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1、新視野大學英語第三版-讀寫教程 3-選詞填空答案Banked ClozeUnit 1Where there is a will, there is a way. This proverbmeans that if you are really determined to do something,however difficult it might be, you will 1)eventually finda way to do it well. The 2) premier point is that youmust have the will to achieve success. Ni

2、y percent ofthe failures that occur are due to the fact that there isno strong will involved. Many people simply say that theywant something, but they do not make any 3) endeavor toachieve it. So, instead of getting it, they use thepoorest excuse to explain the situation away. On manyoccasions, peop

3、le tend to 4) bypass every minute obstacle,making the objective impossible to attain. In reality, ifthey have the will to succeed, they can get rid of the 5)handicaps and achieve their goals. Only those with a(n)6) mitted and focused will and spirit can fight their wayto final victory. Many a famous

4、 man has the same第 1 頁 共 12 頁experience. They have 7) attained their prestige becausethey have had the will to 8) transcend apparentlyinsuperable (無法克服的)obstacles. Many artists,statesmen, writers and inventors have manged to succeedbecause they possess a fierce will, which has helped themto acplish

5、major 9) feats. Therefore, we can see thatthe main thing which one needs is a strong will. Weak-willed people never climb to the top. They collapse atthe 10) slightest use of force against them. Strong-willed people, on the other hand will stand up againstall odds and will make it a point to succeed


7、有巨大的成功,因第 2 頁 共 12 頁為他們擁有一個強烈的意志,這幫助他們完成主要的本領。因此,我們可以看到,一個人需要的主要東西是堅強的意志。意志薄弱的人永遠爬不到頂端。他們一點點地使用武力就崩潰了。意志堅強的人,在另一方面,會站起來反對一切困難,并將它成為一個成功點。Unit 2Social anxiety symptoms often begin duringadolescence. Its a developmental process that is 1)characterized by profound psychological changes,especially in te

8、rms of how we relate to others. One ofthe most frustrating 2) aspects of the adolescent yearsis the tendency for self-focus and a decrease in the 3)amount of focus we have for the feelings and needs ofothers. While these changes are fairly universal, thoseof us who were born with a shy temperament (

9、性格) cancarry the adolescent fears, which may never 4) recede ,into adulthood. An anxious temperament causes our brainsto react forcibly when 5) exposed to the stress of suddenawareness of our peers and gradually we bee more and morevulnerable. Our brains label the fear of exposure orembarrassment as

10、 highly dangerous. This may result in a(n)6) vicious circle for many years: excessive self-第 3 頁 共 12 頁consciousness and inhibition when you feel you are beingobserved. To cope with the problem, I would like to 7)challenge you to strive for increased focus on otherpeople, in place of your 8) excessi

11、ve focus on yourself.Yes, I know, this is easier said than done. The fear maycause you to feel that you will lose control or make afool of yourself when you are in the spotlight (聚光燈).But if you begin to build a new response, in 9) reactionto your fears, you will gradually build up a stronger andmor

12、e positive response. Remember, dont let self-consciousness 10) paralyze you! Be courageous!社交焦慮癥狀通常始于青春期。這是一個以深刻的心理變化為特征的發(fā)展過程,特別是在我們與他人交往的過程中。青少年時期最令人沮喪的一個方面是自我專注的傾向,以及我們對他人的感情和需求的關注程度有所下降。雖然這些變化是相當普遍的,我們這些人天生有一種害羞的氣質(zhì)(性格)可以把青少年的恐懼,這可能永遠不會退去,到成年。焦慮的性格會使我們的大腦在突然意識到同齡人的壓力時做出強有力的反應,漸漸地我們變得越來越脆弱。我們的大腦把暴露

