1、精確材料鑒定 CQMCP1-0000-QTA-SPC-015 R0 Page PAGE 3 of 39 chong qqing mmdi coomplexx projject重慶市MDI 一體化項(xiàng)目目CHANGSHHOU ECCONOMIIC ANDD TECHHNOLOGGICAL DEVELLOPMENNT ZONNE長(zhǎng)壽經(jīng)濟(jì)技術(shù)開開發(fā)區(qū)VTLNCNI精確材料鑒定(Documennt No 文件編碼:CQMCPP1-00000-QTAA-SPC-015 R0Issued for RRevieww 發(fā)布供審核宮強(qiáng)07/25/22011丁景運(yùn)07/26/22011曹秋平07/26/22011G
2、raham W07/27/22011Rev版本發(fā)布或修改情況況Issue oor Revvisionn Desccriptiion編制人Origin by日期Date校核人Check bby日期Date審核人Approvee by日期Date批準(zhǔn)人Authoriize byy日期Date本文件持有者This Doocumennt is Ownedd byPaper copies are uncontrolled. This copy was valid at the time it was printed. For an up-to-date copy, please visit CCPHCn
3、et硬拷貝為非受控文件,只表明其印制時(shí)為有效版本,最新版本請(qǐng)查閱局域網(wǎng)站。CQMCP1-0000-QTA-SPC-015 R0 PAGE 128 of 39 版本號(hào)Revisioon修改內(nèi)容Change Descrriptioon修訂位置Change LocattionTABLE OOF CONNTENTSS目錄1.0Scoope范圍2.0Refferencces參考2.1ASMMEAmeericann Sociiety oof Mecchaniccal Enngineeers AASME美美國(guó)機(jī)械工程程師協(xié)會(huì)2.2ASTTMAmeericann Sociiety oof Tessting a
4、nd MMateriials AASTM - 美國(guó)測(cè)試及及材料協(xié)會(huì)2.3 Chiinese Standdards 中國(guó)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)2.4 Othher Sttandarrds 其他他標(biāo)準(zhǔn)2.5 Othhers其他他Definittions定定義Terms術(shù)語(yǔ)語(yǔ)Acronymms縮寫Purposee of PPositiive Maateriaals Iddentifficatiion (PMI) 精確材料料鑒定(PMMI)的目的的Responssibiliities責(zé)責(zé)任Extent of Veerificcationn驗(yàn)證范圍PMI Proogram PPMI計(jì)劃Qualityy Assuuranc
5、ee質(zhì)量保證SUPPLIEER DOCCUMENTTATIONN - PMMI PROOCEDURRE REQQUIREMMENTS 供貨商文件件-確認(rèn)材料料鑒定(PMMI)程序要要求Alloy VVerifiicatioon合金鋼驗(yàn)驗(yàn)證PMI Reqquiremmets PMMI的要求Shop annd Fieeld Teestingg 工廠及現(xiàn)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)測(cè)試Verificcationn Methhods驗(yàn)證證方法Acceptaable MMethodds合格的方方法Chemicaal Anaalysiss化學(xué)分析Alternaative Methoods/Innstrumments其其他可選方法
6、法/儀表Approvaal批準(zhǔn)Acceptaance CCriterria驗(yàn)收標(biāo)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)Rejectiion Crriteriia拒收標(biāo)準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)Equipmeent annd Pipping設(shè)備備及管線Markingg標(biāo)識(shí)Materiaals材料Acceptaable VVerifeed Matterialls合格的經(jīng)經(jīng)過(guò)驗(yàn)證的材材料Recordss of VVerifiicatioon Tessting驗(yàn)驗(yàn)證測(cè)試的記記錄Shop Allloy VVerifiicatioon工廠合金金鋼驗(yàn)證Construuctionn Conttractoor Fieeld Veerified Allloy施工工承包
7、商現(xiàn)場(chǎng)場(chǎng)合金鋼驗(yàn)證證As Buillt Doccumenttationn竣工文件Appendiix A PipiingCoolor CCodingg for Metalls Ideentifiicatioon附件A管線鑒別金屬材材質(zhì)的顏色代代碼Appendiix B Guiidelinnes foor Esttablisshing Critiicalitty附件B確立重重要程度的準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)則Appendiix C PMII Equiipmentt Acceeptancce Tecchniquue andd Perssonnell Quallificaation附件CPMII 設(shè)備驗(yàn)收收方法及人員員資
