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1、武昌區(qū) 學(xué)年度第學(xué)期期末學(xué)水平測八年級英試卷第部聽部一聽測(三)第節(jié)共 小,小 1 分,分 分聽下面 個題。每個問題后有三個答語,從題中所給的 A、C 三選項中選出最佳選 項,聽完每個問題后,你都有 5 鐘的時間來作答和閱讀下一小題,每個問題僅讀一遍。 1. the corner. B. school. C. books are on sale. 2. hours ago. B. At 2:00 p.m. C. For two hours.3.A. To Australia. B. For two weeks. C. Twice a year.4. Mr. White. B. teaches

2、us English. C. hikes 5. That too bad. B. Sure, d love C. s not available.第節(jié)(共 題每小 1 分滿 聽下面 段話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的 A、C 三選項中選出最佳選 項,每段對話后,你都有 秒的時間來作答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題,每段對話僅讀一 遍,6.What does the woman want?A. Coffee. B. Water. C. Sugar.7. How will the students go to the zoo?A. By bike. B. By C. By taxi.8. will

3、the girl probably do tonight ?A. She will watch the talent show.B. will have C. will study for the exam9.What will for breakfast?A. noodles. B. noodles. C. Vegetable noodles.10. dictionary it?A. Jennys B. Lisas. C. Daniels.11.What does the think of the speech?A. Educational. B. Funny. C. Boring12.Wh

4、at do know about Tony?A. He often stays late.B. He always goes early.C. He usually goes to bed later at weekends.第節(jié)共 13 小,小 1 ,分 13 分聽下面 段話或獨(dú)白,每段對話或獨(dú)白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的 、 三選項 中選出最佳選項,聽完每段對話或獨(dú)白前,你都有時間閱讀各個小題題 秒聽 后,各小題將給出 5 秒的作答間,每段對話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。聽下面一段對話,回答 13 至 15 三小題,13.When will they at the station?A. 8:40. B.

5、 8:30. C. 8:10.14. How long will it take the m to get there by train?A. Less than three B. than four hours.C. About eleven hours.15.What will each take?A. camera. B. C. mobile phone 聽下面一段對話,回答 16 至 18 三小題。16. do the two speakers both like?A. Cartoons. B. Action movies. C. Science movies. 17.Why does

6、 the woman see movies on A. she doesn work.B. there are movies.C. the theater less crowded.18. of the following does the wo man also like?A. Travelling.B. books.C. Playing volleyball.19. are the speakers?A. coffee house. B. At a dance school. C. In office 20. How may feel now?A. Bored. B. Cool. C. R

7、elaxed.21. Who does the want to meet here?A. young lady. B. C. man.聽下面一段獨(dú)白,回答第 22 至 25 四小題,22. is _.C. a Tibetan boyA. a popular idol B. a famous host C. a Tibetan 23. posted his video on Douyin _.A. 19 B. 24 C. 25 24. becomes popularA. after a short video of him posted on B. because the same as tod

8、ays popular young idolsC. because has facet, white skin nice makeup25.Which the following about Tamdrin TRUEA. He earns day.B. He want to for a company.C. He introduces Tibetan culture to world.第部筆部二選填( 15 小,每題 1 分滿 分)( )26.-Mary I will camping this weekend. Would you like to join us?-_A. re B. Neve

9、r mind.C. s right. D. Great! Why not?( )27. -Mark, how was your visit to the International Technology Fair?- _. learned lot.A. Sounds good B. was fantasticC. s will be D. Forget it( )28.-I _ on vacation with parents this coming winter holiday.-That great!A. B. C. will D. have gone ( )29.- Chris, sha

10、ll we to bookstore this afternoon?-Im sorry, David, but I _ cousin at the train station.A. can B. may C. could D. have to( )30.-When your birthday?-My birthday _ on the Wednesday August this year.A. falls B. arrives C. reaches D. happens ( )31.-How many apples I have?-You can have _are for Jim.A. ot

11、hers B. Others C. The other D. Another ( )32.-It so cold this winter.-Yes, but it _ colder last winter. I remember.A. ever B. C. almost D. already( )33. -What was the _ the football last night?-AC the game.A. result B. competition C. D. reason( )34.-Why do many people buy things Nov. 11th?-Because t

12、here are so many sales, and the prices are much _.A. lower B. cheaper C. more expensive D. higher( )35.-My cousin often _ himself reading the books in free time.-No wonder he is so good at writing.A. dresses B. loses C. breaks D. acts( )36.-Jeff, you know if Dave _ to with us tomorrow?-He won go the

