittch offf auttomatiicallyy but a redd lighht shoows iff the machiine iss stilll runnning.Price: $ 499. 95Tape leength: 60 mminutees perr sidee. Weight: 195gg.Sony M4400Lots off litttle coontroll butttons tthat mmake aa noisse andd are diffiicult to usse. Reecordiing waas goood butt mach
55、hine nnoise lost pointts. Taape coounterr and autommatic switcch-offf whenn tapee has finisshed rrecordding oor rewwindinng aree usefful.Price: $ 1115 Tape leength: 60 mminutees perr sidee. Weight: 230gg.Imperiaal OEMM MC7Cheap aand siimple compaared wwith tthe reest, bbut reecordiing waas goood as
56、long as thhere wwas noo backkgrounnd noiise. UUse onnly itts ownn makee of ccassettte. NNo ligght too showw it iis on, no ffast fforwarrd buttton aand thhe reccord bbuttonn makees a lloud nnoise.Price: $ 299. 95Tape leength: 30 mminutees perr sidee. Weight: 285gg.Philipss 585Handsomme andd simpple t
57、oo use, but recorrding is veery pooor att moree thann the recommmendeed disstancee of 55 cm-ddesignned foor dicctatioon. Noo recoordingg lighht.Price: $80Tape leength: 15 mminutees perr sidee. Weight: 220gg.Copyrigght 1995-2007 Royall Natiional Instiitute of Bllind PPeoplee, Reggisterred Chharityy N
58、umbber 2226227.69. Thhe macchine that produuces tthe beest reecordiing wiith thhe leaast unnwanteed noiise iss the _.A. Pearrlcordder S7702 B. Sonny M9 C. Sonyy M4000 D. Immperiaal OEMM MC770. Iff you want a macchine whichh turnns offf autoomaticcally and wweighss veryy litttle, you shoulld chooose
59、tthe _.A. Pearrlcordder S7702 B. Soony M99 C. Sonyy M4000 D. Phhilipss 58571. Whhat diisadvaantagee doess onlyy the Imperrial OOEM MCC7 havve?A. No llight showss whenn it iis on. B. Itt requuires a speecial casseette.C. It ppicks up baackgroound nnoise. D. Thhe buttton mmakes a noiise.(C)Generattion
60、s of chhildreen whoo sat throuugh enndlesss lesssons oof “chalkk and talk” in ffront of a bossyy (專橫的) teaccher ccan taake soome reelief. But the “chalkk and talk” methhod heelped them achieeve beetter exam resullts. MModernn classsroomm techhniquees mayy makee schoool daays a good deal happiier, bb
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- 貴州省2025年初中學(xué)業(yè)水平考試英語 模擬試題卷(一)(含答案不含聽力原文及聽力音頻)
- 電力系統(tǒng)運行維護預(yù)案
- GB/T 44561-2024石油天然氣工業(yè)常規(guī)陸上接收站液化天然氣裝卸臂的設(shè)計與測試
- 2024年國家公務(wù)員考試《行測》真題卷(副省級)答案及解析
- 分子生物學(xué)教案
- 鋁板施工組織設(shè)計方案
- 一年級語文下冊專項閱讀專項復(fù)習(xí)課件(課時)教學(xué)課件