13、或?qū)擂蔚目謶忠暈楦叨任kU。這可能會導致多年來的惡性循環(huán):當你感到被觀察時過度的自我意識和抑制。為了應付這個問題,我想挑戰(zhàn)你,努力把注意力集中在別人身上,而不是過分關注自己。是的,我知道,說起第 4 頁 共 12 頁來容易做起來難??謶謺鼓阌X得你會失去控制或出丑的當你在聚光燈下(聚光燈)。但是,如果你開始建立一個新的回應,對你的恐懼做出反應,你會逐漸建立一個更強大和更積極的反應。記住,不要讓你的自我意識麻痹!要勇敢!Unit 3Audrey Hepburn was a beautiful actress and model, whobecame one of the most successf

14、ul and well-knownactresses in the film 1) domain. She was a fashion iconand role model for women all over the world, helping to 2)define a particular type of fresh, vulnerable, elfin (小精靈似的)beauty. Todays 3) popularity of the slimfashion model is due to Audrey Hepburns influence.Although she appeare

15、d frail (脆弱的),she was 4) mentallystrong. At the end of her acting career when she entereda(n) 5) diplomatic career as a Goodwill Ambassador forUNICEF, she was so solidly 6) mitted to her cause thatshe was held in highest esteem (尊重)by even the mosthardened politicians. Audrey originally startedworki

16、ng for UNICEF in 1954, doing radio presentations.She always said it was happy to 7) devote her life tohelping impoverished (窮困的)children after her own goodfortune in 8) surviving the hardship of the Nazi第 5 頁 共 12 頁occupation of Holland. She began her permanentambassadorship in 1988 and 9) embarked

17、on trips to manycountries. She was always positive: name UNICEF. Whenthey see UNICEF their faces light up, because they knowthat something is happening.In 1992, her 10)humanitarian work with those in need was recognized whenshe was awarded the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award bythe Academy of Motion

18、 Picture Arts and Sciences for hercontribution to humanity.奧黛麗赫本是一位美麗的演員和模特,成為電影界最成功和最著名的女演員之一。她是一個為全世界女性的時尚偶像和榜樣,幫助定義一個特定類型的新鮮的,脆弱的,小精靈(小精靈似的)美。今天苗條時尚模特的流行是由于奧黛麗赫本的影響。雖然她看起來脆弱(脆弱的),她是堅強的。在她的演藝生涯的結(jié)束的時候,她進入了一個外交生涯作為聯(lián)合國兒童基金會的親善大使,她是如此堅定地致力于她的事業(yè),她推崇的最高(尊重)即使最老練的政客。奧德麗最初在1954開始為兒童基金會工作,從事廣播節(jié)目。她總是說很高興將自己

19、的一生奉獻于幫助貧困(窮困的)中幸存的納粹占領荷蘭的艱辛自己的好運后的孩子。她開始走上了永久大使在1988年并前往許多國家。她總是積極地說:“這些地方的人不認識奧黛麗赫本,但他們認識到聯(lián)合國兒童基金會的名字。當他們看到聯(lián)合國兒童基金會,他們第 6 頁 共 12 頁的臉上,因為他們知道正在發(fā)生的事情?!痹?992年,她與那些需要人道主義工作被確認時,她被授予吉恩赫肖爾特人道主義獎由美國電影藝術(shù)與科學學院為她對人類的貢獻。Unit 4would you leave behind your fortable bed, your home,your family and friends? Why do

20、 you want to go alone?oftime, you may often get questioned why. I seldom get timeto sit down and 1) contemplate the reason I travel, but Ibelieve that you only begin to truly live once you stepoutside of your 2) fort zone. My first overseas tripwas at 14 years old, which 3) sparked my curiosity fort

21、he world. Since finishing high school I have 4) venturedthrough various countries and been amazed by all the 5)diverse cultures scattered around the globe. My eyes aremy greatest asset as they have 6) witnessed the mostbeautiful scenes that replay in my mind every day: 7)stunning landscapes, friendl

22、y locals, breath-takingarchitecture, and food that makes your mouth water onceyour eyes catch a(n) 8) glimpse. Traveling teaches youto be independent in the most 9) positive way. I know howto depend on myself, go out and meet people, and not letanyone elses expectations 10) dictate my life. Every da