8、質(zhì)1.0Scoope范圍This Sppecifiicatioon speecifiees thee basiic reqquiremments for cconduccting Posittive MMateriials IIdentiificattion (PMI) testss on llow allloy aand coorrosiion reesistaant allloy mmateriials (i.e. 300 sseriess and dupleex staainlesss steeels, Inconnel, IIncolooy, ettc.) aand onn weldd
9、mentss for new eequipmment ssuch aas preessuree vesssels, heat exchaangerss, rottatingg equiipmentt, etcc. andd pipiing duuring shop or fiield ffabriccationn.對(duì)和金即系不康金o耐合c)焊例器轉(zhuǎn)和廠場(chǎng)進(jìn)料M基NOTE:注意意Among tthe Chhinesee 16Mnn seriies maateriaal, PMMI shoould bbe carrried out ffor thhe matterialls whiich arre
10、 useed forr desiign teemperaature -20and bbelow, it iis nott neceessaryy to ddo PMII for otherr 16Mnn seriies maateriaal.系用度0料M1列作Refereences參參考資料The folllowinng pubblicattions form a parrt of this speciificattion. Unleess ottherwiise sppecifiied heerein, use the llatestt edittion.本成非有否出新 ASMEAAmeri
11、ccan Soocietyy of MMechannical Enginneers -工ASME B331.3Processs Pipiing工藝管管線ASME, BBPVC,SEC II ABPVC SEECTIONN II MMateriials PPart AA - Feerrouss Mateerial Speciificattions BPVC 第材ASME, BBPVC, SEC II BBPVC SEECTIONN II MMateriials PPart BB - Noonferrrous MMateriial Sppecifiicatioons 金范ASME, BBPVC,
12、SEC III CBPVC SEECTIONN II MMateriials PPart CC - Sppecifiicatioons foor Wellding Rods, Elecctrodees, annd Filller MMetalss Addeenda 電充 ASTMAAmericcan Soocietyy of TTestinng andd Mateerialss M試會(huì)ASTM A7751Standarrd Tesst Metthods, Praccticess, andd Termminoloogy foor Cheemicall Anallysis of Stteel PP
13、roduccts鋼制品化學(xué)分析析的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)測(cè)試試方法,慣例例及術(shù)語(yǔ)ASTM D1129Standarrd Tesst Metthod ffor Suulfur in Peetroleeum Prroductts量方ASTM D8808Standarrd Tesst Metthod ffor Chhlorinne in New aand Ussed Peetroleeum Prroductts的中準(zhǔn)ASTM E3353Standarrd Tesst Metthods for CChemiccal Annalysiis of Stainnless, Heatt-Resiistingg, Marragi
14、ngg, andd Otheer Simmilar Chrommium-NNickell-Ironn Allooys鋼金他鎳化準(zhǔn)ASTM E3354Standarrd Tesst Metthods for CChemiccal Annalysiis of High-Tempeeraturre, Ellectriical, Magneetic, and OOther Simillar Irron, NNickell, andd Cobaalt Allloys磁他鎳化準(zhǔn)Chinesee StanndardssGB150Steel PPressuure Veesselss 鋼制壓力力容器GB151T
15、ubularr Heatt Exchhangerrs 管殼式式換熱器GB123377Steel SSpheriical TTank 鋼制球型儲(chǔ)儲(chǔ)罐GB/T 15591Low Allloy Hiigh Sttrenghht Strructurre Steeel 低低合金高強(qiáng)度度結(jié)構(gòu)鋼GB 30877Seamlesss steeel piipe foor Loww and Middlle Preessuree Boiller 低低中壓鍋爐用用無(wú)縫鋼管 GB 127771Stainleess Stteel WWeldinng Pippe forr Fluiid Strream 流體輸送送用不銹鋼焊焊
16、接鋼管GB/T 30092Weldingg Steeel Pippe forr Fluiid Strream 低壓流體輸輸送用焊接鋼鋼管 2.4 Otther SStandaards 其其他標(biāo)準(zhǔn)DIN andd JIS materrial iis mayy be aaccepttable as peer rellevantt stanndardss, if OPMTOOPMT aagreemment iis obttainedd on aa casee by ccase bbasis. 如果OPMTT根據(jù)實(shí)際情情況認(rèn)為可以以接受時(shí),DDIN、JIIS及按照相相應(yīng)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)供貨貨的材料可以以接受。2.