13、re if it A. will will B. goes; rainsC. goes; will rain D. will go, rains( )37.-A simple _ of kindness help others ourselves feel good.-Yeah. So we should give others a hand as much possible.A. action B. habit C. act D. bobby( )38.-Why are so nervous?-I dont to speak badly _in front of the class.A. c

14、learly B. quietly C. carelessly D. carefully ( )39. -The service is so bad! t come back again!-But I think the taste can _for it.A. find B. bring out C. come up D. up ( )40. -What do you questioning _?-Oh, no. didnt mean it.A. whether am I saying B. I sayingC. that I am saying D. where am saying三完填(

15、 15 小,每題 1 分滿 分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的 A、C、 四選項中,選出可以填入空白處 的最佳答案。Jerry a funny student. He loves watching comedies best and to become a (41)_ one day. he heard about the talent show to held at his school, Jerry (42)_ to take in. He never acted on stage 臺 before, very (43)_. But some students laughed at “Y

16、ou are not will do! his classmate Ken said to him (44)_.Jerry couldnt understand why so unkind to For he thought about giving up the show. But he remembered much his friends like (45)_, and also his teachers said he was very funny. So started to (46)_ for the show.Jerry did a great job at the talent

17、 Everyone (47)_ his performance, and he the first prize! His teachers and friends were proud of him. Even so, Ken told Jerry that he would (48)_ succeed, Jerry didnt understand why Ken so, realized it (49)_ to do with kept on working hard for his (50)_.As the years went on, Jerry met people like Ken

18、 “Youll do (51)_ job, they to Luckily people encouraged( 鼓勵him helped become even funnier. He got a lot of chances to perform in movies. He invited (52)_ on television. fans thanked him (53)_-_ his comedies feel good when they unhappy.Now Jerry star! He doing loves best, and he (54)_ day long. We ca

19、n learn Jerry that (55)_ we stick ) what like, be successful.So just yourself!41. teacher B. actor C. director D. writer42. forgot B. failed C. D. continued43. excited B. angry C. bored D. upset44. kindly B. loudly C. politely D. patiently45. jokes B. concerts C. books D. articles46. prepare B. wait

20、 C. look D. celebrate47. disliked B. minded C. doubted D. loved48. hardly B. never C. always D. almost49. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything50. dream B. trouble C. wealth D. luck51. enjoyable B. wonderful C. terrible D. meaningful52. sing B. discuss C. appear D. advise53. because B. but

21、C. before D. until54. cries B. regrets C. shouts D. laughs55. unless B. as as C. although D. since四閱理( 15 小,每題 2 分滿 分)閱讀下面三篇材料,從所給的 A、C、 四選項中,選出最佳選項。January 19, 2021 A LOOK OUTSIDEBetter place to learnCOVID-19 has shut down( 關(guān))schools across California, US, since spring. Eighth-grade student Christi

22、ne Chang couldnt stand online meetings and doing her schoolwork in her living room. She a change.Chang thought about setting up study group with her friends help homework. She tried hard to find a place. She chose her 13-year-old garage. Chang her friends then painted the garage. used old filing 文柜a

23、s desks.In the “garage classroom”, Chang set for social 社距離,wearing masks and doing chores. re just five of them, but the girls have best They origami cranes, gone on bike rides and dressed up together. you have people around you, people who want to 文持you you up, its so important.” Chang said, s imp

24、ortant about garage.”56. want to change?A. spread of COVID-19.B. look of her living room.C. for online meetings.D. How learned during shutdown.57. do for her study plan? gathered friends found a garage near her home painted a garage with her friends set up desksA. B. C.58. To study in garage classro

25、om, the students must _. A. their clothesB. follow the C. make origami cranesD. ride bikes the classroom59. does “l(fā)ift ” mean in last paragraph?A. call you B. you busy C. touch D. encourage you 60. does Chang think about garage classroom?A. Its big enough.B. It a place for girls.C. It a place with l

26、ove and support.D. Students get better grades by studying there.BD.Once upon a in India, a young lived a small house mother. The worked hard money support herself and daughter. Every day, she milked one Then she took. the milk to market sold it for a few 盧.One day, cow fell ill. The mother could not

27、 leave the cow alone, for animal was the valuable thing she owned. So she asked Gheta to a pot of milk in the market.On the way to market, got hot. She sat to in the shade of big tree and started dream about her future. In her dream, bought a fine house. She cooking a big meal in her new kitchen. Th

28、e so that flies came in window. She was angry kicked the flies.Gheta gave a big kick knocked over the of milk. The pot did break, all the milk spilled out. There was nothing she could do except around and into the house, her told that the cow fine. Then asked. are rupees?”Gheta told her what had hap

