七年級英語下冊Unit 5 教學(xué)設(shè)計 人教新目標版_第1頁
七年級英語下冊Unit 5 教學(xué)設(shè)計 人教新目標版_第2頁
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七年級英語下冊Unit 5 教學(xué)設(shè)計 人教新目標版_第4頁
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1、XX 學(xué)-用心用情 服務(wù)教育!Unit 5 Why do you like Objectives一(話)Animals in a zoo二 (能Describe animalsExpress preferences三 結(jié)構(gòu)1. Where questions2. Because 3. Adjectives of quality四 Language (標言What animals do you like?I like koalas.Why do you like koalas?Because theyre very cute.Where are koalas from?Theyre from A

2、ustralia.五 (詞)tiger, elephant, , lion, giraffe, smart, cute, lazy, friendly, beautiful, shySouth Africa, Australiakind of, in great danger, cut down trees六 技)Listening for key informationScanning in reading七 (習(xí)固)What you like?Lets They c an 1XX 學(xué)-用心用情 服務(wù)教育!Does have ?八教分本單元的核心話題是描述動物和表達個人喜好,以及句式 Why

3、 do ?Because 這是本單元的教學(xué)重點。通過本單元的學(xué)習(xí),學(xué)生應(yīng)能較流利地運用所學(xué)詞匯和句型描述動物,達 個人喜好。九教目1. Master the vocabulary.2. Master and use the following structures:Why do you like koalas? Because theyre Where are pandas from? Theyre from What animals do you like? I like giraffes.十、教學(xué)難:、重:學(xué)習(xí)本單元的詞匯,用 、why、where 引導(dǎo)特殊疑問句,用 because 表示

4、因以及形容 詞的使用。、難:準確使用形容詞對自己感興趣的事物進行描述。十、時排第 一課:完成 Section A 2c第二課時:完成 Section A 3c第三課時:完成 Section B 1d第四課時:完成 Section B 2aSelf Check First Period (Section A, 1a 2c) aims (教目)1. 學(xué)表述動物的單詞。2. 學(xué) why 的疑問句及其回答。2. 學(xué)簡單描述動物的形容詞。 points 語言點)1. 詞: 名詞 koala,tiger,elephant, panda,lion, giraffe, zoo, map2XX 學(xué)-用心用情 服

5、務(wù)教育!2) 形詞 adj. cute, smart2. 句:Lets see the lions.Why do you want to see the lions?Because theyre cute. (教難)Expressing preferences and giving reasons steps (教步) Warm-up and revision(堂身復(fù)習(xí)(1 greetings to (2) Listen to a song.【學(xué)設(shè)計說】本元主要話題描述動物,通過一首許多學(xué)生都聽過的獅子王的 插曲引出本單元話題動物。 Presentation (呈新識Have tSs list

6、 the animals they know or show the pictures animals they class and try to describe them.Show pictures of different and let Ss guess the animals. Teach Ss the names of the different animals.【學(xué)設(shè)計說】圖教學(xué)法是呈新知識最簡單有效的方法之一,學(xué)生通過圖片,能更 價值觀的理解新單詞的含義。 Work on 1a (完 1a)Get Ss t o match words with the animals in t

7、he picture on p. 25. Check the answers.【學(xué)設(shè)計說】通過 1a 的練,使學(xué)生進一步學(xué)會運用新單詞。和學(xué)生一起談?wù)搱D片, 目的在于引導(dǎo)學(xué)生學(xué)會使用動物單詞。 Work on 1b (完 1b)1. Get Ss to listen check ) the animals they hear in 1a. Check answers. 2. Read the conversation in picture and ask pairs to role-play theconversation to the class.【學(xué)設(shè)計說此環(huán)節(jié)著重是聽力訓(xùn)練。讓學(xué)生在聽對

8、話的過程中抓住關(guān)鍵詞匯,由于前面已做了一些訓(xùn)練,因此學(xué)生聽起來比較容易,讓他們都有一次成功的喜悅和感受,這樣可 以增強他們的學(xué)習(xí)自信心。 Drill (練)XX 學(xué)-用心用情 服務(wù)教育!Ask some Ss to repeat the conversation with different animals this time.T: s play a game. Take turns repeating conversation in the picture inpairs. But remember to talk about different animals each time.(第一輪