17、5 Otthers其Appendiix A附件APipingColorr Codiing foor Mettals IIdentiificattion配管 - 用于于金屬驗(yàn)證的的顏色編碼Appendiix B附件BGuideliines ffor Esstabliishingg Critticaliity確立重要程度的的準(zhǔn)則Appendiix C附件CPMI Equuipmennt Accceptannce Teechniqque and PPersonnnel QQualifficatiion PMI設(shè)備的的驗(yàn)收方法及及人員的資格格Definittions定定義3.1TerrmsCritic
18、aal Commponennt Those ccomponnents whosee inteegrityy is eessenttial tto thee perfformannce annd saffe opeeratioon of the ssystemm.系安關(guān)件3.2AcrronymssCRACorrosiion Reesistaant Allloy腐蝕PMIPositivve Matteriall Idenntificcationn鑒IPurposee of PPositiive Maateriaals Iddentifficatiion精確材材料鑒定的目目的The purrpose
19、 of PMMI is to ennsure that the nnominaal commposittion oof thee mateerial speciified has bbeen ccorrecctly ssuppliied annd doccumentted. IIt is not aa subsstituttion ffor addequatte cerrtificcationn in aaccorddance with projeect reequireementss.在提材組誤確要格可IThis sppecifiicatioon adddressees neww fabrr
20、icatiion off low alloyy, allloy, sstainlless ssteel and CCRA eqquipmeent annd pipping. It iis inttendedd for use oon preessuree conttaininng allloy coomponeents ffor neew equuipmennt andd pipiing.由合鋼合的應(yīng)設(shè)線金PMI is requiired oon alll mateerial and eequipmment tthat aare maanufaccturedd and fabriicatedd
21、 fromm mateerial listeed in the sscope. 范的和料要IThe reqquiremments for cconduccting PMI ttests on allloy mmateriials sshall be inn accoordancce witth reqquiremments of thhis sppecifiicatioon, unnless superrsededd by mmore sstringgent llocal regullationns. P的合要為嚴(yán)所5)Allooying elemeents ccovereed undder
22、thhe metthod ddescriibed iin thiis speecificcationn incllude, but aare noot limmited to, CChromiium (CCr), CCobaltt (Co), Collumbiuum or Niobiium (CCb or Nb), Coppeer (Cuu), Irron (FFe), MMolybddenum (Mo), Nickkel (NNi), TTitaniium (TTi) annd Vannadiumm (V). 范法合包于C鈷,C ) s ua eo0inpsls.列不做量定7)The nom
23、innal coomposiition requiired bby thee appllicablle codde andd/or sspecifficatiion shhall bbe useed to assesss thee acceeptabiility of thhe matteriall testted. 或求份估料8)Thiss speccificaation coverrs thee exteent off veriificattion, approoved ttestinng metthods, acceeptancce/rejjectioon criiteriaa, mar
24、rking and ddocumeentatiion reequireementss for PMI.M范的接的記要Responssibiliities責(zé)責(zé)任1)The PMI pprograam, itts forrmulattion aand immplemeentatiion, sshall be thhe Conntracttors respoonsibiility.P的施2)Whenn estaablishhing aa PMI progrram, ddefiniition shalll be ggiven to thhe rolles annd ressponsiibilittie
25、s oof acccountaable ppersonnnel aand suubconttractoors.劃負(fù)人包和定3)The roless shalll be clearrly deefinedd and docummentedd in tthe Coontracctorss writtten PPMI prrogramm.面劃文確項(xiàng) cociensn parrrt c eet eesetoao ocdltcwui ot訂標(biāo)中或突應(yīng)M在M復(fù)繼步6.Exteent off Veriificattion驗(yàn)證證范圍1)The extennt of PMI ttestinng to be co
