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1、 且放云帆濟(jì)滄海作文且放云帆濟(jì)滄海小船升起云帆,橫濟(jì)滄海的航程中難免會(huì)有風(fēng)吹浪打;小樹(shù)初有新芽,茁壯成長(zhǎng)中難免會(huì)遭受雨雪風(fēng)霜;小溪向前奔流,一路上不只有泉水叮咚,也有險(xiǎn)灘漩渦。?When the small boat raises the cloud sail, it will inevitably be hit by the wind and waves in the course of crossing the sea; when the small tree starts to sprout, it will inevitably suffer from rain, snow and f

2、rost in the course of growing up; when the stream runs forward, there are not only springs and dangerous beaches and whirlpools along the way. ?青少年的成長(zhǎng)亦如此。So does the growth of teenagers.成長(zhǎng)的過(guò)程便如登山的旅程,難免會(huì)跌跤,會(huì)有荊棘的劃痕,會(huì)有一次次的摔打和磨礪。這些都是正常現(xiàn)象,家庭、學(xué)校和社會(huì)都不必太在意,以一顆平常心去看便好。The process of growing up is like the jo

3、urney of mountaineering. It is inevitable that you will fall down, get scratched by thorns, and get beaten and honed again and again. These are normal phenomena. Families, schools and society dont need to pay much attention to them. Its better to look at them with a common heart.正如一艘揚(yáng)帆起航的小船,自會(huì)在風(fēng)雨的磨煉

4、中變得堅(jiān)強(qiáng)。太多的關(guān)心、保護(hù),反而會(huì)給它小小的船艙添上無(wú)謂的負(fù)荷,成為前進(jìn)的壓力與障礙。在父母的羽翼下尋求庇護(hù)的日子早已過(guò)去,我們已經(jīng)渴望敞開(kāi)胸膛,擁抱雷雨閃電,享受自然的陽(yáng)光。當(dāng)孩子在人生路上開(kāi)始邁出自己的步子,家庭應(yīng)給予理解和支持,請(qǐng)解除目光的鎖鏈,讓孩子乘著自己的人生之舟與風(fēng)浪一搏吧!當(dāng)前進(jìn)的路上遭遇坎坷,當(dāng)孩子受到挫折時(shí),我們的家庭要保持一顆平常心,不要急于代勞,不要過(guò)分關(guān)愛(ài),更不要小題大做,只需微笑著看著孩子爬起,那葉小舟自然會(huì)順著信任的目光揚(yáng)帆前行。Just like a small boat sailing, it will become strong in the wind a

5、nd rain. Too much care and protection, on the contrary, will add meaningless load to its small cabin and become the pressure and obstacle for its progress. The days of seeking shelter under our parents wings are long gone. We are eager to open our hearts, embrace thunderstorms and lightning, and enj

6、oy the natural sunshine. When children start to take their own steps on the road of life, the family should give understanding and support, please remove the chain of vision, let children take their own life boat and fight with the waves! When the road ahead is bumpy, when the children are frustrate

7、d, our family should keep a normal heart, do not rush to work for them, do not care too much, do not make a fuss, just smile and watch the children climb up, then ye Xiaozhou will naturally sail along with the eyes of trust.希望孩子們十全十美的學(xué)校也不應(yīng)過(guò)分苛求?!叭朔鞘ベt,孰能無(wú)過(guò)?”微小的失誤在所難免,其實(shí)是架起了一座通往成熟的金橋。不要將目光聚焦于孩子的小小失誤,不要

8、在孩子摔跤時(shí)投去指責(zé)的目光。用信任和寬容去對(duì)待孩子的小失誤吧,這樣,他們才會(huì)成為帶著成熟微笑的舵手,從勝利的彼岸帶回滿意的答卷。I hope the perfect school for children should not be too demanding. A man is not a sage, but a man of no fault? Small mistakes are inevitable. In fact, it is a golden bridge to maturity. Dont focus on your childs small mistakes. Dont lo

9、ok at your childs wrestling with criticism. Treat childrens small mistakes with trust and tolerance, so that they can become helmsman with mature smile and bring back satisfactory answers from the other side of victory.最后,我們的社會(huì)也應(yīng)重新審視對(duì)青少年的態(tài)度。從早先的反對(duì)溺愛(ài),到現(xiàn)在的提倡挫折教育,社會(huì)的整體教育觀念已有了可喜的變化。對(duì)于孩子們的偶爾跌跤,社會(huì)不應(yīng)給以過(guò)度的關(guān)

