Unit8 單元檢測卷 學年人教版九年級英語全冊(含答案)_第1頁
Unit8 單元檢測卷 學年人教版九年級英語全冊(含答案)_第2頁
Unit8 單元檢測卷 學年人教版九年級英語全冊(含答案)_第3頁
Unit8 單元檢測卷 學年人教版九年級英語全冊(含答案)_第4頁
Unit8 單元檢測卷 學年人教版九年級英語全冊(含答案)_第5頁
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1、9年級UNITS單元檢測卷(總分值100分)I.單項選擇(每題1分,共10分).Maria is always full of because she takes exercise every day.A.energyB. talent C. humour D. wealth-She was interviewed the local newspaper this morning. Yes. The TV station interviewed her the same time.A. by;at B. by;for C. as;in D.as;at-Why are you looking i

2、n class?-Because I didnt finish my homework until eleven last night.A. awake B. serious C.happy D. sleepy-Lisa,dont let in. Im too busy to meet anyone this morning.-OK. I.A. nobody;will B. anybody;wont C.somebody;wont D. anybody;dontI want to buy for my grandpa to make him happy.Thats a good idea.A.

3、 something specialB. special somethingC.anything specialD.special anything-Would you like to a concert with us tonight, Mike?- Id love to, but I have to look after my sick mother.A. refuse B. agree C.attend D.admireThere must be many people for the train at the train station because of the snowstorm

4、.A. waitB.waitedC. to wait D. waitingWc had great fun to the countryside yesterday afternoon.A. to drive B.drive C. driving D. to drivingI wonder if this glass is Toms.It be his. His was broken just now.A. mustnt B. may notC.cantD. shouldnt-? You look upset.I dont know how to work out the math probl

5、em.How do you icarn mathWhats wrongWhat will you doWhat did you don.完形填空(每題i分,共io分)At 9: 30 p.m. yesterday, I was sitting in my chainlistening to a strange sound. It made me 1.This was the third time I had heard the 2. I didnt know who or what made the sound.It sounded as if someone was knocking at

6、my 3,but I lived on the ninth floor!I was 4 scared to open my eyes until the sound stopped. I thought about asking forhelp, but I was sure people would 5 me. There arc no such things as ghosts, v theyd say.“There it is again! ”I shouted. My mom came upstairs and 6 me what was going on.Then she heard

7、 the strange sound,too. She went into the bathroom. I wanted to7 my mom because I was afraid that something bad would happen to her. 8 she started laughing. 4tIfsOK, dear. Its just a strong wind making your curtain shake and knock at the window.I was very surprised. Since then,Ive started thinking m

8、ore 9. In the world,thcrc are 10 ghosts. I dont need to be afraid. If such things happen again,I will do like what mymom did and find out the truth.1. A. scaredB. pleasedC.excitedD.unhappy2. A.shoutB.soundC.cryD.music3. A.windowB.doorC. floorD. desk4. A.soB.tooC.vcryD.cnough5. A. talk aboutB. find o

9、utC. laugh alD. make up6. A. askedB.toldC. answeredD.expected7. A. encourageB. callC.stopD. warn8. A. ButB. AndC. SoD. Though9. A.quicklyB. deeplyC. scientifically D. finally10. A.manyB.noC.enoughD.fewin.閱讀理解(每題2分,共30分)AWe moved into a beautiful old two-story house. The house was built in 1956. h wa

10、s repaired in 2003.At first,really small things began to happen. They didnt make me believe that something was wrong,but as time went onjhings started becoming stranger and stranger. Early something was missing,and later on it would be found somewhere else. I just thought I had forgotten where I put

11、 it, or perhaps my daughter was playing around with it. Then later on I would hear strange sounds when nobody was at home but me. Yet it was an old house,and sometimes old houses did make little noise, so again, I didnt really mind.Then one thing that I couldnt explain happened. It was last November

12、 and I was at home alone cleaning the house. When I was sweeping the kitchen floor, I felt a very cold wind blowing my hair.I thought the kitchen window must have been opened,but when I checked it,it was closed. The windows were new,and there was no way any cold air came in.We all felt very strange

13、and moved away from ihere in October, 2014. I was never really frightened. It was just strange,like something or someone was trying to get my attention or something.The house is years old.A. about 97 B. over 100 C. over 200 D. about 65According to the passage.the things that went missing in the old

14、house.would never be foundB .couldnt be explained by the writerwould be seen in another placewere put somewhere else by the writerAt first the writer didnt mind the strange sounds because.A. the house was very oldB.someone made themher daughter made (hemthe cold wind was blowing4. When the writer wa

15、s sweeping the kitchen floor last November,.lights turned on suddenlya very cold wind blew in from the open windowa very cold wind blew her hairthe windows were openedThe writers altitude(態(tài)度)to the old house is.A.sirange B.frightened C.surprised D.lovingB“What is that? ”4It looks like a fossil(化石)。”

16、4It looks part-human.“It cant be”The wordsanimal andhuman” were argued about by the archaeologists(考古學家).“What if(要是會怎么樣呢)its neither human nor animal? What if its something wehavent discovered yet? ” I said.There was silence.Paul said, “I think you might be right, Jack. It isnt an animal we know of

17、. It*s not human. What else could it be?The other scientists started talking again. They talked about tests they could run. They headed back to their computers to begin researching.Paul and I continued to examine the fossil. It seemed that the crealure(生物)was smaller than a human, and could stand on

18、 two legs.Paul and I researched until very late. The next morning,! rushed straight to the fossil. The fossil was different! Now it looked like a small bear.“What happened? ”I asked. Everyone had a puzzled look on their faces and no one had an answer. During the day,we found nothing that was helpful