26、onductted duuring the cconstrructioon of new eequipmment aand piiping systeems shhall bbe in accorrdancee withh the requiiremennts off the speciificattion。系期行P試合要2)Thiss shalll incclude requiiremennts foor enssuringg subssuppliier annd suppplierr PMI in acccordaance wwith tthis sspecifficatiion. WWh
27、ere OPMT hhave pprocurred maateriaal andd equiipmentt thesse shaall bee subjject tto thee requuiremeents oof thee speccificaation。該分供本P求O行料須范 6.1 PPMI PrrogrammPMI計(jì)計(jì)劃This Seectionn coveers faabricaated eequipmment aand allloy ppipingg duriing faabricaation, eithher inn the shop or thhe fieeld.間在期造合6
28、.1.1 PPerforrmancee 實(shí)施1) PMI shoulld be carriied ouut by equippment fabriicatorr, matteriall suppplier, pre-fabriicatorr, enggineerring ccontraactor or OPPMT ass welll as rrepressentattives from authoorizedd 3rd partyy.應(yīng)造供制承O經(jīng)三行2) It iis thee respponsibbilityy of tthe Coontracctor tto enssure tthat
29、tthe impplemenntatioon andd condduct oof thee PMI progrram iss perfformedd in acccordannce wiith thhis Sppecifiicatioon.負(fù)P的行本 33) Thee conttactorr may assumme ressponsiibilitty forr perfforminng PMII affter rreceippt of materrial aand eqquipmeent iff imprracticcal orr unneconoomicall for the ssuppli
30、ier too perfform PPMI. P行時(shí)在進(jìn)Test Meethodss/Repoorts / Exteent off Testting 測(cè)試方法/報(bào)告告/測(cè)試范圍 11) Thee testt methhods ooutlinned inn thiss speccificaation are iintendded too iidentiify thhe nomminal compoositioon of alloyy mateerialss and veriffy thaat tthe noominall comppositiion meeets tthe maateriaal
31、speecificcationn mminimuum reqquiremments. 測(cè)在材組其料低 2) PMII shalll nott be cconsiddered as a substtitutee for requiired mmill ttest reporrts liistingg chemmical compoositioon. PMMI doees nott provvide inforrmatioon aboout thhe phyysicall or mmechannical propeertiess of tthe materrial. 應(yīng)以所測(cè)在化P提物機(jī) 3) M
32、illl tesst repports shalll not be coonsideered aas connfirmiing allloy verrificaation or a substtitutee for PMI. 材材質(zhì)證書應(yīng)以合證 4) In acccordaance wwith AAppenddix B of thhis sppecifiicatioon, alll criiticall presssure-contaainingg allooy or CRA eqquipmeent annd pipping (inccludinng heaater ttubes) or oo
33、ther critiical ppipingg or ppressuure conttaininng commponennts shhall uunderggo 1000 % PMMI of the ssamplee popuulatioon. 范所承或金 和括或管部 行 5) CRA that can bbe vissuallyy idenntifieed (e.g. CuuNi fiirewatter piiping), PMII is nnot reequireed.的合如i管目不P 6) The CContraactor shalll veriify thhat alll criiti
34、call presssure contaainingg compponentts ideentifiied byy OPMTT receeive 1100% PPMI. 應(yīng)P認(rèn)鍵均%M 77) Wheen thee geommetry (e.g. sizee or llocatiion) oof thee itemm to bbe exxamineed makkes itt imprracticcal too condduct tthe exxaminaation ussing tthe eqquipmeent sppecifiied inn 7.1. the contrractorr sha
35、lll iddentiffy an alterrnativve metthod oof verrifyinng matteriall commposittion. 的何如置能 下所試測(cè)包一 材替 6.1.3 Timming時(shí)間間PMI shaall bee perfformedd at tthe pooint iin timme to avoidd probblems durinng fabbricattion tto enssure tthat pproperr mateerialss havee beenn used in thhe fabbricattion oof an identti
