1、古文英譯:理論與實(shí)踐 The Translation of Classical Chinese into EnglishWarm-up Exercise一、試著將下列書名和標(biāo)題翻譯成中文:1. The Book of Poetry 2. The Confucian Analects3. Strategies of the Warring States4. The Works of Mencius 5. Historical Records6. Peace-Blossom Source7. History of the Three Kingdoms詩(shī)經(jīng)論語(yǔ)戰(zhàn)國(guó)策孟子史記桃花源記三國(guó)志二、給下列英
2、文句子添加恰當(dāng)?shù)倪B接詞:1. 是故弟子不必不如師,師不必賢于弟子。(韓愈師說(shuō))_ pupils are not necessarily inferior to teachers, _ teachers need not always be superior to pupils.2. 魚,我所欲也,熊掌,亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍魚而取熊掌者也。 (孟子)I like fish _ I also like bears paws. _ I cannot have the two together, I will let the fish go, _ take the bears paws.Hen
3、ce/Therefore/SoandandIfand三、把下列句子翻成英語(yǔ)1. 有朋自遠(yuǎn)方來(lái),不亦樂乎?2. 上有天堂下有蘇杭。3. 山不在高,有仙則名;水不在深,有龍則靈 。參考譯文:1. It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.2. Just as there is a paradise in Heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.3. Any mountain can be famous with the presence of an immortal, and a
4、ny river can be holy with the presence of a dragon.一、古文英譯的歷史對(duì)中國(guó)乃至世界文化思想影響最深的先秦古籍首推四書 (The Four Books)、 五經(jīng) (The Five Classics)。楚辭 (The Verse/Elegies of Chu 或 The Songs/Poetry of the South),左傳(Zuos Commentary)、戰(zhàn)國(guó)策(Strategies/Intrigues of the Warring States;Anecdotes of the Warring States),等等。大學(xué):大學(xué)原本是禮
5、記中一篇,在南宋前從未單獨(dú)刊印。傳為孔子弟子曾參(前505前434)作。自唐代韓愈、李翱維護(hù)道統(tǒng)而推崇大學(xué)(與中庸),至北宋二程百般褒獎(jiǎng)宣揚(yáng),甚至稱“大學(xué),孔氏之遺書而初學(xué)入德之門也”,再到南宋朱熹繼承二程思想,便把大學(xué)從禮記中抽出來(lái),與論語(yǔ)、孟子、中庸并列,到朱熹撰四書章句集注時(shí),便成了四書之一。按朱熹和宋代另一位著名學(xué)者程頤的看法,大學(xué)是孔子及其門徒留下來(lái)的遺書,是儒學(xué)的入門讀物。所以,朱熹把它列為四書之首。 論語(yǔ):論語(yǔ)是記載孔子及其學(xué)生言行的一部書??鬃樱ㄇ?51-前479),名丘,字仲尼,春秋時(shí)魯國(guó)陬邑(今山東曲阜)人。儒家學(xué)派創(chuàng)始人,中國(guó)古代最著名的思想家、政治家、教育家,對(duì)中國(guó)思想
7、。元、明以后又成為科舉考試的內(nèi)容,更是讀書人的必讀書了。 孟子是記載孟子及其學(xué)生言行的一部書。漢文帝把論語(yǔ)、孝經(jīng)、 孟子、爾雅各置博士,便叫“傳記博士”。到五代后蜀時(shí),后蜀主孟昶命令人楷書十一經(jīng)刻石,其中包括了孟子,這可能是孟子列入“經(jīng)書”的開始。到南宋孝宗時(shí),朱熹編四書列入了孟子,正式把孟子提到了非常高的地位。 四書的英譯通名為:The Great Learning 大學(xué),The Doctrine of the Mean中庸,The Confucian Analects 論語(yǔ),The Analects of Confucius (The Works of) Mencius 孟子。據(jù)稱它們分別
8、出于早期儒家的四位代表性人物曾參、子思、孔子、孟子,所以稱為四子書(也稱四子),簡(jiǎn)稱為四書。 “The Books of the Four Philosophers” 五經(jīng)的英譯通名為:The Book of Poetry/Songs/Odes, or The Classic of Poetry詩(shī)經(jīng),The Book of History/Documents, or The Classic of History 書經(jīng)或尚書,The Book of Rites or The Record of Rites 禮記,The Book of Change (s) 易經(jīng),The Spring and A
