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1、 HYPERLINK 2010全全國各地地名校英英語單選選優(yōu)化重重組(20100吉林實驗中學高高三一模模)1. Hee caame herre bby _wayy off Loondoon. In _ wway hiss heealtth iis mmuchh immproovedd, bbut he is stiill nott reeallly wwelll. A. a, a BB. /, aa C. thee, tthe D. a, thee(20100遼瓦房房店高級級中學屆屆高三9月月考考)322. Do youu knnow Korreann iddol grooup callled

2、d Suuppeer JJuniior?Is iit onne wwithh a Chiinesse mmembber?A. /; / B. aa; tthe C. thee; / D. /; thee (20100湖南望望城二中中高三第第二次月月考)221. Thee Shhenggzhoou VVI aairccrafft ccarrriedd twwo aastrronaautss innto _skky aat 99:000 amm onn Occtobber 12, 20005 andd thhe ttwo asttronnautts wwilll stayy inn _sspacc

3、e ffor fivve ddayss. A. a; thhe B. thee; 不不填 C. thee; tthe D. a; 不填(20100福建福福州屏東東中學高高三9月階段段性考試試)17. Meediccal carre iin tthe couuntrry ccannnot commparre wwithh _inn biig ccitiies.A. onne oof B. thhat of C. / DD. tthe onee off(20100福建福福州屏東東中學高高三9月階段段性考試試)188. -DDo yyou havve ttodaays CChinna DDailly

4、?-Yess, bbut onlly oone coppy lleftt. WWoulld yyou likke tto ttakee _?A. soome B. theem C. it D. onee(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)228. Unddersstandiing thee cuultuurall haabitts oof aanottherr naatioon, esppeciiallly _ cconttainningg ass maany diffferrentt cuultuuress ass Ammeriica is a ddiffficuult thiing.

5、A. thhe oone B. onee C. it DD. eeithher(20100遼瓦房房店高級級中學屆屆高三99月月考考)27. Whhat! _ tto ggo ttherre wwithh _? NNo!A. I; hiimB. I; he CC. MMe; himmD. Me; hiimseelf(20100湖南望望城二中中高三第第二次月月考)31. He diddnt mmakee _ccleaar wwhenn annd wwherre tthe meeetinng wwoulld bbe hheldd. A. thhis BB. tthatt CC. iit D. thh

6、esee(20100湖南株株洲二中中高三上上第二次次月考)22. _ all my homework unfinished, I am not allowed to go online to play games.A. Too B. Forr CC. WWithh DD. WWithhoutt(20100江蘇泰泰興三中中高三開開學初考考試)332. _ thee riightt leeadiing of thee CPPC, alll thhe CChinnesee peeoplle ccan enjjoy equual rigghtss annd aa peeaceefull liife n

7、oww.A. Thhankks tto B. Beecauuse C. Foor DD. TThannk ffor(20100福建福福州屏東東中學高高三9月階段段性考試試)6. Noot hhaviing a ggoodd _of Engglissh ccan be a sseriiouss obbstaaclee too acchieevinng yyourr gooalss.A. deemannd B. appprecciattionn C. expperiiencce DD. ccommmandd(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)333. Whaat aa woondeerfuul

8、 _ thhat theey aare worrkinng hhardd!A. sccenee BB. ssighht C. vieew D. seeeingg(20100湖南望望城二中中高三第第二次月月考)223. AIDDS iis sspreeadiing alll ovver thee woorldd att shhockkingg sppeedd. WWherre iits darrk _ apppeaars, wee seee ppainn, ttearrs aand deaath. A. shhapee B. shadoow CC. aambiitioon D. feeelinn

9、g(20100江蘇泰泰興三中中高三開開學初考考試)221. I hhad deccideed tto ggivee itt upp, bbut on _ seccondd thhougghtss, II deecidded to tryy _ thhirdd tiime.A. /; thhe B. /; a C. thhe; thee DD. tthe; a(20100浙江長長興三中中高三月月考)223. Thee liittlle bboy gott punnishhed whaat hhe hhad donne . A. beecauuse B. beccausse oof C. sinn

10、ce D. as(20100浙江長長興三中中高三第第一次月月考)229. -Hi, Boob, aree yoou ggoinng tto aatteend tommorrrows cconffereencee? - Ohh, IIm aafraaid nott, _ innvitted to. A. evven if B. ass iff C. eveen aas D. sinnce(20100遼瓦房房店高級級中學屆屆高三99月月考考)222It is repportted thaat ssomee wiild aniimalls wweree fooundd_ iin aa biig cc

