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1、2023學(xué)年九上英語期末模擬測試卷請考生注意:1請用2B鉛筆將選擇題答案涂填在答題紙相應(yīng)位置上,請用05毫米及以上黑色字跡的鋼筆或簽字筆將主觀題的答案寫在答題紙相應(yīng)的答題區(qū)內(nèi)。寫在試題卷、草稿紙上均無效。2答題前,認(rèn)真閱讀答題紙上的注意事項(xiàng),按規(guī)定答題。. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、一Mom, Ive signed for the box. Whats in it?一Im not sure. It be a present from your uncle.AneedBmustCmayDwill2、Many people around the world are looking forward to the

2、2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. It in China soon.Awill holdBwas heldCare heldDwill be held3、Get up early, _ youll be late for class.AsoBorCandDbut4、Generally speaking, over my career , the harder the course is, _ I play.AwellBbetterCthe bestDthe better5、I looked down to the river, a silver stream _ on

3、e mile below me.AlonelyBnearlyCproperlyDrecently6、Being a full-time mother is_ salaried(有薪水的) job in the world, because the salary is all the love from her children.Ahigh Bhigher Cthe higher Dthe highest7、Everyone is born _ the ability to learn.AatBonCwithDin8、Hello, Matt. Hows your life in Canada?I

4、 am used to it now. My host family always try their best to make feel at home.AmeBICmyDmine9、When we see any waste lying on the ground, we should _.Apick it out Bpoint at it Cpick it up Dkick it out10、Which stress of the following words is different from the others?AincreaseBSpirit.Cinsect. 完形填空11、

5、On the first day of the school, our teacher made us know somebody. Looking out, we found an old woman 1 at the door. She came in and said, “Hi, my name is Susan. I am seventy years old”. All of us were 2 that she took this challenge at her age. She said with a smile. “Im here to meet a rich husband,

6、 get 3 , have two children and travel together. ” Hearing this, all of us laughed. “ In fact, ” she went on, “I have always 4 of having a college education, and now it comes 5 ! ”After class we had chocolate and milk together. We became good 6 . I often listened to this “time machine” as she shared

7、her stories with me. At the end of the term we invited Susan to give a speech in the class. In her speech she told us “We dont stop playing as we are old, we grow old because we stop playing. The secret of staying 7 and being happy is that we should laugh and find something interesting to do every d

8、ay. I think there is a great 8 between growing old and growing up. I am seventy now. If I 9 in bed for one year and never do anything, Ill become seventy-one. Since(既然) anybody can grow older, my choice is to grow up by always finding the chance to change. Growing older cant be avoided, growing up c

9、an be chosen . Its never too late to be all you can possibly be. ”During the four years study, it was so easy for Susan to make friends 10 she went. In the end, the wonderful woman finished all her courses and got the college degree (學(xué)位).1AtalkingBcryingCreadingDstanding2AsurprisedBrelaxedCboredDtir

10、ed3AexcitedBworriedCmarriedDrelaxed4AthoughtBmadeCknownDdreamed5AoverBtrueCbackDdown6AteachersBstudentsCfriendsDneighbors7AoldBbusyCawakeDyoung8AdifferenceBpleasureCexaminationDinfluence9AleaveBhideClieDturn10AwheneverBhoweverCwhereverDwhether. 語法填空12、用括號內(nèi)所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,使語篇意思完整,必要時請用否定式。Did you know tha

11、t tea, the 1(popular) drink in the world (after water), was invented by accident? Many people believe that tea was first drunk about 5000 years ago. It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first 2 (discover) tea as a drink. One day Shen Nong 3 (boil) drinking water over an open fire

12、. Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some time. It produced a nice smell so he tasted the brown water. It was quite delicious, and so, one of the worlds favorite 4(drink) was invented. A few5 (thousand) years later, Lu Yu, the saint of tea, mentioned Shen Nong in

13、 his book Cha Jing. The book describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea. It also 6 (discuss) where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used. It is believed that tea 7 (bring) to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. In England, tea 8(appear) unt

14、il around 1610, but in less than 100 years, it had become the national drink. The tea trade from China to 9(west) countries took place in the 19th century. This helped to spread the popularity of tea and the tea plant to more places around the world. Even though many people now know about tea cultur

15、e, the Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the 10(natural) of tea. 閱讀理解A13、Yesterday,I overheard our 9-year-old son,Aaron,talking to his friend,Zach.“Oh,God!”Zach began,looking in Aarons closet “Where are all your toys?”“Oh,we are doing something called Simplicity plan,so I basica

16、lly got rid of 80% of my stuff(物品). ”“What? Did your mom and dad make you do this?”“No, Idecided to do it because I wanted to.When I give away a lot of my things,I make room for family activities. I did it because I wanted to live differently and have less stuff in my life.”“But still,why would you