9、utumn (Annals) 春秋。昔我往矣,楊柳依依;今我來(lái)思,雨雪霏霏。 (小雅采薇)At first, when we set out,The willows were fresh and green;Now, when we shall be returning, The snow will be falling clouds. (理雅各)At first, when we started on our track, The willows green were growing.And now, when we think of the journey back,It is raini
10、ng fast and snowing. (William Jennings)When I set out so long ago, Fersh and green was the willow.When now homeward I go,There is a heavy snow. (汪榕培)Willows were green when we set out,Its blowin an snowin as we goDown this road, muddy and slow, (Ezra Pound)尚書:古時(shí)稱書、書經(jīng),至漢稱尚書?!吧小北闶侵浮吧稀?,“上古”,該書是古代最早的一部歷
11、史文獻(xiàn)匯編。記載上起傳說(shuō)中的堯舜時(shí)代,下至東周(春秋中期),約1500多年?;緝?nèi)容是古代帝王的文告和君臣談話內(nèi)容的記錄,這說(shuō)明作者應(yīng)是史官。尚書有兩種傳本,一種是今文尚書,一種是古文尚書,現(xiàn)通行的十三經(jīng)注疏本,是今文尚書和偽古文尚書的合編。古時(shí)稱贊人“飽讀詩(shī)書”,“詩(shī)書”便是分別指詩(shī)經(jīng)和尚書。 禮記:戰(zhàn)國(guó)到秦漢年間儒家學(xué)者解釋說(shuō)明經(jīng)書儀禮的文章選集,“禮記只是解儀禮”(朱子語(yǔ)類卷八十七),是一部儒家思想的資料匯編。禮記雖只是解說(shuō)儀禮之書,但由于涉及面廣,其影響乃超出了周禮、儀禮。禮記有兩種傳本,一種是戴德所編,有85篇,今存40篇,稱大戴禮;另一種,也便是我們現(xiàn)在所見的禮記,是戴德其侄戴圣選
12、編的四十九篇,稱小戴禮記。 8卦: 乾(天) 坤(地) 震(雷) 巽(風(fēng))坎(水) 離(火)艮(山) 兌(澤) 陽(yáng) - - 陰春秋左傳 也稱左氏春秋、春秋古文、春秋左氏傳,古代編年體歷史著作。史記稱作者為春秋時(shí)期左丘明,清代今文經(jīng)學(xué)家認(rèn)為系劉歆改編,近人又認(rèn)為是戰(zhàn)國(guó)初年人據(jù)各國(guó)史料編成(又有說(shuō)是魯國(guó)歷代史官所寫)。它的取材范圍包括了王室檔案,魯史策書,諸侯國(guó)史等。記事基本以春秋魯十二公為次序,內(nèi)容包括諸侯國(guó)之間的聘問、會(huì)盟、征伐、婚喪、篡弒等,對(duì)后世史學(xué)文學(xué)都有重要影響。左傳本不是儒家經(jīng)典,但自從它立于學(xué)官,后來(lái)又附在春秋之后,就逐漸被儒者當(dāng)成經(jīng)典。諸子散文除孟子外,還有墨子(Mozi; Mo
13、 Tzu)、莊子(Zhuangzi; Chuang Tzu)、列子(Liezi)、荀子(Xunzi)、韓非子(Hanfeizi),等等。老子(Lao Zi; Lao Tzu; Laotse)的英譯本最多。“諸子”,是指這一時(shí)期思想領(lǐng)域內(nèi)反映各階層、階層利益的思想家及著作,也是先秦至漢各種政治學(xué)派的總稱,屬春秋后才產(chǎn)生的私學(xué)?!鞍偌摇北砻鳟?dāng)時(shí)思想家較多,但也是一種夸張的說(shuō)法。主要人物有孔子、孟子、墨子、荀子、老子、莊子、列子、韓非子、商鞅、申不害、許行、告子、楊子、公孫龍子、惠子、孫武、孫臏、張儀、蘇秦、田駢、慎子、尹文、鄒衍、呂不韋等。 老子:道德經(jīng)全書共81章,前37章為道經(jīng),后44章為德經(jīng)
14、,為道家的主要經(jīng)典著作。林語(yǔ)堂:The Wisdom of Laotse, 1948泰戈?duì)枺篢ao-Te-Ching, 1960Lionel Giles(翟林奈): The Sayings of Lao Tzu, 1905劉殿爵:Lao Tzu: Tao De Ching梅維恒:Tao Te Ching: The Classic Book of Integrity and the Way陳榮捷:The Way of Lao Tzu, 1963我國(guó)先秦文獻(xiàn)雖然成書很早,但這些古籍稱得上系統(tǒng)英譯西傳的最早時(shí)期卻是19世紀(jì)。英譯中國(guó)古籍最早且最具權(quán)威的譯者是英國(guó)漢學(xué)家詹姆斯理雅各(James Leg
