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1、She goes swimming教學(xué)設(shè)計 學(xué)科英語年級二年級教師姓名李蘭學(xué)校德陽市第一小學(xué)校教材版本外研社新標(biāo)準(zhǔn)一起點課題Module8 Unit1 She goes swimming. 第( 一 )課時教材分析 本節(jié)課的話題是談?wù)撍酥苣┑幕顒?。本?jié)課的學(xué)習(xí)重點是動詞的第三人稱單數(shù)形式,如“goes, watches, reads, plays”。通過學(xué)習(xí),學(xué)生能夠運用第三人稱單數(shù)對他人的周末活動進行談?wù)?。學(xué)情分析學(xué)生雖然已經(jīng)學(xué)習(xí)過“l(fā)ikes”,但本課對動詞第三人稱單數(shù)形式的專門學(xué)習(xí),仍具有一定難度。因此,本堂課的目標(biāo)是讓學(xué)生感受動詞第三人稱單數(shù)形式,能夠說出課文中的句子,并能夠稍加遷移

2、,簡單地談?wù)撍酥苣┑幕顒?。在第一課時中,學(xué)生也許會說出She read play football.等句子,但允許學(xué)生有這樣的錯誤,我說出正確的句子即可,在以后的學(xué)習(xí)中再逐漸鞏固和準(zhǔn)確運用。理念與方法融合信息技術(shù)方法,設(shè)計課程環(huán)節(jié),結(jié)合任務(wù)型教學(xué)法,情境教學(xué)法等。教學(xué)目標(biāo)知識目標(biāo):A. 聽,說,讀,寫watch TV, read books, go swimming, weekend。B. 初步接觸感受第三人稱單數(shù)。C使用句型 He /Sheat the weekend.談?wù)撍酥苣┗顒?。情感目?biāo):通過談?wù)撝苣┗顒樱囵B(yǎng)學(xué)生對英語學(xué)習(xí)的興趣。教學(xué)重點全體學(xué)生能夠初步感受第三人稱單數(shù),并掌握w

3、atches TV,reads books, goes swimming的用法。教學(xué)難點全體學(xué)生能夠初步使用句型 He /Sheat the weekend.談?wù)撍酥苣┗顒?。信息化環(huán)境課前布置一起作業(yè),運用一起作業(yè)APP對教學(xué)內(nèi)容進行預(yù)習(xí)。教學(xué)過程中運用多媒體(ppt,動畫,一體機等),點讀筆等輔助教學(xué)。補充教學(xué)資源動畫視頻,點讀筆前置作業(yè)(可選)布置一起作業(yè),學(xué)生通過完成平臺上的練習(xí),對本課的教學(xué)內(nèi)容進行預(yù)習(xí)。過程教師活動學(xué)生活動信息化支撐(環(huán)節(jié)上可選)設(shè)計意圖.T: Good morning, boys and girls. T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Good m

4、orning, Miss Lee.Ss: Nice to meet you.營造輕松活躍的英語學(xué)習(xí)氛圍2. Free talk.T: I play ping-pong on Sundays. I go to the park on Sundays. How about you?What do you do on Sundays?T: What do you do at the weekend? Do you know “weekend”?T: (展示weekend的單詞卡)weekend (升降調(diào)教單詞,at the weekend,在黑板上板書at the w ee k end ,使用自然拼

5、讀法展示教讀,抽幾個學(xué)生讀之后,進行小組讀weekend)T: What do you do at the weekend?S: I . on Sundays.S: I . at the weekend.多媒體課件對各種活動進行復(fù)習(xí),激活學(xué)生已有知識,并為之后的學(xué)習(xí)做鋪墊分散教學(xué)內(nèi)容,引出weekend,at the weekend,并進行簡單的練習(xí) one.T: Now please look at the pictures. There are two pictures. And look at this picture. You can see there are two monkeys

6、. They are talking about their mothers. Look at this mother. She is.(fat, big 用手筆出大,胖的姿勢) and this mother is .(thin, 用手叉腰,擺苗條造型)。T: Why is she fat? Why?T: Maybe she . Now lets watch and answer. What does she do on Sundays?(播放視頻,學(xué)生回答問題,答出watch TV后,教師呈現(xiàn)單詞卡,教讀watch TV, watch TV, I watch TV. You watch T