9、應(yīng)提問成績較好的學(xué)生第二輪提問成績較差的學(xué))【學(xué)設(shè)計說】此節(jié)為機械操,使不同層次學(xué)生初步掌握目標語言。機械操練是英語初始階段教學(xué)必不可缺的部分,學(xué)生要先從模仿到初步掌握,最后才能熟練應(yīng)用。機械操練時應(yīng)注意著重提問成績較差的學(xué)生于機械操練比較簡單此是激發(fā)后進生興趣,培養(yǎng)后進生自信的一個很好的途徑。 Work on 1c (成 1cGet Ss to work in pairs and practice the conversation in 1c, then makeconversations about the other animals in the using the words in t

10、he box.Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.【教學(xué)設(shè)計說明】此環(huán)節(jié)是讓學(xué)生運用所學(xué)句型來進行操練,有利于鞏固所學(xué)句型。 Work on 2a & 2b (成 2a 和 2b)(1) Julia and John are at the zoo. to their conversation in and write the animals you hear. Then match the animals with the description words.Check the answers. Explain

11、the words “very” and “kind of”.(2) Let Ss the conversation in 2b first.Have Ss get into groups to share their Listen and check the answers. Ask some groups to present their conversations to the class.【學(xué)設(shè)計說】此節(jié)進一步鞏了本堂課所學(xué)的詞匯和句型。通過反復(fù)聽讀,可以讓學(xué)生盡快熟悉生詞。學(xué)生填表格,是檢查學(xué)生能否聽懂并拼寫所學(xué)單詞。 Work on 2c (完 )1. Julia likes ko

12、alas. Where koalas from?2. Describe a kind of and let Ss guess what it is.(He is from South He likes meat a lot and he is very dangerous. He is the of the animals.)3. Have Ss ask their classmates about their favorite and the reasons why they them. Ss can use the words from the boxes in 2a and 2b. Th

13、en, have Ss present their friends favorite animals to the 4XX 學(xué)-用心用情 服務(wù)教育!【學(xué)設(shè)計說】此環(huán)節(jié)既能充分練習(xí)學(xué)生的目標語言,使學(xué)生學(xué)以致用,同時也能大 的調(diào)動學(xué)生們的課堂參與率,并且能為有繪畫特長的孩子提供一個展示的空間。 Homework (課作)Oral: 1. Remember the new words.2. Practice the conversations with your classmates.Written: 默寫 2b 中句子。 Second Period (Section A, 2d aims (教目

14、)1. 熟動物的名稱(單復(fù)數(shù)形式和讀音 悉動物的特性cute, smart, etc.)以及代表的國 2. 談自己喜歡的動物并陳述理由;學(xué)問他人對動物的喜好以及理由;3. 熱動物,培養(yǎng)人和動物之間的和諧關(guān)系 points 語言點)1. 詞: very, kind 2. 句: questions:Why do you like ?does he/she like ?Because theyre (教難)Writing sentences steps (教步) Warm-up and revision (課熱和習(xí) )Greet Talk about the animals =Ss about in

15、 the first period.【學(xué)設(shè)計說】通過描述動物,達到復(fù)習(xí)與鞏固的作用。同時增進同學(xué)之間的相互了解。 Work on 2d (完 )(1)Read the conversation and answer the following questions.Q1. Why does Peter like his dog?Q2. What can Dingding do?Q3. Why doesnt Jenny like the cat?(2) Role-play the conversation in 2d.(3) Have Ss make conversations using 2d

16、as an example.【學(xué)設(shè)計說學(xué)通過回答問題能理解對話的內(nèi)容角扮演能情境中學(xué)會運用,5XX 學(xué)-用心用情 服務(wù)教育!通過自編對話能更好的讓學(xué)生學(xué)以致用。 Grammar Focus(1) Read through the sentences.(2) Ask Ss to focus on the interrogative words and the answers.【學(xué)設(shè)計說本部分為本單元的內(nèi)容核心,不僅概括了本單元的重點,還將基本句型一 一呈現(xiàn)。通過句子的羅列,使學(xué)生關(guān)注人稱的變化。因此不應(yīng)小視,但由于是總結(jié)性內(nèi) 容,故要求學(xué)生朗讀??稍谡n后將本部分列入聽寫內(nèi)容。 Work on (