36、fiabble asssemblly, suuch ass a platee weldded innto a presssure vvessell or ppipe llengthh weldded innto a spoool. 6.11.4 MManufaactoryy Storrage 車間庫(kù)存 Exceppt bollted cconnecction compoonentss (seee requuiremeents iin Secction of this speciificattion), befoore trransfeerringg the materrial
37、ffrom wwarehoouse tto fabbricattion wworkshhop, from site stockk to cconstrructioon sitte, 1000% PMMI is requiired ffor alll allloy prressurre contaainingg compponentts of NCPP . 除螺栓連接組組件外(見本本規(guī)范6.11.7.2節(jié)節(jié)的要求),為為本項(xiàng)目制造造 的所有合金金鋼承壓部件件的材料在出出工廠庫(kù)房到到制造車間、現(xiàn)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)庫(kù)房到施施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)之前前均應(yīng)進(jìn)行1100% 的的PMI。6.1.5 Presssure CContai
38、ining Compoonentss承壓組件Pressurre conntainiing coomponeents tthat mmake uup fabbricatted eqquipmeent annd pippe spoools aare paart off thiss speccificaation. Exaampless are:構(gòu)成預(yù)制設(shè)備和和管段的承壓壓組件應(yīng)是本本規(guī)范的一部部分,范例有有:1) Plattes板材2) Speccial fforginngs特制鍛鍛件3) Flannges法蘭蘭4) Exchhangerr tubees換熱器管管5)Pipe and ffitti
39、nngs suuch ass teess, elbbows, reduccers aandspeciall pipee compponentts. 管子和管件件,如:三通通,彎頭,異異徑管和特制制管件。6) Valvves (bbodiess, bonnnets, bodyy boltting, etc.)閥(閥體,閥蓋蓋和閥體栓接接等)。7) Insttrumennts (aall prrocesss presssure contaainingg partts succh as bodiees, boonnetss and body boltiing)儀表(所有工藝藝承壓組件如如,表體,表表
40、蓋和表體栓栓接)。8) stufffed mmetal gaskeets 實(shí)心金屬墊墊片。9) Furnnace ttubes and ffittinngs爐管和和管件10) Cassings for ppumps, comppressoors, tturbinnes, eetc.泵,壓縮機(jī),透透平等的外殼殼。11) Allloy weelds jjoininng preessuree partts to presssure pparts (for doublle wellded jjointss, botth welld capps insside aand ouutsidee)壓力部件與壓
41、力力部件的合金金焊縫(雙面面焊縫,內(nèi)外外焊縫蓋層)。12) Welld oveerlayss or ccladdiing堆焊層層或復(fù)合焊層層6.1.6 AAlloy Nonprressurre Conntainiing Paarts 非承壓合金金鋼部件Examplees of nonprressurre parrts arre: 非壓力部件舉例例如下:Pressurre vesssel iinternnals ssuch aas traays, bbubblee capss and distrributoors 壓壓力容器內(nèi)件件,例如塔盤盤,泡罩和分分布器。Valve sstems and s
42、shaftss 閥桿和和軸Furnacee tubeesheetts andd tubee suppports 加熱爐管管板和爐管支支撐d) Intternall allooy commponennts onn pumpps, ccompreessors andd turbbiness impelllers, turbbine sshaftss and turbiine bllades, etc. 泵、壓縮機(jī)的合合金內(nèi)件,透透平的轉(zhuǎn)子、軸軸及葉片等。6.1.7 PPMI Reequireementss for Otherr Partts 其他他部件的PMMI要求6.1.7.11 Inteern
43、al Alloyy Compponentts 內(nèi)部合合金部件Internaal allloy coomponeents oon rottatingg equiipmentt suchh as iimpelllers, turbiine shhafts and tturbinne blaades sshall requiire PMMI.轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)設(shè)備的內(nèi)部部合金部件,例例如葉輪,透透平軸和透平平葉片。 Chromiuum allloy annd Staainlesss Steeel 鉻合合金鋼和不銹銹鋼Except materrials withiin Cattegoryy D seervicee
