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1、冠詞 Article1冠詞 Article1An apple a day keeps the doctor away.2An apple a day keeps the doctoLearn the grammar.學(xué)習(xí)語(yǔ)法。If you have any questions, you can discuss with your group members.有問(wèn)題組內(nèi)討論。3Learn the grammar.3冠詞的概述a和an的區(qū)別4冠詞的概述4冠詞的概述和分類:1.冠詞是一種_,不能單獨(dú)作句子成分,要放在_前使用。2.冠詞分為_和_。不定冠詞有:_ 和_ 定冠詞是:_4.不定冠詞修飾_,

2、有“_”的含義。 定冠詞修飾可數(shù)名詞_和_,也修飾_,有_的意思3._用于輔音音素開頭的詞前,_用于元音音素開頭的詞前,如:一個(gè)不明飛行物_ UFO一個(gè)誠(chéng)實(shí)的女孩_ honest girl 一個(gè)小時(shí)_ hour 一所大學(xué)_university虛詞不定冠詞aanantheaaanana可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)一單數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)不可數(shù)名詞這個(gè)、那個(gè)、這些、那些定冠詞名詞5冠詞的概述和分類:1.冠詞是一種_,不能單獨(dú)作句子成There is _ “s” in the word “start”. A. a B. the C. an D. /6There is _ “s” in the word 一個(gè)“a” _ 一個(gè)“n”

3、_一個(gè)“b” _ 一個(gè)“o”_一個(gè)“c” _ 一個(gè)“p”_一個(gè)“d” _ 一個(gè)“q”_一個(gè)“e” _ 一個(gè)“r”_一個(gè)“f” _ 一個(gè)“s”_一個(gè)“g” _ 一個(gè)“t”_一個(gè)“h”_ 一個(gè)“u”_一個(gè)“i” _ 一個(gè)“v”_一個(gè)“j” _ 一個(gè)“w”_一個(gè)“k” _ 一個(gè)“x”_一個(gè)“l(fā)” _ 一個(gè)“y”_一個(gè)“m”_ 一個(gè)“z”_an “a”an “n”a “b”an “o”a “c”a “p”a “d”a “q”an “e”an “r”an “f”an “s”a “g”a “t”an “h”a “u”an “i”a “v”a “j”a “w”a “k”an “x”an “l(fā)”a “y”an

4、 “m”a “z”7一個(gè)“a” _ 一個(gè)“n”冠詞的用法:一、不定冠詞的用法8冠詞的用法:81. I have a brother.2. I bought four toys. I want to buy a fifth one.3. Jim swims twice a day.4. a moment ago5. A car goes faster than a bike.6. This is an interesting game.7. He goes shopping once a week.8. a number of9. He has a question.10.A girl is s

5、tanding there.91. I have a brother.2. I bo1.我做運(yùn)動(dòng)每周兩次。2.我有一個(gè)鼻子。3.一匹馬比一只狗大。4.一個(gè)女人幫助了我。5.我吃了兩個(gè)蘋果,我還再想吃一個(gè)。I do sports twice a week.I have a nose.A horse is bigger than a dog.A woman helped me.I ate two apples. I want a third one.101.我做運(yùn)動(dòng)每周兩次。I do sports twice a二、定冠詞的用法11111.Open the window, please.2.Whi

6、ch is bigger, the sun or the earth?3.I have a car, the car is red.4.the poor5.all the same6.the Black Sea7.The bike under the tree is mine.8.The first lesson is the easiest.9.the Great Wall10.the Greens11.play the piano12.on the left121.Open the window, please.12(1) 中國(guó)的首都是北京。(2)那個(gè)房間里有個(gè)女人,那個(gè)女人是她的媽媽。(

7、3) 請(qǐng)打開窗戶。_(4)太陽(yáng)_ 月亮_ 地球_Please open the window.the sunthe moonthe earth(5) 拉小提琴_play the violinThe capital of China is Beijing.There is a woman in that room. The woman is her mother.13(1) 中國(guó)的首都是北京。(2)那個(gè)房間里有個(gè)女人,那個(gè)女人(6) 第一_ 最好的_ 在西部_(7) 格林一家_(8) 年輕人_ 老年人_ 富人_the firstin the westthe bestthe Greensthe y

8、oungthe oldthe rich(9) 長(zhǎng)城_(10) 黃河_the Great Wallthe Yellow River14(6) 第一_(7) 格林一家_Use articles to make sentences and say the usage .使用冠詞來(lái)造句,并說(shuō)出冠詞的用法。15Use articles to make sentencesA UFO is bigger than a car, but it is smaller than the moon. In the morning, a UFO landed in a university. This is the

9、fifth time that I met a UFO. The UFO is the biggest that I have ever seen. At the moment, a girl was playing the violin. She plays there once a week. She had played two pieces of music. Then she was playing a third one. The Smiths were also there.16A UFO is bigger than a car, bu當(dāng)堂檢測(cè)。 17當(dāng)堂檢測(cè)。 17_ hour in _ morning is worth two in _ evening. 一日之計(jì)在于晨。 _ longest journey begins with _ first step. 千里之行,始于足下。Where there is_ will


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