11、avee inn thhe mmounntaiin. Ato hidde ddeadd Bhidddenn deead Chiddingg deead Dhidddenn deeathh(20100浙江長長興三中中高三月月考266. TThe boaat iis _ smaall, wee caant pput _ foood in it. A. muuch tooo; sso mmanyy BB. mmuchh tooo; tooo muuch C. tooo mmuchh; mmuchh tooo D. tooo muuch; soo muuch(20100吉林實實驗中學學一模)5. -T

12、he weather isnt good enough for an outing, isnt it?-NNot in thee leeastt. WWe ccant hhavee _ aat tthiss tiime of thee yeear. A. a worrse dayy B. a nniceer dday C. succh bbad a dday D. so finne aa daay(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)229. It is saiid tthatt peeoplle aare _ likkelyy too teell liees ooverr thhe pph

13、onne aas ttheyy arre iin eemaiils. A. ass twwicee B. twiice as C. twiice morre D. twiice thaan(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)34. Hoow ddisaappoointtingg! TTheyy haave finnishhed _ 55% oof tthe worrk. A. noo moore thaan B. no lesss tthann C. morre tthann D. nott leess thaan(20100浙江嘉嘉興一中中高三上上摸底測測驗)221. Mr. Smmit

14、hh owwns _ccolllecttionn off cooinss thhan anyyonee ellse I hhavee evver mett. A. laargeer BB. aa laargeer C. thhe llargger D. a larrge (20100遼瓦房房店高級級中學屆屆高三99月月考考)299. AAIDSS annd SSARSS maay hhavee maade thee heeadllinees, butt raabiees(狂狂犬?。﹊s now _ killer than both.A. a bigggerr B. bigg C. biggge

15、rrD. thee biiggeest(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)22. II fooundd heer nnicee annd hhoneest _ II saaw hher. A. foor tthe firrst timmeB. thee fiirstt tiime C. on thee fiirstt tiime D. at firrst(20100遼瓦房房店高級級中學屆屆高三99月月考考)344. TTry thee neew ccleaanerr. JJustt a feww miinuttes eveery daythaats aall it takkes yoou

16、willl hhavee shhiniing flooorss annd ffurnnituure.A. annd BB. bbut C. or D. so(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)332. Tomm reeachhed homme aat llastt, _. A. tiiredd annd hhungger BB. ttireed aand hunngriily C. tiiredd annd hhunggry DD. ffeltt tiiredd annd hhunggrilly2010江蘇泰泰興三中中高三開開學初考考試)35. Myy paarennts strrongg

17、ly _ my goiing to colllegge oout of Jiaangssu pprovvincce, beccausse ttheyy doont llikee myy beeingg faar aawayy frrom theem.A. ennjoyy BB. ooppoose CC. ooppoose to DD. oobjeect(20100浙江長長興三中中高三第第一次月月考)335. Whaats tthe girrl llikee?She wass a braave girrl. Shhe ffougght braavelly aand herr ennemyy ha

18、ad tto _ herr att laast. A. giive up B. givve uup tto CC. ggivee inn D. giive in to(20100浙江長長興三中中高三第第一次月月考)339. Thee teeachher askked us _ sso mmuchh nooisee. A. doont mmakee B. nott maake C. nott maakinng D. nott too maake(20100福建福福州屏東東中學高高三9月階段段性考試試)111. TThe litttlee booy iinsiisteed _too waatchh

19、 thhe oopenningg ceeremmonyy off thhe BBeijjingg 20008 Olyympiic GGamees.A. onn taakinng B. to be takken CC. tthatt hee woouldd bee taakenn D. thhat he be takken(20100福建福福州屏東東中學高高三9月階段性考試)114. Thee wooodss annd tthe newwly dugg riiverr thhrouugh thee caampuus _tthe beaautyy off thhis worrldknoown un

20、iiverrsitty.A. addd uup B. addd tto CC. aare addded up D. aree adddedd too(20100浙江嘉嘉興一中中高三上上摸底測測驗)332. “Gooodbyye, theen,” shhe ssaidd, wwithhoutt evven _ ffromm heer bbookk.A. loookiing dowwn B. loookiing up C. loookinng aawayy D. loookiing on(20100浙江嘉嘉興一中中高三上上摸底測測驗)440. If youu caant ssparre mme a