15、ge, 1815-1897)。他從1858年開始翻譯中國(guó)典籍直至去世,歷時(shí)近40載。他的多卷集中國(guó)經(jīng)典(The Chinese Classics)包括大學(xué)、中庸、論語(yǔ)、孟子、詩(shī)經(jīng)、書經(jīng)、禮記、易經(jīng)、春秋、左傳。此外,他還英譯了其他典籍。著名的外國(guó)漢學(xué)家有:赫伯特A翟理斯(Herbert A. Giles)Gems of Chinese LiteratureHistory of Chinese Literature亞瑟韋利(Arthur Waley)詩(shī)經(jīng);楚辭;唐詩(shī);翟林奈 (Lionel Giles)道德經(jīng);史記節(jié)選;伯頓沃森(Burton Watson) (史記)他們的譯作涉及諸子百家、詩(shī)詞
16、散文、寓言小說(shuō),等等。司馬遷的史記(Records of the Historian)、班固的漢書(History of the Han Dynasty)、王充的論衡(Discourse Weighed in the Balance)、 司馬光的資治通鑒(History as a Mirror)以及漢、魏、六朝、唐、宋、元、明、清的詩(shī)詞散文。三國(guó)演義 全稱:三國(guó)志通俗演義作者:羅貫中(元末明初)介紹:共一百二十回。根據(jù)陳壽三國(guó)志,以及范曄后漢書、元代三國(guó)志平話和一些民間傳說(shuō)寫成?,F(xiàn)所見刊本以明嘉靖本最早,分24卷,240則。清初毛宗崗又做了一些修改,成為現(xiàn)在通行的120回本。三國(guó)演義故事開始于
18、的唐僧取經(jīng)的故事和有關(guān)話本及雜?。ㄔ┟鞒鯒钤G作)基礎(chǔ)上創(chuàng)作而成。西游記前七回?cái)⑹鰧O悟空出世,有大鬧天宮等故事。此后寫孫悟空隨唐僧西天取經(jīng),沿途除妖降魔、戰(zhàn)勝困難的故事。書中唐僧、孫悟空、豬八戒、沙僧等形象刻畫生動(dòng),規(guī)模宏大,結(jié)構(gòu)完整。紅樓夢(mèng)原名:石頭記作者:曹雪芹(清)紅樓夢(mèng)共一百二十回,前八十回由曹雪芹作,后四十回一般認(rèn)為是由高鶚?biāo)?。曹作八十回在撰寫、修改過(guò)程中就以抄本的方式流傳。乾隆五十年(1791年),程偉元將前八十回及后四十回續(xù)稿以活字排印,從此一百二十回本流行。但前八十回的文字曾又改動(dòng)。中國(guó)四大名著英文譯名三國(guó)演義1)Three Kingdoms (Moss Roberts, 羅
19、慕士,外文出版社,1994)2)San Guo, or Romance of the Three Kingdoms (C. H. Brewitt-Taylor, 鄧羅,Kelly and Walsh Limited, 1925)西游記1)Journey to the West (W. J. F. Jenner, 外文出版社,1980)Havoc in Heaven, Adventures of the Monkey King 2)The Pilgrimage to the West3)The Monkey King4)Monkey (Arthur Waley, 1942)水滸傳1)Outlaw
20、s of the Marsh (Sidney Shapiro) 水泊好漢外文出版社,1981。沙博理2)The Water Margin (Jackson, 1937)3)Heroes of the Marshes4)The Story of 3 Women and 105 Men5)All Men Are Brothers (Pearl S. Buck,賽珍珠,1933) 四海之內(nèi)皆兄弟紅樓夢(mèng)1)A Dream of Red Mansions (楊憲益、戴乃迭,1994)2)The Story of the Stone (David Hawkes 大衛(wèi)霍克斯,1973)也罷!也罷!Arthu
21、r Walay: Well!林語(yǔ)堂:Never mind!這個(gè)兄弟,姓杜,名興。賽珍珠:This brother is surnamed Tu, and his name is Hsing.沙博理:Du Xing is his name.石秀便問道:“這位兄長(zhǎng)是誰(shuí)?”賽:Shih Hsiu asked, saying: “Who is this brother?”沙:“Who is this brother?” asked Shi Xiu.二、古文英譯的難處1、譯語(yǔ)中無(wú)對(duì)等詞 (Equivalent)這種情況??捎鲆?。通常的處理辦法有四:一是用近義詞語(yǔ)加注解;二是將近義詞大寫使之專有化;三是音
22、譯加注解;四是造詞。道:Tao 道德經(jīng) Tao Te Ching無(wú)名:The Nameless有名:The Named悠哉游哉,輾轉(zhuǎn)反側(cè)。 (“關(guān)雎”)1. The day is hard to pass All night hell toss and turn.2. Long thoughts, oh, long unhappy thoughts,Now on his back, now tossing on to his side.3. Longing, longing, Turning, tossing!現(xiàn)以“道”字為例?!暗馈弊钟卸喾N意義,可譯成way,course,practice,
