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1、 SafetyUnit 3 My Helmet Saved My Life!Lesson 15 SafetyUnit 3 My Helmet Saved 課文呈現(xiàn)知識講解Lesson 15 My Helmet Saved My Life!課堂導入課文1課堂小結(jié)課后作業(yè)課堂練習詞匯聽寫課文呈現(xiàn)知識講解Lesson 15 My Helm 同學們,上一課學習的單詞你們都掌握了嗎?現(xiàn)在大家來檢驗一下,點擊下面的音頻開始聽寫吧! 同學們,上一課學習的單詞你們都掌握了嗎?現(xiàn)在大家來檢冀教九年級上冊Unit-3-SafetyLesson-15課件英語THINK ABOUT ITHow do you get

2、to school?Are you always careful when you ride your bicycle? Why or why not?My name is Jackie. I like cycling.THINK ABOUT ITMy name is Jac It was a beautiful fall day. I was out riding my bicycle. I guess I rode over a hole in the road. All of a sudden,WHAM! I went down hard on my right side. That r

3、eally hurt! My head hit the ground. I lay there for a few minutes. I tried to get up,but I couldnt!“Theres something wrong with me ,”I thought. I felt so terrible that I lay down again. Then I saw blood on my shoe. My hand and knee were bleeding. It was a beautiful fall As I lay there,I took off my

4、helmet. There was a sharp rock sticking out of it. It was pretty scary to look at. Thank goodness I wore my helmet! I shouted for help. A stranger stopped his truck and came to help me. He put my bike in the back of his truck and drove me to the hospital. When my mother got to the hospital,she gave

5、me a big hug. “Im so glad you were wearing your helmet,”she said. She knew I was careless and did not always wear my helmet. As I lay there,I took of But Ill never be careless again!My bicycle helmet saved my life! Dig In Cycling is fun. But before getting on a bicycle,you should double check the fo

6、llowing things:1You have a helmet. A helmet protects your head, which can get hurt in a bicycle accident.2The brakes work OK. No brakes,no cycling. But Ill never be careless3The light is still working. Being able to see is really important at night.4The tyres are neither too full nor too flat. This

7、will ensure that you have a pleasant trip.3The light is still working. 講解來自點撥知識點1all of a sudden 突然eg:All of a sudden, she began to cry. 突然,她開始哭起來了。考向all of a sudden 常放在句首,可以和suddenly互換使用。eg:All of a sudden, I remembered that I hadnt locked the door. I suddenly remembered that I hadnt locked the doo

8、r. 我突然記起我沒有鎖門。講解來自點撥知識點1all of a sudden 突然講解來自點撥知識點2go down 倒下,落下,摔倒在地eg:He tripped and went down on the ground. 他絆了一下,摔倒在地上。拓展go down還有很多的含義:(船只)沉沒,下沉;(飛機的)墜落; (太陽)落下; (風量)減弱,減?。?物價)下跌;(溫度)下降;(將食物、飲料)吞下,喝下;蹲下(身子)講解來自點撥知識點2go down 倒下,落下,摔倒在地講解來自點撥知識點3Theres something wrong with.傷著了;出毛病了eg:Theres som

9、ething wrong with my computer. It cant work. 我的電腦壞了,它不工作了??枷蛞籹omething為不定代詞,被形容詞修飾時,形容詞要放在其后。eg:I can give you something useful. 我可以給你一些有用的東西。講解來自點撥知識點3Theres something 講解來自點撥典例My host family tried to cook _ for me when I studied in New Zealand. (湖北孝感)Adifferent somethingBdifferent anythingCsomethin

10、g differentDanything different 【點撥】本題用語法判定法。句意:當我在新西蘭學習時,我的寄宿家庭盡力為我做一些不同的飯吃。形容詞修飾不定代詞時要后置,而且本句為肯定句,故選C。C講解來自點撥典例My host family triedTheres something wrong with.與Something is wrong with.同義。eg:There is something wrong with him. Something is wrong with him. 他受傷了。講解來自點撥考向二Theres something wrong with.講解來