7、V. She. 用手稍微翻開紙條,讓學(xué)生去看到watches,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生回答,若學(xué)生不能答出,則由教師回答,she watches TV.指男生,He watches TV.) (教師指ppt圖,who can say the sentence? She.,抽三個學(xué)生說)(指第二個mother monkey,What does she do on Sundays?,學(xué)生回答后,呈現(xiàn)單詞卡,做動作幫助理解,goes swimming,read one by one,說圖片)(教完之后,兩個單詞條都貼在黑板上)T: Now, lets read after the tape.(跟讀)S: She.對

8、教師提問進行思考和回答多媒體課件動畫flash學(xué)習(xí)活動一,并提醒學(xué)生要多運動,保持健康 two.T: And the weekend is coming. They are Lingling and Sam. What are they talking about?(學(xué)生回答一兩個) Maybe they are talking about. Maybe they are talking about weekend.(ppt上圈出weekend)T:And who are they talking about?(用手指引學(xué)生看問題) Lets watch and answer. (播放視頻,學(xué)

9、生看后回答)T: Yes, they are talking about Amy. (拿出Amy頭像,并把Amy頭像貼在黑板上)。And what does Amy do at the weekend?(放慢提問速度,在黑板上畫問號,畫好之后再問一遍,what does Amy do at the weekend?,注意Amy頭像和at the weekend要在一排。)(播放視頻,放完之后呈現(xiàn)ppt,讓學(xué)生回答,邊回答邊呈現(xiàn)ppt)(watches TV, goes swimming,指著黑板讓學(xué)生跟讀兩遍,讀句子,再引出read books, and she.,教讀單詞后,貼在黑板上教讀句

10、子)T:please open your books and turn to page 44. Take out your pencil and circle the three words. (ppt上迅速圈出三個單詞,邊說指令邊拿出鉛筆做示范) (學(xué)生圈后,讓學(xué)生讀,who can read the sentences? She.抽兩個學(xué)生讀一下)Guess and say.T: and now lets guess and say. What does he do at the weekend?Repeat.T: now look at activity two. Finger. Poi

11、nt.T: you are very good. Now lets read in roles.(ppt) Who wants to be Lingling? Who wants to be Sam? And who wants to be Ms Smart? You are the students.(you read the sentence: Goodbye, Ms Smart. Together. Ok?T:Now three students in a group. One, two, three. Lingling, Ms Smart, and Sam. One, two, beg

12、in.T:which group would like to try? And you read “Goodbye, Ms Smart.” in the blanks.T: Now look at the picture. And say the sentences. Who would like to try?對教師提問進行思考和回答多媒體課件動畫flash點讀筆對活動二進行學(xué)習(xí),進一步感知第三人稱單數(shù)的運用,并進行初步的嘗試。T: After learning the text, lets play a game. Choose a treasure box and open it. If

13、 you can say the right sentence, you can get a prize. For example, I choose 2, I should say “He plays. at the weekend.” please be careful with the bombs. S:He/ She . at the weekend.對第三人稱單數(shù)進行練習(xí)多媒體課件在游戲中,對第三人稱單數(shù)進一步練習(xí)T: today I want you to finish 17 network. And now, look here. Group xx , you are the w

14、inner. You can get a prize after class. Goodbye, boys and girls.對評比欄進行總結(jié)評價布置一起作業(yè),讓學(xué)生能在課后進行聽說讀的練習(xí)課堂評價方式個人評價和小組評價,并結(jié)合過程性評價板書設(shè)計思路對活動二的課文主要內(nèi)容進行梳理,并展示出本節(jié)課的學(xué)習(xí)重點。教學(xué)反思在本節(jié)課中,我在free talk的環(huán)節(jié)中用What do you do on Sundays?對學(xué)生的周日活動進行談?wù)?,并用what do you do at the weekend?了解學(xué)生的周末活動,同時將本課的核心詞匯weekend在課堂的一開始便介紹給學(xué)生們。在活動一中,首先引導(dǎo)學(xué)生觀察圖片,再用what does she do on Sundays?對猴子媽媽的周末活動進行討論。在這一部分中,對watches TV, goes swimming進行了簡單的處理,運用I watch TV. She watches TV.的對比,讓學(xué)生體會動詞的第三人稱單數(shù)。在活動二中,通過兩個問題 who are they talking about?(they are talking about Amy) What does Amy do at the weekend?,對課文內(nèi)容進行學(xué)習(xí)。同時對


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