23、characteristic,truth,doctrine,等等。有時(shí)候不同的上下文中要用不同的詞,有時(shí)候不同的譯者譯同一個(gè)句子使用不同的詞。作為老莊哲學(xué)中心的“道”,在英語(yǔ)中無(wú)對(duì)等詞,因而經(jīng)常音譯。道可道,非常道;(老子)The Way that can be told of is not an Unvarying Way; Arthur Waley (亞瑟韋利)理雅各:The Tao that can be trodden is not the enduring and unchanging Tao.林語(yǔ)堂:The Tao that can be told of Is not the Ab
24、solute Tao.玄:Cosmic Mystery故“道”大,天大,地大,人亦大。(25.5)Thus just as Tao has “this greatness” and as earth has it and as heaven has it, so may the man also have it.人法地,地法天,天法“道”,“道”法自然。(25.6)The ways of men are conditioned by those of earth.The ways of earth, by those of heaven.The ways of heaven by those
25、of Tao, and the ways of Tao by the Self-so.2、多義和歧義詞語(yǔ)的多義與歧義歷來(lái)有之,只是古文中的多義與歧義更令譯者困惑而已。時(shí)空差距大,文化差異大,造成語(yǔ)義模糊而又無(wú)法查證、難以表達(dá)。獨(dú)樂樂,不如眾樂樂。智者樂山,仁者樂水。例:由,誨女知之乎?知之為知之,不知為不知,是知也。 (論語(yǔ)為政)這句話中出現(xiàn)6個(gè)“知”字,古時(shí)“知”可作“聰明”、“智慧”解,那么這第6個(gè)“知”字究竟是什么意思呢?是“真正知道”還是“聰明”呢?(1) You, shall I teach you what knowledge is? When you know a thing ,
26、to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it; this is knowledge.(2) You, do you know my teaching? If you know it, say you know. If you dont know it, say you dont. This is wisdom.(3) You (given name of Zi Lu, a disciple of Confucius)! Do you understand
27、what I taught you? If you do, say you do; if not, say you do not. Only then are you an intelligent man.(4) Zhong You, I shall teach you what knowledge is. When you know a thing, say that you know it; when you do not know a thing, admit that you do not know it. That is true knowledge.3、古今、通假和詞能消長(zhǎng)先秦兩漢
28、古籍中通假字很多,不明通假就會(huì)誤譯。請(qǐng)看下例:八月剝棗。(詩(shī)經(jīng)七月) “剝”就是通假字,剝者,擊也。此句許淵沖譯成:In eighth moon down the dates we beat. (八月打下大紅棗。)再比較下面兩個(gè)句子中的“說(shuō)”字。(1)成事不說(shuō),遂事不諫,既往不咎。(論語(yǔ)八佾)。(2)非不說(shuō)子之道,力不足也。(論語(yǔ)雍也)。第1句中的“說(shuō)”字古義今義相同,該句可譯成:It is bootless to discuss accomplished facts, to protest against things past remedy, to find fault with bygo
29、ne things.第2句中的“說(shuō)”同“悅”,不明古今就可能將“說(shuō)”字譯錯(cuò)。理雅各譯成:It is not that I do not delight in your doctrine, but my strength is insufficient.余是以記之,蓋嘆酈元之簡(jiǎn),而笑李渤之陋也。1. I write this down, to show that Li Daoyuan did not say enough and Li Bo did not know enough.2. I recorded this experience to show that I felt sorry fo
30、r the sketchiness of Li Yuans description and could not help laughing at Li Bos inept efforts.Simplicity shallowness貂蟬曰:“賤妾年方二八。”1. She replied, “Thy unworthy handmaid is just sixteen.”2. “Your servant is just sixteen.” She replied.他自送死,非我逼也。(周瑜)1. I think he has signed his own death warrant without