11、自點撥知識點4so.that.如此以至于考向【重點、難點】eg:This story is so interesting that I want to read it again. 這個故事如此有趣以至于我想再讀一次。 so形容詞/副詞that從句eg:He spoke so quickly that I couldnt follow him. 他說得如此快以至于我不能跟上他。講解來自點撥知識點4so.that.如此以至魔法記憶講解來自點撥so形容詞a/an單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞that從句eg:She is so lovely a girl that everyone loves her. 她是如此可

12、愛的一個女孩,以至于每個人都喜 歡她。so形容詞復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞/不可數(shù)名詞that從句eg:Those are so beautiful flowers that the girl wants to pick them. 那些花是如此漂亮以至于女孩想要摘下它們。 魔法記憶講解來自點撥so形容詞a/an單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞典例【點撥】句意為“林書豪如此出名以至于在中國所有的籃球迷都知道他?!眛oo.to“太而不能”;so.that“如此以至于”;as.as“與一樣”。故選C。Lin Shuhao is _ famous _ all the basketball fans in China know him

13、.Atoo;to Benough;toCso;that Das;asC講解來自點撥典例【點撥】句意為“林書豪如此出名以至于在中國所有的籃球迷都講解來自點撥知識點5take off 脫下;起飛eg:When will the plane take off? 飛機何時起飛?考向一【重點】 當take off意為“脫下”時,反義詞組為put on。當賓語為代詞時,需放在take和off之間;當賓語為名詞時,既可放在off前,也可放在off后。 講解來自點撥知識點5take off 脫下;起飛eg:Weg:He took off his coat after he went into the room

14、. He took his coat off after he went into the room. 他進屋后脫下了他的外套。考向二講解來自點撥魔法記憶一語辨異:Put on your clothes. Dont take them off. 把你的衣服穿上,別把衣服脫下。takeoff把從拿開,讓遠離 eg:Youd better take your hand off your mouth. 你最好把你的手從嘴那兒拿開。eg:He took off his coat after 講解來自點撥take back收回;退回Im sorry. I take back what I said.對不

15、起,我收回我說過的話。take down寫下;記下He took down everything the teacher said. 他把老師說的話都記了下來。take in收留;欺騙She took in the boy. 她收留了這個男孩。take on雇用;呈現(xiàn)The company decided to take on a new secretary.這家公司決定聘一個新秘書。 與take有關的短語:拓展講解來自點撥take back收回;Im sorry.魔法記憶講解來自點撥典例Attention, please. The plane will _ in five minutes.A

16、take back Btake offCtake down Dtake on【點撥】此題用正確運用語境法。根據(jù)句意“請注意,飛機將在5分鐘后起飛?!笨芍xB項。B魔法記憶講解來自點撥典例Attention, pleas講解來自點撥知識點6stick/stk/v.插入;穿入eg:Stick the fork into the potato. 把叉子插入土豆。 考向一stick的過去式和過去分詞為stuck。stick 意為“插入,穿入”時,常與in, into 和through 等介詞連用。eg:A pin stuck me in the hand. 一根針刺入我的手。講解來自點撥知識點6sti

17、ck/stk/v.插入;穿入講解來自點撥考向二stick to“堅持”,后面可接名詞、代詞或動名詞作賓語。eg:I will stick to my decision. 我將堅持我的決定。 We must stick to working till we finish our task. 我們必須堅持工作,直到我們完成我們的任務??枷蛉齭tick out 伸出來,探出eg:Dont stick your head out of the car window. 不要把頭伸出車窗。講解來自點撥考向二stick to“堅持”,后面可接名詞講解來自點撥知識點7careless/kels/adj.粗心的

18、表示“對不在意或不關心”等,其后可接介詞about,of,with。eg:She is careless of/with her health. 她不注意她的健康。 He is careless of/about his speech. 他不注意他的說話方式??枷蛞籩g:Dont be careless about your work. 對你的工作不可粗心。講解來自點撥知識點7careless/kels/a魔法記憶講解來自點撥考向二【重點】 表示“某人做某事很粗心”可用:sb. + be careless to do sth.it is careless of sb. to do sth. e