21、an hhourr, aa quuartter willl .Ado BhellpCworrkDsuiit(20100遼瓦房房店高級級中學屆屆高三99月月考)28. Hoow ccan I mmakee suure my feeet _, Docctorr Lii?A. doont ssmelll BB. aarennt ssmelltC. havvent ssmelll D. wonnt bbe ssmellt(20100浙江長長興三中中高三第第一次月月考)221. Thee moomennt II saaw hher, I _ heer, altthouugh shee chhangged

22、 a llot thrrouggh yyearrs. A. knnow B. reaalizzed C. reecoggnizzed D. nooticced(20100浙江長長興三中中高三第第一次月月考)222. Youud bbettter _ youur ccoinns, andd seee hhow lonng yyou cann laast. A. addd uup tto BB. aadd to C. addd upp D. addd(20100浙江長興三三中高三三第一次次月考)27. His parents _ him to give up the plan for the ou

23、ting this weekend because of the bad weather but he just wouldnt listen. A. hoopedd B. peersuuadeed C. suuggeesteed D. trriedd too peersuuadee(20100北京廣廣渠門中中學高三三開學考考試)10. Hii, PPeteer. Lonng ttimee noo seee!- Ohh, iits yyou. Im ssorrry tthatt I diddnt _ yyou at firrst.A. knnow B. remmembber C. reaali

24、zze D. reccognnizee (20110北京廣廣渠門中中學高三三開學考考試) 122. - HHavee yoou _ wwithh ann iddea?- Noot yyet, buut IIll askk myy paarennts forr soome advvicee.A. puut uup B. tuurneed uup C. goone up D. comme uup.(20110北京廣渠門門中學高高三開學學考試)20. Thhe nnumbber of deaathss frrom heaart disseasse wwilll bee reeducced greea

25、tlly iif ppeopple _ to eatt moore fruuit andd veegettablles.A. arre aadviisedd B. bee addvissed CC. bbe pperssuadded D. aree peersuuadeed.(20110北京廣廣渠門中中學高三三開學考考試)24. Soome auddiennce commplaain thaat iit usuuallly _ ttoo lonng tto wwatcch tthe adss duurinng tthe TV serriess.A. coostss B. speendss CC

26、. ttakees D. payys(20100浙江長長興三中中高三第第一次月月考)337. - Im ggoinng tto tthe USAA. - HHow lonng youu thheree?A. arre; staayinng B. aree; sstayyed CC. hhavee; sstayyed DD. ddid; sttay(20100福建福福州屏東東中學高高三9月階段段性考試試)9. -HHavee thhe ppoliice fouund thee paarennts of thee baaby fouund by thee rooad? -Noot yyet. Hi

27、is iidenntitty _.A. haas bbeenn fooundd ouut B. is beiing fouund outtC. haad bbeenn fooundd ouut D. woouldd bee fooundd ouu(20100福建福福州屏東東中學高高三9月階段段性考試試)122. MMr. Wanng, a rretiiredd teeachher, _aarouund Chiina in thee hoope of raiisinng mmoneey ffor pooor sstuddentts nnextt weeek.A. cyycleed B. woou

28、ldd cyyclee C. is cycclinng DD. hhas cyccledd(20100吉林實驗中學高高三一模模)200. LLargge qquanntittiess off innforrmattionn _ sinnce thee orrgannizaatioon wwas buiilt. A. haas ooffeeredd B. haad bbeenn offferred C. haave beeen ooffeereddD. is offfereed(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)336. Wheen hhe ccamee baack to liffe, th

29、ee yooungg maan ffounnd hhimsselff _ in a ssmalll houuse andd evveryythiing he _. A. laay; hadd beeen stoolenn B. laay; wass sttoleenC. lyyingg; hhad stoolenn D. lyiing; haad bbeenn sttoleen(20100浙江嘉嘉興一中中高三上上摸底測測驗)225. Doo yoou kknoww iff Teerryy wiill go cammpinng tthiss weeekeend? Terrry? Neeverr!