31、 being oppressed in the least. ( 鄧羅)2. He is delivering himself into our hands! We did not force him. (羅慕士)話說(shuō)天下大勢(shì),分久必合,合久必分。1. 鄧羅Empires wax and wane; states cleave asunder and coalesce.2. 羅慕士Here begins our tale. The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been.
32、他就弄個(gè)神通,把毫毛拔下幾根,丟入口中嚼碎,噴將出去,念聲咒語(yǔ),叫“變!”Arthru Waley:He was obliged to employ his magic powers. Pulling out a handful of his finest down, he tossed it into his mouth an bit it into ever smaller pieces; then he spat it out, crying Change!Jenner:So he performed a spell by pulling several hairs from his b
33、ody, chewing them up, spitting them up, saying the magic words, and shouting “Change.”三、漢語(yǔ)文言與現(xiàn)代英語(yǔ)的 比較及翻譯(一)漢語(yǔ)文言與現(xiàn)代英語(yǔ)句法結(jié)構(gòu)的主要相似點(diǎn)及其翻譯1、文言判斷句與英語(yǔ)SVC句型2、文言被動(dòng)句與英語(yǔ)的被動(dòng)句(二)漢語(yǔ)文言與現(xiàn)代英語(yǔ)句法結(jié)構(gòu)的主要差異及其翻譯1、意合與形合 (parataxis vs. hypotaxis)2、漢語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞優(yōu)勢(shì)與英語(yǔ)名詞、介詞、分詞優(yōu)勢(shì)3、重復(fù)與替代 (repetition vs. substitution)4、省略與完備 (omission vs. com
34、prehensiveness)(一)漢語(yǔ)文言與現(xiàn)代英語(yǔ)句法結(jié)構(gòu)的主要相似點(diǎn)及其翻譯1、文言判斷句與英語(yǔ)SVC句型判斷句是對(duì)事物的性質(zhì)、情況、事物之間的關(guān)系做出肯定或否定判斷的句子。文言中的判斷句式有:1)用“者”或“也”表判斷;2)用副詞“乃”、“則”、“即”、“皆”、“耳”等表判斷;3)用動(dòng)詞“為”或“是”表判斷;4)用否定副詞“非”等表示否定判斷。英語(yǔ)SVC結(jié)構(gòu)為:主語(yǔ) + 謂語(yǔ) + 主語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ);主語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)常置于連系動(dòng)詞之后。師者,所以傳道、授業(yè)、解惑也。 (韓愈師說(shuō))1) A teacher is one who passes on the truth, imparts knowledg
35、e and solve puzzles.2) A teacher is one by whom the courses are taught and the Tao is handed down to the students. Under this teachers guidance, the perplexities of the students are removed.此則岳陽(yáng)樓之大觀也,前人之述備矣。(范仲淹岳陽(yáng)樓記)This is the general view from the pavilion, already described in full by our predece
36、ssors.2、文言被動(dòng)句與英語(yǔ)的被動(dòng)句文言文中的被動(dòng)句大多借助一些被動(dòng)詞來(lái)表示,這一標(biāo)記相當(dāng)于英語(yǔ)被動(dòng)句中的by。1)用介詞“于”、“受于”表示,相當(dāng)于英語(yǔ)的被動(dòng)句be + done by sb.勞心者治人,勞力者治于人。(孟子)Those who work with their minds rule others; those who work with their strength are ruled by others.吾不能舉全吳之地,十萬(wàn)之眾,受制于人。(司馬光資治通鑒)With all my land of Wu and all my troops of a hundred th
37、ousand strong, I cannot let myself be resigned to a rule by aliens. (謝百魁譯,中國(guó)歷代散文一百篇Chinese Prose Writings Through the Ages,中國(guó)對(duì)外翻譯出版公司,1996.)2)“見”字式被動(dòng)句。趙王與大將軍廉頗諸大臣謀:預(yù)予秦,秦城恐不能得,徒見欺;欲勿予,即患秦兵之來(lái)。(司馬遷史記廉頗藺相如列傳)The king took counsel with General Lian Po and his chief ministers, who feared that if the jade