44、(seee ASMEE B31.3) orr mateerial used for ccriticcal syystemss desiignateed by OPMT , PMII is rrequirred foor 10 % oof eacch lott of sscrew studss of aall chhromiuum allloy stteel aand sttainleess stteel, boltss, nutts andd washhers ,at leeast oone seet. (參見ASMME B331.3)或或由OPMTT指定需在關(guān)關(guān)鍵系統(tǒng)中使使用的材料以以外,
45、所有有鉻合金鋼和和不銹鋼的雙雙頭螺栓,螺螺帽和墊圈,每每一批都要求求10的PPMI,至少少一套。6.1.8 WWeld MMateriial 焊接接材料1)PMI of fiield aand shhop faabricaation weldss shalll be perfoormed in thhe samme mannner aas forr the adjaccent bbase mmetal. 現(xiàn)場(chǎng)和工工廠制造的焊焊縫,應(yīng)依照照與相鄰的基基材金屬同樣樣的方式進(jìn)行行PMI。2)Whenn weldding iis reqquiredd, onee elecctrodee or wwir
46、e ssamplee fromm eachh lot of weeld rood to be ussed shhall bbe possitiveely iddentiffied. The remaiinder of thhe lott shalll be compaared tto thee sampple too ensuure thhat coolor ccodingg and identtificaation of thhe wirre/eleectroddes arre corrrect. 要求進(jìn)進(jìn)行焊接時(shí),應(yīng)應(yīng)對(duì)每一批焊焊條和焊絲的的樣品進(jìn)行PPMI。每一一批余下的焊焊絲和焊條應(yīng)應(yīng)
47、與樣品進(jìn)行行對(duì)比,以確確保焊絲和焊焊條的色標(biāo)和和標(biāo)記均正確確無(wú)誤。3)PMI verifficatiion shhall aalso bbe connducteed in the sshop oor fieeld onn the depossited weld metall.對(duì)于溶敷敷焊接金屬,均均應(yīng)在工廠或或現(xiàn)場(chǎng)進(jìn)行PPMI。4)For pipinng, evvery bbutt wweld aand alll othher tyypes oof preessuree conttaininng wellds shhall rrequirre PMII. 對(duì)于于管道,每一一個(gè)對(duì)接焊縫縫和所有其
48、他他類型的承壓壓焊縫都要求求進(jìn)行PMII。5)For presssure vvessells, eaach inndividdual LLongittudinaal-seaam, ciircumfferenttial-sseam, nozzlle andd otheer preessuree conttaininng wellding seam shalll be ssubjeccted to PMI.對(duì)對(duì)于壓力容器器,每一個(gè)縱縱焊縫,環(huán)形形焊縫,管嘴嘴和其他承壓壓焊縫都要求求進(jìn)行PMII。 Allooy Heaater TTubes 合金加熱爐爐管In addiition t
49、o PMMI verrificaation of heeater tubess, shoop andd fielld wellds onn allooy heaater ttubes shalll requuire 1100 % PMI vverifiicatioon. 除了了對(duì)加熱爐管管要求的PMMI之外,對(duì)對(duì)在工廠和現(xiàn)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)制造的合合金加熱爐管管的焊縫,要要求執(zhí)行1000的PMMI。 Loongituudinallly Weelded Pipe/Fittiings 縱縱向焊接管/管件Longituudinallly weelded pipe and ffittinngs p
50、rroduceed by a pippe or fittiing maanufaccturerr requuire rrandomm PMI verifficatiion off 10 % of eeach ssamplee popuulatioon or one PPMI veerificcationn of eeach 660 m (200 fft) leength of tootal wweld iin thee sampple poopulattion, whichhever is grreaterr. 由制制造廠商生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)的管子或管管件,對(duì)其縱縱向焊接管以以及管件,要要求對(duì)每批進(jìn)進(jìn)行1
51、0%的的抽樣PMII,或者,對(duì)對(duì)每批抽樣的的全部焊縫,每每60米(2200英尺)焊焊縫進(jìn)行一次次PMI,以以上兩者中取取其較大者。For exaample, 10 llongittudinaally wweldedd pipees, eaach 6 m (200 ft) in leength, requuire tthat PPMI veerificcationn be cconduccted oon onee pipee lenggth (110 perrcent of thhe sammple ppopulaation). 例如,對(duì)對(duì)于10根66米(20英英尺)管長(zhǎng)的的縱向焊接管管,要求對(duì)
52、一一根管管長(zhǎng)的的焊縫進(jìn)行PPMI(抽出出樣品管的百百分之十)。If 10 llongittudinaally wweldedd pipees aree eachh 12 mm (40 ft) iin lenngth, PMI vverifiicatioon shaall bee condductedd on ttwo piipe leengthss (4000 ft ttotal weld lengtth divvided by 2000 ft = 2 ppipe llengthhs).如果果是10根112米(400英尺)管長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的縱向焊接接管線,則須須對(duì)兩根管管管長(zhǎng)的焊縫進(jìn)進(jìn)行PMI(即即總共