30、 SShe _teentss annd ffressh aair!A. haas hhateed B. hatted C. wiill hatte D. hatees(20100浙江嘉嘉興一中中高三上上摸底測測驗)228. Did youu seee aa maan iin bblacck ppasss byy juust noww? NNo, sirr. II _ a newwspaaperr. A. reead B. waas rreaddingg CC. wwoulld rreadd D. aam rreadding(20100遼瓦房房店高級級中學屆屆高三99月月考考)211Thiis

31、JJanuuaryy wiill be verry pprecciouus ffor us by whiich timme wwe_ rreviiewiing Senniorr Boook I.Awilll ffiniish Bwilll hhavee fiinisshedd Chavve ffiniisheed Dwilll bbe ffiniisheed(20100北京廣廣渠門中中學高三三)4. Alll tthe macchinnes _ by thee ennd oof tthe folllowiing weeek.A. weere reppairred B. wouuld be re

32、ppairredC. wiill havve bbeenn reepaiiredd D. werre bbeinng rrepaaireed(20100北京廣廣渠門中中學高三三開學考考試)25. Inn thhe AALL-STAAR GGAMEE inn Deenveer iin 220055, AAlleen IIverrsonn haas _ ootheer NNBA staars andd goot tthe MVPP.A. woon B. beaatenn CC. ddefeeat D. atttackked(20100湖南望望城二中中高三第第二次月月考)227. -WWhy are

33、e yoour grooup so happpy?-Ourr grroupp _ theeirss inn thhe oorall Enngliish commpettitiion. A. haas wwon BB. hhavee gaaineed C. haas bbeatten DD. hhavee deefeaatedd(20100北京廣廣渠門中中學高三三) 8. I _ evveryythiing intto cconssideerattionn beeforre II maade thee pllan.A. diid ttakee B. werre C. haad bbeenn ta

34、akenn D. hadd taakenn (20110北京廣廣渠門中中學高三三開學考考試) 9. Unntill 19927 hiss thheorry _ too bee riidicculoous.A. haas bbeenn beelieevedd B. is bellievved C. beelieevedd D. wass beelieevedd(20100北京廣廣渠門中中學高三三) 299. IIt _llongg beeforre wwe _ tthe ressultt off thhe eexpeerimmentt.A. wiill nott bee; wwilll knno

35、w B. iss; wwilll knnow CC. wwilll noot bbe; knoow D. is; knnow2010湖南望望城二中中高三第第二次月月考)229. Chiina andd thhe UUnitted Staatess heeld theeir firrst strrateegicc diialooguee onn Auguust 1 aand _ tto iincrreasse cco-ooperratiion andd coonsttrucctivve rrelaatioons. A. aggreeed BB. wwoulld aagreee C. havve

36、aagreeed D. haad aagreeed(20100湖南株株洲二中中高三上上第二次次月考332. _sinnce thee niightt beeforre, I ffeltt veery hunngryy.A. Haavinng eeateen ssomeethiing BB. NNot haavinng eeateen aanytthinngC. Eaatinng ssomeethiing D. Noot eeatiing anyythiing(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)66. TThe Intternnet givves peooplee thhe cchannce

37、 to havve tthe infformmatiion theey nneedd _ to theem qquiccklyy annd ccheaaplyy. A. too deelivver BB. ddeliiverr C. delliveerinng D. delliveeredd(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)7. In thee reeadiing rooom, we fouund herr _ at a ddeskk, wwithh heer aatteentiion _ oon aa boook. A. siittiing, fiixinngB. sitt, ffix

38、eed C. sitttinng, to be fixxedD. seaatedd, ffixeed(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)88. OOn aa _ morrninng tthe litttlee giirl was fouund _ aat tthe corrnerr off thhe sstreeet. A. frreezzingg, ffreeezinng B. freeeziing, frrozeen CC. ffrozzen, frrozeen DD. ffrozzen, frreezzingg(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)114. -Whhat madde

39、 hhim worrrieed?-_ heelp thee peeoplle iin tthe snoowsttormm inn thhe SSoutth. A. Noot kknowwn hhow to B. Beccausse wwe ddidnnt kknoww hoow ttoC. Ouur kknowwingg noot hhow to D. Ouur nnot knoowinng hhow to2010吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)118. Witth tthe roaad _ wiith snoow, manny ppasssenggerss haad tto sspennd tt

40、he Neww Yeears EEve at thee sttatiion. A. too bee bllockked B. to bloock C. beiing bloockeedD. bloockeed(20100遼瓦房房店高級級中學屆屆高三99月月考考)266. TThe intternnatiionaal aagreeemeent, _ tto eencoouraage chiildrren nott too smmokee annd hhelpp peeoplle kkickk thhe hhabiit, wass siigneed oon FFebrruarry 227.A. i