29、pened, and her got very upset. But said, “It was good thing did not cow the market. If I had kicked her instead of pot of she would run away! We a milk, but have the cow, so we can get more. mother said that was her anger slowly faded.After that, Gheta stopped dreaming started working. She took to m

30、arket, she never again stopped to rest.61.Why does the mother send to marker?A. does not feel well.B. has to care for the cow.C. is angry with Gheta.D. thinks can money.62. Gheta when kicks the pot of milk?A. the farm. B. Under a tree. C. At the market. D. In kitchen. 63. How does Gheta her from bei

31、ng angry?A. She explains that things could worse.B. helps cow get better.C. tells her she will have fine someday.D. She says someone took the milk from her.64.We infer from the story that _.A. the cow ran away when Gheta kicked B. will a nice house for her momC. learned lesson her mistakeD. mom will

32、 never her sell the 65.The lesson this story would be most helpful person _.A. plan travel to India B. does chores C. doesnt like milk D. daydreamsIm Kelly Parks. m eleven, and I play character of Junior Detective, Carter. My latest movie, Jessie Carter and the , cinemas now. m going to you bit abou

33、t myself -Kelly, Jessie.Winning the part was a come true. My agent introduced me to film producers they thought just for Jessie. Actually, we very similar. We try to use big words and often get them Neither of is shy or nervous, unlike some girls our age. We both strong opinions, are ambitious and s

34、mart - just what for solving mysteries, is what does. She independent, fearless knows how to handle frightening situations. I can girls admire her.I see my friends just as much as I did before. Theyve always of in the movies and, at thought they might say “Why her? not ” But theyve great. To them,Im

35、 Kelly, not Jessie, which is fine.Actors often move films and TV. A take over three to film, while a TV show can be finished a few days, so are different. Not that this makes one better than the other. Some TV fantastic great playing parts couple of major weekly shows.Playing Jessie has given the ch

36、ance to travel around and visit some amazing historical places. My ambition is to study world history university Im older. After I finish university, Id love to go round the world seeing everything Ive studied.66.What is s purpose writing the text?A. to readers about her as actressB. to encourage pe

37、ople to see her new film.C. to advise other children about how to get into actingD. to explain to become young actress67.What does Kelly about Jessie, the character she plays?A. people afraid of her.B. has right qualities detective.C. s rather mysterious person.D. She sometimes talks too much.68. w

38、does Kelly feel about her friends?A. She is worried that they are unfriendly to her.B. glad that they are actors too.C. sad that they behave differently towards her now.D. She is happy that they spend a lot of with her.69. According Kelly, the difference TV and the movies is _.A. it harder to get a

39、part on T V roleB. programs take less time to make than C. programs are more enjoyable moviesD. usually better quality acting TV programs70. of the following about Kelly Parks is TRUEA. Kelly wants to try other roles to become successful actressB. Kelly not afraid to talk about the disadvantages of

40、being a actressC. Kelly the chance that work gives her to develop other interestsD. Kelly aims to spend the rest of her life acting TV shows and films.第卷非擇共 35 分五根所的語思成子共 5 小,每題 1 分滿 5 分)71.我最好的朋友幫我激發(fā)出自的所能。My best friend helps _ _ the best in me.72.他總是準(zhǔn)備好去盡其所能。He always _to try his _.73.昨晚我過了午夜 12 點(diǎn)

41、睡。I _ go to bed night _ past midnight.74.如果人們有麻煩,他們應(yīng)當(dāng)這些煩惱留給自己。If people problems, they should _them to _.75.請于 12 月 20 日期五前以書面方式回復(fù)此地請。Please _ in writing _this invitation by Friday, 20th.六詞短填( 5 小題每題 1 分滿 分)仔細(xì)閱讀下面一段話然后用下所給的單詞成短語填空每個句子在結(jié)構(gòu)句和邏輯 上正確。提示:選項中有一個是多余的unless run away keep away afraid discuss

42、worseStudents often lot of problems and worries. Mills the worst thing to do nothing. thinks youll feel (76)_ if dont talk to about your problems. Laura remembers that lost her wallet and was (77)_ to tell her parents it. she believes you cannot feel better (78)_ you someone. says will always share

43、her problems the Robert Hunt agrees with Laura. thinks you should not (79)_from your problems, but should try solve If you cannot talk to expert like Robert, can (89)_ problems with your parents because they have a lot of experience.七閱理填( 10 小題每題 1 分滿 10 分)閱讀下面短文,在空白處寫出各單詞的正確形式,單詞的第一個字母已給出。Once upon

44、 a time, there lived a teacher in a small town. often taught his students in (81)s_ ways. Once he told of his students to to a small firm to apple trees in different seasons. The first student winter, the second in spring, the summer, and the last in (82)a_. After the four students back, the teacher ca


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