17、成 3a)(1) Fill in blanks with the words from the box.(2) Check the answers.(3) Then practice the conversation.【學(xué)設(shè)計說】where questions why questions 一是初中學(xué)習(xí)的重點這一部分重點 對這兩方面進行練習(xí),使學(xué)生更好掌握這方面知識。 Work on 3b (完 3b)Write names of animals in the blanks to make sentences that are true for you.【學(xué)設(shè)計說】鞏固 3a 內(nèi)容 Work o

18、n 3c (完 )Play a guessing game. Student will describe an and the other Ss are to guessthe animal describing.【學(xué)設(shè)計說】 猜同學(xué)能夠增進同學(xué)之間情感交流,提升學(xué)生學(xué)興趣。 Homework (課作)Describe one of your animals.Copy the new words in Section times. Then aloud. Third Period (Section B, 1a 1d) aims (教目)1. 學(xué)描寫動物的單詞。2. 能練談?wù)摳鞣N動物。3. 理解

19、力材料。 points 語言點)1. 詞: 名詞 dog6XX 學(xué)-用心用情 服務(wù)教育!2) 形詞 adj. friendly, shy2. 句: (other) animals do you like?I like elepha because theyre very friendly. (教難)1. New description words2. Using the target language to describe steps (教步) Warm-up and revision(堂身復(fù)習(xí)Read a chant.Help Ss use the target to describe s

20、ome animals.【學(xué)設(shè)計說1.復(fù)習(xí)了重要單與句子2. 呈現(xiàn)本節(jié)課重點句型3。充分達到熱身 目的,提高了參與率。 Presentation (呈新識(1)Show so me pictures and talk about the animals using the words.(2) Work on 1a. Match description words with the animals.(3) Check the answers.【學(xué)設(shè)計說通對每幅圖片的描述學(xué)由使用舊知識過渡到主使用新知, 達到了自然呈現(xiàn)的目的。 Work on 1b (完 )Listen and circle th

21、e description words you hear in 1a.【學(xué)設(shè)計說】培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的觀察力,通過簡單的造句提高課堂參與率。 Listening (聽力練)(1)Work on What words use to the animals?(2) Fill in the chart.(3) Check the answers.【學(xué)設(shè)計說】本部分聽力練旨在鍛煉學(xué)生提取細節(jié)信息的能力。 Pairwork(1) Work on 1d. Talk about the animals you know.(2) Ask some pairs present their conversations th

22、e class.【學(xué)設(shè)計說明】 這階段的學(xué)生都有自己的喜愛的動物,談?wù)摽蓯鄣膭游锬芗て饘W(xué) 生學(xué)習(xí)英語的興趣,當(dāng)語言變成一種需要時,學(xué)生們便能自然的張開嘴了。7XX 學(xué)-用心用情 服務(wù)教育! HomeworkWrite a short description about an animal. Fourth Period (Section B, 2aSelf Check) aims (教目)1. 能所學(xué)知識區(qū)別不同動物的特點。2. 能解大象是泰國的象征。3. 能知道要保護動物。4. 能用學(xué)知識寫出精美文章 points 語言點)1. 詞: 1) 名 Thailand, Thaisymbol, fl

23、ag, place, water, danger, tree, ivory, zoo,2) 形詞 Thai3) 動詞 save, forget, cut, kill4)介詞 prep. over5) 副 adv. down2. 句:Where are _ from? e from_. (教難)1. New description words2. Using the target language to describe Teaching steps (教步) Warm-up and revision(堂身復(fù)習(xí)8XX 學(xué)-用心用情 服務(wù)教育!Check the homework. Ask some Ss to read their descriptions of their animalsto the class.【學(xué)設(shè)計說通過對動物的描,激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)興趣。復(fù)習(xí)描述動物的形容詞。為完成 2a 做鋪墊。 Work on 2aCheck the animals you thin


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