41、nntenndedd B. beiing inttenddedC. inttenddinggD. to inttendd (20100江蘇泰泰興三中中高三開開學初考考試)27. - _ hhe ccomee annd vvisiit yyou as plaanneed?- OOf ccourrse. Annd IId rrathher he _ me whaat hhe ssaw witth hhis ownn eyyes in Greeecee.A. Wiill; wiill telll B. Shaall; toold C. Shhalll; wwilll teell D. Wiill;

42、toold(20100福建福福州屏東東中學高高三9月階段段性考試試)2. -SShalll II hellp ccleaan tthe kittcheen, Mumm?-Thaank youu. BBut youu _itt beecauuse I ccan do it mysselff.A. muustnnt hhavee doone B. wooulddnt hhavee doone C. miighttnt hhavee doone D. haavennt ggot to do(20100福建福福州屏東東中學高高三9月階段段性考試試)7. -YYao Yuaan, a ddisaable

43、ed wwomaan, wonn thhe NNatiionaal CChammpioonshhipss Cuup llastt weeek.-My gooodneess ! SShe _a llot of diffficculttiess!A. maay ggo tthrooughh B. migght go thrrouggh C. muust havve ggonee thhrouugh DD. ooughht tto hhavee goone thrrouggh(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)44. -Whoo _ it be thatt haasnt hhandded in

44、hiss coompoosittionn?-IIt _ bee Roobinnsonn. HHe _ itt inn yeesteerdaay. A. caan, willl, shoouldd haand BB. ccan, muust, shhoulld hhavee haandeedC. maay, mayy, ccant hhavee haandeed D. wiill, caan, couuld havve hhandded(20100浙江嘉嘉興一中中高三上上摸底測測驗)333. Marrys sscorre oon tthe tesst iis tthe higghesst iin

45、 hher claass. Reaallyy? SShe hhavee sttudiied verry hhardd.Amayy BBougght toCmusst DshooulddA. caan B. musstC. mayy D. shaall(20100遼瓦房房店高級級中學屆屆高三99月月考考)333. Cann I payy thhe bbilll byy chheckk?Sorrry. Sirr. BBut it is thee maanaggemeent rulles of ourr hootell thhat payymennt bbe mmadee inn caash.A.

46、shhalll BB. nneedd C. willl D. cann (20110北京廣廣渠門中中學高三三開學考考試)2. Hee _ anootheer ccareeer, buut aat tthe timme, he diddnt hhavee ennouggh mmoneey tto aatteend graaduaate schhooll.A. miightt chooosee B. muust havve cchossen CC. hhad to chooosee D. migght havve cchossen.(20110北京廣廣渠門中中學高三三開學考考試) 155. Haa

47、ve youu fooundd ouut aanytthinng, sirr? We aree suure thaat tthe thiief enttereed tthe houuse thrrouggh tthe winndoww innsteead of breeakiing in. Yoou _ haave cloosedd thhe wwinddow befoore youu leeft.A. shhoulldnt B. couuldnnt C. migght D. musstnt(20100湖南望望城二中中高三第第二次月月考)222. -LListten! Soomeoone is

48、 knoockiing at thee dooor. -_ bbe MMaryy. SShe hass juust beeen tto BBeijjinggA. Shhe mmusttnt B. Itt caant C. It musst D. Shee maay(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)115. It is higgh ttimee thhat youu _ doown to _ a carrefuul pplann. A. goot, makke B. geet, makkingg C. gott, mmakiing D. willl gget, maake(20100北京廣

49、廣渠門中中學高三三開學考考試) 188. IIf iit _ tommorrrow, whhat wouuld we do?A. raainss B. weere to raiin CC. wwoulld rrainn D. raiin(20100湖南株株洲二中中高三上上第二次次月考)21. The Niagara Waterfalls, _ is shaped like a semicircle, are 670meters wide, and fall 56 meters in an awesome white sheet of water.A. whhat BB. wwherre C.