53、4000英尺焊縫長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)度,除以2200英尺,等等于兩根管的的管長(zhǎng))。 Autoogenouus Wellded PPipe/FFittinngs 氣氣焊管線/管管件Autogennous wweldedd pipee and fittiings sshall requiire PMMI verrificaation of onnly thhe basse mettal coomposiition. 氣焊管線和管件件只需對(duì)基材材的金屬成分分進(jìn)行PMII。Qualityy Assuurancee 質(zhì)量保證證The usee of PPMI prrogramm prinnciplees
54、 to checkk goodds recceivedd intoo a waarehouuse syystem shalll be rregardded ass a quualityy assuurancee pracctice to miinimizze thee poteentiall for discooverinng a mmateriial diiscreppancy durinng subbsequeent PMMI tessting. It shalll not be reegardeed as an allternaative to PMMI tessting of thhe
55、 fabbricatted piiping systeem.采用 PMI計(jì)計(jì)劃的原則來(lái)來(lái)檢查接收到到庫(kù)房系統(tǒng)的的貨品,應(yīng)視視為質(zhì)量保證證的措施,以以便將在隨后后PMI檢測(cè)測(cè)期間發(fā)現(xiàn)材材料偏差的潛潛在可能減至至最低程度。不不可將其用來(lái)來(lái)替代對(duì)制造造的管線系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)進(jìn)行的PMMI測(cè)試。7.0 Supplyy Docummentattion - PMI Proceedule Requiiremennts供貨商文件-確確認(rèn)材料鑒定定(PMI)程程序要求ep lmiIceOfe av isl oss rkaedfna aa lfe P esteni mde A r,pdN, ofsOavrus snHw體理
56、確P序在作應(yīng)文制前的主團(tuán)查業(yè)理后代o已oat準(zhǔn)明經(jīng)以序有目批文于I目 n, pds uhlnP序括:7.2.1TThe tyype, mmanufaactureer andd seriial nuumberss of aany poortablle tessting p ed P用攜備制列7.2.2DDetailled teestingg and calibbratioon insstructtions for aall poortablle tessting equippment. Thee testting iinstruuctionns shaall coover ssurfacce p
57、reeparattion, cleanning, samplle remmoval (as aappliccable), ideentifiicatioon andd tracceabillity, repaiirs (aas appplicabble), and mmethodds of markiing accceptaable aand reejecteed parrts.試細(xì)準(zhǔn)試?yán)ㄇ迦ビ米R(shí)溯按以格部7.2.3TThe naames oof anyy propposed analyyticall labooratorries wwhich may bbe useed andd the t
58、ype of teestingg to bbe donne by each laborratoryy shalll be incluuded iin thee PMI proceedure. OPMMT resservess the rightt to aapprovve thee anallyticaal labboratoories and pportabble eqquipmeent ussed foor PMII testting.P序有的室個(gè)行別項(xiàng)保行鑒I實(shí)攜權(quán)7.2.4IIdentiificattion oof matterialls by numbeer or by coode
59、suuch thhat appplicaable MMateriial Teest Reeportss can be trraced to eaach innspecttion ssamplee.碼以材驗(yàn)每驗(yàn)7.2.5TThe peerson(s) peerformming tthe PMMI tessts shhall bbe knoowledggeablee abouut alll aspeects oof thee operrationn. Quualifiicatioons off the operaator(ss), inncludiing trraininng andd expee
60、riencce, shhall bbe inccludedd in tthe PMMI proocedurre.鑒I人所面確定程作訓(xùn)資7.2.6PProvission ffor seegregaation of accceptaable pparts from rejeccted pparts and pparts to bee testted.不測(cè)定 Instruuctionns forr the docummentattion, reporrting and aapprovval off PMI testss.試報(bào)說(shuō)The ressults of PMMI andd repoorts ss
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