38、were sent to Qin they might be cheated and geo no cities in return, yet if they refused the soldiers of Qin might attack. (楊憲益、戴乃迭選譯)3)“為”、“為所”被動(dòng)句君王為人不忍。若入前為壽,壽畢,請(qǐng)以劍舞,因擊沛公于坐,殺之。不者,若屬皆且為所虜! (司馬遷史記項(xiàng)羽本紀(jì))Our lord is too kind-hearted. Go in, drink a toast and offer to perform a sword dance. Then strike t
39、he lord of Pei down where he sits. If you dont do this, we will all be captured by him in the future.4)“被”字式被動(dòng)句信而見疑, 忠而被謗,能無(wú)怨乎?(司馬遷史記 屈原列傳)Can the faithful being suspected and the loyal being slandered have no complaints? (二)漢語(yǔ)文言與現(xiàn)代英語(yǔ)句法結(jié)構(gòu)的主要差異及其翻譯1、意合與形合 (parataxis vs. hypotaxis)意合法(parataxis)是指詞與詞、
40、句子和句子之間的組合往往在外部形態(tài)上沒有明顯的標(biāo)志,而主要依靠意義上的關(guān)聯(lián)來(lái)“粘合”。形合法(hypotaxis)是指句子與詞的組合在外部形態(tài)上有明顯的標(biāo)記,當(dāng)形態(tài)標(biāo)記不充分的時(shí)候,還可用其他語(yǔ)法手段來(lái)顯示詞組、句子、句群中各成分之間的相互關(guān)系。 1)采用形合法 由于英語(yǔ)的句式重形合、漢語(yǔ)的重意合,所以漢譯英時(shí)具有意合特點(diǎn)的漢語(yǔ)句式有必要轉(zhuǎn)換成具有形合特點(diǎn)的英語(yǔ)句式。善欲人見,不是真善;惡恐人知,便是大惡。(朱柏廬朱柏廬治家格言)A good deed is no good deed if it is done for show. An evil deed is all the worse i
41、f it is covered up. (裘克安譯)2)采用意合法子曰:“三人行,必有我?guī)熝?。擇其善者而從之,其不善者而改之。?(論語(yǔ))The Master said, “When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them.” (Translated by James Legge)愛人者,人恒愛之;敬人者,人恒敬之。(孟子)He who
42、 loves others is constantly loved by them. He who respects others is constantly respected by them.孟子曰:“民為貴,社稷次之,君為輕?!保献樱㎝encius said, “The people are the most important element in a nation; the spirits of the land and the grain are the next; the sovereign is the lightest.”得道者多助,失道者寡助。(孟子)He who fin
43、ds the proper course has many to assist him. He who loses the proper course has few to assist him.2、漢語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞優(yōu)勢(shì)與英語(yǔ)名詞、介詞、分詞優(yōu)勢(shì) (verb prominence vs. nouns, prepositions and participles prominence)見漁人,乃大驚,問所從來(lái)。具答之。便要還家,設(shè)酒殺雞作食。(陶淵明桃花源記) A sight of the fisherman, they were dumbfounded. Then they asked whence h
44、e came, and he answered their questions one by one. He was soon invited to their homes, treated to a dinner with wine and chicken. (謝百魁譯)3、重復(fù)與替代 (repetition vs. substitution)人非生而知之者,孰能無(wú)惑?惑而不從師,其為惑也,終不解矣。(師說(shuō))Man is not born with knowledge. Who can deny that he has puzzles? These would remain unsolved