50、thee laargeest of whiich DD. iin wwhicch(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)22. Hee gaave us anootheer ppiecce oof aadviice, _ of greeat hellp tto tthe ressearrch worrk. A. whhichh I thiink is B. whiich I tthinnk iit iis C. I tthinnk wwhicch iis D. I tthinnk iit iis(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)338. Shee iss thhe oonlyy onne

51、 aamonng tthe _ wwritterss whho _ sttoriies forr chilldreen. A. woomann, wwrittesB. wommen, wrritee C. wommen, wrritees D. woomann, wwritte(20100浙江嘉嘉興一中中高三上上摸底測測驗)224. Occcasiionss arre qquitte rraree _I havve tthe timme tto sspennd aa daay wwithh myy kiids. A. whho BB. wwhicch C. whhy D. wheen (201

52、00湖南株株洲二中中高三上上第二次次月考)23. Hoow ccan youu exxpecct tto ppasss thhe OOrall Teest of PETTS _yyou nevver darre tto ppraccticce iin ppubllic?A. inn caase BB. eevenn iff CC. uunleess D. if(20100湖南株株洲二中中高三上上第二次次月考)228. In a hhorsse-rraciing spoort, itt iss coommoon tthatt thhe oonlyy acctivve pparticcipaant

53、ss arre tthe horrsess annd tthe ridderss, _ eveeryoone elsse wwatcchess.A. whhen B. whhilee CC. wwhicch DD. wwherre(20100湖南株株洲二中中高三上上第二次次月考)35. _, the monument could be restored to its former glory.A. Iff reepaiiredd weell B. Iff reepaiirinng wwelll C. To reppairr weell D. Reppairringg weell(20100江蘇

54、泰泰興三中中高三開開學初考考試)225._ ttherre aare manny bbeneefitts, oppponeentss poointt ouut pprobblemms wwithh thhe nnew reqquirremeent.A. Siincee B. Whhilee C. Ass D. If(20100浙江長長興三中中高三第第一次月月考)336. _hee haas mmadee upp hiis mmindd too doo soometthinng, notthinng wwilll sttop himm. A. Onnce BB. BBefoore C. Altt

55、houugh DD. AAs ssoonn ass(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)335. _ thiis iis oonlyy a smaall towwn, its ccrowwdedd wiith touurissts whoo coome herre aall yeaar rrounnd. A. Siincee BB. UUnleess C. Oncce D. Whiile(20100湖南望望城二中中高三第第二次月月考)330. _ wwe aadmiit tthatt thheree arre sstilll ssomee prrobllemss abboutt NMMET,

56、 wee doontt meean thaat iit iis oof nno uuse. A. Unntill BB. WWhille C. As D. Unllesss(20100湖南株株洲二中中高三上上第二次次月考)27. _ enters the computer rooms should take off his shoes in order to keep them clean enough.A. Whho BB. WWhoeeverr C. Whaat DD. WWhatteveer(20100浙江長長興三中中高三第第一次月月考)331. Tonny ssaidd hee woo

57、uldd coome bacck tto CChinna_. A. toomorrroww B. neext dayy CC. tthe nexxt dday DD. tthe dayy beeforre(20100福建福福州屏東東中學高高三9月階段段性考試試)5. Mrr. LLi , ouur tteaccherr off Enngliish, taalkeed wwithh mee faace to facce, whiich madde mme rrecoogniize _sillly misstakkes I hhad madde.A. thhat B. whhat C. hoow

58、D. whicch2010福建福福州屏東東中學高高三階段段性考試試)8. Thhe rrepoort sayys tthe Intternnet is devveloopinng rrapiidlyy, aand _tthe worrlds iinfoormaatioon ssupeerhiighwway is alrreaddy bbegiinniing to takke sshappe.A. whhy B. thaat C. whhen D. wheere(20100吉林實實驗中學學高三一一模)339. One of thee meen hheldd thhe vvieww _thee b

59、oook saiid wwas rigght. A. whhat thaat B. thhat whaat C. thaat D. whaat(20100浙江嘉嘉興一中中高三上上摸底測測驗)336. Is thiis hhoteel wwhicch ooffeeredd yoou aa joob _ yoou sstayyed thee fiirstt tiime youu arrrivved herre?A. whhichh B. inn whhichh CC. tthatt DD. wwherre(20100湖南株株洲二中中高三上上第二次次月考)33. Sixty miles _ in a

60、 single night, so they were exhausted.A. iss cooverred B. waas ccoveeredd C. aree cooverred D. hass cooverred2010浙江長長興三中中高三第第一次月月考)333. A nnumbber of stuudennts_ pplayyingg onn thhe ggrouund butt I donnt kknoww whhat thee exxactt nuumbeer _. A aree; iis BB arre; aree C iis; is DD iss; aare(20100福建福福


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