19、 in solving the mystery.When night fell, we set up a rotation(換班)to make sure two of us were with the fossil at all times. All was quiet for my watch (值班)at midnight.In the morning, I went to the fbssiL It had changed again! This time it looked like a sheep. No one had seen or heard anything on thei

20、r watch.How and why did it keep changing? To this day, no one has found the answer to the mystery, but it is very interesting to see the creatures!What were the archaeologists arguing about?How old the fossil was.What animals fossil it was.Whether it was a fossil of a human or an animal.What if (he

21、creature was something they hadnt discovered.After the other scientists left,Paul and Jack.A.ran a test togetherexamined the fossilworked on their computersargued more with each otherThe underlined word “puzzled“ means*4in Chinese.A.尷尬的 B.氣憤的 C.難過的D.疑惑的What mystery are the archaeologists facing?A. T

22、he fossil went missing.B. The fossil kept changing.C. The fossil was very strange in shape.D. The fossil made the scientists dream a lot.Where can wc probably find the passage?A. In a scientific report.In an archaeologists diary.In a science fiction magazine.D. In an archaeologists public speech.COn

23、e day, I was with my friends. We were having a picnic in the field and I saw something strange. A white cat with a pink nose was sitting in a tree. There was nothing strange about that, of course, but it was eating the leaves in the tree! That was strange! Cats dont usually eat leaves. “Probably its

24、 very hungry, I thought.While I was looking at it,the cat got out of the treejumped down to the ground, walked across the field and sat next to us. It was possible that it wanted some of our picnic to eat, but there was nothing for the cat. The cat got up and came close to me. I talked to it and it

25、smiled at me.Was il a Cheshire cat? I found some biscuits in my pocket and gave them to the cat. Soon, it was eating biscuits and smiling at us.Thcn, after a while, the cat got up and walked across the field. I thought i( wasnt hungry anymore.11.1 was in a field when I saw something strange.A. playi

26、ng football B.having a picnicC. watching a game D. flying a kite12. What was strange about the cat?A. The cat was in a tree.The cat was while.The cat was eating leaves.D. The cat had a pink nose.1 gave the cat some to eat.A. biscuits B.picnic C. fish D.meatWhy did the cat come close to us?A. Perhaps

27、 it was tired.B. Perhaps it lost its way.C. Perhaps it was hungry.D. Perhaps no leaves were left for it.Whats the best title for the passage?Close to NatureA Field TripA Strange CatGoodbye to BiscuitsIV.閱讀表達(每題2分,共10分)On November 5th, 1872,the Mary Celeste left New York to sail to Italy. The captain

28、,his wife and daughter and seven sailors were on board. But something terrible happened. The captain of another ship found the Mary Celeste floating(漂浮)in the middle of the sea on December 4th, 1872. The captain,his family and the sailors were not on the ship and were never found.What happened? Why

29、did the sailors and passengers leave the ship? The Mary Celeste was not broken. Everything was good.There was no fighting, no fire and no smoke sign. There was still plenty of food and drinking water left. There were signs that the captain, his family and the sailors had left the ship in a hurry. We

30、 could tell all these because there was half-eaten food on (he table.The sailors also left all their clothing behind. Even their shoes were beside their beds.How and when did the people leave the ship? Some people said that the lifeboat(救生艇) was still on the ship but others said it was missing. The

31、captains diary was found on (he ship and the last entry(進入)was made on November 24th. So,wc could only guess that the happening time was between November 24th and December 4th.An investigator(調(diào)杳者)went aboard the ship several times to search for the answers to all these questions. But he could not fi

32、nd any. No one else could solve the mystery.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,回答以下問題。What was the Mary Celeste?When was the Mary Celeste found?Why was the event terrible?Was the captains diary found on the ship after the event?Has the mystery been solved?V.詞匯運用(每題1分,共5分) 根據(jù)句意及漢語提示填寫單詞。Wed better not get close to (狼)because th

33、ey are dangerous.A new (實驗室)is being built in our school.Two (男警察)warned the boys not to play football in the street.Someone broke into the house,but luckily nothing (貴重的)was stolen.The plane (降落)safely 30 minutes ago.VL根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子(每題1分,共5分).教室里一定有很多女孩在跳舞。There many girls in the classroom.這件毛衣不可能是邁克的

34、。它對他來說太小了。The sweater Mikes. Its (oo small for him.我父親討厭大熱天穿西裝。My father hales on a hot day.她在后面追我,要把我掉的書交給我。She me to hand me the book Id dropped.我停下來,撿起了孩子們的衣服。I stopped and the kids clothes.VII.短文填空(每題1分,共10分)閱讀短文,從方框中選擇合適的詞并用其正確形式填空,使短文通順、完整。(有兩個多余 詞)police,off,receive,anybody,break,up,easy,enou

35、gh,noise,truck,steal,increaseMax stopped in the snack shop and noticed a new poster for a price increase. *1 put the poster 1 this morning, *Mr. Levine said. I have to raise my prices ten percent because I haveso many new expenses(開支).Like now I need a new window for my back room. Somebody 2 it,tryi

36、ng to get into my store last night. I feel 3 now. Howterrible! ”“Have you called the 4? Max asked.No. Nothing was 5. He led Max to his back room/Last night I sat here and made my price change poster. Then I left it on that desk. ”Then Max left,and he walked down to a factory,where Nathan and Trevor were repairing a 6. “Did you hear any 7? ”he asked.No,Nathan said. Weve been here since dawn(拂曉)and havent talked to 8. Now Im hungry.I have a dollar.Tm going to (he snack shop to get a sandwich.”Trevor said, “A dollar is not 9 an


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