45、, should one refuses to be instructed by teachers.郎騎竹馬來(lái),繞床弄青梅。(李白長(zhǎng)干行)You rode a bamboo horse and deemed yourself a knight,With paper helm and shield and wooden sword bedight. (W. A. P. Martin 譯)白發(fā)三千丈,緣愁似個(gè)長(zhǎng)。(李白秋浦歌)My whitening hair would make a long long rope, yet could not fathom all my depth of woe
46、. (Herbert Giles 譯)4、省略與完備(omission vs. comprehensiveness)子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫!不舍晝夜?!盩he Master, standing by a stream, said, “It passes on just like this, not ceasing day or night!” (James Legge譯) 春曉 (孟浩然) 春眠不覺曉,處處聞啼鳥。 夜來(lái)風(fēng)雨聲,花落知多少。Slumbering, I know not the spring dawn is peeping, But everywhere the singing
47、 birds are cheeping. Last night I heard the rain dripping and wind weeping, How many petals are on the ground sleeping? (吳鈞陶譯)四、古文英譯的技巧(一)詞量增補(bǔ)(二)轉(zhuǎn)換(一)詞量增補(bǔ)古文英譯時(shí),需要增補(bǔ)詞語(yǔ)的情況很多。有的句子需要增補(bǔ)主語(yǔ)、謂語(yǔ)或賓語(yǔ),有的句子需要增補(bǔ)介詞、連詞或其他詞類的詞,還有些句子需要增補(bǔ)原文中沒有的說(shuō)明詞語(yǔ),等等。1、 無(wú)主句英譯時(shí)至少有三種增補(bǔ)的可能:一是增補(bǔ)引導(dǎo)詞there,二是增補(bǔ)表虛義的it,三是增補(bǔ)動(dòng)詞。大雨雪,深二尺五寸。(史記秦始皇
48、本紀(jì))。There was a great snowfall, twenty-five inches deep.三年春不雨。夏六月雨。(左傳亻喜公三年)In spring of the third year it did not rain, in summer, it did.天寒大雨,士卒凍饑。(史記項(xiàng)羽本紀(jì))The day was raw, a heavy rain was falling, and the men were hungry and cold.2、古漢語(yǔ)里偏正詞組的中心詞可能省略,英譯時(shí)可能需要補(bǔ)出這個(gè)中心詞。公曰:“多行不義必自斃。子姑待之?!?(左傳隱公元年)The du
49、ke said, “Those who pursue evil courses will eventually encompass their own ruin. You will see.”“不義”后省略了中心詞“(之)事”。“多行不義”還可譯成:do evil deeds frequently;keep on doing unrighteous deeds.3、古文中意合法的復(fù)句很多,這類句子英譯時(shí)要根據(jù)句義增補(bǔ)各種關(guān)聯(lián)詞語(yǔ)。故曰:知彼知己,百戰(zhàn)不殆;不知彼而知己,一勝一負(fù);不知彼,不知己,每戰(zhàn)必殆。 (孫子兵法謀攻篇)Hence the saying: If you know the e
50、nemy and know yourself, you will fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat. If you know yourself but not the enemy, you will win one battle and lose one battle. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will suffer defeat in every battle.(二)轉(zhuǎn)換轉(zhuǎn)換是一個(gè)廣泛的概念。它可以指詞類、成分、語(yǔ)態(tài)、正反、語(yǔ)序等各方面的轉(zhuǎn)換。1、詞類轉(zhuǎn)換古漢語(yǔ)中實(shí)詞活用的情況很多。名詞、形容詞可以用作動(dòng)詞,動(dòng)詞、形容詞可以用作名詞,數(shù)詞可以用作動(dòng)詞,等等。英譯時(shí),可能要根據(jù)該詞的實(shí)際意義轉(zhuǎn)換成動(dòng)詞或與動(dòng)詞意義相同的名詞。驢不勝怒,蹄之。(柳宗元黔之驢)The donkey lost its temper and kicked out.Being greatly irritated, the ass gave him a kick.老吾老,以及人之老。
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