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1、人教版七年級英語下冊第一單元試題筆試部分(共十一大題,90分)一、根據句意及詞首字母寫出單詞。(5分)Gina wants to jthe music club.Can you sEnglish?I can play the guitar but can t play the p My e-mail ais cindyyjones 163. com. Can you hkids with swimming?二、從第II欄中找出第I欄中問句的相應答語。(5分)III()6. What club do you want A. Very well.to join?()7. What s your p

2、hone num B. It s $10.ber?()8. How areyoC. It s 8989766.u?()9. How can I contactyoD. The music club.u?898976.()10. How much is theshirE. You can call me at898976.t?三、單項選擇(15分)()11. Tom wantsto you. Are you free?to tellB. tellsC. totalkD. talks()12. Can you help memy Engl ish?withB. ofC. learning D. a

3、bout()13. Here.i s some informationsare some in formationsare someinformationi s some informationviol in.14. Bob can playtennis but cant playX, Xthe, theviol in.14. Bob can playtennis but cant playX, Xthe, XYes, a littleYes, littleNo, a littleD. No, little16. Please callme8989766.inaboutD. withlike

4、to go swimmingsummer.15. Can you paint?Yes, a littleYes, littleNo, a littleD. No, little16. Please callme8989766.inaboutD. withlike to go swimmingsummer.ChiIdren,onChiIdren, inA child, onA child, in)18. Miss Read is goodmusic .She can be goodchiIdrenin themusic club.)18. Miss Read is goodmusic .She

5、can be goodchiIdrenin themusic club.at, atB. with, withC. at, withD. with, at()19. The youngplays theverywell.pianist,pianopiano, pianistpianist,pianistpiano, piano()20. What can you do, Lin Tao?.I likesportsI want to jointhe music clubI amwellI can do ChineseKung Fu()21. Hi, can I help you? .Yes, p

6、leaseB. No, I can tYes, I can D. You are welcome()22. you canour schoolconcert.A. Maybe, inB. Maybe, be inC. May be, inD. May be, be in()23. We want two good our rockband.A. music formusician inmusic inmusicians for() 24. Little Tom can draw . Hisdrawings are veryA. good, wellwell, goodgood, goodwel

7、l, well() 25. Can heit in English?A. speakB. speaksC. sayD, talk四.選詞填空,每詞只用一次。(5分)do,join, can, want, can tyou draw a panda? No, I can t.I never listen to the music. I sing a song.What club does Sarahto join?We want tothe guitar club.What can you, sing or dance?五.連詞成句,注意標點符號。(12分)play, brother, the,

8、 your, guitar, can, (?)can t, he, piano, the, play, (.)play, you, the, can, guitar, (?) guitar, sing, the, I, play, can, and, yes,(.) to, club, music, join, want, do, you, our,(?)I, show, want, to, talent, my, (.)六.將下列句子譯成英語。(8分)我想當一名藝術家。我想加入藝術俱樂部。琳達很會唱歌。請向張老師咨詢更多的信息。完形填空(10分)Jane and JohnJane can p

9、lay the piano.36 s isterand brother. They like music.Jane and JohnJane can play the piano.But she 37_ play the violin. John can tplay the piano. But he38playthe violin. Today they 39tocarry a piano to 40play the piano. But he38playthe violin. Today they 39tocarry a piano to 40bedroom.41 piano is hea

10、vy(沉). Theycan t 42 it.They ask Mike43can t 42 it.They ask Miketo45them.()41.A. i sB. amC. are()42.A. canB.can t C.doesn t()43.A. can B.can tC. doesn t()44.A. likeB. wantC. can()45.A. JaneB. herC. Jane s()46.A. TheB. aC. /()47.A. takeB.carryC. help()48.A. Jane sand JohnB. Janeand John sC.Theys()49.A

11、. haveB. like C.want()50.A. come B.goC.joincousin brother Mike.He i s heretoday.從所給的7個選項中選出5個完成下列對話。(5分) TOC o 1-5 h z A: Good morning!51?B: Yes, I want to join the chess club.A: Good, 52?B : David.A:53?B: I m twelve.A:54?B: My telephone number is 435一201.A:55?B: Yes, a little.A: Here i s a card, pl

12、ease fill i t out.B: Thank you.A: You re welcome.What s your nameHow can we contact youC. Can you playchessD. I can playchessE. How old areyouF. What can youdoG. Can I helpyou51. 52. 53. 54. 55 . 閱讀短文,選擇正確答案(5分)Once a great boxer (拳擊家),Tom Brown, went to a restaurant(飯館) for dinner. Heput his bag ne

13、ar the door, but he was afraid that someone would take it. So hegot out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote on i t: “ The great boxer, TomBrown, left his bag here. He ll come back in a few minutes. He put the paperon his bag and went to have his dinner. When he came back, his bag wasn tthere. But h

14、e found a piece of paper on the ground. It said: “ A great runnertook away your bag, and he will not come back.()56. Tom Brown went to the restaurant .A. for hi sbagB . to seetherunnerto have hismealD. for his pen()57. Mr Brown was afraid.to put down his bag near the doorhe couldn t find his penthie

15、ves would take his bag awayhe couldn t get enough food himself from the restaurant)58 . Mr Brown wrote the words on the paperbecause hethought the thief would not steal (偷) his bag when heread the wordswas a boxerwanted to catch the thiefwanted to get to know the runner()59. When Mr Brown came back

16、he.found another piece of paper on the ground.found his bag wasn t thereboth A and Bsaw the runner running after him()60. Which is not right?Mr Brown was foolish.The runner was a thief. The runner made a joke on Mr Brown. The boxer didn t know the runner at all.十、句型轉換(5分)Bill can swim.(對劃線部分提問)Bill?

17、We want tojoin the basketball club. (對劃線部分提問) do you want to join?Can you playchess? (作否定回答)I think hecan play soccer. (改為否定句)Iheplay soccer.I am thefirst to come to school because I get ud early. (對 劃線部分提問) the first to come to school?十一、書面表達(10分)簡要介紹你們學校樂隊有多少人,以及每個人的特長。(不少于5句話)提示詞:school band(校樂隊)

18、talented(有才華的)favourite(最喜愛的)best (最好) well (做得好)參考答案筆試部分一、1. join2.speak3.piano4. address5. help二、6. D 7.C8. A9.E 10.B三、11-15CADDA16-20BBCAD 21-25 ABDBC四、26. Can27.cant28. want 29.join30. do五、31. Can your brother play theguitar?He can t play the piano.Can you play the guitar?Yes, I can play the guitar and sing.Do you want to join our music club?I want to show my talent.六、


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