23、y第 7 頁 共 12 頁I see my dream and every day its in a new place. I am 22years young. I quite agree with Anthony Bourdain, outhow other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them,wherever you go.“你為什么要離開舒適的床、你的家、你的家人和朋友?你為什么想一個人去?”當你在背包里生活一段時間時,你可能經(jīng)常被問到為什么。我很少有時間坐下來思考我旅行的原因,但我相信,一旦你走出舒適區(qū),你才真正開始生活。我第一

24、次出國旅行是在14歲,這激發(fā)了我對世界的好奇心。高中畢業(yè)后,我冒險穿越了各個國家,對遍布世界各地的各種文化感到驚奇。我的眼睛是我最大的財富,因為他們目睹了我腦海中每天重現(xiàn)的最美麗的景色:迷人的風景、友善的當?shù)厝恕⒊錆M呼吸的建筑,還有一種讓你眼睛一瞥就流口水的食物。旅行教會你以最積極的方式獨立。我知道如何依靠自己,出去和人交往,不要讓別人的期望支配我的生活。每天我都看到我的夢想,每天都在一個新的地方。我22歲了。我很贊同安東尼波登的意見,“如果你22歲,身體健康,渴望學習,是更好的,我勸你去旅行。了解其他人如何生活、吃飯和做飯。向他們學習,無論你走到哪里。Unit 7American econo

25、my is built on credit. In the lastdecade, however, cheap credit made it too easy for peopleto buy houses based on pure speculation that real estate第 8 頁 共 12 頁value would end-lessly continue to increase. But thehousing 1)slump set off a chain reaction in our economy.Individuals and investors could n

26、o longer resell theirhomes for a quick profit, 2) mortgages no longer becameaffordable for many homeowners, and thousands ofmortgages defaulted(違約), leaving investors andfinancial institutions to face the terrible consequences.Ironic, isnt it? Yes, it is true that credit got usinto this mess. But it

27、 is also true that our economy is 3)incredibly unstable right now, and being that it is builton credit, it needs an inflow of cash or it could e 4)crashing down. This is something no one wants to see asit would 5) spread through our economy and into the worldmarkets in a matter of hours, potentially

28、 causing aworldwide recession. Credit in and of itself is not a badthing. Credit 6) promotes growth and jobs. Poor use ofcredit, however, can be 7) catastrophic which is what weare on the 8) verge of seeing now. So long as the rescueplan es with changes to lending regulations and more 9)oversight of

29、 the industry, there is potential to 10)stabilize the market, which is what everyone wants.Whether or not it works is to be seen , but as it has第 9 頁 共 12 頁already been voted on and passed, we should all hope itdoes.美國經(jīng)濟是建立在信用基礎上的。然而在過去十年中,廉價的信貸,使得人們購買基于純粹的猜測,房地產(chǎn)價值將無休止地繼續(xù)增加房屋太容易了。但是,房地產(chǎn)的衰退引發(fā)了我們經(jīng)濟的連鎖


31、它已經(jīng)被投票通過了,我們都應該希望它能成功。Unit 8Laughter is a(n)1)automaticresponse to being touchedby a tickle(瘙癢)-a natural response from the child.Thisputs the tickler in2)charge of how much or how long thechild laughs.We adults dont read childrens minds,but第 10 頁 共 12 頁we often have a(n)3)presumption that we can.So

32、 weusually think were aware of whats too much ticklingand when to stop.But it is possible to trap our childrenwithout knowing it.We parents bee4)attached to ticklingbecause it seems to be a(n)5) handy shortcut tolaughter.We wish that our children are happy and loveus,and tickling bees our shortcut t

33、o get assured. Ratherthan forcing laughter in this way,we can6) confer uponthem inner confidence if we will get known on the floorand invite them to be in playful physical7) contact withus.If we find ways to give them much of the power,ourchildren will laugh and laugh.Games like “I have ahundred hugs for you”or“Wheres Jared


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