17、choose to get rid of most of your toys?”“Part of the reason is that my parents were doing it with their stuff .And my mom talked to me about it and explained how they felt happier afterwards. And I thought maybe I really had spent a lot of my time in my room playing with toys instead of spending tim

18、e with my parents and sister.”“Seriously?”“I feel proud because I am a person who has just what I need and not more. And Im startingnew activities like writing how I feel,reading more,and spending more time doing housework around the house.”“OK.Let me get this. You have fewer toys,more housework,and

19、 you feel happier?”“Well, its not that the housework is fun ,But I do it with my parents. We talk and connect while we are doing it, so that is the fun.And weve been doing more activities together, like reading aloud at night. And on weekends,we have conversations(交談)or go out together, instead of m

20、y dad being at his computer,my mom cleaning and me playing with my toys.”1Why did Aaron give away most of his toys?ABecause he didnt like them.BBecause his parents made him do it.CBecause he had no time to play with them.DBecause he wanted to spend more time with his family.2After Aarons parents got

21、 rid of some of their stuff,they .Ahoped Aaron wouldnt do itBdecided to buy some new stuffCfound it was good for themDfelt upset and wanted it back3We can learn from the passage that Aaron .Aused to enjoy readingBwill get his toys back soonCused to write a lot about his feelingsDenjoys doing housewo

22、rk with his parents4What can infer(推斷)from the passage?AZaron will not get rid of his toys.BAaron doesnt like going out with his parents.CMembers in the writers family now feel closer.DHis father still likes being at his computer on weekends.B14、There are two families on Earth who want a baby girl,

23、but there is only one girl waiting to be born. She turns herself into two girls, but each of the girls only has half of a heart.Years later, the two girls meet.When they come together, their hearts beat faster, and they feel complete again.Do you ever feel like you and your best friend were once the

24、 same person, but were split(分裂)before birth? Do you want to spend every minute with her? If you have a really good best friend, you might feel like youre incomplete when you areapart. In US middle schools, many girls show their feelings with a best friends necklace (項(xiàng)鏈).The best friends necklace ca

25、n take many forms. Usually, it is a heart split in two. It readsbest friendsand each one of the friends wears half of the necklace. Best friends may live far away and not see each other for a long time. But the two pieces of the heart fit together perfectly when they meet again. If your very best fr

26、iend is wearing her necklace, she has half of your heart.Make a best friends necklace and give one half of it to your best friend.Some girls make their own necklaces out of clay (泥土) or pieces of a jigsaw puzzle (拼圖). Alone,the necklace doesnt mean a lot. But when your friend is there, and the piece

27、s fit together, everything seems to be complete again.1What is the first paragraph about?Its about a report of a special family.AIts about a true story of two girls.BIts about what the necklace used to be.CIts about how best friends feel together.2According to the passage, if you have a best friend,

28、 what will you do?AYou will live together in her family.BYou will share one heart together.CYou will want to be with her.DYou will play jigsaw puzzle with her.3What does the underlined word apart mean?A分離. B相聚. C重逢. D團(tuán)結(jié).4Which of the following is NOT true about the best friends necklace?AIts very po

29、pular around the world now.BEach one of the friends wears half of it.CSome girls use clay to make it.DIt can take many shapes.5What is this article mainly about?AIts mainly about how to make friends.BIts mainly about how the two girls grow up.CIts mainly about the best friends necklace in America.DI

30、ts mainly about what American girls are doing at present.C15、Valuesjoin us together and set us apart. Today, our society has a terrible lack(缺乏) of values. Here are some social values that everyone needs.RespectRespect means to respect others in everyday life. Even if you are against a person, it is

31、 important to have respect. It is this respect that makes us human. Without respect, we become animals. We need to respect our friends for our friendship. We even need to respect our enemies because they help us to grow up and become stronger. Respect is one of the crucial values in a relationship.L

32、oveLove is everything. With love in our hearts, we feel no need to hurt another. With love in our hearts, we will pay more attention to the similarities in opinions rather than the disagreement. If we want others to be good to us, we need to be good to them. After all, we give love to get love, righ

33、t?LoyaltyPeople often ignore (忽視) the meaning and importance of loyalty. Loyalty is necessary for people to believe in each other. In no matter what kind of friendship, we need to believe in each other so that we can work together towards the same goal.HonestyHonesty is to show other people who we r

34、eally are. Honesty helps to do better, because it makes us realize our problems and find ways to solve them. It is this honesty that will make others help you out, not because you need it, but because they have problems, too, which you can help out with. This honesty will help us follow the other va

35、lues in society and truly, “Heal the world!”1The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “Value” in the passage is probably_A價格 B價值觀念C生活習(xí)慣 D愛好2According to the passage, we are different from animals because of _Aloyalty BhonestyClove Drespect3With love in our heart, we will _Agrow up and become stron

