



1、TEST2READINGPARTDepartment For most of the 20th century Smithsons was one of Britains most sful department but by the mid-1990s, de dull. Still nks largely to a series of ns,but decidedly boring. The famous were careful not toTEST2READINGPARTDepartment For most of the 20th century Smithsons was one

2、of Britains most sful department but by the mid-1990s, de dull. Still nks largely to a series of ns,but decidedly boring. The famous were careful not to be seen there, and sales staff didnt seem to have changed since the store opened in 1908. Worst of all, its were buying fewer and fewer of its own-

3、brand products, the major part of its business, showingapreferenceformoreBut nowall this has nksto Rowena Baker,who became womanExecutive three years ago. Since then, while most major retailers in Britain have been losing money, Smithsons profits have been rising steadily. When Baker started, a lot

4、of had just been made to the building, without having any effect on sales, and she took the to invite one of Europes most erior designers to develop the fashion area, heart of the store. This very quickly led to rising sales, even before the goods on display changed.Andassalesgrew,sodidBaker had amb

5、itious plans for the store from the start. Were playing a big game, to prove up there with the leaders in our sector, and we have to make sure people t Smithsons had fallen behind the competition. It provided a traditional ed e customers, whod been there for years, and the basewasgradually contracti

6、ng.Ourideaisto sellsuchan exciting varietyoft will want to come in, whether they plan to spend a little or a lot. Bakers for the store clear, but achieving it is far from simple. , many employees resisted her becausetheyjustwouldntbettherewasanything wrong with the way theyddone things, even if they

7、 t the store had to overtake its competitors. It took many meetings, involving the entire workforce, to heir support. It helped when they tBakerwasavery differentkindofmanagerfromthe onestheyhad Bakers staff policies contained more surprises. The d hardly changed since one has now disappeared. Moreo

8、ver, teenagers now get young shop assistants, and staff in sports departments are themselves sports rainers. As Baker explains, How can you jeans if yourewearing ablack suit? Smithsons has anew identity,and thisneedstobe made to the customers. Shes also given every sales assistant responsibility for

9、 ensuring satisfaction, even if it means ally breaking company companyhe t this will Rowena Baker is proving sful, but the Citys big investors havent been Accordingto the store and in yst,John Matthews, Moneyhadalready beeninvested in refurbishment t led to the boost in sales. She took the credit, d

10、nt done anything achieve it. y view the companys shareholders are not convinced. The fact t she opens several more stores pretty soon, Smithsons profits will start toachieve it. y view the companys shareholders are not convinced. The fact t she opens several more stores pretty soon, Smithsons profit

11、s will start to fall because turnover theexistingstorewillinevitablystartto13Accordingtothehemid-1990sSmithsonsdepartmentAwasmakinga Bhad aproblem ng CwasunhappywithitsadvertisingDmostlysoldgoodsundertheSmithsons14Accordingtothewriter,SmithsonsprofitsstartedrisingthreeyearsagobecauseAanheretailingBt

12、hepreviouswork doneonthe CRowena Bakerschoice ofDa heproductson 15AccordingtoRowenaBaker,oneproblemwhichSmithsonsfacedwhenshejoinedtAthenumberofpeopleusingthestorewasfalling BitscompetitorsofferedamorelisedrangeofCthestoreswerethewrongDcustomerswereunhappywiththeservice16Accordingtothewriter,manysta

13、ffedBakersplansAtheywereunwillingtochangetheirwayofworking. B they disagreed with her goals for the store.Ctheyfelttheywerenotconsultedenoughaboutthe Dtheywereunhappywithherstyleof17BakerhaschangedstaffpoliciesbecauseshetAthecorporateimagecanbeimprovedthroughstaffuniforms. B the previous rules were

14、not fair to customers.CcustomersshouldbeabletoidentifywiththestaffservingDemployeesshouldshareincompany18WhatproblemdoesJohnMatthewsthinkSmithsonsisAMoremoney needstobehepresentBThecompanysprofitswillonlycontinuetoriseifitCTherefurbishmentofthestoreisprovingunpopularwithcustomers. DSmithsonssharehol

15、dersexpectaquickreturnontheirDepartment 13 90 customers were buying fewer and fewer of its own-brand products, the major part of its and showing a preference for more 沒有說虧損。關(guān)鍵是這個地方:its own-brand products, Department 13 90 customers were buying fewer and fewer of its own-brand products, the major par

16、t of its and showing a preference for more 沒有說虧損。關(guān)鍵是這個地方:its own-brand products, the major part of its businessSmithsons name 也就是 its own brand products。品 took the bold to invite one of Europes most erior designers to develop fashion area ThisveryquicklyledtorisingsalesC:RowenaBaker15題,問當(dāng)RowenaBaker子中一個詞的含義:It provided a traditional ed at middle-ecustomers, whod been there for years, and the customer base was A t there was anything wrong with her improvements because they just wouldntbe way theyd always done things jeans if yourewearing ablack suit? Smithsons has anew


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