10、注,更不能大肆炒作。初登處女航的小船,還在對(duì)這個(gè)社會(huì)知之甚少的輕微恐懼中微微顫動(dòng)。太多的鎂光燈突然一齊聚焦,只會(huì)讓小船疑惑和恐慌,云帆在航行中傾斜一下,社會(huì)可以淡淡一笑,放下過(guò)多的牽掛,自立自強(qiáng)的一代自會(huì)崛起。Finally, our society should also re-examine the attitude towards teenagers. From the early opposition to doting to the present advocacy of setback education, the overall concept of education in s

11、ociety has undergone gratifying changes. Society should not pay too much attention to childrens occasional falls, let alone hype them. The boat, which had first embarked on its maiden voyage, was still quivering in a slight fear of the society, which it knew little about. Too many spotlights suddenl

12、y focus together, which will only make the boat confused and panicked. When the cloud sail tilts during the voyage, the society can smile lightly, put down too many concerns, and the self-reliance generation will rise.成龍的孩子房祖明曾寫(xiě)過(guò)一首叫作請(qǐng)讓我摔下去的歌,道出了千萬(wàn)個(gè)孩子困擾的心境。在人生路上跌一跤本在所難免,可怕的是家庭、學(xué)校、社會(huì)的目光立刻蜂擁而上,織成一張密密的網(wǎng)

13、,讓孩子在迷惑中百般掙扎而不能自己站起,只得在無(wú)奈中成為目光的俘虜。?Chans son, Fang Zuming, once wrote a song called please let me fall, which expressed the troubled mood of tens of millions of children. Its inevitable to fall down on the road of life. Whats terrible is that the eyes of family, school and society immediately flock

14、to each other and weave into a dense net, so that children cant stand up in bewilderment, so they have to become captives of their eyes in helplessness. ?可是快看,那艘為目光所縛的小船,正拼命地向遠(yuǎn)方鼓足云帆。就請(qǐng)家庭松開(kāi)過(guò)度關(guān)愛(ài)的目光,請(qǐng)學(xué)校放下過(guò)分指責(zé)的目光,請(qǐng)社會(huì)轉(zhuǎn)移過(guò)于關(guān)注的目光,將它們換為理解與寬容,放那一葉云帆去濟(jì)滄海吧!But look, the boat, which is bound by the eyes, is desp

15、erately drumming cloud sails to the distance. Lets ask the family to let go of the excessive care, the school to let go of the excessive criticism, and the society to turn the excessive attention into understanding and tolerance. Lets go to jicanghai!名師點(diǎn)評(píng)Famous teachers comments考場(chǎng)作文要學(xué)會(huì)“化題為象”。所謂“化題為象

16、”,是指善于借助“象形想象”,化抽象為具象,用具體生動(dòng)的形象來(lái)表情達(dá)意,力避概念化圖解話題。這篇作文的作者深諳此道,他把成長(zhǎng)中的孩子比作“一艘揚(yáng)帆起航的小船”,全文的闡述緊緊扣住“一葉云帆”這個(gè)意象,強(qiáng)調(diào)小船“自會(huì)在風(fēng)雨的磨煉中變得堅(jiān)強(qiáng)”,這就大大增強(qiáng)了文章的可讀性,使其更能吸引人、說(shuō)服人。The composition of the examination room should learn to turn the question into an image. The so-called turning a topic into an image refers to being good

17、at using pictographic imagination to turn an abstract into a concrete image, expressing ones mind with a concrete and vivid image, and avoiding the topic of conceptualization and illustration. The author of this composition is well versed in this way. He compares the growing children to a boat saili

18、ng. The full text of the elaboration closely clasps the image of a leaf of cloud sail, and emphasizes that the boat will become strong in the trials of wind and rain, which greatly enhances the readability of the article and makes it more attractive and persuasive.此外,文章中心明確,語(yǔ)言表達(dá)富有意蘊(yùn),像“請(qǐng)解除目光的鎖鏈,讓孩子乘著自己的人生之舟與風(fēng)浪一搏吧”“這樣,他們才會(huì)成為帶著成熟


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