19、g:You were careless to make such a mistake. It was careless of you to make such a mistake. 你犯這樣的錯誤真是粗心。典例【點撥】根據(jù)句意可知是太粗心而不能通過期末考試,故填careless。 He is too _ (care) to pass the final exam.careless魔法記憶講解來自點撥考向二【重點】 講解來自點撥知識點8neithernor既不也不eg:He neither eats nor drinks these days. 這幾天,他既不吃也不喝??枷颉局攸c】 表示全部否定

20、,連接并列成分,可連接兩個并列的主語、謂語、賓語等。溫馨提示:連接并列主語時,謂語動詞應和最后一個主語在人稱和數(shù)上保持一致,即“就近原則”。 eg:She can neither write nor read. 她既不會寫也不會讀。講解來自點撥知識點8neithernor既不也不講解來自點撥拓展(1) neithernor的反義詞組為:bothand, 意為“和都,不僅而且, 既又”,它連接并列主語時, 謂語動 詞用復數(shù)。 eg:Both my parents and my teacher are strict with me. 我的父母和老師都對我要求嚴格。(2)eitheror或者或者;

21、not onlybut also不但而且,連接并列主語時, 謂語動詞都遵循“就近原則”。講解來自點撥拓展(1) neithernor的反義詞講解來自點撥典例Tim, how do your parents like pop music?_my dad _ my mom likes it. They both prefer classical music. (福州改編)AEither;or B. Neither;nor CNot only;but also DBoth;andB【點撥】考查連詞。 運用聯(lián)系上下文法。句意為:蒂姆,你的父母認為流行音樂怎么樣?我爸爸和媽媽都不喜歡。他們都比較喜歡古典

22、音樂。eitheror或者或者;neithernor既不也不;not onlybut also不但而且;bothand和都。由下文的他們都比較喜歡古典音樂可推出他們都不喜歡流行音樂。結(jié)合句意,綜合分析可知,選項B 正確。講解來自點撥典例Tim, how do your pa1)Read the lesson and write true(T)or false(F) 1She was riding her bicycle when she fell.() 2Her head hit the ground.() 3She stood up and shouted for help.() 4Her

23、friend came to help and drove her to the hospital.() 5Her bicycle helmet saved her life.()TT FFTLets Do It !1)Read the lesson and write tr2)Listen to the passage and tick the sentences mentioned. Check the brakes,light and tyres. Ride on the sidewalk. Make a way for people walking. Dont play with ot

24、hers. Wear lightcoloured clothes. Follow the traffic signs and rules. Always wear your helmet. Lets Do It !2)Listen to the passage and ti聽力材料 Besides always wearing your helmet, there are many other rules to follow when you ride a bicycle. First, you should ride on the sidewalk and make a way for pe

25、ople walking. Second, you should follow the traffic signs and rules. Third, you mustnt play with others when you ride.聽力材料 Besides always we3)Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.1I hurt my_, and its painful when I walk.2Although they were _,they got on very well with ea

26、ch other.3He stopped the car and found a nail _in the tyre.4It is an honour for everyone to give_5He failed the exam because he was so _with his spelling.blood knee stick strangerkneestrangersstickingbloodcarelessLets Do It !3)Fill in the blanks with the 4)Work in groups. Discuss what you should do

27、to keep safe when you ride a bicycle. Then write a short passage and present it to the class.What should you do to keep safe when you ride a bicycle? Here are some safety tips:Always wear a helmet.Dont play with others while riding.Dont ride so fast.Dont make phone calls while riding.Pay attention t

28、o the traffic lights.Lets Do It !4)Work in groups. Discuss what 本節(jié)課主要學習了以下重點內(nèi)容:(1)重點單詞:stick, careless等。(2)重點短語:all of a sudden, go down, take off, neithernor等。(3)重點句式:Theres something wrong with, sothat等。 本節(jié)課主要學習了以下重點內(nèi)容:一、根據(jù)句意和首字母提示完成句子1My b type is A.2Have you seen the filmDont talk with a s ? 3If

29、 something s in your mind,you will remember it for a long time.4S , there is a big black thing falling from the tall building.5He couldnt walk at all because his k hit a big r . lood tranger ticks uddenly來自點撥訓練nee(s) ock一、根據(jù)句意和首字母提示完成句子 lood 二、單項選擇6When you go out,youd better put on your hat. It _ you from the sun. Aprotect Bp


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