36、gerBbelieve in each otherCnot hurt others and be good to othersDrealize our problems and find ways to solve them4The best title of the passage can be _.AValues We Need For Our SocietyBLove & HonestyCOur SocietyDHow To Change Our SocietyD16、In todays world many people seem to be hungry for money. Som

37、e of them even lose their lives for it. Money does have its most useful effect(影響)on the poor,but once a person has a rich life,a lot more money doesnt mean more happiness.If money was everything,all millionaires(百萬富翁)would have true love, true friendship,good health and a long life. However,this is

38、 not always true.Nothing else is more pleasant than the three words which are “I love you”. But can love be bought?Im afraid not. Love means to give,not to take. To every person,health and long life are probably the most precious(寶貴的)things. Well,can health and a long life be bought with money?The a

39、nswer is “No”.Of all the longest living people in the world, few of them are millionaires. True friendship cant be bought either. In a word,Where money is worshiped(崇拜),money can cause brothers to quarrel,lovers to hate,strangers to fight and so on. No matter how much money you have,it is still not

40、enough to make you a happy person if you have no one to laugh with,no one to cry for.1According to the passage,which of the following do you think is right?AMoney is everything.BMoney isnt necessary.CMoney is important,but not the most important.DWith no money,with no success.2Which sentence of the

41、following is TRUE according to the passage?AIf you havent much money,you cant get more happiness.BYou may live a long life even if you are poor.CEvery year many people die in the world because their family is poor.DIf you are rich,you will have less friendship.3In fact, all millionaires _.Ahave less

42、 moneyBdie earlierChate their moneyDhave true love4What does the sentence“ Love means to give, not to take.” mean in the passage?A愛意味著給你,而不能帶走。B愛是可以得到的,不要走開。C愛意味著奉獻(xiàn),而不是索取。D愛是可以索取的,而不必付出。E17、 Now QQ coins are popular among Chinese teenagers. People use real money to buy Web money. Then they buy cloth

43、es for their online characters or services for their online pets with it. And these fancy things will cost QQ fans more in the future.The government will put a tax (稅) of 3% on online sales. For example, if QQ users pay 100 yuan for 110 QQ coins, they will have to spend 103 yuan in the future. The e

44、xtra (額外的) three yuan is tax.Beijing was the first city to carry out the policy. Online games have to pay the tax, too. A number of players make money by spending a lot of time on the games to gain powers (獲得能量), and then selling them.Experts said that online trade grow fast. There is more than 10 b

45、illion yuan of real money in online trade a year in China.However, the governments new move has become a hot topic among Internet users around the country. In a survey by more than 70% of about 3,000 surveyed were against it. They said that the tax is too much.But supporters said the governments bet

46、ter management (管理) of the Internet would help it become healthier. They believe the new move would help stop online identity theft (賬號偷竊).1We can learn from the passage that QQ coins are _.Aa kind of game softwareBa kind of Web moneyCsome fancy clothesDsome online pets2The Chinese government will p

47、ut a tax of _ on online sales.A3%B10%C11%D15%3Which city was the first to carry out the policy?AShanghai.BBeijing.CGuangzhou.DShenyang.4The underlined word move means _ in Chinese.A移動B搬家C措施D遷移5We can learn from the passage that _.Athe players dont have to pay the taxBmany Internet users think the ta

48、x is too heavyConly 20% of about 3,000 Internet users are against this policyDthe new move will cause online identity thefF18、Can you remember a face quickly and never forget it? If so, then you could be a super recognizer.Usually it is easy for someone to recognize the faces of their family members

49、 and friends. But it could be difficult for them to remember faces that they have only seen once. However, studies have found that super recognizers have amazing face recognition skills. They can remember at least 80 per cent of faces they have ever seen. According to the Daily Mail, at least one in

50、 50 people are super recognizers.A study was carried out in Bournemouth University of UK recently. Researchers tried to find whether super recognizers have a different way to remember faces. They found that when these people look at faces, they spend more time looking at the persons nose. They also

51、found that these people are not smarter than others. Their super ability is restricted(有限的) only to face recognition.Another important finding is that there are two subtypes(子類型) of super recognition. Some never forget faces. But for some, if you show pairs of faces to them at the same time, they ca

52、n quickly decide whether the faces are of the same person or two different people. In fact, many super recognizers say they are very good at recognizing faces in a crowd.These subtypes of super recognition could be applied to many areas of life. For example, the skills could be very useful at a pass

53、port control checkpoint. Super recognizers could also help police find known troublemakers and even missing people in the crowd.1The super recognizers can remember _ of the faces theyve ever seen.AallBat least 80 per centCat least 50 per centDhalf2What did the universitys study find about super reco

54、gnizers?AThey spend the same time on ones eyes and nose.BThey pay more attention to a persons nose.CThey are a lot smarter than other people.DThey are also very good at voice recognition.3What are the two subtypes of super recognition?a. One type can decide whether the faces are of the same person or two different people.b. One type can only re


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